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Right row

[yòu xíng]
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two compound surname spring and autumn Jin yes Dextral symplectic See《 Mandarin Jinyu 7.
3. The movement form of celestial bodies. Right: right turn, right turn, right.
Chinese name
Right row
Mandarin Jinyu 7
yòu xínɡ



Right row
yòu xínɡ
1. Spring and Autumn Jin state during Spring and Autumn period Military name. One of three lines.
two compound surname spring and autumn Jin yes Dextral symplectic See《 Mandarin Jinyu 7.
3. The movement form of celestial bodies. Right: right turn, right turn, right.

come from

The Great Commentary on the Five Movements of Plain Questions says: "The top goes right, and the bottom goes left." Zhang Jiebin's Twenty third Book of Analects - Luck Category IV notes: "The top goes right, saying the weather turns right, and falls to the ground from east to west; the bottom goes left, saying the earth turns left, and rises to the sky from west to east."
Press: The Great Theory of Plain Questions · Five Movements says: "Heaven and earth are the top and bottom of all things; the left and right are the paths of yin and yang... The top goes right, the bottom goes left, the left and right sides of the sky, and the rest will resume." This refers to the movement between heaven and earth and the specific form of movement.
In a broad sense, everything is above the sky and below the earth, so it is said: "Heaven and earth are above and below everything." Heaven and earth are a whole, interacting and influencing each other. The weather is always from right to bottom, and the local atmosphere is always from left to top. In terms of yin and yang attributes, heaven belongs to yang and earth belongs to yin; That is to say, Yang always goes from right to bottom, and Yin always goes from left to top. Yin rises and falls, and moves continuously. It goes round and round like a ring without reason, so it is said: "Left and right are the way of Yin and Yang."
In a narrow sense, the "up, down, left and right" here refers to the annual Sijian Qi of Sitian and Zaiquan. The upper part refers to the qi of Sitian, the lower part refers to the qi in the spring, and the left and right parts refer to the qi of Sitian or the left and right parts of the qi in the spring. The movement of qi in the four rooms of Sitian and Zaiquan is always "the top goes right, and the bottom goes left". Yang falls and yin rises, and the cycle repeats. That is, the sky on the top moves from right to bottom (right row - right rotation); The ground at the bottom moves from left to top, from top to bottom, from left to right, in a rotating circular motion.
The above is the theory of ancient astronomers about the apparent motion of celestial bodies. Although it is not the real operation of the sun, moon and stars, it is of great use value for observing the movement of celestial bodies and formulating calendars.