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Ye Quanzhi

Chinese astronomers
Ye Quanzhi graduated from Guangzhou No.7 Middle School It can be said that he is a "super man" among Chinese astronomy lovers. In October 2005, 17-year-old middle school student Ye Quanzhi became the first Chinese to discover the NEAT asteroid. In March 2007, Ye Quanzhi became not only the first Chinese to win the "Sumek Near Earth Object Award", but also the first Asian to win the award. China Sun Yat-sen University Atmospheric Science A student, a well-known amateur astronomer, once found several asteroids through the image database of NASA's various programs, and in 2007, he cooperated with Lin Qisheng of Central University in Taiwan to discover the first comet, Comet Lulin (No. C/2007 N3), which was completely observed and discovered in Taiwan. [1]
Chinese name
Ye Quanzhi
Ethnic groups
University one is graduated from
Sun Yat-Sen University
Key achievements
The first Chinese to discover NEAT asteroid
one's native heath
Representative works
Thesis BVRI Photometry of 53 Unusual Asteroids
Sumek Near Earth Object Award

Report extract

Behind the scenes hero Ye Quanzhi, a 17 year old astronomer
Yushan Tataga, Central University Lulin Observatory Less than half a year after the discovery of 101 asteroids, the observation team's tireless efforts have contributed a lot, but Ye Quanzhi, a talented high school student studying in Guangzhou No. 7 Middle School on the mainland, carefully planned the observation area, which is the biggest behind the scenes contributor to the achievements of both sides. Ye Yongxuan, Vice President of CUHK, said, "This child is an incredible stranger. At the beginning of this year, we applied to the website by email for assistance in providing the forecast of the sunny night rate of Lulin Astronomical Station. Ye Quanzhi, the leader of the website of "Sunny Clock", replied with a letter promising to help, and used the NEAT data to conduct orbit determination and observation of the Lulin 1 asteroid discovered by CUHK before, so that the Lulin 2 asteroids (Lulin 2 and Lulin), which had not been numbered for a long time, were certified by the Asteroid Center of the International Astronomical Association.
At that time, Ye Quanzhi also hoped to use Lulin Observatory A 40cm telescope searches for asteroids. Before cooperating with Taiwan, Ye Quanzhi had found several asteroids using the NEAT image database, but all of them were obtained from the analysis of images taken by other research institutions. They were not observed by themselves, so they could not be obtained Asteroid naming right However, the asteroids discovered by Lulin in the past were not systematically observed. They were all discovered accidentally during the observation process, and no follow-up observation was carried out. Therefore, the asteroids discovered over the years have not been permanently named. Lin Hongqin pointed out that Ye Quanzhi's proposal promoted the two sides to cooperate in the search for asteroids. Since March 5, CUHK graduate students have used a 40cm telescope to search for asteroids and comets. Ye Quanzhi is responsible for data processing and analysis, hoping to make systematic observation and continuous tracking, discover and obtain the right to permanent naming of asteroids. Unexpectedly, three days later, the Taiwan observation team found a new asteroid moving northwest in Virgo, and then observed 2006EE Near Earth Asteroids Three new asteroids were found during the imaging. In this way, the first non professional asteroid on both sides of the Taiwan Straits was unveiled, and it rapidly increased to 101 within half a year, becoming the best example of cooperation in astronomical observation between the two sides. Ye Quanzhi finally got his wish and achieved himself Naming asteroids The desire of.
Ye Quanzhi was invited to attend American Astronomical Society Annual meeting
On October 4-10, 2009, Ye Quanzhi, a 2006 undergraduate majoring in atmospheric science in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Sun Yat sen University, was invited by the American Astronomical Society to represent Sun Yat sen University at the annual meeting of the Planetary Science Branch of the American Astronomical Society in Farado, Puerto Rico, and made a report entitled An Overview of Lulin Sky Survey in the form of a poster.
It is reported that the Planetary Science Society is the largest academic organization under the American Astronomical Society. Its annual meeting has been held for 42 years, which is the highest level academic meeting in the planetary science community today. Ye Quanzhi, the first Chinese to discover NEAT asteroids, has been committed to asteroid research for a long time. Its related research achievements have been published many times in International Astronomical Union IAU Circular and Minor Planet Electronic Circular. Ye Quanzhi won the Eugene Sumek Near Earth Object Award in 2007 and the first prize in the 10th "Challenge Cup" Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition. In view of Ye Quanzhi's outstanding achievements in planetary research, Mr. Hansen, Vice Chairman of the Planetary Branch of the American Astronomical Society, personally invited Ye Quanzhi and provided some funding. This was the first time that the Planetary Science Branch of the American Astronomical Society invited Chinese student representatives to attend the meeting. In addition, in order to enable Ye Quanzhi to successfully participate in this high-level academic conference, the Youth League Committee of the University and the School of Environmental Science and Engineering have given strong support in terms of participation funds.
Ye Quanzhi publishes papers on top international astronomical journals
Recently, two papers written by Ye Quanzhi of the School of Environment during his undergraduate study were published in Astron J and important international astronomical journal Public Published on Astron. Soc. Pac.
Ye Quanzhi is a 2006 environmental college Atmospheric Science Undergraduate student, during his undergraduate study, he has been devoted to the research of astronomy. His paper BVRI Photometry of 53 Unusual Asteroids mainly introduces the micro Near Earth Asteroids New discovery that the chemical composition distribution may be significantly different from that of giant near Earth asteroids. This paper was recently published in Astron Published on J. Astron. J., founded in 1849, is one of the most important astronomical journals in the world at present. In addition, Ye Quanzhi's undergraduate thesis Forecasting Cloud Cover and Atmospheric Seeing for Astronomical Observing: Application and Evaluation of the Global Forecast System has also recently been published in an important journal of international astronomy Published in Astron. Soc. Pac.

