Classical Management Theory

General name of western management theories at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century
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classical management theory It refers to the general name of western management theories at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Taylor's Scientific management theory fayol Of Management Process Theory weber Of Classical Administrative Organization Theory Composition. Ewek He and Gulick systematically sorted out the management theories of Taylor, Fayol, Weber and others, and put forward eight management principles applicable to all organizations Organizational principles And seven management functions It is the first time to mention the importance of management to its due position, and regard management as an essential factor in any organized society. It is a process of coordinating the collective, striving to achieve goals, and achieving maximum results. emphasize Scientific management , precision and strictness. stay organization structure Strict from top to bottom Hierarchy , regarding the organization as a closed system, Organizational functions The improvement of only depends on internal rationalization, and less consideration is given to external environmental effect , ignoring human psychological factor See "Scientific Management Theory"“ Organizational Management Theory ”。 [1]
Chinese name
Classical Management Theory
Taylor's scientific management theory, Fayol's management theory, Weber's classical administrative organization theory
Scientific, precise and strict management
Adopt scientific methods
For the first time, the importance of management was raised to its due position
Generation time
Early 20th century

Origin of management theory

In the early 20th century, initiated by Taylor scientific management The revolution led to the emergence of classical management theory. Taylor, the representative of classical management theory fayol weber Solve the management problems of enterprises and social organizations from three different perspectives, namely workshop workers, general managers of offices and organizations, and solve the problems of industrial relations , management principles, production efficiency, etc Management thought Guidance and scientific theory method.
We won social and cultural victories. The strong stimulus force in the takeoff phase can be shown as industrial revolution In the form of,
Classical Management Theory
management science It came into being at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century capitalism Gradually formed and developed with the development of industry. It is generally believed that management science comes from the United States Management scientist Frederick Winslow Taylor began to appear after classical management theory Behavioral Science Theory and Modern Management Theory Three stages of development. Of course, the three stages are not completely separated, nor does the next stage begin after the previous stage. In fact, although various management theories came into being first, they developed side by side and influenced each other after they came into being.
Classical Management Theory



scientific management

Classical Management Theory
Scientific management theory F. W. Taylor (1856-1915), who first proposed the concept of scientific management, was published in 1911《 Principles of Scientific Management 》A book that is recognized as“ Father of Scientific Management ". Main contents: The basic starting point of scientific management theory is to improve the efficiency of labor production, which mainly includes: a Working methods Standardization of labor tools and working environment; b. Determine reasonable workload; c. Select and train workers to master standard working methods; d. Implementing differential wage system; e. Implementation Functional foreman system

General management

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) Organizational management He carried out systematic and original research and published《 Industrial management and general management 》Later generations called him "the father of management process".
Main content: Fayol proposed that management activities include five functions: planning, organization, command, coordination and control. And he gave 14 general Management principles
Industrial Management and General Management
Its representatives include: Babbage , he developed Adam Smith Of Division of labor Theory; Proposed Management efficiency Twelve principles; Maius proposed six principles of management; Bai Lang advocated the three principles of management, etc.

Management organization

Max Weber (1864-1920) focused on organization theory The theory of "ideal administrative organization system" was put forward.
Main contents: Weber believes that the ideal administrative system has the following characteristics: a. clear organizational division of labor; b. A top-down hierarchy; c. Reasonably appoint personnel; d. Establish professional management personnel system; e. Establish strict rules and disciplines that are not affected by various factors; f. Establish rational rules of action.
One of the more prominent representatives is Taylor (America), who proposed to sell and buy Standard operation Principle of work quota and Standardization principle Fayol (France), who proposed that management is different from operation, but one of the six functional activities of operation, namely technical activities, commercial activities, financial activities, security activities, accounting activities and management activities; Weber (Germany) proposed the ideal Theory of Administrative Organization System , emphasizing the need to establish rules and disciplines that are not affected by personal feelings but are applicable in any situation, and the relationship between people in the organization is completely guided by rational principles; Eric (UK), who proposed eight principles that he thought were applicable to all organizations, namely, the principle of objectives, the principle of conformity, the principle of responsibility, the principle of organizational hierarchy, the principle of control breadth, the principle of specialization, the principle of coordination and the principle of clarity; Geelik (America), who systematized various theories on management functions, put forward the famous seven functions theory of management, namely planning, organization, personnel, command, coordination, report and budget.

