Ancient Chinese

Language of ancient Han nationality
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synonym ancient Chinese (The language used by the Han people before the May 4th Movement) Generally refers to ancient Chinese (the language of ancient Han people)
Ancient Chinese, yes Han nationality The ancient language of, and Modern Chinese Relatively speaking, in a broad sense, where the May 4th Movement The languages used by the former Han people can be regarded as ancient Chinese [1] Ancient Chinese is divided into written language and pet phrase Two forms. The spoken language of ancient ancestors, in part Chinese dialects There are some leftovers.
Chinese name
Ancient Chinese
Foreign name
Classical Chinese
Age of use
the May 4th Movement front
Region of use
Ancient China

brief introduction

Ancient Chinese is divided into written language And oral language, because the ancient people Oral language It is hard to hear that the ancient Chinese we often say only refers to the written language.
The written form of ancient Chinese has a history of more than 3000 years from written records to the May 4th Movement. Generally, ancient Chinese can be divided into four periods: ancient, ancient, middle and recent.
In ancient times, it refers to the period from the Yin and Shang dynasties. In ancient times, it refers to the period of Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties. In ancient times, it refers to the period of Wei and Jin dynasties Southern and Northern Dynasties In the Sui, Tang and Song dynasties, the recent ancient refers to the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.
Ancient Chinese, which we usually study and study, refers to classical Chinese. The scope of classical Chinese is very wide Classics , is orthodox classical Chinese And the ancient prose written after the Six Dynasties imitated the works of the Pre Qin and Han Dynasties is also classical Chinese , such as Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song Dynasties Han Yu Liu Zongyuan Ouyang Xiu Su Xun Su Shi , Su Zhe Wang Anshi Zeng Gong), Pu Songling Of《 Strange Tales from a Liaozhai 》, Gong Zizhen's《 Sick Plum Pavilion 》Wait classical Chinese They are all the contents of ancient Chinese learning and research. As for the ancient vernacular, it is not what we learn, mainly because it is not very different from modern Chinese. Such as Buddhist scriptures, Tang and Song legends Song Yuan script , Ming and Qing Dynasties Vernacular novel They are the direct source of modern Chinese and have little difference from modern Chinese. Even if some classical Chinese words and grammar rules are retained, as long as we learn classical Chinese, ancient vernacular can also be understood. Therefore, the ancient vernacular is not the focus of our study. In the part of learning classical Chinese, we emphasize prose rather than poetry.

Evolutionary history

China has a civilization history of four or five thousand years, and the origin of Chinese characters and languages should be similar. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a kind of honest advice ——The language of Confucius' teaching. Yayan is actually classical Chinese, which is a language completely derived from characters. It is different from the dialect in daily use. Yayan is basically based on the pronunciation of the Haojing area, the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty.
When Qin Shihuang unified China, he proposed that "books should be written in the same way and cars should be on the same track", but he did not propose that "words should be homophony". In the Western Han Dynasty, although the capital was still in Xianyang, the immigrant population from the Central Plains following Liu Bang became the main body of the capital residents, which brought great impact and change to the voice of Guanzhong. After the Eastern Han Dynasty established its capital in Luoyang, Heluo language gained the status of national language.
The fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, the chaos in Yongjia, and the crossing of the river by Tianma led to the largest ethnic migration in China's history, which led to the southward migration of the Han cultural center. The Eastern Jin Dynasty established its capital in Jiankang (Nanjing), so that Heluo accent and Wunong soft language were combined into the new Mandarin. rhyme classification of characters 》The publication of Qieyun has laid a solid foundation for the standardization of Chinese pronunciation. The basic pronunciation standard of Qieyun is Jiankang dialect, which is enough to prove that the authentic Chinese culture has been transferred to the south. Qieyun is a pioneering project, which was compiled by the Tang people《 Tang rhyme 》Prepared by the Song people《 Song rhyming dictionary 》They are just additions to Qieyun, and there is no fundamental change. The capital of the flourishing Tang Dynasty is Chang'an, but Chang'an dialect has not replaced the authoritative position of the pronunciation of Tang Yun, which is called "Mandarin".
The national language of the Northern Song Dynasty is almost the same as that of the Tang Dynasty, but the popular accent and rhyme of Kaifeng, the capital, are more different. However, after the Song Dynasty moved to the south, the capital was located in Lin'an (Hangzhou), the Wu dialect area, which created the unique position of the Wu dialect in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the quintessence of the south.
The establishment of the Mongol Yuan Empire made the Chinese language in the north very confused. Based on the Dadu (Beijing) dialect, the Yuan government prepared《 Central Plains Phonology 》To replace the original "Guangyun" as the standard pronunciation of Chinese. Dadu dialect has many features of Mongolian, especially its pronunciation, which is actually a kind of "Mongolian Chinese" the entering tone Assign other three tones. In inheriting the phonological structure of traditional Chinese, the initial consonant structure of northern dialect is totally different from that of ancient Chinese, with no entering sound and voiced sound, which leads to the overall high pitch of northern dialect, with a clear and loud sound sense. Wu, Min, Yue and other dialects have become relics of ancient Chinese, masters of Chinese culture Nan Huaijin Sir thinks Cantonese It is the national language of the Tang Dynasty, Minnan dialect It is the national language of the Song Dynasty. [5]


