Stephen William Hawking

Theoretical physicist, cosmologist, scientific thinker, academician of the Royal Society of Britain, foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, academician of the Royal Society of Technology of the United Kingdom
zero Useful+1
synonym Stephen Hawking (Stephen Hawking) Generally refers to Stephen William Hawking
Stephen William Hawking (Stephen William Hawking, January 8, 1942 - March 14, 2018) , born in England Oxford [3] Theoretical physicist [1] Cosmologist [2] , Science thinker [23] Royal Society academician [11] National Academy of Sciences Foreign academician [12] Academician of the Royal Society of Technology [32] , was in England University of Cambridge Professor. [14]
Stephen William Hawking received his doctor's degree from Cambridge University in 1965 University of Cambridge Conduct research work; Elected in 1974 Royal Society academician [11] 1975 Professor of Cambridge University; In 1977, he became a professor of gravitational physics at Cambridge University; 1979 – 2009, Lucca, Cambridge University Professor Si Mathematics [7] In 1985, he had a tracheotomy due to pneumonia, and was completely deprived of the ability to speak. Speech and question and answer can only be completed through a voice synthesizer [5] In 1989, he won the title of British Jazz and was elected as National Academy of Sciences Foreign academician; In 2002, he was ranked 25th in the "100 Greatest Britons" of BBC; In June 2006 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The host of the gymnasium is entitled“ The origin of the universe ”'s speech, another Beijing Great Hall of the People Tell the public about "the origin of the universe"; Research Director of Cambridge Center for Theoretical Cosmology in 2009 [12] [14] UK in 2017 BBC Record documentary《 Explore the New Earth [13] March 14, 2018 in the UK Cambridge Death, 76 years old [3] [9]
Stephen William Hawking's main research fields are Astrophysics Theoretical physics mathematics [12]
Chinese name
Stephen William Hawking
Foreign name
Stephen William Hawking
Stephen William Hawking
one's native heath
britain Oxford
date of birth
January 8, 1942
Date of death
March 14, 2018
University one is graduated from
University of Cambridge
Education and research workers
Key achievements
In the 1970s, Roger Penrose proved the singularity theorem (singularity)
Presented in 1973“ hawking radiation
Elected in 1974 Royal Society academician
In the 1980s, the boundaryless quantum cosmology was proposed
Elected in 1989 National Academy of Sciences Foreign academician
graduate student

Character's Life

Stephen William Hawking was born in England on January 8, 1942 Oxford
Stephen Hawking and his father (photographed in 1942)
In 1962 Oxford After completing the physics degree course, he went to Cambridge University for postgraduate study.
In 1963, he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), whole body paralysis , can't talk, and the only place to move is two eyes and three fingers.
In 1965, obtained University of Cambridge Doctor's degree and research work at Cambridge University.
In 1968, George Ellis found Cosmic background radiation The existence of confirmed that the universe did have a big bang. With Robert Jerloch Penrose The cooperation extends the singularity theorem to indicate that the universe must have an initial singularity from which time and space evolve.
In 1970, obtained Gonville and Case College, Cambridge University Special "Science Excellence Contribution Scholarship", salary for doing research in Gonville and Case College of Cambridge University; And Penrose to prove that if the universe obeys General relativity
Hawking in childhood
After the study of singularity ended, Hawking began to shift the focus and began to study black holes.
In 1974, he was elected to the Royal Society academician. [11]
In 1975, he was a professor at Cambridge University.
In 1977, he was promoted to Professor of Gravity Physics at Cambridge University.
1979 – 2009, Lucca, Cambridge University Professor Si Mathematics [7]
In 1985, he had a tracheotomy due to pneumonia, and was completely deprived of the ability to speak. Speech and Q&A can only be completed through a voice synthesizer; In the same year, they visited the University of Science and Technology of China and Beijing Normal University Ask. [5]
In 1988, the creation was completed《 Brief History of Time 》。 [8]
In 1989, he won the British knighthood and was elected as a foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences.
Completed in 2001《 The universe in the shell 》。
In 2002, he was ranked 25th in the "100 Greatest Britons" of BBC; In the same year, he successively made science popularization reports on the theme of "Brand New World of membranes" in Beijing and Hangzhou, explaining his "M theory" on the evolution of celestial bodies to the public.
Hawking, 12
In June 2006, he hosted a speech entitled "The Origin of the Universe" in the gymnasium of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and told the public about "The Origin of the Universe" in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
In 2009, he served as the research director of the Cambridge Center for Theoretical Cosmology, and was awarded the title of "President from By Medal ". [12] [14]
In 2012, he acted as a guest star in the Big Bang Theory.
In 2017, he recorded the documentary "Exploration" for the British BBC Seeking a New Earth. [13]
He died in Cambridge, England, on March 14, 2018, 76 years old [3] [9]