Introduction to Management Theory


Taylor theory

1. Taylor's Life
Scientific management theory It is reflected in Taylor's "Principles of Scientific Management". Taylor was born in a wealthy lawyer's family in the United States. His good family education helped him develop a strong desire to pursue truth, observe and check facts, and a passion to eradicate waste and laziness. He wanted to explore the best way to deal with everything. At the age of 18, Taylor was admitted with excellent results Harvard University In the second year, he stopped his studies due to his eyesight and health and became an apprentice in a small machinery factory. At the age of 22, he joined the Midwell Steel Company in Philadelphia as a mechanic, and then quickly promoted to foreman and chief technician. At the age of 28, he was the chief engineer of the Iron and Steel Company. He has rich practical experience on the situation of workers and labor conditions, which has led him to improve the efficiency of workers Labor efficiency To change the working conditions of enterprises. To understand this kind of thinking, it is necessary to understand his Bethlehem Steel Phenomenon witnessed by oneself - still in a relatively primitive state business management Because Taylor's determination to improve the way of working in the factory was aroused by this personal experience. Taylor's series of experiments began from then on. After 1901, he spent most of his time writing and lecturing to promote his management theory In 1911, he published his representative work Scientific Management Principles. In the Principles of Scientific Management, Taylor believed that science Management thought Four major Management principles
First, establish a strict science. Scientific rules should be drawn up for each part of a person's work to replace the old practice of relying only on experience.
Second, scientific selection, training, education and development work. To achieve standardization and differentiation of work Piece rate system Workers must be selected scientifically to ensure that they have the physical and intellectual conditions corresponding to their work. Then, workers must also receive systematic training and be given the opportunity to further develop, so that they can be competent for "the most advanced, interesting and profitable work" and become "first-class workers".
Third, sincerely cooperate with the workers to ensure that all work has been developed Scientific principles work.
Fourth, workers and management layer The share of work and responsibility between them is roughly equal, and the management should take back the work suitable for itself. In the history of management thought, Taylor is known as the "father of scientific management". The title was engraved on his tombstone.
Taylor's scientific management theory mainly includes:
(1) scientific management The central issue in is to improve labor efficiency
Taylor believes that the root of scientific management lies in improving labor production efficiency Because scientific management, like a labor-saving machine, is aimed at improving the output of each unit of labor force. He believes that enterprises should improve labour productivity The potential of is very large. Under the conditions at that time, each worker's ability only played a third in the work. Tyler is in a labor movement pig iron In the experiment, the daily amount of iron handled by workers has generally increased from 12.5 tons to 47.5 tons, an increase of 3.8 times, and the wages of workers have increased from $1.15 to $1.85 per day. However, both employers and workers had no idea how much work a worker could do and how much work he should do in a day.
(2) In order to improve the efficiency of labor production, it is necessary to select first-class workers for work
Taylor believes that the so-called first-class workers include two aspects: first, the ability of the worker is most suitable for the job he is engaged in, and second, the worker is willing to engage in this job from the heart. Because each person has different talents and talents, they are also suitable for different jobs. Strong people may be the first class to do physical work, while skillful people may be the first class to do fine work. Therefore, people should be assigned to appropriate jobs according to their different abilities and talents, so that they can become first-class workers. Those workers who are not suitable for work should be trained to meet the needs of work, or they should be reassigned to other suitable jobs. It is the duty of leaders to train workers to become first-class workers.
(3) In order to improve labor productivity, it is necessary to study working hours and standardization
While making Schmidt a "high priced worker", Taylor observed what was related to Schmidt's daily workload by changing different work factors. For example, Schmidt sometimes bent his knees when carrying pig iron, and sometimes bent his waist instead of knees. Taylor tested rest time , travel speed, transport position and other variables. After a long period of scientific testing on the combination of various processes, technologies, tools, etc., Taylor successfully reached his expected level. By selecting the right workers, using the right tools and equipment, making workers work exactly according to the specified methods, and encouraging workers with high wage efficiency, Taylor can achieve his goal of 48 tons of daily workload.
Man hour study As Taylor system It is not simply to complete one piece for one worker Mandate Make time statistics, but break down a work into various basic components, make tests, and then rationality Rearrange to determine the best Working methods Therefore, man hour research is to use data to study the future, rather than the past, to analyze problems, rather than simply describe problems. In addition, in addition to the standardization of operating methods, tools, machinery, raw materials and operating environment should also be improved, and all elements related to the task should be standardized finally. The research and standardization of working hours has found a more scientific way to understand how to complete a job more reasonably.
(4) On lay down a criterion Differential piece rate wage system based on quota
Formulating standard quota is the basis of the whole Taylor wage system. Through a large number of time and motion study He divided every task into as many simple tasks as possible Basic actions , remove the invalid actions, and find out the best and fastest operation method for each basic action by observing and recording the operation process of skilled workers, which constitutes his confirmation day Work quota The foundation of. Of course, Taylor also considered working process The inevitable waste of time. On the basis of the standard quota, Taylor proposed to implement the new wage system , that is, differential piece rate wage system. He believed that Hourly wage system and Profit sharing system Can not fundamentally solve the problem. The differential piecework wage system is“ Salary payment Under the guidance of the idea that the target is workers rather than positions, different levels of Wage rate That is, the quota can be completed according to Salary standard To encourage workers to do everything possible to complete the work quota, 125% of them will be paid, while 80% of them will be paid if they fail to meet the quota.
(5) Set the plan level and implement Functional foreman system
Taylor believes that a "comprehensive" foreman should have nine qualities: intelligence, education, specialized or technical knowledge, flexible hands and feet, strength, tact, sophistication, drive, perseverance, loyalty and honesty, judgment and general knowledge, and good health. Taylor believes that it is not too difficult to find a person with the above three qualities, it is more difficult to find a person with the above five or six qualities, and it is almost impossible to find a person with seven or eight of the above qualities. In order to solve this contradiction, Taylor put forward the idea of a phased functional foreman, because the foreman's Work specialization After that, the requirements for the physical and mental strength of the employees will be reduced accordingly.
Taylor divides responsibilities into two categories: executive responsibility and planning responsibility.
The executive department can be divided into: ① person in charge of work assignment; ② Speed administrator; ③ Inspector; ④ Maintenance personnel. In the planning department, it can be broken down into: ① Workflow Administrator; ② Instruct card administrator; ③ working hours Cost Administrator ;④ Workshop discipline administrator. In this way, the work of one foreman in the old organization was in the charge of eight functional foremen, which solved the problem of the lack of comprehensive management talents at that time. Taylor believes that every worker has only one functional foreman to lead in any specific aspect of his work, so it will not cause Multi leader And make the workers at a loss. Moreover, since each functional foreman only needs to learn to perform limited responsibilities Training function The foreman's job will be easier.
(6) For the organization management control implement Exception principle
According to this principle, the manager should receive concise, clear and comparative reports, which should include all kinds of non-standard exceptions that have not occurred in the past under normal circumstances, including particularly good exceptions and particularly bad ones. In this way, it only takes a few minutes for the manager to fully understand the development process and advance and retreat of the situation, so that he can have time to examine a broader range of policies and guidelines and study the characteristics and job competency of important personnel under his leadership.
Here, Taylor emphasized that Managers Managers should avoid minor problems in management and leave these routine affairs to special personnel to deal with. They only need to care about "exceptional problems". This“ Exceptional principle ”Can check who has fulfilled his responsibility and who has failed to do so.
The "exception principle" helps managers get rid of daily specific affairs to focus on Major issues conduct Decision making supervision , is necessary and beneficial. The implementation of this principle should not only be authorized to the lower level, but also make the daily business work standardized and institutionalized, so that the lower level personnel have rules to follow.
(7) In order to realize scientific management, we should carry out a "psychological revolution"
Taylor believes that the essence of scientific management theory is to carry out a "psychological revolution", change the opposition between labor and capital into mutual cooperation, and work together to improve labor productivity. He stressed that workers must be made to realize that scientific management is good for them. Only under the condition of improving operating methods can they achieve higher labor productivity without increasing physical consumption, so as to increase workers' wages; Only scientific management can cost reduction To meet the employer's profit requirements.
It can be seen that Taylor's management theory advocates the use of scientific methods and scientific practical spirit in management, so that Research and scientific knowledge In place of the individual manager subjective judgment And experience. It is the appearance of Taylor's theory that makes human management from experience to science. It is on the basis of Taylor's management theory that a series of technologies and methods have been created and developed to improve labor productivity, which in turn have become management system The basis for rational organization of production. Of course, there are many Taylor's scientific management theories deficiencies , except by the bourgeois class Of Class limitation In addition, it is also shown in the following aspects: First, the view on workers is wrong. He believes that the main motivation of the workers is Economic profit Workers are most concerned about increasing their own money income. He believed that the workers were clumsy and totally ignorant of the scientific operation. Second, only attach importance to Technical factors , ignoring the influence of social and group factors on management. Third, pay attention to Grass roots management or Workshop management , ignoring how the enterprise as a whole Operation and management Problems,
3. Practical methods
  • job management
Develop scientific operation methods
Scientifically elect first-class workers and train them step by step
Difference in implementing stimulation Piece rate wage system
  • Organizational management
difference Planning function And executive functions: the management department shall uniformly formulate the construction standards and formulate them according to scientific laws Work plan So as to achieve the purpose of replacing the former workers with scientific working methods to work with their own experience.
Implement functional organization system: subdivide the management work and set up functional managers (foremen) accordingly.
implement Exception management principle : In larger organizations, Senior managers We should focus on handling exceptional events, and delegate the power to handle daily affairs to middle and lower level managers.
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Henry 50. Henry L. Gantt is a firm and outstanding follower of scientific management. In the process of finding the optimal operation method, they created many practical management And Movement research Management psychology Research is still spreading and developing in application. Later generations also called their proposition“ Efficiency doctrine ”。
(1) Gant's Contribution to Scientific Management Thought by Advocating Humanism
Propose to implement“ Task And funds (earlier than Frederick Winslow Taylor Differential piece rate system)
It is proposed to use charts to help management (later people called this chart used to indicate the planned and actual operation situation as Gantt Chart );
Practice the management idea of guiding rather than driving workers
In his later years, he emphasized that the focus of the enterprise was service rather than profit.
(2) Gilbreth and his wife's contribution to scientific management
Decompose the most basic operations and conduct detailed action research;
conduct Fatigue study , looking for working hours The best way to match with rest time;
Emphasis on carrying out System management
Discuss the interaction among work, workers and environment;
Pay attention to the training and development of management personnel.

