
Egyptian cities
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Giza is Egypt city, Giza Capital. stay the Nile Downstream left bank, the same as Cairo Across the river, connected by a bridge. With a population of 1.509 million (1983), it is the third largest city in Egypt. Grain distribution centers include textile, shoemaking, food, tobacco, chemical and other industries.
Cultural and educational undertakings are well developed, including Film Studio Arabic Academy of Science, Academy of Arts and Crafts, etc. Tourist resort, 8km away from the southern suburbs Libyan desert There are famous Pyramid Sphinx And Marble Mausoleum Temple.
Chinese name
Foreign name
geographical position
Northern Egypt
population size
About 2 million (2005)
Famous scenic spot
Giza Pyramid
Giza Airport

Cultural relics

Since about 3500 BC, the Nile Dozens of Slavery Small countries. About 3000 BC, the preliminary unified Ancient Egypt The country was established. The king claimed to be the incarnation of God, and their tomb pyramid was a symbol of power. The shape of these tombs is similar to the Chinese character "Jin", so our country calls them pyramids. In the lower reaches of the Nile, there are about 80 pyramid ruins, including Khufu Pyramid maximum.
Ancient Egypt Is the longest in the world history country with an ancient civilization one of. Pyramid yes Ancient Egyptian Civilization Built in the desert, it is a symbol of Egypt with exquisite structure and grand appearance. Pyramids are distributed on both banks of the Nile River Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt , today Sudan And Egypt. It is said that the pyramids are ancient Egypt Pharaoh The size of the mausoleum is different. The largest one is the Khufu Pyramid, which is 137.2 meters high and 230 meters long at the bottom. It is made of 2.3 million pieces of stone with an average of 2.5 tons each, covering an area of 52000 square meters. Egyptian pyramids are the tombs of ancient Egyptian emperors (pharaohs). One of the eight wonders of architecture in the world. Numerous and widely distributed. Cairo southwest the Nile West Ancient City Memphis The belt is the most concentrated.
A total of 96 pyramids have been found in Egypt, the largest of which are the three pyramids in Giza, a suburb of Cairo.

Giza Pyramid

Giza Pyramid Giza Pyramids is the general name of a group, not a single Pyramid The three largest and best preserved pyramids in Giza are The Fourth Dynasty The three emperors of Khufu, Khafra and Menkaura Pyramid (Menkaura) Built between 2600 and 2500 BC.

Khufu Pyramid

In the Egyptian capital Cairo There is a world-famous Khufu Pyramid in Giza in the suburb. As a world miracle of man-made architecture, the Khufu Pyramid is the largest pyramid in the world The Fourth Dynasty The tomb of the second king, Khufu, was built around 2690 BC. Before the Eiffel Tower was built in Paris in 1888, it was the tallest building in the world. The original height is 146.5m, and the top is peeled off by 10m due to weathering. The current height is 136.5m; Each side of the base is more than 230 meters long, and the current length is 220 meters, triangular Slope 52 degrees, tower Bottom area 52900 square meters; The tower body is made of 2.3 million stones, each weighing 2.5 tons on average, some weighing dozens of tons; Some scholars estimated that it would take about 600000 knots to transport the pyramid stones by train Car leather If these stones are chipped and paved into a one foot wide road, it can go around the earth about once. It is said that it took 100000 people 30 years to build it. The passageway inside the pyramid is open to the outside world. The design of the passageway is exquisite and the calculation is precise, which makes the world marvel.

Pyramid construction

The pyramid of Khufu is built with millions of huge stones. Each stone weighs more than 2000 kilograms on average, and the largest one weighs more than 100 tons. Known as the "father of western historiography" Herodotus It was recorded that the stones used to build the Khufu Pyramid were mined from the "Arabian Mountain" (possibly Sinai Peninsula).
However, we know that most of the stones are locally mined and decorated limestone , is transported from Tula mining in Hedong.
It was not easy to mine stones at that time, because people didn't have explosives or Steel drill The Egyptians used copper or bronze Chisel Drill holes in the rock and insert Wooden wedge Fill with water. When the wooden wedge is swollen by water, the rock will be cracked. This method may seem awkward today, but it was a great technology 4000 years ago. from quarry It is also extremely difficult to transport to the pyramid site.
The discussion on how to build has been popular for centuries, and a scholar put forward a more convincing and objective statement. He is talking about the spiral construction method, which is to build a spiral staircase along the four walls and cover it while climbing the stairs. This eliminates the need for leverage, Crowbar , crane, which also conforms to the actual situation of the ancient Egyptians.
However, a French chemist named David Duvis put forward a new idea on the construction of pyramids. He believed that the huge stones used to build the pyramids were not natural, but artificial. he From one archaeologist There, get 5 pieces from Egypt Khufu Pyramid Test the small stones taken off one by one. Surprisingly, the test results proved that these stones were composed of shell limestone. Although archaeology has proved that mankind has mastered the technology of concrete production thousands of years ago, it is hard to believe that these shell limestone are poured so firmly that it is difficult to distinguish them from granite. David Dewes speculated that the ancient Egyptians used the method of "breaking up the whole into parts" to build the pyramid, that is, put the mixed concrete into a basket, and carry or carry the pyramid under construction. In this way, as long as we master certain technology, we can pour out huge stones one by one and raise the tower one by one. This practice is "labor-saving" and labor saving. According to his estimation, there were only 1500 people working on the construction site at that time, not like Herodotus There are 100000 people in each batch. More unexpectedly, the French scientist also found an inch long strand of human hair in the rocks. This strand of hair may be the witness of their hard work and brilliant wisdom. However, these claims are still some speculation. In any case, the construction of the pyramid must have concentrated all the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians at that time, because there must be many problems to be solved. But these problems have been solved. The pyramid has been built and stood for more than 4000 years, which is a miracle in itself. Therefore, it can be said that the pyramids are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient Egyptian people Egyptian civilization The symbol of. Some people do not believe that miracles can be created by simple cooperation, or that human beings on the earth can create miracles such as pyramids themselves. They call it the creation of extraterrestrial visitors. This is obviously incorrect, which will not help people to explore their own history and understand their own abilities.