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
Stephen William Hawking's main research fields are cosmology and black holes. He has proved the singularity theorem of general relativity and the black hole area theorem, proposed the black hole evaporation theory and the boundaryless Hawking universe model, and has made great strides in unifying the two basic theories of physics in the 20th century -- relativity founded by Einstein and quantum mechanics founded by Planck One step. [3]
Hawking at graduation
In 1968, Stephen William Hawking and George Ellis found that the existence of cosmic background radiation confirmed that the universe had indeed had a big bang. With Robert Jerloch Roger Penrose The cooperation extends the singularity theorem, indicating that the universe must have an initial singularity, from which time and space begin to evolve; In 1970, he began to study the characteristics of black holes. It is predicted that the radiation from the black hole (Hawking radiation) and the surface area of the black hole will never decrease. The paper jointly published with Roger Penrose proves that if the universe obeys the general theory of relativity; In 1971, it was pointed out that there might be a new kind of object in the universe, called a primary black hole, which was a microscopic black hole made by high temperature and pressure at the earliest moment of the Big Bang. The hairless theorem is proved. No matter how the black hole is formed, it only has three properties: mass, angular momentum and charge. It is clarified that the surface area of the event horizon of a black hole will never decrease, and the combined surface area of two black holes will not be less than the sum of the original two surface areas. This discovery was later named the second law of black hole thermodynamics; In 1973, when investigating the quantum effect near the black hole, it was found that the black hole would emit radiation like a celestial body, and the temperature of its radiation was inversely proportional to the mass of the black hole, so that the black hole would slowly become smaller due to radiation, but the temperature would become higher and higher, and finally ended up exploding. The discovery of black hole radiation or Hawking radiation (including Hawking radiation in de Sitter space) has extremely basic significance. It unifies general relativity, quantum field theory and thermodynamics, which is the quantum field theory in curved space-time; In 1973, the research turned to the theory of quantum gravity. Although there is no successful theory, some of its characteristics have been found. For example, space time is not flat in Planck scale, but in a powder state. There is no pure state in quantum gravity, and causality is destroyed. Therefore, the agnosticity is raised from classical statistical physics and quantum statistical physics to the third level of quantum gravity [11] In 1974, he published a paper, "Black Hole Explosion", and detailed that there will be many virtual particle pairs in the adjacent area outside the event horizon. Each virtual particle pair is composed of a positive energy particle and a negative energy particle, and the total energy is zero. Generally, these virtual particle pairs will annihilate each other shortly after their appearance. In order to meet the uncertainty principle, however, if before the annihilation, If the negative energy particle crosses the event horizon, it can survive in the black hole, while the positive energy particle can escape to infinity. Therefore, the energy will be radiated out, and the black hole mass will gradually decrease, which is the mechanism of emission and radiation from the macro black hole [14] In 1979, he began to study theoretical astronomy and the universe Origin theory [7] After 1980, the research turned to quantum cosmology, and proposed that there is no boundary to solve the first push problem of the universe Conditions. [13]
  • Physical theory
Black holes are not black. Stephen William Hawking's research object is the universe, but he is never interested in observing astronomy. Compared with traditional scientific methods such as experiment and observation, Hawking's method relies on intuition. The achievement of "black hole is not black" comes from a flash. One night in November 1970, Hawking began to think about black holes when he slowly climbed into bed. He suddenly realized that the black hole should have temperature, so it would emit radiation. In other words, black holes are not so black. This flash of thought formed a complete theory after three years of thinking. In November 1973, Hawking officially announced to the world that black holes constantly emit x-rays, gamma rays, etc., which is known as "Hawking radiation". Before that, people believed that black A hole is swallowed but not spit. [21]
Hawking participated in the activity
Progress in quantum mechanics. Stephen William Hawking hopes to solve the mystery of the birth of the universe. In the 1970s, Hawking applied quantum mechanics to explain black hole phenomena, but in the following 30 years, it has become more difficult to explain the whole universe with quantum mechanics. Hawking wants to find a set of theories that can explain the whole universe phenomenon to explain the universe that was born in 13.7 billion years until the 21st century. But many years have passed, even though it is infinitely close, he still has no conclusion. According to his quantum mechanics theory, the birth of the universe is the result of the big bang, which is the explosion of an infinitely small compressed matter with super gravity (also can be understood as an infinitely large density). The theoretical category of quantum mechanics cannot explain how this process works? Why is that? "There must be a theory that can describe small-scale gravity," Hawking said. Hawking's colleague, Michael Green of Queen Mary College in London, participated in the construction of the superstring theory, which is called "string theory" for short. This theory points out that all particles and natural forces are actually small objects like strings in vibration, solving the gravity problem Hawking has always wanted to solve, This theory must be based on the fact that the universe has 9, 10 or even more than 11 dimensions, and the three-dimensional world people live in may only be one of the membranes of the real universe. A large number of scientists around the world are doing relevant experiments in space and on Earth to prove string theory and experiment to support Hawking's black hole theory and quantum theory. [21]