Weber theory

Weber's Administrative Organization Theory , mainly reflected in his book Social Organization and Economic Organization Theory. Weber believes that the ideal Administrative organization system Is the so-called Bureaucracy , also called "bureaucracy". This administrative organization system includes 6 contents:
(1) In order to achieve the goal of an organization, all activities in the organization should be divided into various basic operations as members of the official distribution organization.
(2) All kinds of official duties and positions are organized according to the hierarchical principle of authority. Each position has clearly stipulated rights and obligations, forming a command system or hierarchical system.
(3) The appointment of personnel in the organization shall be carried out through formal examination or education and training in full accordance with job requirements.
(4) Management personnel have fixed salary And expressly stipulated rules of promotion , is a "professional" manager.
(5) Managers must strictly abide by the rules and disciplines stipulated by the organization, so that they are not affected by anyone's emotional factors, Guaranteed on It can be implemented under all circumstances.
Classical Management Theory
(6) Officials at all levels in the organization must be completely guided by reason. They have no personal goals, no hatred, preference, pity, and sympathy, but they are rational, although this reason is mechanical. Weber's administrative organization theory, in fact, depersonalizes management, and handles various affairs objectively and reasonably by relying on a simple sense of responsibility and a work principle without personality. Weber believes that this ideal administrative organization system can improve work efficiency , in terms of accuracy, stability Discipline And reliability. But at the same time, it also believes that because of this management system Rejecting emotional factors leads to the whole Social sentiment The lack of, stifled individual enthusiasm and creativity. In Weber's view, the number of educated civilized people in modern society has decreased, while the number of people who only know how to be loyal to their duties and know professional knowledge has increased Bureaucracy The rigid regulations of heroism And critical spirit, no invention. Nevertheless, Weber is still very obsessed with enterprise management according to this administrative organization system, and ridicules leaders who rely on their personal charisma to manage, because he believes that only by Rules and regulations Take action and abandon everything Personnel relations The enterprise is likely to survive only if it has the emotional color and handles business affairs. Weber's classical management theory has laid a theoretical foundation for enterprise management, which can also be regarded as a Corporate Culture Theory The bud of.
An ideal administrative organization system has four main characteristics:
(1) Each position in the organization system has clearly defined its rights and responsibilities Formal authority And personal power generated by personal talent and prestige should complement each other. All activities in the organization are divided into various basic functions. On the basis of division of labor, each functional unit can use competent experts.
(2) Various posts are organized according to the hierarchical principle of authority, forming a pyramid shaped command hierarchy system. Each subordinate shall accept the control and supervision of his superior, who shall be responsible for his own decisions and actions as well as those of his subordinates.
(3) The appointment of personnel in the organization is fully realized through the requirements of the position, formal assessment or education and training.
(4) The relationship between people in the organization is not affected by feelings, and is completely guided by rational norms. He believes that this rational administrative organization system can improve work efficiency, accuracy, stability and discipline.