So far, there is no research on ancient Chinese and Modern Chinese Set recognized and obvious boundaries. Generally“ the May 4th Movement ”“ the Vernacular Movement ”It is a watershed. Ancient Chinese can be divided into Old Sinitic and Ancient Chinese

written words

Ancient Chinese
There are six kinds of structural laws of Chinese characters, called“ Six Books ”: i.e Pictograph Fingering knowing Pictophoney Conversion Lending In fact, there are only the first four ways to create Chinese characters, while the latter is just the way to use characters.


The main characters used in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are Oracle Inscriptions on bronze Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period Each duke developed his own writing style. In the Qin Dynasty, the way of writing was unified Xiaozhuan As a universal font, Lishu has been successively created to simplify the writing of Xiaozhuan.
In fact, due to the relationship between teachers and successors in the development of Chinese characters, the actual writing is different in different regions. Therefore, some ancient books and calligraphy and painting use different Chinese characters.


There is no so-called grammar in Chinese, but only the comparison between the generations came up with this concept. The grammar of ancient Chinese is mainly reflected in the use of vocabulary and sentence structure.

Lexical use

Chinese has no western language Pinyin characters That way Part of speech change It directly uses words of other parts of speech to use flexibly (this is just to use modern concepts, not to say that ancient Chinese has these concepts). For example, noun use, verb nominalization, verb adjectiveization, etc.

sentence structure

Ellipsis sentences are widely used in ancient Chinese, such as subject Therefore, a large number of sentences cannot see the existence of the subject, and can only be inferred by the meaning of the context. In addition, a very obvious usage is to advance the object in a negative sentence. For example, "Time waits for no one" is a typical idiom of ancient Chinese structure. The object of "I" is put before "to". There are many words and sentences of the same kind, which is very different from modern Chinese.


Before the Zhou Dynasty, there was no unified sound in China. With the growing strength of the Zhou Dynasty, the local phonology gradually took the dialect or accent of the capital as the standard, called honest advice Literary Expositor 》It was the first book in the Zhou Dynasty to classify words. "Er" means close. "Ya" means refined words, that is, correct pronunciation.
Erya is the earliest dictionary in China, and the author cannot be examined. Most people think it is the ancient primary school masters (phonology, characters Exegesis )It is compiled gradually. It began to be compiled in the middle and late Warring States Period, and formed its present scale in the Han Dynasty Ancient times There are more than 4300 words.

Wade-Giles system

The phonetic system of early Chinese was "pronounced as a word", that is, the same or be similar pronunciation To mark the pronunciation of other words.
Later, the Chinese phonetic system was called“ Antitangent ”: Use the combination of two Chinese characters, that is, the former Consonant And the latter Finals and tone With the change of times, the ancient phonology is different from the modern phonology.

Adoption area

Because China's ancient national strength was at its peak, it affected the ethnic groups in neighboring areas to adopt or refer to Chinese and Chinese characters as local pronunciation and characters.
In terms of words, for example, the Korean Peninsula Unifying the Silla period It uses Chinese characters directly, and some theories refer to Ancient Korea At times, characters commonly used in Yan and Qi areas were also used. Qidan was created according to Chinese characters Khitan characters Khitan small script In accordance with Uighur Created alphabetic spelling text). The Jin (Nuzhen) big character is based on the Khitan big character combined with Chinese characters, and a new variety of square characters is reconstructed again. Tangut It is also based on Chinese character strokes.