Time machine theory. After Stephen William Hawking inherited and recognized the existence of aliens, he made another statement: it is theoretically feasible to fly into the future time machine with humans, and the required conditions include wormholes in space or spaceships with speed close to the speed of light. However, Hawking also warned against taking a time machine to look back at history, because "only crazy scientists will want to go back to the past and 'reverse cause and effect'." [21]
There are gaps in time. As for the key point of the time machine, Stephen William Hawking emphasized that it is the so-called "4-dimensional space", which scientists named "wormhole". Hawking stressed that "wormholes" are all around people, but they are too small to be seen by the naked eye. They exist in the cracks between space and time. Everything in the universe is not flat or solid. Close observation will find that all objects will have holes or wrinkles, which is the basic physical law and is applicable to time. Time also has tiny cracks, wrinkles and gaps. The space smaller than molecules and atoms is named "quantum foam", in which "wormhole" exists. Hawking pointed out that in theory, the time tunnel or "wormhole" can not only take humans to other planets. If both ends of the wormhole are located at the same location and are separated by time rather than distance, then the spacecraft can fly in, and after flying out, it is still close to the earth, just entering the so-called "distant past". Because in a 4-degree space, 10 minutes may be n hours. [21]
The spaceship can go to the future. Stephen William Hawking said that if scientists can build a spaceship with a speed close to the speed of light, the spaceship will inevitably slow down the time in the cabin because it cannot violate the rule that the speed of light is the maximum speed limit. Then a week of flight is equivalent to 1XX years on the ground, and it is equivalent to flying into the future. Hawking took man-made satellites as an example, referring to that the time on the satellite is slightly faster than that on the ground when the satellite is in orbit because it is less affected by the earth's gravity. Thus, Hawking envisioned a large extremely fast spaceship that could accelerate to 97000 kilometers per hour in one second and 99.99% of the speed of light in six years, XX times faster than the spaceship Apollo 10. The passengers on the ship are flying to the future in disguise, making a real time travel. [21]
  • Academic monograph
Title of monograph
Large scale structure of space-time (The large scale structure of space-time)》
Brief History of Time (A Brief History Of Time)》
Euclid quantity Subgravity [14]
Black Holes And Baby Universes And Other Essays
Hawking on the Big Bang And Black Hole [14]
October 2001
The universe in the shell ((The Universe in a Nutshe ll))》 [13]
On The Shoulders Of Giants. The Great Works of Physics And Astronomy
God created the integers
A Brief History of Time (Popular Edition)
A Brief History of Time (Illustrated Edition)
George's secret key to the universe
George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt
George and the Big Bang
《George and the Unbreakable Code》
Grand Design (The Grand Design) 》
My brief history [18]
Hawking Lectures Black Hole, Baby Universe and Others
  • Reading comprehension
In his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen William Hawking never forgot the theory of grand unity, which was Einstein's unfulfilled dream. Hawking said frankly in the book that every thing in the universe cannot be described and predicted by a single wonderful formula, because the uncertainty principle of quantum theory determines that the universe is the unity of uncertainty and certainty. Hawking uses a map model to illustrate the diversity of the universe, which may require a set of theories Line description. [21]
Hawking's Brief History of Time
The Nature of Time and Space was expressed in a complete mathematical form 80 years ago when general relativity was applied. The basic principles of quantum theory also appeared 70 years ago. However, can these two most accurate and successful theories in the whole physics be unified in a single quantum gravity? The two most famous physicists in the world launched an extreme and extreme debate on this issue. This book is based on the six speeches and final debates of Stephen William Hawking and Roger Penrose in Cambridge University. [21]
The Charm of the Future begins with Stephen William Hawking's prediction of the future of the universe in the next billion years, and ends with Don Cupid's understanding of the final trial. It introduces the development of prediction and the way we predict the future today. [21]
In the book "The Universe in the Shell", Stephen William Hawking once again brings people to the forefront of theoretical physics. In Hawking's world, truth and fantasy are sometimes just a line of difference. Hawking used popular language to explain and remind us to fully imagine the universe, and with his unique enthusiasm, he invited people to start an extraordinary journey in time and space. [21]
  • academic exchange
Name of academic activity
host city
Nefeld very early universe workshop [25]
Cambridge, UK
June 2006
International String Theory an assembly [15]
April 2017
2017 Global Mobile Internet Conference (G MIC) [29]
  • Scientific research award
Award winning projects
Award name
singularity (Singularity determination Reason) [13]
A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang To the Black Hole [24]
Wolf Foundation Prize