Fayol theory

1. Operation function
Fayol published《 Industrial management and general management 》One book. Taking the whole of large enterprises as the research object, he believes that the theory is not only applicable to enterprises, but also to military and political organs and Religious organizations Etc. Fayol put forward the theory of six functions of management, five elements of management and fourteen principles.
Fayol believes that operation and management are two different concepts. Operation is to guide or guide an organization towards its goals. It consists of six activities:
① Technical activities refer to production, manufacturing, processing, etc;
② Commercial activities refer to purchase, sale, exchange, etc;
Financial activities Means the raising and utilization of funds;
④ Safety activities refer to the protection of equipment and personnel;
Accounting activities , refers to Inventory counting , cost accounting, statistics, etc;
⑥ Management activities refer to activities within the organization Administrative staff Planning, organization, command, coordination and Control activities
Fayol believes that all members of the organization should have the above six activity capabilities, but the relative importance of these capabilities is different for people at different levels and in different organizations. This is firstly reflected in the different importance of various abilities for people at different levels. The higher up, Management ability The importance of, Technical capability Importance of accuracy Weakening; The lower the level, the less important the management ability is, and the more important the technical ability is. Secondly, the relative importance of various abilities of leaders in organizations of different sizes is different. The larger the size of the organization, the more important the management ability of leaders is, and the less important the technical ability is, Organization size The smaller the size, the more important the technical ability of leaders is, and the less important the management ability is.
Fayol operating activities Divided into six categories
Classical Management Theory
2. Management factors
Fayol believes that the plan is the most important management functions Different plans are often the cause of enterprise decline. Management needs good planning in order to foresee the future. For this reason, he drew up the basis of the plan, pointed out the characteristics that a good plan should have, and proposed the necessary conditions and abilities for leaders to formulate a good plan. Henri Fayol It is believed that organizations in enterprises, including human and material organizations, can complete the tasks they undertake. For this reason, he elaborated on the tasks that personnel should complete in the enterprise and the necessary qualities to better complete the tasks. Henry Fayol believes that the organization cannot play its role without command, that is task allocation To all levels and types of leaders, so that they can assume corresponding responsibilities, he proposed to the personnel in charge of command Eight requirements The subsequent coordination and control is to unify, adjust and standardize all activities, verify whether the work progress is consistent with the established plans and principles, so as to prevent and correct the possible or existing deviations in the work.
Fayol pointed out that management is an activity that widely exists in various organizations, and this activity corresponds to five functions of planning, organization, command, coordination and control.
  • Plan to predict relevant events, and draw up a work plan based on the predicted results.
  • The organization provides a structure for various labor, materials, personnel and other resources in the organization.
  • Directing actions that promote the organization to achieve its goals Leadership
  • Coordinate to achieve Organizational objectives And maintain the necessary unity.
  • Control and ensure that all work is carried out according to the established plan.
3. Management principles
Fourteen Rules of Fayol Management principles namely:
(1) Division of labor. Division of labor is not limited to technical work, but also applicable to management functions Specialization and division of authority.
(2) Power and responsibility. Power is the right to give orders and force people to obey. Fayol took Formal authority , which is different from the personal power generated by his wisdom, experience, quality, ability and past achievements. The two are complementary. In addition, power and responsibility are also interrelated. The exercise of power requires the assumption of responsibility, and the delegation of responsibility requires the granting of corresponding powers.
(3) Discipline. Discipline is based on respect rather than fear. Good or bad discipline is related to the success or failure of an enterprise.
(4) Unified command. "No matter what action an employee takes, he should only accept orders from one superior."
(5) Unified guidance. Many jobs with the same goal can only have one leader and one Plan guidance
(6) personal interests Obey the overall interests.
(7) Personnel remuneration. The remuneration must be fair and reasonable.
(8) Centralization. The degree of centralization and decentralization shall be specified according to the specific conditions such as the size, characteristics of the enterprise and the ability of leaders, so as to achieve the right centralization and decentralization.
(9) Hierarchy chain The hierarchical relationship from the highest authority to the lowest level should form a ladder shaped power chain, indicating the order of power levels and the way to transmit information. In order to overcome the Information communication Due to the delay of mode, Fayol proposed a contact board that allows horizontal communication across the power line, which is called "Fayol springboard".
(10) Order. The materials must be stored in order, the factory must be clean and tidy, and each employee has a clear Post responsibilities
(11) Fairness. Handle the relationship between employees in good faith and fairly.
(12) Personnel remain stable.
(13) Creativity. In all work aggressiveness Full of enthusiasm and creative spirit.
(14) Collective spirit. Establish a harmonious and united atmosphere within the enterprise.
Fourteen Rules of Fayol Management principles have Originality It is very enlightening for management theory research and practical work.
Among them, the principle of authority and responsibility refers to that enterprise leaders who act as commanders should have a deep understanding of their own employees, the agreement between the enterprise and employees, and maintain it in front of the employees Corporate interests To safeguard the interests of employees in front of the factory owner; Leaders can't do everything. They should entrust subordinates and staff officers with all the work that they don't have to do by themselves Regular inspection An excellent leader should have the courage to take responsibility, and sometimes he should dare to sacrifice his face for the interests of his subordinates.
Fayol believes that both senior leaders and ordinary employees must be subject to discipline. No enterprise can thrive without discipline. "Respect the hierarchy and the information transfer The principle "refers to that information transmission should respect the hierarchical route, so that intelligence flows from top to bottom or from bottom to top ranking system Transmitted at each level in the. This is necessary for unifying command and thinking. But in order to act quickly, all departments should also communicate horizontally and establish a "bridge" or "springboard" for timely exchange of information to ensure that things with urgent time can be achieved.
The "remuneration principle" means that remuneration is the price of services, which should be reasonable and try to satisfy both employers and employees. The way of payment is also important for the development of enterprises significant impact Therefore, we should not only pay salaries. All kinds of bonuses -- attendance awards, machine normal operation awards, health awards, subsidies in kind, welfare facilities, honor satisfaction, and any kind of compensation that can inspire enthusiasm of employees at all levels should be noticed by leaders.
the principle of equity ”Focus on fairness to subordinates. Fayol believes that subordinate employees always want fairness and equal treatment. And fairness is generated by goodwill and fairness. Therefore, leaders should maintain goodwill, uphold fairness, and strive to make the sense of fairness penetrate into the hearts of employees at all levels. In order to maintain the stability of personnel, the first thing is to maintain the stability of enterprise leaders. Because it takes time to adapt to a leadership position and do a good job, frequent transfer of personnel will bring many future problems. Fayol believes that the leaders of prosperous enterprises are stable, while those who are unlucky are constantly changing. This instability is also the cause and result of enterprise depression.
4. Necessity
Fayol also emphasized the importance of education, which advocated popularizing management education and improving management level through education. He said that without theory, there can be no education. It is important to establish a management theory as soon as possible. It is time to systematize experience data and establish a theory that everyone can understand. Fayol's classical management theory is the sublimation of Weber's theory, which further develops the budding enterprise management theory.

