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ancient civilization

Civilization type
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Ancient civilization is history The period from 3500 BC to 1000 BC is called the period of ancient civilization.
Chinese name
ancient civilization
Terms specific to history
time slot
3500 BC to 1000 BC
Study on the Origin of the Whole Human Civilization

Origin of Chinese Civilization

ancient civilization
It is an important part of the research on the origin of human civilization. because China Since ancient times, human beings have accounted for a considerable proportion in the whole human race. Not only do we say that we have 1.3 billion people, accounting for World population About one fifth of. Even in the ancient world, the proportion of Chinese people was quite large. In ancient China East Asia Center of, Asia I think we can all understand that the world is playing a very important role in the leadership of. However, most of the theories and theories on the origin of civilization that have been popular in the world Ancient Chinese Civilization The question of the origin of is seldom considered. The reason is not surprising, because these theories were mainly built by some western scholars. Their research started from the history of Europe, but later they found that Ancient Egypt , the ancient two river basins, Ancient India , even in ancient times America On the basis of these studies, they proposed how ancient human civilization came into being, how it came into being, and how it was formed and developed. Of course, there are many kinds of theories and doctrines, but generally speaking, they seldom take into account, or even completely fail to take into account, our ancient Chinese civilization. I think you can also understand this reason, because foreigners' research on China, called international sinology, is still relatively late. It can be said that until the late 19th century, there was little research on this aspect. Especially for Ancient Chinese Civilization There is always a certain gap in the study of foreigners on the origin of. Of course, after the 20th century, there were many archaeological discoveries and related materials in China, which can provide research on the origin and development of ancient Chinese civilization. But most of these materials are published in Chinese. As we all know, although Chinese is the most widely used language in the world, among foreigners, it is really possible to use Chinese, especially by making use of Chinese archaeological and historical works. I'm afraid it's mainly a few Sinologists who can use it. Therefore, the study of China is particularly weak in some theories and theories on the origin of human civilization. Such a large proportion of Chinese people in the world, and the ancient civilization of China has such a significant and profound impact on the whole world, especially in the world of Asia, within the scope of Asia. No for Ancient Chinese Civilization The research on the origin and development of the entire human civilization is incomplete. So at present, it is necessary for us to develop research in this field to supplement the gaps and defects we just mentioned. In this way, it is not only a great contribution to the study of the development of China's ancient history, but also to the development of human civilization and history. So I think, in this respect Scientific value Its meaning is easy to understand. [1]

Egyptian civilization

Symbols of Egyptian Civilization: Sphinx and Khufu Pyramid
Originated from Africa the Nile (Nile) Valley, also known as Egyptian civilization, can also be traced back to 4500 BC. It was formally formed around 4000 BC. Around 3188 BC, Egypt's King Menes was unified Upper and Lower Egypt , the beginning of the so-called Egyptian Dynasty, representing Egyptian civilization The official start of.

Civilization of the Two River Valley


sumerian civilization

Originated in Asia Tigris River Tigris )And Euphrates River Euphrates )River basin, also known as Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia) Civilization. Mesopotamian civilization It is also the oldest civilization that can be examined in history. Its civilization can be traced back to 4200 BC, and was formally formed in about 3500 BC. At that time, Sumerians lived in the two river basin and established sumerian civilization

Other civilizations

Babylon Hanging Garden Imagination
Then came the Semites, Hittites, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans arab People and Turks invaded the two river basins one after another. After Sumerians, the greatest civilization was the Semites Hammurabi Established Babylon Civilization.

Liangzhu Culture

Liangzhu Culture include Yangtze River downstream Taihu Basin thirty-six thousand and five hundred Square kilometers Area of the area. Liangzhu Culture dates from 5300-4300 years ago, sustained development About 1000 years, belonging to Neolithic Age Late Archaeological culture [2] Liangzhu culture may be Xia Dynasty Inheritance. [3]

Chinese Civilization

Originated in China Yellow River Basin , formed in Shandong Longshan Culture about 4350 years ago. [4] Around 2300 BC Tao Temple The ancient city rises, merges surrounding countries, and enters feudal princes who pay allegiance to a common sovereign Era (entering civilization); [5] Around 2100 BC, it entered the Kingdom Age.
Xuanyuan Mausoleum of Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of China
ancient civilization

Minoan civilization

Originated in Greece aegean sea The region was formed around 3000 BC. 1900 BC Crete The monarchy and city, also known as Minoan civilization , later replaced by the Mycenaean civilization established by the ancient Greeks.

Ancient Shu Civilization

Originated in Asia The upper reaches of the Yangtze River Sichuan. Civilization began around 2600 BC and finally formed around 2000 BC. Post integration Chinese Civilization

Indian Civilization

Originated in Asia Indus River And Ganges (Ganges) watershed. The beginning of civilization can also be traced back to 3000 BC, and finally formed around 2600 BC. Later, it was replaced by the state established by the invaders, the Aryans.
Aryan invasion around 2000 BC Indus River Basin Around 1000 BC, it entered the stage of civilization. Famous for India Vedic Age The Vedic era is divided into early and late periods, namely Rig Veda Period, about 1800~1000 BC; The later period was about 1000~600 BC. The early classics seldom mentioned family, and the society was still tribal; The later tribal society was divided into four varna societies. 4 Varna Sudala Is the lowest layer, Vaisya Middle level, Chadili And Brahman for the upper layer. The Peacock Kingdom was established in 600 BC, ancient India Enter the kingdom era.

Mycenaean civilization

One of the Greeks, Mycenae, inherited and developed Minoan civilization , formed around 2000 BC, the Mycenaean people began to Balkan Peninsula The southern end was settled in 1600 BC before it became a kingdom. Then another branch of the ancient Greeks, the Dorians, invaded south, Aegean civilization Enter the middle decline stage.
Ancient ruins of Crete, Greece