beyond seas

Chinese is one of the oldest languages in the world. Ancient China has a highly developed culture, which has had a profound impact on good neighborly countries. Many foreign languages have Chinese words, and Japan, Vietnam, and Korea have even systematically retained a complete set of ancient Chinese pronunciation.
Japanese "Tokyo" reads Tokyo, and some people may not believe that this is the way to read Chinese. But this kind of pronunciation is an ancient Chinese dialect - Jiangsu and Zhejiang dialect in the fifth and sixth century AD. This dialect is called“ Wu Yin ”As the first wave of large-scale output of Chinese characters and sounds in Chinese history came to Japan, the second wave came from northern China to Korea around the 7th century, producing the "Korean transliteration".
Almost at the same time as the second wave, another set of Chinese pronunciation was imported into Japan from the Central Plains, forming another pronunciation of Japanese—— Kan-on There is a difference between the Chinese pronunciation and the Wu pronunciation of the Chinese dialect. If you use the Chinese pronunciation to pronounce the word "Tokyo", it will be called toukei. The Vietnamese began to accept Chinese characters in the Qin and Han Dynasties, while the large-scale adoption of Chinese characters was in the late Tang Dynasty. This is the fourth trend of ancient Chinese going abroad, which used to be called "Annan transliteration". The four pronunciations are different from each other. On the one hand, the pronunciation of Chinese is different in different times and regions, and on the other hand, foreigners have made some changes to the original pronunciation of Chinese according to their own pronunciation habits. (Just like Chinglish)
Japan, Korea and Vietnam have all used Chinese characters, but the situations are different. North Korea combines Chinese characters with Korean They are used together without any modification to the writing of Chinese characters. Japan combines Chinese characters with Kana They are used together, but more than 200 commonly used Chinese characters are simplified Simplified word And what we use Simplified Chinese characters dissimilarity. Vietnam is the country that absorbs most Chinese characters. In the 3rd century or so, Vietnamese created a mixture of "Zinan" and original Chinese characters in imitation of Chinese characters. However, Vietnam's“ Word murmur ”And North Korea People's democracy republic The Chinese characters of Pinyin characters Replaced.

Nature and content

Ancient Chinese was not generally offered in the old universities before liberation. From liberation to 1956, ancient Chinese was offered as a specialized language course in colleges and universities, but the teaching content was different. Some were taught as selections from ancient Chinese, some were taught in classical Chinese grammar, some were taught in characters, phonology, exegesis, and some were taught in Chinese history. The requirements of each school are different, but they are all stated systematically in theory. Their purpose is not to cultivate the ability to read ancient Chinese. At that time, students had perceptual knowledge of classical Chinese, but lacked rational knowledge. However, students after 1957 have poor ability to read classical Chinese, so the nature of the ancient Chinese course has changed from a professional course to a basic course, becoming a tool course to cultivate the ability to read classical Chinese. In 1961, Mr. Wang Li took the lead in practice, changing the content of ancient Chinese teaching into three parts: literary selections, commonly used words, and general theory. Facts have proved that this is very effective. We only talk about general theory and literary selections in teaching. Selected works focus on the implementation of words, words and sentences, and put some phenomena on a theoretical level, which is different from the requirements of ancient literature. The general theory of ancient Chinese mainly includes characters, phonology, vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric And so on.
Hakka is a language with a long history. It comes through the wind and smoke of history and has gone through the cleaning of years. Many of its words are ancient Chinese words, many of its sounds are ancient sounds, and many of its expressions are ancient expressions. It sounds like the ancients who passed through the tunnel of time directly in front of us, or the people in the Peach Blossom Garden who "don't know the Han Dynasty, regardless of the Wei and Jin Dynasties". [3] Zhang Taiyan has done a lot of research work on the Hakka language system. He has selected 63 Hakka words and confirmed them with ancient classics such as Shuowen, Erya, Dialect, Book of Rites, Mao Shi, Warring States Policy, Laozi, etc., which shows that the vocabulary of Hakka dialect is homologous with ancient Chinese. The Zhongzhou phonology of Hakka dialect has remained unchanged for thousands of years. [4]