theoretical development



James Mooney (James D. Mooney) Originally from the United States general motors The general manager of the export company, he and historian Another person of origin Enterprise manager Alan Reiley published Industry, Progress! In 1931. In this book, they put forward some suggestions on how to achieve the industrial goal of "making profits through service" Organizational efficiency Principle of. These principles are:
(1) Principle of coordination This principle refers to the "orderly arrangement of group forces so that there can be unified action in the pursuit of a common goal." The implementation of the coordination principle should be based on authority, and at the same time, members of the organization should have a clear understanding of the goals of the organization.
(2) The principle of hierarchy. This principle means that each organization should have a hierarchy of powers and corresponding responsibilities. Through this grade series, the superior leaders delegate authority to the subordinates, and at the same time determine and arrange the work tasks of each subordinate in the grade series and clarify their responsibilities.
(3) Functional principles. This principle refers to the "distinction between different positions." This principle means that people should take different positions in the organization to perform different functions. These functions are both mutually divided and mutually restricted in the organization to form a whole Organizational objectives Play a role in the realization of.
James Mooney pointed out: "In every organized enterprise, there must be a certain function to determine its goals, another function is to complete this goal, and the third function is to make interpretative decisions according to the established procedural rules. These functions can be called certainty Functions, applied functions and solving functions are just like principles, procedures and effects. In secular government, it is the legislative function Administrative functions And judicial functions.


management functions
U.S.A Management scientist Luther Gulick (Luther Gulick) expanded Henry Fayol's functions of managers in the management process, and proposed the famous POSDCORB management seven Function theory The seven management functions are:
(1) Planning. It is to achieve the goals set by the enterprise, formulate an outline of what to do and how to do it;
(2) Organizing. It is to achieve the goals set by the enterprise and establish a formal authority to Work department Arrange, regulate and coordinate;
(3) Staffing. It is the introduction and training of relevant personnel and beneficial Working conditions The whole personnel functions such as maintenance of;
(4) Directing. A continuous work including the following items. Make decisions and concretize them with various special and general orders and instructions. As a leader of an enterprise, this is how to play a role;
(5) Coordination (Co- ordination )。 It is an extremely important function to link all parts of the work.
(6) Reporting. It is to enable those managers who should be responsible to get reports on the ongoing situation, and to enable themselves and their subordinates to obtain relevant information through records, investigations and inspections;
(7) Budgeting. Include all with Financial plan , Accounting and Control form The budget that appears.


Eight Principles
British management scientist Lyndall F Urwick (Lyndall Urwick) proposed eight principles of organization in the book Scientific Principles of Organization:
(1) Objective principle. All organizations should demonstrate a goal.
(2) The principle of conformity. The principle that power is consistent with responsibility.
(3) Responsibility principle. The responsibility of the superior to the subordinate is absolute.
(4) Level series principle. In the organization, an uninterrupted hierarchy chain should be formed according to the power relationship.
(5) Control amplitude principle. There should be no more than 5 or 6 subordinates under the jurisdiction of each superior leader who have work contact with each other.
(6) Principle of specialization. Everyone's work should be limited to a single function.
(7) Principle of coordination
(8) The principle of clarity. There should be clear regulations for each post.

Management characteristics

In a hundred years Management thought In the development and evolution, compared with the subsequent management theories and schools, the classical management theory has two major characteristics:
First, efficiency is the most powerful theme of classical management. At the beginning of the birth of management science, the problems to be solved were quite realistic, which was through the search and application of science Management means And methods to improve production efficiency and reduce the amount of social labor necessary for enterprises. Whether Taylor and his followers, or Fayol and Weber, despite their different theoretical perspectives and academic viewpoints, they all regard scientific management as a method and means to improve work efficiency. Taylor's research on efficiency is mainly through Field operation And scientific development. Taylor gave an imprecise definition to management: "Know exactly what you want workers to do, and then try to make them complete it in the best and most economical way." Management principles , theory or concrete management , technology, and efficiency.
Second, the classical management theory has strong empiricism Technology theory Color of. Classical management theory and even the whole management science, as far as their theoretical sources are concerned, mainly have two types: one is to absorb ideological resources through the infiltration of other disciplines; The other is to summarize and improve practical experience. Obviously, the formation of classical management theory is the crystallization of practical experience. Its founders belong to the generation of "fighting the river". Most of them are born in factories and mining enterprises. Their understanding of management comes from their own practice at the grass-roots level, or from the experience of long-term management of specific organizations.


The great significance of classical management theory lies in:
1. The classical management theory established that management is a science. adopt scientific research The establishment of classical management theory makes managers begin to get rid of the traditional experience and manage by feeling.
2. The classical management theory has established a set of theories about the principles, principles and methods of management theory. Classical management theory puts forward some management principles, management functions and management It also advocates that these principles and functions are the basis of management work, which has great guiding significance for enterprise management, and is also a summary History of Management Thought It provides an extremely important reference value.
3. At the same time, classical management experts also established relevant organization theory Weber Bureaucratic organization theory As the cornerstone of organizational theory, he is called the father of organizational theory. Weber put forward an idea of a bureaucratic management system, and they also put forward a series of principles for establishing the organizational structure and maintaining the normal operation of this organizational structure. Although the organizational structure of enterprise management has become more complex, Classical organizational theory The basic framework of design has not lost its significance.
4. Classical management theory is later behavioral science and Modern Management School It has laid the foundation of management theory management They all come from classical management theory. Classical managerial school Some of the problems studied are still the problems that need to be studied in today's management, and many of today's technologies and management methods are also classical Management thought Inheritance and development.

