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Taiwan Sports University

Taiwan's higher education institutions
This entry is reviewed by Taiwan related encyclopedia.
National Taiwan University of Sports Taichung City , founded in 1961. Formerly known as Taiwan Provincial College of Physical Education. In 1996, it was upgraded to Taiwan Institute of Physical Education. It is one of the few colleges specialized in teaching sports in Taiwan Province. Take "strong, diligent, technical and moral" as the school motto [1] With the expansion of the university and the approval of the education department, the university was restructured and renamed as Taiwan University of Physical Education and Sports on November 29, 2011.
Taiwan University of Sport and Physical Education has the following departments and institutes: Department of Sport and Physical Education Research Institute, Sports Kinematics Department and Master Class, Sports Dance Department and Master Class, Leisure Kinematics Department and Leisure Sports Management Institute, Sports Management Department and Master Class, Sports Health Science Department and Master Class, Fighting Kinematics Department, Ball Games Kinematics Department Department of Sports Information and Communication. Since its establishment, it has made great contributions to the development of Taiwan's sports industry.
Chinese name
Taiwan Sports University
Foreign name
National Taiwan University of Sports
Taiwan Sports University
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University
School category
competent department
Taiwan Education Authority
Current leaders
President: Su Wenren [2]
School setting
3 colleges and 10 departments
School motto
Strong and diligent, with both skills and morality [1]
School song
School Song of Taiwan Sports University
No. 16, Section 1, Shuangshi Road, 404, Shibei District, Taichung, Taiwan, China
major awards
Men's 100m gold medal at the 2017 Taipei World Universiade
Silver medal in the men's 400m hurdles at the 2017 Taipei World Universiade
Silver medal of women's rhythmic gymnastics team at the 2017 Taipei World Universiade
No. 6, 2016 China Taipei World Beach Handball Championship

school badge



On June 12, 1961, Taiwan's first sports specialty school, Taiwan Provincial Sports College, was approved to be established. Mr. Zhou Heming, the first headmaster, in order to gather centripetal force and reveal the educational concept of "being able to do well and be healthy and prosperous", takes the shield logo as the spiritual symbol of the school. The original name of the school is called "Provincial Polytechnic" for short; In 1991, it was renamed "Taiwan Sports College" for short when it was changed into a national institution; In 1996, it was restructured as "Taiwan Sports Institute" for short; In 2011, it was renamed "Taiwan Taida" for short.

Chromatic system

Taking the dark blue and pure white as the main colors, it conveys that the teachers and students of Taiwan Sports, with their calm, rational and aboveboard appearance, cultivate the spirit of simplicity, perseverance, fraternity and selflessness, and practice the learning attitude of erudition, interrogation, careful thinking, discrimination and practice.


To sum up, it means combining the elite education ideals of teaching, research and service, implementing the educational principle of balanced development of moral, intellectual, physical, mass and aesthetic education, cultivating sports professionals with great wisdom, benevolence and courage, driving sports for all, and accomplishing the ultimate goal of holistic education.
Outer margin
Shield shaped tunneling, taking the meaning of defending, shows the determination to maintain the orthodoxy and usher in an era.
Shield shaped tunneling, taking the meaning of defending, shows the determination to maintain the orthodoxy and usher in an era.
The main axis of plum blossom and ribbon symbolizes the meaning of attaching equal importance to three virtues and five educations. It is based on the perseverance and modesty of Han Mei, and reflects the school motto of combining martial arts and morality, being strong and diligent. [3]

brief history

June 12, 1961
The school was founded and named "Taiwan Provincial College of Physical Education". It has a three-year physical education department
August 1965
Add night department
New Hsinchu Branch (moved back to Taichung in September 1980)
Add five special departments
Stop calling at night
July 1991
To be affiliated to the competent education department in Taiwan
Add Leisure and Sports Department
Add sports dance department
July 1996
Reformed college
Suspension of enrollment in the third special school and addition of further study department
The four-year system consists of sports, leisure sports, competitive sports and sports dance
Two year system with separate departments of sports and competitive kinematics
August 1998
Add Chiayi Campus, and stop enrollment in the fifth special school
August 1999
Set up sports research institute, sports management department and two-year in-service training special class
The establishment of the Leisure Sports Management Institute and the increase of classes in the four-year sports kinematics department
August 2002
Set up a four-year physical education department
August 2003
The Department of Sports Health Sciences, the Department of Competitive Kinematics, the two-year suspension of recruitment and the four-year increase of Class B
January 2004
Take over Taichung Stadium
August 2004
Set up the Institute of Competitive Sports, Sports Dance and Sports Management, and stop the enrollment of two-year sports department
September 2007
We will set up an on-the-job special class for master's degree in sports management, an on-the-job special class for master's degree outside Vietnam, and an institute of sports and health science
September 2010
Add the Department of Fighting Kinematics, the Department of Ball Games Kinematics, and the Department of Sports Information and Communication
August 2011
It was renamed as a university, and added a college of sports education, a college of competitive sports, and a college of sports, leisure and health management
August 2012
Add an on-the-job special class for the master's degree in leisure sports management
August 2013
Add in-service degree program for master class of sports and health science department, and abolish two-year in-service special class of sports science department
August 2014
College of Sports, Leisure and Health Management was renamed as College of Sports Industry
August 2015
The Chiayi campus moved back to Taichung, where the Department of Physical Education and the Institute of Physical Education were merged into the Department of Physical Education, the Department of Sports Dancing was renamed the Department of Dancing, and the Department of Sports Management was renamed the Department of Sports Business Management