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Chloroplast genome

Biological terminology
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The chloroplast genome, biology The term refers to the extraction of DNA from the chloroplast of Raymond cotton by high salt and low pH method.
Chinese name
Chloroplast genome
Foreign name
The chloroplast genome
High salt and low pH method
Extraction of Chloroplast DNA from Raymond Cotton
Chloroplast DNA of Raymond cotton was extracted by high salt and low pH method; The randomly broken DNA fragments were obtained by physical shearing method; The end of the fragment was cut, leveled and modified, and connected with pCC1FOS vector; Packaging protein with bacteriophage Recombinant DNA , infected with Escherichia coli EPI300, and constructed the chloroplast genome library of Raymond cotton. about Chloroplast DNA The best parameter is to cut and suck 18 times at a moderate speed with a 1 mL syringe.