Existing problems

The classical management theory is the first time in human history to use scientific methods to discuss management issues, which essentially reflects the requirements for management when the social productivity developed to a certain stage, and requires management to adapt to the development of productivity. conversely Management thought The development of management technology and methods has further promoted the development of productivity. The problems of classical management theory are shown in the following aspects:
1. Lack of in-depth research
Modern management books
Classical management theory is based on the social environment The study of human nature has not been carried out in depth, and the exploration of human nature only stays in the category of "economic man".
Taylor's assumption of workers is "loafing", while Weber compares employees to "a cog in a machine". In the classical management theory, people are not regarded as the center of management, and the management of people is not completely different from the management of other things; And in Modern Management Theory Human is the central topic of management research, and it is precisely because of the in-depth exploration of human nature that modern management theory appears Rich and colorful
2. The nature of the organization is not enough
The understanding of organization in classical management theory is static, and the essence of organization is not recognized.
Weber believes that a pure bureaucracy should be an accurate, stable and disciplined organization. Contemporary organization theorists generally believe that the bureaucratic organization system advocated by Weber is only suitable for productivity It is a conventional organizational activity with the main goal, but not suitable for unconventional and flexible organizational activities focusing on creation and innovation.
Fayol believes that "to organize an enterprise is to provide necessary raw materials, equipment, capital and personnel for its operation. Generally speaking, it can be divided into two parts: material organization and social organization 。” At that time, people believed that organizations were people's Aggregate For example, a business organization It is regarded as the combination of management and staff; A hospital is a collection of doctors and patients. It can be seen that Fayol's concept of organization still stays on the expression of the appearance and function of the organization, and does not grasp the essence of the organization for in-depth research. And later Barnard Not from organization structure From the perspective of behavior define He objected to seeing an organization as a group of people. He said: "An organization is not a group, but a cooperative relationship, a system of people interacting."
3. Less consideration of impact
The focus of classical management theory is Organizational system Inside the External environment of the enterprise The impact on the organizational system is rarely considered.
The focus of classical management theory research is the internal of the enterprise, and how to improve the productivity As the goal of management, it is of great guiding significance for enterprises to improve productivity. However, any organization system is living and developing in a certain environment, the social environment is changing, and the survival and development of enterprises are constantly environmental change The operation and management of enterprises must study the external environment factors and the relationship between Mutual adaptation Relationship, so that management behavior and means change with the change of social environment. These are not studied by the classical management theory, because the classical management theory Organizational environment And environmental changes, so the management Dynamic Not fully aware and concerned.

Theoretical defects



The purport of classical management theory is generally the object of management. Such as standardization research on working conditions and working behaviors, and organization structure And scientific discussion. Even if people are involved, they are stripped Subjectivity , put people in an object position to observe and treat.
Known as the father of scientific management, Taylor is a typical rationalist with "religious enthusiasm". His merit lies in "rationality", which has initially established the dignity of a discipline. As he said, scientific management "the whole system is based on accurate and scientific research on unit working hours". However, his shortcoming lies in his "doctrine", which means that scientific rationality can not be further extended. A serious consequence is the neglect of human beings. In his series of studies on improving operational efficiency, man only exists as a means to improve efficiency, and is the subject of the supremacy of interests rather than the integration of material, social, psychological and other multiple motives, so he is an "objective" subject.
Fayol takes the whole of large enterprises as the research object, and explores the universal“ General management ”, although its theory has considerable General and Principle However, his management theory did not break away from the barrier of object supremacy. He is the initiator of organizational theory research, but his organization, as one of the five functions of management, is viewed at the level of management technology, focusing on the external form of the organization and surface structure The principle of unity of command, the staff organization and the "Fayol springboard" are the effective formation, maintenance and Structural design We seldom consider the human factor in the organization, rather than the modern Organization theory Main research organization behavior , that is, the behavior of people in the organization, which regards the organization as Management subject Organization in a sense.
Germany sociologist max weber Of“ Bureaucracy The theory of organization also reflects the characteristics of the era when the object ruled the subject and the object was supreme.
Weber believes that an ideal organization should have a clear power hierarchy Division of labor Strict rules and regulations and complete working procedures; The relationship between people should be "impersonal", and the foundation of the organizational system should be "reasonable" Legal authority ”。 The idea of mechanical mode is the same as that of Taylor and Fayol. He said with appreciation that "the ultimate achievement of scientific management is brought about by mechanization and factory discipline, and people's body and mind are completely adapted External world The need to adapt tools and machines - in short, adapt to individual 'functions'. In conclusion, it is believed that Strict management In order to improve efficiency and expand profits.
Obviously, the classical management theory Humanity hypothesis It is a "robot" and "economic man", and its management theory is obviously oriented to Manage Objects And object tilt, which indicates its Management Philosophy It is an objective philosophy, even Daniel Bell They criticized that the era of scientific management is characterized by "machine civilization" or mechanically treating people in industry. Bell believes that "Taylor's theory creates a‘ Sociophysics ’, reducing people's social dimension to pure Laws of physics And determining factors ". "Scientific management has established a one-sided machine model of people and organizations."

Management defects

Another defect is the lack of "locality" of the overall and macro vision. The defect of "locality" is a prominent problem in classical management theory. It is highlighted in two aspects: one is the emphasis on Operation efficiency And production links. Taylor system mainly discusses the management of operation level. Because Taylor's theory Focus Mainly in job management and Production activities On the other hand, his theory is obviously incomplete.
Another "local" defect is that it focuses on the internal enterprise without External environment of the enterprise Conduct in-depth research. Fayol's overall thinking on management activities, such as six categories of industrial activities, five functions of management, and fourteen articles Management principles , reflecting the modernity of its theory. However, his modernity is not thorough. Zhanbu Dumei believes that "Fayol's management theory only examines the internal factors of an organization, not its surrounding environment The relationship, therefore, is very lack of specificity ". Of course, this is subject to certain history Development stage The classical management theory is facing an era of relative shortage of wealth. The main task is to produce goods efficiently. The initiative of supply and demand lies entirely in the supplier. The market and consumers have not yet become the main factors restricting the survival and development of enterprises. However, with the change of the times, this deficiency has become the "fatal wound" of the classical management theory. One of the main criticisms of the classical theory is that "it uses an unrealistic closed system view of the organization".
The "local" defect also led to the classical management theory itself and Empirical fact The contradiction of. There are both contradictions in academic theory and disjunction between theory and practice. Taylor's time action research, although he has repeatedly flaunted "science", is also actively pursuing subjectively. In fact, scientific management cannot completely abandon the subjective judgment of operators and time action researchers. Taylor's Organization theory Is based on function Organization principle , will Planning function And Operation Separation of functions It is his epoch-making contribution to management research, but it is biased to completely exclude workers from the management field. "Taylor ignored the fact that workers are also problem solvers and decision makers". Zhanbu Dumei's view represents the view of a considerable number of scholars who hold modern management theory.
Not only the "Taylor system", but also the whole classical theory has a rough starting stage, and many theoretical links cannot stand the scrutiny of practice and facts. In a word, the classical management theory, as the pioneering stage of management science Inspectability On the other hand, there are problems of one kind or another, but it also leaves room for the later theoretical development.