Common sense of philology

Philology mainly studies the nature, structure and development law of Chinese characters.
Chinese characters are a kind of ideographic characters. There is a unified relationship between the shape and the meaning of a character. Analyzing the shape is helpful to understand the original meaning of a character. Dongpo Tower of Dafo Temple Dongpo Statue Written on the left Dongpo Ouyang Xiu Prose《 Record of the Old Tippler's Pavalion 》"Go towards the morning, and do not return." Generally, it is written as "dusk". How to explain "Mo"? Oracle bone inscriptions. Shuo Wen 》"Mo, the sun is also dark, and the sun is in the midst of the jungle." The sound "Mang" is the original word of "Mang" of "Cao Mang". The sun fell into the grass in the evening. Later, "Mo" was often borrowed as a negative adverb "bu" and an indefinite pronoun "nobody" and "nothing". Then, "sun" was added under "Mo" to indicate that it was nearly dark. "Mo" and "mu" became a pair of ancient and modern words.
The Book of Songs · Bin Feng · July: "The fortress goes to many households." The direction refers to the window facing north, which is not easy to understand today. The oracle bone inscription is like a window on the wall under the eaves, not from the mouth. "Shuowen": "You go out from the north, and you go out from the mouth." In order to prevent cold, the windows facing north are blocked up in winter, and the firewood door is plastered with mud.


Phonology To study the phonological structure of ancient Chinese and the evolution of ancient and modern phonology.
Understanding phonology will help deepen the understanding of ancient Chinese words.
Su Shi Joyful Rain Pavilion 》After the Xiyu Pavilion was built, Su Shi congratulated the guests: "So he raised wine on the pavilion and told them that he belonged to the guests." Note in the third volume of Wang Li's Ancient Chinese: "It belongs to Zhu. Later, he wrote that it belonged to the guests: pour wine for the guests to drink." In fact, "belonging" has nothing to do with "pouring". It is improper to say "belong" as "order"( Ancient and modern characters )。 The initials of "Gui" and "Zhu" are both "Zhang", which are the same as "Yu" in "Guangyun" (16 pictures in "Guangyun", each picture is composed of rhymes with similar pronunciation). The two words have the same sound and meaning. "Belonging" through "note" means "pouring" and "pouring". Lift the wine: pick up the wine. Subordinate guests: give to guests.
Understanding phonology is helpful to explain the dialect. Dialect is the preservation of ancient sounds. The ancient sounds j, q and x are derived from the reference lines g, k, h and the essence lines z, c and s. "Notes to Shuijing · Hanshui Chapter": "Wenshui is the gate water." Why is "Wenshui" read as "gate water"? Because in ancient times there was no initial consonant of light lip sounds. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, "Wen" was read as "micro" mother with light lip sound, and in ancient times, it was read as "ming" mother with heavy lip sound. So w é n is read as m é n. Today, some dialects still retain this ancient pronunciation. In Yiyang dialect of Hunan, "w é n zi (mosquito)" is pronounced as "m é n zi".
Understanding phonology is helpful to the understanding of Chinese Character Structure Understanding. "Special": sound from cattle temple. (There is no supralingual sound in ancient times). "Pai" is silent from the hand( Ancient without light lip sound ); Mosquito, also known as a mosquito.
understand Rhyme of poetry , understanding word meaning It's good. For example: modern-style poetry requirement level and oblique tones Harmony: In a sentence, the level and the oblique must alternate: the level and the oblique are the level and the oblique, the level and the oblique are the level. In a couplet, the tone is opposite to the level Antithesis The tone must be opposite to the level. Wang Wei The Travel of the Veteran General: "In the past, there was no whole eye for flying arrows, but today, Yang hangs down and gives birth to the left elbow." "Yang" is used rhetorically Metonymy , pronoun. "Yang" means "Liu". The allusion, Zhuangzi Zhile: "The willow grows on its left elbow in Russia." Wang Xianqian's Jijie: "The willow is a tumor, and the sound is borrowed from the word." "The willow" is connected with the tumor, "Yang" is used instead of "Liu", and the rhyme is used to write the arrow of the veteran, so that the bird can't see all.
Du Fu The cottage is broken by the autumn wind 》"The higher one hangs on the top of the forest, and the lower one floats on the sink." From the perspective of poetic antithesis, "sink" should have the same part of speech as "long", and "long treetop" and "sink" should have a positive structure. "Deep" means "deep", and deep thinking means deep thinking. Flying high, hanging on the high treetops, floating low into the deep pond.

