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A subclass of dicotyledonous plants
Metachlamydeae, also known as Metachlamydeae, is Engler System in Dicotyledons A subclass of. Petal coalescence Valvate corolla , stamens adnate; It enhances the adaptability to insect pollination. The main features are petal Multiple commissure Corolla Corolla forms various shapes, such as funnel, bell, lip, tube, tongue, etc., from radial symmetry to bilateral symmetry. The various combinations of corolla increase the adaptability to insect pollination and the protection of stamens and pistils. Therefore, the synpetal flower group is more evolved than the detached flower group.
Chinese scientific name

brief introduction

The petals of the subclass Symphylla are more or less united Valvate corolla The corolla is radially symmetrical, funnel shaped, bell shaped, lip shaped, tubular, tongue shaped, etc., and develops to bilateral symmetry. Stamens are often born on the corolla tube. It includes 11 orders and 64 families.
There are more than 100 kinds of medicinal plants in the subfamily Polyphylla the composite family , Labiatae, Scrophulariaceae, Rubiaceae, Azaleaceae, Primulaceae, Lauraceae, Platycodon grandiflorum, Gentianaceae, Lonicera japonica, Verbenaceae and Rutaceae. Families with nearly 100 species of medicinal plants Apocynaceae , Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Oleaceae, Acanthaceae Ardisidae , Arnebiaceae, etc [1]


Item name
Family name
Labiatae; Solanaceae
Lamiaceae; Alphaceae

morphological character

Platycodon grandiflorum flower
The number of flower cycles tends to decrease, from 5 cycles (1 cycle of calyx, 1 cycle of petal, 2 cycles of stamen, 1 cycle of carpel of pistil, such as Azaleaceae Persimmon Etc.) reduced to 4 rounds( calyx , petal, stamen Carpel All are round 1, such as Oleaceae Lonicera The number of each round also gradually decreases, such as the number of stamens from the same number as the corolla lobes, such as 5( Convolvulaceae Solanaceae Primulaceae )Reduced to 4~2( Labiatae Cucurbitaceae )The number of carpels is reduced from 5 (Rhododendron family) to 2 (most of the carpels of the four wheeled flowers are 2).
Normally none Stipule ovule There is only one layer of periderm. [2]
Its main characteristics are: petals are more or less continuous Valvate corolla (This enhances the adaptation to insect pollination and the protection of stamens, so the petaloid flower subclass is considered to be more than Septalaria The corolla is usually funnel shaped, bell shaped, lip shaped, tubular, tongue shaped, etc. The number of flower rounds tends to decrease, forming five rounds (one round each for calyx, corolla, and pistil carpel, and two rounds for stamen) or four rounds (one round less than the former for stamen); The number of constituent units of each round also decreased (for example, stamens often have the same number or fewer than corolla lobes); Stamen filaments often coincide with corolla or heal more or less; The ovule usually has only one integument [3]

