narrative poem

[xù shì shī]
Poetic theme
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Narrative poetry is a kind of poetic theme. It depicts characters in the form of poetry, and expresses emotions through human narration. Compared with novels and dramas, its plot is generally simple. This genre has the content of stories, characters and other novels, as well as the characteristics of lyric poetry; The plot is complete and concentrated, Character It is outstanding and typical, with strong poetic flavor, concise narration and clear life scenes.
Chinese name
narrative poem
Foreign name
Narrative poem
Representative works
Mulan Poem, Long Song Line, Pipa Line
Narrative structure
Chronicle type, emotional type, plot type
Poetic form
Creation narrative, hero narrative, marriage and love
Representative poet
Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Gao Shi, Yuan Zhen
Summarize the society and show the essence of life

brief introduction

Narrative poetry is a kind of Chinese poetry. The early narrative poetry is the folk narrative poetry in ancient China, which describes the history or contemporary events. There are relatively complete story plots and characters. In the Tang Dynasty, zhen Scholars like Bai Juyi also began to create a large number of narrative poems, which are different from the ancient folk narrative poems and belong to the literati narrative poems. Classical poetry The famous narrative poems in《 Mulan Poetry 》﹑《 Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》、《 Long Song Line 》、《 Everlasting Regret Song 》、《 Song of the Pipa 》、《 Lianchang Palace Ci 》Etc.
Ballade is a kind of poetry introduced from French. Narrative poems usually have three paragraphs, each with 8 to 10 lines, and finally end with a postscript (also called "postscript") composed of four or five lines of verse. Every paragraph has the same Reduplicate sentence Generally, the whole text only uses three rhymes, and the order of each rhyme is the same. Chaucer He is the first person to write English narrative poetry. In the late 19th century, narrative poetry became popular under the influence of Swinburne, Austin Dobson and some people. This form of narrative poetry was later mainly used in relaxed and humorous poetry.

main features

To write a narrative poem civil life With height Artistic generalization To show the essence of life and the spirit and power of the times. It usually includes heroic ballads, epics, dramas and other forms. Its structural forms are mainly divided into three types: chronicle type, emotional type and plot type Narrative structure Among them, the narrative poem has different narrative structures, and its narrative perspective( Omniscient Narrative perspective , limiting the narrative angle), Narrative mode various. Famous foreign narrative poems include Sir Patrick Spence, King Randall, Ode to the Ancient Boat, Jesse James and Frankie and Johnny.
Chinese folk narrative poetry is a kind of folk poetry with a relatively complete plot of rhyme or prose rhyme combination. Narrativity is the prominent feature of folk narrative poetry. In the creation and dissemination of folk narrative poetry, witches, artists, singers, etc. play an important role, and some important works also have professional singers. This kind of poetry is divided by Oral form In addition to spreading, some have Manuscripts
Most of the Chinese folk narrative poems are relatively complete in structure. The story has a beginning, development, climax and end, and some have an end. Bixing , exaggeration, parallelism, personification, overlap refrain etc. rhetorical devices It can be found everywhere, among which there are some relatively perfect literary works, which have been circulating for a long time and have had an impact Chinese Folk Literature It plays an important role in. Some of these magnificent chapters are not only Chinese literature And has world significance. At the same time ethnology folklore Religion , linguistics and other disciplines also have important value.

Content essence

The content essence of narrative poetry -- the content essence of lyric narrative poetry is lyricism. Without this point, the content of narrative poetry will be indistinguishable from other narrative works that are not poems.
Narrative poetry, of course, needs to narrate. It needs to properly handle the relationship between good things and feelings. It needs to narrate in lyricism, which has a clear lyric temperament.
The lyricism of narrative poetry is manifested in its poetic Lyric principle Dominate the narrative rather than the opposite. Lyric interludes often appear in narrative poems -- the poet stands up and confides directly to the reader about his feelings Aesthetic evaluation , express your passion. These lyric interludes are the ties connecting all parts of the poem, and they are often the "short words" of "Juyao", which are incisive epigrams. Of course, narrative poetry has its own characteristics in poetry: narrative. This is a lyric poem can not replace. Life has left a place for narrative poetry.
Compared with lyric poetry, narrative poetry is complete. Even if the lyric poem has a story, the story is incomplete; The story of the narrative poem is complete.
Narrative poetry avoids complex plots, and does not win with the twists and turns of the story, but with the richness and simplicity. [1]