General knowledge of lexicology

Lexicology mainly studies the composition of ancient Chinese vocabulary and the changing law of word meaning.
Book of Songs, Zhou Nan, Curl 》"Picking curly ears does not fill an empty basket." "Picking" is said to be collecting, and picking again after picking; Qing Dynasty · Dai Zhen Ma Ruichen Speak of prosperity. It means "flourishing". ① The four chapters of the poem are about women's yearning for recruiting people. When the wife misses her husband at home, the curly ears are flourishing, and she is carrying a shallow basket. Lao Cai is dissatisfied, which shows that her heart is not on curly ears, and it is in line with the theme of the poem. ② The "Caicai" in the Book of Songs should be "flourishing" and "numerous". "Qin Feng · Jianjia": the other chapter, "Jianjia is exuberant", should be "exuberant". Cao Feng · Ephemera: "Gather clothes." Mao Zhuan: "Gather clothes, many also." ③ In all the "Book of Songs" transitive verb There is no overlapping form, and only one "acquisition" is used for the meaning of "acquisition". And those before nouns reduplications All are set off Appearance Adjectives of. The meaning of this kind of reduplicated words is not the simple addition of the meanings of single words. It is due to the wrong understanding of this nature of reduplicated words that "Caicai" is said to be "Caicai and Caicai".
In the 1987 college entrance examination, it was required to choose a group with all the right characters and sounds. The only group left had a word "waddle", which was said to be "waddle". In fact, all right. alliterative two-syllable terms Only the same or similar pronunciation is required, not the same font, so the writing method is relatively free. For example, the disyllabic continuous word "hesitation" can be written as "you yu", "you yu", "you yi", "you yi", etc.
Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》"These generals can either serve as their hearts, or serve as their claws, or serve as meritorious officials." "claws" is a derogatory word in modern Chinese, meaning "accomplices, running dogs". This is a commendatory word. "Claws" were originally the tools for animals to find food and defend themselves, and they are used as a metaphor for military officials and powerful generals. Some of these generals serve as confidants, some serve as military officials, and some serve as meritorious officials.

Common Sense of Grammar

Study the rules of ancient Chinese structure, including morphology and syntax.
Mencius ·With all one's heart, "Confucius ascended the East Mountain and the small Lu Mountain Mount Tai And the small world. "
"Mencius, First Message": Chess Autumn It's listening. "
Han Yu《 Teacher said 》: "Li's son Pan, 17 years old, good ancient Chinese Be casual And learn more. " The first "Yu", a preposition, introduces the behavior of the initiative, "bei". The second "Yu" refers to the object involved in the action, "Xiang". Not constrained by the social fashion of being ashamed of teachers at that time, learn from me.
The Analects of Confucius · Yan Yuan 》:“ Duke Jing of Qi Ask Confucius about politics. Confucius said to him, "Your majesty, your ministers, your father, your son." The duke said, "Good! Faith is like a king without a king, a minister without a minister, a father without a father, and a son without a son. Although there are millets, I can eat them."

Common Sense of Rhetoric

Study the effect of language expression.
The most commonly used rhetorical devices in ancient Chinese are "metonymy" and "intertextuality". "Metonymy" is still used in modern Chinese, while "intertextuality" is rarely used. "Intertextuality" means that the preceding and following sentences or words complement each other in meaning. The emphasis is on the separation of form and meaning, and the context complements each other to jointly express the meaning of the text. Du Mu Park Qinhuai River 》"The cold water in the smoke cage and the moon in the sand cage, and the Qinhuai River is close to the restaurant at night." "The smoke", "the moon", and "the cold water", "the sand" are above, and they are the relationship between "cage" and "cage". Here, "smoke" and "moon" complement each other, which means that both smoke and moon are covered with cold water and sand. The snake catcher said 》"Shouting from east to west, and rushing from north to south.". If you don't know the characteristics of intertextuality, it is easy to be mistaken if you only understand it in form. Songs of Chu · Lisao 》"Let's enlighten the nine debates and nine songs, and let's enjoy the leisure and entertainment of Xia." Wang Yi Chapters and Sentences of Songs of Chu 》The note does not consider intertextuality. It links the words "Xia Kang" with human names, that is, "Tai Kang". In fact, "Qi" is Xia Qi, and "Xia" is also Xia Qi. The two intertextualities, a word of enlightenment, a word of summer, refers to a person. In this way, formal correspondence can be understood neatly.