Subfamilies of Polyphylla

1. Oleaceae
Erect woody or liana. Single leaf, triple leaf or pinnately compound leaf, often opposite, without stipules. Flowers bisexual, sparsely unisexual, actinomorphic; Usually arranged Panicle Cyme Or clustered; Calyx usually 4-lobed; Corolla 4-lobed, rare as; Stamens 2, attached to corolla; Ovary superior, 2-locular, 2 ovules per locule; Drupe, berry, capsule or samara.
There are about 29 genera and 600 species of this family, which are widely distributed in temperate or subtropical regions. There are 12 genera and about 200 species in China. It is distributed everywhere.
The chemical composition of the undergraduate course is diverse, including coumarins, bitterness, phenols, volatile oils, etc.
2. Loganiacae
Shrubs, trees or vines, rare herbs. Single leaf opposite, rarely alternate or whorled, stipules extremely degenerate. The flowers are bisexual, radially symmetrical, in cymose, racemose, capitate, or Spike , fewer single births; Several and alternate, inserted in corolla tube or corolla throat; Ovary superior, 2-lobed. Capsule, berry or drupe. Seeds have wings. Calyx and corolla are 4-5 lobed; Stamens and corolla lobes are usually 2-locular, with 2 to many ovules per locule; Style solitary, 2-lobed.
There are 350 genera and 750 species of this genus, which are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. There are 9 genera and 63 species in China, which are found in the southwest and eastern regions. 27 species of 7 genera are known for medicinal use.
Most of the undergraduate plants are toxic, mainly containing indole alkaloids, flavonoids, iridoid glycosides and other bitter ingredients.
3. Gentianaceae
Herbs, upright or climbing stems, sparse shrubs. Leaves simple, opposite, entire, without stipules. Cyme Or single birth; Flowers are often bisexual and radially symmetric; Calyx usually 4-5 lobed; Corolla funnel-shaped or radial, often 4-5lobed, mostly arranged in a rotating manner; Stamens and corolla lobes are the same number and alternate, bearing on the corolla tube. The ovary is superior, and two carpels often form one compartment, Placentas parietal membrane Ovule majority; Capsule 2-valved.
There are about 80 genera and more than 900 species of undergraduate courses, which are widely distributed all over the world and mainly occur in temperate zones. There are nearly 400 species belonging to 20 genera in China, which are produced in all provinces, and there are many species in southwest mountainous areas.
Undergraduate plants often contain iridoid glycosides, bitterness, alkaloids and other components.
4. Apocynaceae Apocynaceae
Woody, liana or herbaceous. With white milk or water. Leaves simple, opposite or whorled, entire. The flowers are bisexual, radially symmetrical, single or multiple arranged Cyme Calyx 5-lobed, often with glands on the inner surface of the base; Corolla 5-lobed, lobes arranged in rotation; Corolla throat often has accessory corolla hairs or scales; Stamens 5, inserted on corolla tube or corolla throat, and anthers often in arrowhead shape; Usually with a flower disk; Ovary superior, 2-carpels free or connate, 1-2 locules, ovules 1 to many per locule; Style simple or divided. Celiaceae, berry, drupe or capsule. One end of the seed often has filaments or membranous wings.
There are about 250 genera and more than 2000 species of this genus, which are distributed in tropical or subtropical regions, and a few in temperate regions. There are 176 species of 46 genera in China, which are mainly distributed in southern provinces. There are 95 known medicinal species.
The characteristic active components of this plant are indole alkaloids and cardiac glycosides.
5. Asclepiadaceae
Plants, vines or shrubs. There is milk. Single leaf opposite, sparsely verticillate. There are often glands at the top of the petiole. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic; Cyme Arranged in umbrella, umbrella room or aggregate; Calyx tube short, 5-lobed, often glandular at the inner base; Corolla radiate or altar shaped, 5-lobed at the top, often with a secondary corolla, composed of 5 free or basal lobes or scales, born on the corolla tube; Stamens 5, filaments are normally closed to form a tube that surrounds the pistil, and the anther and stigma are bonded to form a gynosteum; The pollen is granular tetrazygote, or forms a pollen mass; The latter is 1 or 2 pieces per drug room; The former is carried on spoon shaped flower organs and then hidden in anthers. Ovary superior, composed of 2 free carpels, style 2, apically connate. The pods are twin or single due to one sterility. Seeds numerous, with white filamentous hairs at the top.
There are about 180 genera and 2200 species of undergraduate courses, mainly produced in tropical and subtropical areas. There are 44 genera and 245 species in China, which are distributed throughout the country, with more species in southwest and south China. Undergraduate plants often contain cardiac glycosides, saponins, alkaloids, etc.
6. Convuvulaceae
It is often twining herbaceous vine. Sometimes contains milk. Often simple, alternate, sometimes compound or degenerated into scales; No stipules. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, solitary or Cyme Calyx free, 5 pieces, often persistent; Corolla funnel-shaped, bell shaped or altar shaped, entire or 5-lobed, arranged in a rotating manner before flowering; Stamens 5 borne on corolla tube; Ovary superior, often surrounded by disk; 2 carpels connate, 1-2 locules, sometimes separated into 4 locules by pseudoseptum; There are 1-2 ovules per locule. Capsule or berry.
There are 56 genera and 1800 species of this genus, mainly distributed in tropical to temperate regions. There are 128 species belonging to 22 genera in China, which are distributed all over the country.
This family of plants often contains tropane alkaloids, flavonoids and coumarins.
7. Boraginaceae
Herbs or woody, usually densely hirsute. often Simple alternate leaf , without stipules. Often Monochasium Or cymes clustered at the top of the stem; Flowers bisexual; Multi radial symmetry; Sepals 5, detached or basal connate; Corolla is usually tubular or bell shaped, lobes 5, imbricate arrangement, and throat often has appendages; Stamens are inserted on the corolla and alternate with corolla lobes in the same number; Ovary superior, 2 carpels, 2 locules, 2 ovules per locule, sometimes 4-parted into pseudo-4 locules, 1 ovule per locule; Style terminal or at base between ovary 4 lobes. Drupe, or 4 small nuts.
There are about 100 genera and 2000 species of undergraduate courses, which are widely distributed around the world. There are more than 200 species of 49 genera in China, which are both produced in the north and south.
8. Verbenaceae
It is usually woody, rare herb, and often has a special smell. Single leaf or compound leaf, mostly opposite. Spike or Cyme , or a panicle, capitate or corymbose compound inflorescence composed of cymes; Flowers bisexual, often bilaterally symmetrical; Calyx 4-5 lobed, persistent; Corolla is usually divided into 2 lipped or unequal 4-5 lobes; Stamens 4; Ovary superior, 2-carpels connate, often 4-10 locules due to pseudoseptum, ovules 1-2 per locule, style terminal, stigma 2-lobed or undivided. Drupe or capsule shaped and split into 4 small nuts.
There are 80 genera and more than 3000 species of this genus, which are distributed in tropical and subtropical areas, and a few extend to temperate zones. There are 175 species of 21 genera in China, which are mainly distributed in the provinces south of the Yangtze River.
9. Labiatae
Herbs or shrubs. The whole plant often contains volatile oil and has aroma. The stem is quadrangular. The leaves are opposite, simple, sparse and compound. The flowers are bisexual, symmetrical on both sides Whorled cyme ( Verticillium ), and some of them are integrated into spike like, racemose like, panicle like or capitate compound inflorescences; Calyx connate, usually 5-lobed, persistent; The corolla is lip shaped, usually the upper lip is 2-lobed, the lower lip is 3-lobed, and the lower lip is less pseudosimple (the upper lip is very short, 2-lobed, and the lower lip is 3-lobed) or simple lip shaped (no upper lip, and 5 lobes are all in the lower lip); Stamens 4, 2 strong, or only 2 developed; The disk often exists; The pistil is composed of 2 carpels, the ovary is superior, often 4 deeply divided into pseudo 4 chambers, each chamber has 1 ovule, and the style is often borne on the base of the ovary crack; Stigma lobed. The fruit consists of 4 small nuts.
There are about 221 genera and 3500 species of undergraduate courses, which are widely distributed in the world [4]