Theoretical premise

Reflection on the theoretical premise. As the premise of classical management theory, "rational economic man" is abstract and one-sided. First of all, the classical management theory regards human nature in management as "economic man", which shows that the classical management theory does not completely ignore people, but "Economic man" hypothesis There is obvious one sidedness, which is mainly manifested in its understanding of people only at the physiological level Work motivation , so Taylor's Incentive theory Mainly in the implementation Piece rate system or Bonus system , bonus system, etc“ Spiritual revolution Saying "is also the product of regarding people in enterprises as" benefit animals ". He talked incessantly to persuade both labor and management to implement a "comprehensive psychological revolution", the reason being that the consequences of doing so "can ensure that every employer can obtain the maximum wealth while ensuring that every clerk can obtain the maximum benefits". Such a concept obviously does not follow the psychological social factors Look for incentives.
In fact, as long as employees are business organization Economic motivation cannot be the only motivation for working in China. Later, Mayo Crowd relation theory To challenge the classical scientific management theory is to take the assumption of "economic man" as the initial Breakthrough
At the same time, omniscient "Rational person" hypothesis In the view of many scholars, there is also a big problem. One of the founders of "institutionalism" Van Buren He was the first economist to deny the theory of "rational economic man". He believes that the theory of rational economic man in the 19th century was based on the impulse to enjoy and avoid pain, which is completely different from the theoretical basis of psychology.
In Van Buren's view, if we act according to the principle of rational economic man, we will actually regard real people as passive and mechanical beings. Therefore, he believes that the premise and Theoretical system Is wrong.
Simon, as a management authority, directly challenged the "rational economic man" from the perspective of management. He pointed out that, Mathematical Economics The development of classical economics The "economic man" model in the Optimality Theoretical system, Perfect rationality The economic man of economic analysis Basics. In this analysis, economists endow economic man with an "omniscient absurd rationality", and this omniscient rational economic man is abstractly no different from the "Olympus Yashan God Model". Its assumption of individual cognitive rationality has little to do with actual rationality and possible behavior of human beings in reality, The rest is just "with great wisdom and aesthetic charm". Therefore, he proposed to use“ bounded rationality ”Replace "economic rationality". He believes that in people's market decision-making behavior, it is not only difficult to have a correct prediction and complete understanding of the results of each measure, but also the decision-maker's own skills, values and reserves of relevant knowledge will have an impact on decision-making. The adoption of "seeking satisfied managers" is easier to approach modern society and the intrinsic nature of market operators. Obviously, these criticisms are also applicable to classical management theory.

Theoretical regression

stay Modern Management Theory With each passing day, the classical management theory has attracted more and more attention in China's management academia. Some researchers even put forward the conclusion that the classical management theory has returned. Some call for the return of classical management theory SME management Some of them come from the rational analysis of management professionalization, and some come from the evaluation of classical management theory itself. The formation of a point of view is by no means groundless. It must have its profound reasons and background. Analyze these reasons, look back and think deeply about Modern management The classical management theory, which is the basis of theoretical prosperity, has certain theoretical value and strong practical significance in promoting the sinicization of management theory and promoting the scientific management of enterprises.

Application value

Classical management theory is Human history Used for the first time last time scientific method The fruitful results obtained from the discussion of management issues are the inevitable outcome of the development of productivity to a certain historical stage. As a complete system, classical management theory integrates management philosophy , management technology and management In one, it has a strong guiding significance for enterprise management practice. It is like a tangible hand, which can scientifically and effectively mobilize and allocate various resources of enterprises, and promote the further development of productivity while meeting the requirements of productivity development. Although Fayol and Taylor have completely different life experiences, he has also been in the middle and high levels of enterprise management, and has long and outstanding achievements Operation management His career has enabled him to have a broader vision and a higher level of understanding of business management.
The scientificity of classical management theory also lies in the management concept progressiveness Taylor believes that scientific working methods are the "ideological revolution" in management. The most important content of the "ideological revolution" is that both employers and employees need to shift their attention away from the cake of profit sharing and work together to make the "cake bigger". He said: "The main purpose of management should be to maximize the wealth of employers, and also to maximize the wealth of each employee." He also believed that for employers, "maximum interest" not only represents a larger profit in the short term, but also includes all-round development to achieve long-term prosperity of the company. For employees, the best interests represent not only high wages, but also themselves Career Development, so that they can achieve the highest level of work within their capabilities. In his view, the real purpose of management is to maximize the wealth of both labor and capital. That's right General management As a universal tool, management theory has been applied in a wide range of social fields. As Weber is a "bystander" who stands outside the enterprise management and calmly analyzes the basic issues of enterprise management from a more detached position management philosophy More profound. He pointed out that dominance The existence of special rules of organization is the essence of the concept of organization. Without them, there would be no way to judge organizational behavior. These rules Administrative staff Their role is twofold: on the one hand, their own behavior is subject to their restrictions, and on the other hand, they have the responsibility to supervise other members to obey these rules. The main innovation of Weber's theory stems from his understanding of Bureaucracy Neglect the efficiency debate and focus on its accuracy Continuity Discipline, integrity and reliability. Weber's administrative organization theory, which emphasizes rules, ability and knowledge, provides an efficient and rational way for social development management system The high, medium and low levels of management commonly used in organizations are derived from his theory.
Classical management theory has strong application value. The four principles of scientific management proposed by Taylor are very important for consolidating the management foundation of enterprises. 14 articles proposed by Fayol Management principles , as well as his detailed analysis of the five elements of management process planning, organization, command, coordination, and control, is essential for the scientific management process of enterprises. Weber requires the ideal administrative organization system to have eight characteristics, namely, realizing clear division of labor, implementing the principle of hierarchy, implementing assessment and Training system All public officials are appointed rather than elected Administrative personnel To receive a fixed salary, the administrative staff is not the owner of the unit under his management, the organization is composed according to the explicitly stipulated laws and regulations, and the relationship between the personnel in the organization is completely guided by the rational criteria, which is what an enterprise must follow to form a complete, orderly and efficient organizational system basic principle