Common Sense of Exegetics

Exegetics is a discipline that takes exegesis as its research object. The exegetics takes the exegesis of ancient written language as the object and the semantics as the main research content.
Understanding exegetics is helpful to understanding the meaning of words. For example, one way of explaining words in exegetics is sound gloss Explain the meaning of words with words with the same or similar sounds. It is helpful to identify interchangeable words. For example:《 Poetry · Qin Feng · Zhongnan 》"What is there in Zhongnan? There is discipline and a hall." Mao Chuan: "Discipline is the foundation." "The hall is as smooth as a hall."
Wang Yinzhi Commenting on the Essence 》Fifth: "The mountain base, Bi Dao, is still the mountain, not the ownership of the mountain." He textual research: the last chapter of this article: "What is there in Zhongnan? There is a plum tree." It refers to the trees produced on the mountain. In all the Book of Songs, we can find out what belongs to the mountain: there are hazelnuts in the mountain, Mount Youfu Su , there is Qiao Song in the mountain, A mountain has a pivot There are lacquer in the mountain, mulberry in the south mountain, poplar in the north mountain, plum in the north mountain, and qi in the south mountain, all of which refer to good trees. The first chapter of this poem is written Zhongnan Mountain There are plants and trees. The second chapter talks about mountains. Non conformance《 The Book of Songs 》Style. He solved the problem through ancient sounds: "discipline" is connected with "qi", and "tang" is connected with "tang". The initial consonant of "Ji" is "Jian", and the initial consonant of "Qi" is "Xi", both of which are "Zhi" parts. "Tang" and "Tang" are both mother and yang.
Learning ancient Chinese should also understand the common sense of ancient culture.
"Xu Xing": "Although the children of five feet are suitable for the market, they should not be bullied." In the Qin and Han Dynasties, one foot was only 23 centimeters, and five feet was 1.15 meters. There is a word "fast" in "Ximen Leopard Governing Ye". The textbook notes: "In ancient times, when people held sacrifices, they had to fast first (including bathing, changing clothes, vegetarianism, living alone, etc.) to show respect for God." In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Before Buddhism was introduced into China, the content of "fasting" included bathing, changing clothes, abstinence from cravings and other requirements for healthy and clean body, but it did not require vegetarian diet. On the contrary, according to the Zhouli, the ancients also emphasized meat when fasting. In particular, the Emperor fasted, killing animals three times a day, and changing patterns in the morning, middle and evening. After Buddhism was introduced into China, vegetarian food was required for fasting. The language facts reflected in Ximen Leopard Governing Ye were before the Western Han Dynasty.
The general part only talks about words, vocabulary, grammar, phonology, rhetoric and exegesis, with words, vocabulary and grammar as the key points.

learning method

Generally speaking, it is mainly used. be careful:
1. Establish a historical perspective, focusing on mastering the differences between ancient and modern Chinese.
2. Read the text and practice more. Read the passage carefully. The chapters to recite include:《 Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan 》《 Duke Huan of Qi attacked Chu 》《 Battle of the Red Dragon 》《 Lu Xiangjueqin 》《 It's hard for Yanzi not to die 》。
3. Check the reference book frequently. Dictionary of Common Words in Ancient Chinese 》《 etymology 》Big Dictionary《 Big dictionary 》, He Leshi, Interpretation of Ancient Chinese Function Words, compiled by the Teaching and Research Section of Ancient Chinese, Institute of Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences《 Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Function Words 》Etc.