personnel training

  • Instruct students
As of March 2018, Stephen William Hawking has directed and trained more than 40 graduate students who have become Daniel [25] , such as Zhejiang University of Technology professor Wu Zhongchao [5] , Canada University of Alberta Distinguished Professor Don Page), Britain at that time University of Southampton Marika Taylor, Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Professor of Theoretical Physics, Belgium Catholic University of Leuven Professor of Theoretical Physics Thomas Hertog (Thomas Hertog), USA Stony Brook University Martin Rocek, a professor of theoretical physics, and Christophe Galfard, a popular science writer, are his students. [25]
Huo Jin, Wu Zhongchao (right) and Du Xinxin

Honor recognition

Honor recognition
Awarding unit
Royal Society academician [11]
Edin Dayton Medal [14]
Piao XI Gold Medal [14]
Minner James Heinemann Foundation
Hughes Medal [14]
Honorary Doctor of Oxford University [14]
Einstein Medal [12]
Franklin Medal [14]
British Imperial Commander's Medal (CBE) [14]
British "Jazz" title [12]
Foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences [12]
Royal Society
Fonseca Award [12]
U.S. government
Special Basic Physics Award [12]
Russian government
Royal Society Craft Academician [32]

Social posts

August 2002
Zhejiang University Emeritus professor [22]
April 2006

Personal life

  • Family background
Stephen William Hawking was born into an intellectual family, and in his childhood, he lived in Hagrid District, where senior intellectuals gathered. Hawking's parents are professional college teachers Staff [17] His father Frank is a tropical disease expert who graduated from Oxford University. His mother Isabel studied philosophy and politics in Oxford in 1930 And the economy [12] Hawking is the eldest of three children, with a younger sister and one adopted by his parents younger brother. [21]
Hawking's wedding photo with his wife Jane Wald
  • marriage and family
In his life, Stephen William Hawking had three relationships, two of which were successful. In October 1964, Stephen William Hawking married his first wife, Jane Wald. After marriage, Jane met the organ player Jonathan Jones. In the mid-1980s, Jane and Jones developed romantic friendship. On the other hand, Elaine Mason, the nurse who took care of Hawking's living, became the third party between Jane and Hawking. In the second half of the 1980s, because nurse Elaine Mason took care of Hawking's living for a long time, they began to like each other, and Hawking asked Elaine to accompany him as much as possible. In 2004, after Hawking remarried with Elaine, his family suspected that Hawking might be abused by Elaine, but Hawking asked the media to respect his illegitimate life live [16] However, even the most loving couple will lose their enthusiasm when Stephen William Hawking is ill. Finally, Elaine accepted Hawking's divorce agreement. After two divorces, Stephen William Hawking fell in love with another nurse, Diana, but this time because of the opposition of his children, Stephen William Hawking withdrew his proposal and still let the other side keep it Diamond ring [33] Stephen William Hawking has three children: daughter Lucy and eldest son Robert And the youngest son Timothy. [3] [39]
  • Guest film
Stephen · William · Hawking used to be in cartoon《 The Simpsons (The Simpsons) and science fiction series《 Star Trek: The Next Generation (Star Trek:The Next Generation)》《 The Big Bang Theory 》《 Fly out of the future 》Starring in Role. [19] [22]
Hawking and his second wife Elaine
  • Play ticket music
In music creation, Stephen · William · Hawking also has a good performance. Although he can no longer pronounce because of illness, in 1994, he used an electronic sounder to perform with the British rock band Pink Floyd Co recorded rock works“ Keep Talking ”。 [20]
  • social activities
In order to promote interpersonal communication, Stephen · William · Hawking is also a frequent visitor to various scientific and social activities. In 2007, Hawking personally participated in the zero gravity flight experiment in order to stimulate people's interest in space flight and show the potential of disabled people; Also participated in the popular ice bucket challenge He appealed to people to care for the gradually frozen people. Of course, Hawking himself was not watered by ice water. Instead of him, he was replaced by his children. But this also showed people Hawking's optimism in life And open-minded. [20]
  • Scientific wheelchair
Stephen · William · Hawking's wheelchair is equipped with the world's top scientific and technological achievements. These technologies are constantly improving and upgrading around the deterioration of his condition. Start with Stephen · William · Hawking's wheelchair is just a walking tool that can move. But as his condition worsened, Stephen · William · Hawking's language became ambiguous, and people could not understand his meaning. Later, an Apple II computer and monitor were added to his wheelchair, and a program called "Equalizer" was implanted. This program contains 2000-3000 words and is connected to a voice synthesizer. Stephen · William · Hawking only needs to move three fingers that can move and scan the letters on the screen with the cursor, and he can input and make voice. In 2008, Stephen · William · Hawking's three fingers were too weak to press the keyboard. According to his facial muscle activity, researchers developed a "Cheek Switch" (eye tracking system), which installed electrodes on Hawking's face and