
[kě yǐ]
Chinese words
open 3 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
Yes, Pinyin k ě y ǐ, may or can; Means permission; Not bad , OK; Very, powerful; With become.
Chinese name
kě yǐ
Foreign name
Phonological sequence
no refuse
words whose meaning is similar


Pinyin: k ě y ǐ
1、can; may; could ; might; should
2、possible; pretty good ; not bad
3、surely; certainly


1. Indicates possible or possible. Example: The handwriting can be imitated.
2. Indicates a license. Example: ① You can go now. ② You can have a try.
3. Not bad, not bad. Example: ① Her English is OK. ② His composition is fairly good.
4. Very; fierce. Ex.: This is really free.


Synonyms: Yes, OK, good.
Part of speech: auxiliary verb

Citation explanation

1. Indicates possible or possible.
Chinese Jia Yi On accumulation, storage and dispersion 》: It can be used to make the world rich and secure, and it can be used as a granary.
Poetry · Chen Feng: Under the Heng Gate, you can stay late.
Mencius, On King Hui of Liang Dynasty: A house of five mu, a tree with mulberry, and fifty people can wear clothes and silk.
Su Shi of Song Dynasty, "The Imperial Examination of Xun and the Theory of Deuteronomy": The cultivation of heaven and earth can be referred to and can not be obtained.
bright Chen Jiru "A Record of the Family Temple of Grand Sima Huan Yuan Gong (Yuan Keli)": Only death can be a great event, and Chang Gong (Yuan Shu) is worthy of saying that.
Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty 》The fourth round: see Zhuang Gong for resettlement Bordet-Gengou Yu Ying said, "Although the mother is not the mother, the son cannot be without the son. The Lord's move is extremely harmful!"
Rain Resistance by Xu Lan of Qing Dynasty Heihe River 》Poetry: You can see fish in flowers but not water. A net can make a boat full.
Xia Yan Long distance 8: We thought we could get to Guilin today.
Returning to Liaodong in the Late Ming Dynasty, Listening to Suiyang and Yuan Keli: Shen Shouchong respectfully replied, "Yes, Uncle Yuan, the governor, went to Lai and adopted Qi Shaobao and Shui Jun to learn first Land war ’The strategy is to refine the navy and be in line with the teachers Sun Chengzong Governor of Tianjin Li Banghua formed horns with each other, supported with all his strength, and successfully took down Nuerhachi's son-in-law Liu Aita It can be said that he has made great contributions! "
2. It indicates a certain purpose.
Poetry, Xiaoya, Crane Whispering: The stone of the mountain can be wrong. Porous glume and sparse : It is a stone from a distant country. It can be used for wrong things.
Tang Dynasty Zhang Zhuo Youxian Cave 》: Mo Yan The hairpin is small and can be hung on the canal crown.
Former The History of the Han Dynasty Pinghua Volume II: Today Zhou Bo With profound military skills, the commander can retreat. For example, cotton can be woven, cottonseed You can also press oil.
3. Indicates a license.
Tang Dynasty Han Yu The epitaph of Lu Jun: Yin in Henan had a grudge against others, framed his grudge against thieves, and captured them. Fa Cao said, "I am also involved in a lawsuit. I can't do it now."
clear Li Yu "Occasional Postings of Leisure Love": Nine Palaces and Thirteen Tunes, opera sung in southern tunes It is also the gateway. A small set of Daqu can be used freely, while a complete set of Daqu can be divided into different families.
Same as the meaning of "Xing" in modern northern colloquial language. For example, "Can you help me move this baggage down, young man?" "Yes, no problem."
4. It is not bad; not so bad.
Xia Beggar Zun Ye Shengtao's "Wen Xin" IV: It's clear in this letter. The last two stanzas are lively and interesting, so it's OK.
Ding Ling Mother 1: The rules at home are much looser. Even Yu Wumei is OK.
5. It's very powerful.
Lu Xun Fan Ainong: He works hard and teaches at the same time.
Zhu Ziqing Miscellaneous Notes on Coming Back: It's really free.

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Legal analysis

The difference between "can" and "should"
"Yes" means that you have the right to do so or not to do so [1]
"Should" means necessary. The Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (File No.: Fa Gong Wei Fa [2009] No. 62 14) should, must.
There is no substantial difference between the meanings of "should" and "must". The law is expressing Obligatory norm Generally, "should" is used instead of "must".