Learning purpose

The purpose of learning ancient Chinese is roughly three:
1. Improve the ability to read classical Chinese to critically inherit ancient cultural heritage.
Classical Chinese, which represents the majority of Chinese written language, has left us an extremely rich cultural heritage. To understand the ancient cultural heritage, we must learn ancient Chinese.
In medicine, learning ancient medical literature is conducive to inheriting the ancient medical heritage. Romance of the Three Kingdoms · Biography of Hua Tuo 》Record that Hua Tuo told his disciples Wu Pu In ancient times, longevity people used Qigong as one of the methods to exercise and treat diseases: bear necked owl Gu. "Bear neck" should be "Bear Sutra". And《 Ancient Chinese Studies 》In the fourth issue of Li Huaizhi's New Interpretation of the "Bear Sutra" in 1995, it was pointed out that the previous interpretation of the Bear Sutra was close but wrong in shape. When the "Sutra" was "hung", the "Bear Sutra" was hung like a bear. Imitate the action of a bear climbing a branch. Guangya · Interpretation 》"Jing is also a path." Li Shan's note in Selected Works · Zuo Si: "Straight action Jing." Path: straight walking. There is a guide map of silk books in Han Tombs at Mawangdui titled "Bear Sutra", which shows that the left and right feet are in front of each other, the left and right arms fall together, the stomach is closed and the chest is raised, the body is leisurely and swaying, similar to the walking skill of later generations. This is the bear's upright stance. Owl, also known as Horned owl , is a kind of owl. The owl looks back like a horned owl. Imitate the action of the horned owl looking back. "Bear" and "Owl" are written before the verb adverbial This phenomenon is called ordinary adverbial modifier Go straight like a bear, look back and forth like a horned owl.
In terms of military affairs, we should learn from the military thoughts of the ancients and also contact classical Chinese. Historical Records, Biography of Sun Tzu Wu Qi 》It describes a battle between Qi and Wei at Weimaling. Qi Army Division Sun Bin Xiang, Senior General Tian Ji When analyzing the military situation of the two countries, he said: "One who is interested in the benefits of a hundred miles will defeat the general." A hundred miles means marching a hundred miles a day; "Interest" means "trend". "Interest and profit", run for profit, Pictophonetic characters , faint from the foot. The original meaning is falling down, which is extended to "frustration". To use a verb to frustrate; General, Senior Military Officer, General Yitong, Chief General. The general will be frustrated if he marches a hundred miles every day to fight for profits. [2]
2. Improve Modern Chinese To enhance the expression ability of modern Chinese.
Language is a historical category. In terms of its own laws, modern Chinese is formed and developed on the basis of ancient Chinese. Modern Chinese still retains ancient Chinese words, rule of grammar rhetorical devices There are also strong expressions of idioms, maxims, poems and famous lines.
"A hundred foot worm, dead but not stiff"《 Modern Idiom Dictionary 》(Chinese Department of Gansu Normal University): "A hundred feet, the name of the worm, that is, Malu, is about an inch long, and its trunk is 20 knots long. It can still wriggle after being cut off; Stiffness: Stiffness... It is used to describe that although a person dies, his influence or influence still exists."《 Zhan Guoce · Yan Ceyi 》"The Su Dynasty called Yan Zhao Wang Yue" Zhang Su Dai said, "His husband's official did not return for three years, and his wife loved him. His beloved said," What can I do if my son's husband comes? "His wife said," Don't worry, I have been waiting for him to come for medicinal wine. When his husband came, he ordered his concubine to drink medicinal wine. "Her concubine knew that, halfway And stand up. He said, "If I drink from my lord father, I will kill him."; If you tell my lord father about this, you will expel my lord mother. Those who kill my father and chase my mistress would rather pretend to stumble (zh ì) and cover it (overthrow it). So he fell down because he pretended to be stiff. " Also, "Warring States Policy, Yan Ceyi" People Are Evil Su Qin Zhang Suqin, the king of Yan, talked about the matter of faithfulness: "There are many officials in his family, and his wife is private. The husband should go home, and those who are private should worry about it. His wife said," Don't worry about the public, I have been waiting for the medicinal wine. The next two days, the husband arrived. The wife made me enter with Zhijiu. I knew that his medicinal wine was also medicinal wine. When I entered, I killed my lord father (male master), and in other words, I chased my lord mother (female master), but I abandoned the wine due to yang stagnation. " (Yang: Tong "feint") "Selected Works" Volume 52 Cao's "Six Dynasties Theory": "A hundred foot worm is not stiff until death, and people will support it." Li Shan quoted Lu Lianzi as a note: "A hundred foot worm is broken but not broken, and people will hold it."
Guangming Daily 》: "They corrupt and draw together ideologically, luring some people into fighting for fame, seek nothing but profits Only officials are plundering, only power is seizing, unscrupulously misappropriating and squandering the fruits of the people's labor, and pursuing a life that is more corrupt than capitalist life. " Among them, "name seeking is a struggle, profit seeking, official seeking is a grab, and power seeking is a grab" is the form of "only... is..." in ancient Chinese.
Usually, a pot of rice can eat ten people, and a stool can sit five or six people. What is actually used is the grammatical rule of ancient Chinese: causative action. "Know everything, know everything": there is nothing unknown.