glasses. Relying on facial muscle contraction, the sensor will receive the signal and feed it back to the computer to select the letter, Stephen · William · Hawking can communicate with the outside world. Then the staff upgraded the input method again and collected Stephen · William · Hawking's document analyzes word frequency and context to speed up input. In 2011, Stephen · William · Hawking's condition worsened, and the technical team installed an interactive system (ACAT) for the disabled on his wheelchair, which is a system that can send signals by blinking or moving a little. With continuous upgrading and improvement, on this basis, some mute, fast search and multi task switching functions have been added, allowing Stephen · William · Hawking's efficiency in handling daily tasks has increased by 10 times. Stephen · William · Hawking's wheelchair is increasingly upgraded to a machine full of black technology, which not only solves his travel problems, but also enables him to read books, make speeches, send and receive emails and telephones, write papers and books, and become a communication Stephen · William · Hawking thought tool. [36]
Hawking is teaching
Stephen · William · After Hawking's death, the wheelchair was collected by the British Royal Museum. The invention right of this wheelchair does not belong to any one person. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of many people and scientific research institutions. Stephen · William · The black technology of Hawking wheelchair will and has benefited many disabled people, even healthy people. For example, the association function in the current input method started with Stephen · William · Hawking input no Conveniently developed. [36]
  • One's childish disposition remains.
Stephen · William · Hawking has a special "hobby". According to the US Daily Beast, Hawking's favorite thing is to use a wheelchair to run over the toes of annoying people. At a British royal banquet in 1976, Charles, the British prince, was unlucky to fall for the bait. Hawking rolled his toe and then happily drove his wheelchair around the ground... In his autobiography, Hawking also wrote that one of the greatest regrets in life is that he did not run over Mrs. Thatcher's foot Toe. [22]
  • Private best friend
Know Stephen · William · Hawking, Leonard Monlodino It is the best choice. In the circle of science popularization+physics, maybe only Leonard Monroedino can cooperate with Stephen · William · Hawking is known as a "close friend". They have co authored Brief History of Time (Popular Edition) and Grand Design, Get along day and night for many years [33] Tiffin · William · Hawking is 13 years older than Leonard Monroedino. The two met in 2003, when Tiffin · William · Hawking asked Leonard Monlodino if he could consider working with him to write popular science books. In the following years, they wrote two books together and became good friends. At first, the two were just a "smart alliance". Later, the working relationship became a private relationship. Because Stephen · William · Hawking is not only looking for the secrets of the universe, he is also looking for sharing his secrets People. [34]
Stephen William Hawking and Leonard Monroedino
  • About IQ
In December 2004, Stephen William Hawking said in a letter to the New York Times, "I have no idea about my IQ. People who brag about their IQ are losers (I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers) 。” [10]
  • About going to school
In 2010, Stephen William Hawking said in his lecture "My Brief History": "When I was at school, my study was always smooth. The students in the class were very smart. My homework was very messy, and my handwriting made the teacher headache. But my classmates nicknamed me Einstein, apparently they thought I was still talented. When I was 12 years old, a friend of mine used a bag of sugar to bet another friend that I would accomplish nothing. I don't know if this gamble has come to an end. If so, who got the sugar (At school, I was never more than about halfway up the class. It was a very bright class. My classwork was very untidy, and my handwriting was the despair of my teachers. But my classmates gave me the nickname Einstein, so presumably they saw signs of something better. When I was twelve, one of my friends bet another friend a bag of sweets that I would never come to anything. I don't know if this bet was ever settled, and if so, which way it was decided) 。” [10]
Obama awards Hawking
  • Advise children
In June 2010, Stephen William Hawking gave advice to children on ABC News: "First, remember to look at the stars instead of looking down at your feet. Second, never give up your work. Work gives you meaning and goals, and life without work is empty. Third, if you are lucky enough to get love, don't forget the existence of love, nor abandon it (One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it aw ay) 。” [10]
Stephen William Hawking
  • About optimism
In January 2016, Stephen William Hawking said in a letter to Radio Age magazine: "Most of the threats we face come from the progress we have made in science and technology. We will not stop scientific and technological progress or go against it, so we must be aware of these dangers and control them. I am an optimist, and I believe we can control them (Most of the threats we face come from the progress we’ve made in science and technology. We are not going to stop making progress, or reverse it, so we must recognize the dangers and control them. I’m an optimist, and I believe we can) 。” [10]