Premise basis

The problems that the pioneers of classical management theory tried to solve are the two fundamental problems facing management science, namely efficiency and organization. They are unavoidable problems in any management theory. In this sense, Modern Management Theory They are all innovations inspired or guided by the classical management theory and on the platform built by the classical management theory, and it can be sure that this innovation will continue forever. The problems studied by classical management theory are still the problems to be studied by modern management science, such as research on plans and strategies development strategy The research on the organization form, the management working environment, etc. are all the inheritance and development of the classical management theory. It is in Peter Senge's Fifth Discipline that through systematic thinking Self transcendence Mental Models Shared vision Team learning It is also about the employers and Employee Relations Harmony and common development Question.
Classical management theory not only builds an innovative platform for modern management theory, but also has become one of the components of modern management theory after development and improvement. stay Modern Management Theory Nine of the jungle managerial school Medium, Management Process School and The Empirical School It is the modern version of classical management theory. The school of management process is also called the school of management function and the school of operation management. Its originator is Fayol, the founder of classical management theory. This school is due to the United States Management scientist Harold Kontz and others carried forward and became modern Management Theory Jungle The main school of thought in the modern management theory occupies a very important position. The empiricism school is also called the managerialism school, which aims to provide managers of large enterprises with successful experience and scientific methods of managing enterprises. They believe that the theory of enterprise management should start from the reality of enterprise management, especially the management experience of large enterprises as the main research object, be abstracted and summarized, and then passed on to managers to make suggestions to managers. Many representatives of the empiricism school are deeply influenced by the classical management theory, and most of them have long served as consultants or directly served at the top of large companies. The empiricism school follows the same research path as Taylor and Fayol, putting practice first and taking application as the main purpose. Although the theory summarized by the empiricism school is not a copy of the classical management theory due to the changes of times and different practice objects, their starting point and thinking method are completely consistent.

Realistic needs

Management theory is not "dragon slaughtering". It must be seen in practice and tested in practice. All theories that cannot be used in practice are grey. Management theoretical Practical value It is not the management theory itself, but its guiding object, and its consistency with the guiding object. Therefore, the application of management theory has boundaries constraint condition On developed country Useful theory, in developing country Not necessarily useful; The theory that works in large enterprises may not work in small enterprises. We can't say which theory is better, let alone that the fashionable theory is the best theory.
1. Realistic economic and social conditions provide suitable soil for the return of classical management theory
The time when classical management theory was formed was when the United States was Take off phase Period. We won social, political and cultural victories. The strong stimulus force in the takeoff phase can be shown as political revolution In the form of,
From the perspective of development economics, generally speaking, per capita gross domestic product Below US $400 is the initial stage of economic growth, GDP per capita 400~2000 US dollars is the economic take-off stage, and the per capita GDP of 2000~10000 US dollars is accelerating Growth stage The per capita GDP of more than 10000 US dollars is a stable growth stage. According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics gross domestic product (GDP) is equivalent to more than 14000 billion US dollars, or 1090 US dollars per capita. This is the first time that our per capita GDP has exceeded 1000 US dollars. This shows that China's economy Development stage It is a critical period in the takeoff phase. China's current economy Social situation From the perspective of development economics Similarity This similarity shows that the return of classical management theory has a relatively suitable soil in China. Therefore, some people believe that "considering the development stage of Chinese enterprises and reflecting on the journey we have gone through, we propose to 'return to classical management', make up for the lesson of scientific management, and try to use it as a theoretical guide for Chinese enterprises to move towards professionalism."
2 . market economy The understanding level that people can reach at the initial stage is important for the return of classical management theory cultural environment
China did not propose it until 1994 Economic system reform The goal of Socialist market economy In just 10 years, the understanding of market economy from the government to the private is very limited. From the primary stage of market economy to Maturity stage There is still a long way to go. be in planned economy To market economy Transition period The inertia of the traditional system restricts the improvement of people's understanding of the market economy Modern Management Theory , more or less indigestion
In the final analysis, enterprise management is people to people management Managed The level of understanding that can be reached is an important constraint that restricts the application of management theory. From the perspective of enterprise managers, due to the lack of social soil and atmosphere for the birth and normal development of excellent entrepreneurs, Social system On the other hand, there are also shortcomings that inhibit the growth of outstanding entrepreneurs. At this stage, there are not many factory directors and managers who can be called real entrepreneurs. Even some successful enterprise managers often do not because they have mastered the market economy driving skills, but because they have seized an opportunity in the wave of market economy reform. It is not difficult for us to hear a string of the most fashionable management words from successful or failed enterprise managers, but it is difficult to see what these words represent in the enterprises he manages management philosophy Management mechanism and management system As for the large number of family firm The situation of managers is not optimistic.
3. A large number of medium and small business It provides a broad space for the return of classical management theory
According to 2004 China Statistical Yearbook , China has state-owned and above scale Non-state-owned industry Enterprise unit 196222, including only 1984 large enterprises, accounting for 1%; 21647 medium-sized enterprises, accounting for 11%; There are 172591 small enterprises, accounting for 88%. stay Total industrial output value On, Three types of enterprises 1/3 each. A large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have low management level.
Someone is right Zhejiang Private SMEs After investigation and analysis, there are four common problems in enterprise management there, namely, unscientific system and lack of continuity; Ignore the foundation, management Improper use; Not played Organizational functions , team efficiency is low; Distortion from reality“ corporate culture ”。 Investigators believe that the management of private SMEs is still in a very primitive stage on the whole, even far from reaching the level of "classical management" represented by "scientific management" and "general management". Zhejiang Province It is the province with the best development status of private economy in China, and the situation is still like this. You can imagine the situation in other regions.
To solve the management problems of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, a more practical way is to popularize classical management Theoretical knowledge To help enterprises strengthen the foundation of management, such as applying the theory of "scientific management", improving the level of planning management control Ability. Through the implementation and application of "work quota", "ability to adapt to work", "standardization" and "difference by the piece Remuneration system "and" planning and implementation phase separation ”And other principles and methods to improve the Production plan , Organization and control ability To achieve Management efficiency Improvement of; Application“ administrative organization ”Theory, promoting Organizational optimization On the basis of Weber's ideal administrative organization system and in combination with the actual situation of the enterprise, a hierarchical and professional pyramid organization with system as the center has been established to lay the foundation for the enterprise to work accurately, quickly and effectively.