Erli: a nickname for thirty years old. The Analects of Confucius · for politics 》"Confucius said: at fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning a man should be independent at the age of thirty at forty, I had no doubts At fifty, one knows the destiny of heaven; at sixty, one is obedient; at seventy, one follows one's heart and does not overstep one's rules. "
Since modern Chinese is developed on the basis of ancient Chinese, of course, to improve the language accomplishment of modern Chinese, we should In ancient Chinese Take nourishment. image Lu Xun , Mao Dun, Zhu Ziqing Ice core All the great writers of modern literature have profound attainments in ancient literature and ancient Chinese. Qian Zhongshu The Pipe and Awl Collection 》。 Taiwanese writer Qiong Yao In the Water, the title and theme song are both taken from《 The Reeds and Rushes 》: "The reeds are green and white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side The path is long and obstructed when the birds return from it. When you swim from it, you are in the middle of the water. " It can be seen that familiarity with the language of ancient literature is undoubtedly of positive significance for improving the expression ability of modern Chinese. [2]
3. Cultivate the ability to teach middle school Chinese, especially classical Chinese.
Some classical Chinese texts in middle school Chinese textbooks have no notes, which need teachers to solve by themselves. Such as《 Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》Write Jiao Zhongqing When pleading with Jiao's mother to leave Liu Lanzhi, she said, "My son has lost his salary and is lucky to get this woman again.". The common meaning of "Fu" as an adverb is "You, Zai", for example, in this article, "Do not take it again when you are old". It is inappropriate to say "again, again" here. "You, Zai" means the repetition of actions, while Jiao Zhongqing only married Liu Lanzhi and only married her once. "Re" Yes auxiliary verb "Neng" means. Han Yuefu · Changge Xing 》:“ From rivers to the sea When to return to the west. " If the answer is "again, again", it seems reasonable, but it is unreasonable. China's terrain is high in the west and low in the east. It is impossible for all rivers to return to the west, let alone return to the west. "Fortunately, I got this woman again" means I was lucky to get this woman.
Records of the Historian: Biographies of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng: "People who are poor turn against their roots, so they work hard Weary pole , no, no Hulking Also; Suffering from illness You have to call your parents. " There is no note under "pole" in high school textbooks. In this passage, "labor and fatigue" is opposite to "sickness and agony". "labor", "sickness and pain", "fatigue and fatigue" and "agony" are synonymous structures. "pole" cannot be understood as "pole". "Tired" and "extremely" are synonymous. Guangya Shigu: "Tired, exhausted, extremely." Wang Bao, Western Han Dynasty《 The Holy Lord is praised by wise officials 》: "The mediocre man's riding horse... His chest is panting and his skin is sweating, and his horse is tired." For the text, "extreme" is also "tired". Southern Dynasties, Liang Dynasty, Yin Yun《 novel 》:“ Jin Ming Emperor As the crown prince, I heard of Emperor Mu of the Yuan Dynasty, and went up to Qiyun to say, "How about if I hear that Mu has worked very hard for a long time, and I don't respect the body?" Answer: "It is very good to remove dirt, and the body is not very good." One of the "not very" books is "not tired", which shows that "extremely" has the meaning of "labor", while "labor" and "fatigue" have the same meaning. And《 A New Account of the Tales of the World 》The term "small pole" is commonly used in, and sometimes it is also called "small fatigue". It can be seen that "extreme" is "tiredness".
Some of the notes in the textbook are wrong, which requires the teacher to have the ability to distinguish. Senior Three《 Lord Xinlingjun Steals Charm to Save Zhao 》Young Master Wei said to Jin Bi's army, "He ordered the army to rein in and say," Father and son are all in the army, father will go home; brothers are all in the army, brother will go home; the only son has no brothers, he will go home. "So he chose 80000 soldiers to attack the Qin army. The words "check the army" and "check the army" in the words "check the army" do not mean "check the army". The original meaning of "Le" is "bridle", which is extended to "pull the reins to stop the horse", and then extended to "rectify" and "deploy". The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Guangwu Period 》: "Pro control of the six armies, great Chen Rongma." "Records of the Historian: Biographies of Sun Tzu Wu Qi": "Sun Tzu Wu is the same as Qi people. See the King of Wu with the art of war name of a king of Wu in the Spring and Autumn period He Lu said: I have seen all the thirteen chapters of my son. Can I try to draw troops? To say: Yes. He closed the door and said, "Can we try women?"
Redords of the Grand History of China · Biography of Lianpo Lin Xiangru 》"When I came here today, the king saw all the officials standing in front of me, and he was very rude. He got Bi, which was said to be a beauty, and made a fool of me. The king didn't want to compensate the king of Zhao, so I took Bi again." "Play a fool of me" is a verb, and "tease" is a verb. Both statements are not safe in context. Gathering of arts and culture 》Volume 17 of the "People" section cited the "Historical Records" as "Today's great king saw his officials with great proprieties and obtained Bi. It is said that the beauty of the people teased him, so his officials took Bi again." Volume 84 of the "Baoyu" section cited "Today's great king saw his officials with great proprieties and obtained Bi, and it was said that the beauty of the people teased him, so his officials took Bi again." Using this to collate the current "Historical Records", we learned that "Chen" was derived from the following. The original tease is jade Not the same. King Qin She was so happy because she cheated the rare treasure and passed it on to the concubines to enjoy it. This is the focus of the culture rather than playing with Xiangru.