Character evaluation

"He (Stephen William Hawking) Wandering the universe in a wheelchair, thinking about the nature of gravity and the origin of the universe, and becoming a symbol of human determination and curiosity. " (《 New York Times 》Comment) [3]
Hawking's reference
"Stephen William Hawking has devoted his whole life to the popularization of scientific knowledge, and he has become the spokesman of theoretical physics in the eyes of ordinary people." bbc Comment) [4]
"Stephen William Hawking is the greatest theoretical physicist in the field of gravitational physics after Einstein." (Professor of Zhejiang University of Technology Wu Zhongchao review [5]
"I admire Stephen William Hawking. He is a great physicist." (Mathematician Qiu Chengtong Comment) [5]
"Stephen William Hawking is an outstanding scientist as well as a long-term and tenacious fighter against disease, who has made great contributions to science and humanity." (then Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Lu Kang Comment) [6]
"Stephen William Hawking is one of the most outstanding physicists in the world. His breakthrough work in popularizing science and black holes is a major contribution to mankind." (Royal Mint Consumer Director Nicola Howell Comment) [8]
"Stephen William Hawking is an outstanding scientific brain and an influential science popularization worker. In the field of black hole physics, Stephen William Hawking is a first-class scientist." (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, theoretical physicist Cai Ronggen Comment) [9]
Young Hawking
"Stephen William Hawking made outstanding contributions to theoretical physics and theoretical cosmology." Royal Society Comment) [12]
"Stephen William Hawking is one of the great men with international reputation in the 21st century, is the most important contemporary general relativity and cosmologist, and is known as the world's most famous scientific thinker and the most outstanding theoretical physicist after Einstein." Red Star News Comment) [13]
"Stephen William Hawking made outstanding contributions to the development of quantum cosmology." Zhejiang University Comment) [22]
"Stephen William Hawking is a brilliant scientist." (Canada University of Alberta Comments by Tang Page, an outstanding professor) [25]
"Stephen William Hawking's contributions to physics are enormous, including his impressive contributions to cosmology. Hawking is also a monument, showing the strong perseverance and determination of mankind. Despite his physical disability, Hawking, like other people I know, can write many papers and make many important contributions." Massachusetts Institute of Technology Victor Weiskopf, Professor of Physics (Alan Goose) [25]
"Stephen William Hawking has made contributions to the development of gravity theory, black hole research and cosmology, and is famous for overcoming his disability (world renowned for his contributions to our understanding of gravity, black holes and cosmology, as well as for the obstacles that he overcame due to his disability) 。” Royal Society Comment) [30]
Hawking in China
"Stephen William Hawking is an extremely successful science popularization worker. In the face of disability, his courage and high spirit have inspired millions of people. His achievements as a scientist, communicator and public figure are consistent with his great reputation Stephen became an immensely successful popularizer of science; his courage and high spirits in the face of his disability inspired millions. Stephen Hawking's achievements as a scientist, communicator, and public figure were commensurate with his great fame) 。” (《 science 》Comment) [31]
"Stephen William Hawking is a famous physicist at the University of Cambridge, England. He is known as the king of the universe, the most outstanding theoretical physicist after Newton and Einstein, and one of the great men with international reputation today." Science popularization in China Comment) [35]
"Stephen William Hawking is a very ordinary person, very simple, not affected, not disguised, he is the most beautiful man." (Review of Indian writer Fildus Gengo) [38 ]