Discovery Journey

In 1996, a seven year old boy in China saw something through the eyepiece of a telescope, which changed his life. It was an overly beautiful, bright comet with a large active tail. At first, he thought he had found it, but he knew that it was the other two men, Hale and Bopp. Suppressing his disappointment, young Quanzhi Ye # # 1 made up his mind to find his comet one day.
Finally, he found it.
In July 2007, Ye Quanzhi (now a 19-year-old undergraduate in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences of Sun Yat sen University, China) bent down and stared at the early evening Lulin Observatory (Lulin Observatory). Ye Quanzhi's fingers moved from one point to another, bit by bit. Suddenly, his fingers stopped. It was not a star, it was a comet, it was the first celestial body Ye Quanzhi saw!
Lulin comet is approaching the earth now. It is bright green. Now we can see it with the naked eye.
Comet Lulin
Figure 1. The green comet Lulin, photographed by amateur astronomer Jack Newton in Arizona. Credit: Jack Newton
Newton said that his retired eyes could not see the bright comet, but his 14 inch telescope could take a very beautiful image on February 1.
Comet Lulin will be the closest to the Earth on February 24, 2009, with a distance of 0.41 AU and an estimated maximum brightness of 4-5 degrees. The dark suburbs are the ideal observation site. However, since this is the first time that Comet Lulin entered the inner solar system, and it is also the first time that it is exposed to the fierce sunlight, no one said a word of affirmation, maybe it will surprise us!
The jet from the core of Lulin Comet forms a Jupiter like atmosphere, which contains cyanogen (CN) and carbon (C2), and its green light comes from these gases. When sunlight shines in the near vacuum space, both will emit green light.
The path of Comet Lulin
Figure 2. The path of Comet Lulin. In 1910, astronomers at that time found that the earth would pass through Halley's Comet When the cyanogen rich comet tail came, many people were quite panic. This extremely thin comet tail will not penetrate the earth's atmosphere at all. Even if it can, the concentration of cyanide is not enough to cause real damage. Lulin comet will not cause much impact than Halley's comet. When it comes closest to the earth at the end of February, it will stop 38 million miles away from the earth and will not harm the earth at all.
Now let's see Lulin Comet. Get up early!
The reason why Comet Lulin deserves attention is not only its brightness, but also the result of cooperation between astronomers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
On February 4, a group of Italian astronomers witnessed the tail disconnection of Comet Lulin. Ernesto Guido, leader of the team, said that they used the remote control telescope in New Mexico to take pictures of Lulin Comet, and found that its ion tail was torn off.
Comet Lulin
Figure 3. The ion tail of Comet Lulin was torn off. Credit: Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero&Paul Camilleri and his colleagues believe that this may be caused by the magnetic field interference caused by comets under the solar wind. However, at this stage, it is only a reasonable assumption on the surface. Previously, I had seen the comet's magnetic micro storm. Nothing is more famous than the Comet Enke (Comet Encke) At that time, STEREO spacecraft saw a mass of coronal ejecta (CME) rushing towards Encke's comet, and the tail of Encke's comet was torn off, much like the current scene of Lulin's comet.