Character influence

  • Theoretical Naming
The second period of Stephen William Hawking's scientific research career (1973-1979) witnessed Hawking's bold and adventurous research work that was initially controversial but later proved - about Curved spacetime In Quantum field theory Research. The core is Hawking's innovative paper, which integrates Quantum field theory General relativity and thermodynamics , thus proving that due to quantum effect, black holes will emit blackbody radiation - named“ hawking radiation (also known as black hole radiation )”。 [25]
Hawking travel
  • Film and television prototype
Hawking 》, also known as Hawking's Story, was released in 2004. The whole film kicked off with Stephen William Hawking's 21st birthday party. At that time, he was so proud and outstanding, but the last second he was looking up at the stars with the girl he met at the party, the next second he found himself lying on the lawn, and the doctor concluded that only the last two years of his life were left. The story starts here. The fighter who should have stayed at the age of 23 on the doctor's diagnosis returned to him after 55 years of fighting with fate The universe. [27]
The documentary Stephen Hawking's View of the Universe: A Brief History of Time was released in 2009. [27]
Documentary《 Understand the universe with Hawking 》There are three episodes in total. The first broadcast was in 2010. The production of this documentary took more than three years. Stephen William Hawking himself insisted on making substantial changes to the script many times here. Hawking, 68, talked about his latest thinking on extraterrestrial life in the universe in this documentary. He believes that extraterrestrial life almost certainly exists in many other places in the universe - not only on planets, but also in the center of stars, or even in the vast universe floating among planets. [27]
Hawking's portrait
The documentary "Stephen Hawking's Grand Design" was premiered in 2012. This documentary is divided into three episodes, which respectively explore: why does the universe exist and follow laws and principles? Is our life meaningful? Is the universe we live in created and controlled by God? Three questions. Although speaking of the universe, many people find it abstruse and difficult to understand, this documentary strives to be simple and easy to understand, telling the truth of life and the world like a story, which is both philosophy and science. While understanding these scientific knowledge, we can also appreciate the magnificent universe. [27]
Theory of everything 》It's a biopic, adapted from Jane's memoirs《 Flying to Infinity: Days with Hawking 》, released in 2014. The film tells the story of Stephen Hawking and his first wife Jane Wilde The process of meeting, knowing and falling in love at Cambridge University, and the truth of fighting against the disease together after marriage record. [26]

Commemoration for future generations

  • Upright sculpture
On June 15, 2018, in memory of Stephen William Hawking Beijing Normal University The 33rd Anniversary of the Speech and the Donation Ceremony for the Opening of the "Thinker Hawking" Sculpture were delivered in Jingwen The hall was held. [28]
Hawking sculpture
  • Commemorative coin
In March 2019, in order to commemorate Stephen William Hawking's pioneering research on black holes, the British Royal Mint launched the 50p period with "black holes" Read the coin. [8]

Character events

Little St. James Island ”Yes Jeffrey Epstein It is an island built in a private island to lure young girls for sex trade by recruiting masseurs for the enjoyment of the powerful.
In March 2006, Hawking participated in the Academic Conference Later, he was invited to go to "Luoli Island" for barbecue. [40]
Stephen William Hawking