Characteristic classification

The emergence, spread and evolution of Chinese folk narrative poems have gone through a long historical process. It is rich in content and diverse in form. According to the content, there are Genesis Narrative Poetry Heroic narrative poem and Marriage and Love Narrative Poetry Three types:

Creation Narrative

This kind of narrative poetry came into being earlier, most of which are groundbreaking Human origin Origin of all things in nature, ethnic origin Cultural Creation And so on. It mainly describes the heroic achievements of the creators of the world (gods, giants, and half human and half divine heroes) in breaking new ground and creating human beings and natural things. Many creation narrative poems extol these pioneering gods as cultural heroes and ancestors of the nation. This makes some long creation narrative poems have relatively broad content. For example, the poems often attribute the origin of the division of the four seasons, hunting, animal husbandry, farming, tool making, fire invention, house building, sacrifice, marriage, funeral and other production and life events to these cultural heroes. In terms of ethnic origin Ethnic migration In poetry, they also act as the primogenitor god and the guardian god of the clan and tribe. In addition, there are also some national creation narrative poems, which only have the content of groundbreaking and human origin, and the form is relatively short.

Hero narrative

Main performance hero And its performance. This kind of narrative poetry can be divided into ancient Heroic narration Poetry and Narrative Poems of Modern Heroes Two types.
The first is the ancient hero narrative poetry, also called“ Heroic epic ”。 This kind of narrative poem usually has a large length. Some of them are macro novels with several or dozens of titles, and some are short stories with complete plots and self-contained systems. In the form of poetry, there are not only rhyme style, but also rhyme and prose form. In particular, the system of rhyme and verse, which makes heroic narrative poems widely spread in the folk by means of rap, is very popular with the audience.
Ancient hero narrative poems are generally believed to originate from Primitive society Late stage slave society Initial or feudal society Initial stage. The development of Chinese national hero narrative poetry is unbalanced, and the era when the specific works came into being and formed is still uncertain. But generally speaking, it is closely related to the tribes and Tribal alliance The mutual wars of the times are closely related. The production organization and Military organization Unification, frequent wars between tribes, Hero worship Become popular at this stage Social ideological trend The ancient hero narrative poems, in terms of ideological content, mainly show the battle deeds of the tribes and sing praises of the tribal heroes. In tribal wars, the achievements of the victor are concentrated on the heroes in the epic, while the loser often appears as the devil.
The emergence of the ancient hero narrative poetry is mainly based on the real life at that time, but also contains myths and Creation epic Factors. Some are related to the creation narrative poem Ancestor worship And "cultural heroes". For example, most of the hero narrative poems describe the origin of the nation, the migration of the nation, the totem worship relics, the ancient sacrificial ceremony Ancient society customary law The recollection of the principles and so on are naturally related to the mythical narrative poetry. Even the miraculous birth of heroes and the narration of the war scenes full of fantasy are all marked with the brand of myth.
The second category is modern times Heroic narrative poetry. Most of the characters and events that have appeared in modern history are created on the basis of real people and events. As in the Southern and Northern Dynasties《 Mulan Poetry 》Etc., Chinese《 Zhong Jiu's Trough 》(Biography of the Resistance to Grain), etc. They are mostly short songs and Oral legend On the basis of, it is gradually connected and developed.

Marriage and love narrative

In the long run class society It came into being at that time marriage system And the reflection of customs. This kind of narrative poetry generally has few mythical factors. Unlike the creation narrative poetry and the ancient hero narrative poetry, it does not reflect the major events of the tribal history. It mainly displays the love disputes in personal life, personal reasonable requirements and social system The contradiction of customs, sometimes through the happy combination of young men and women, shows the people's ideals and aspirations.
All ethnic groups in China Folk literature There are many folk narrative poems reflecting marriage and love in the treasure house. Ancient Chinese narrative poems (mostly short stories) include《 The Book of Songs 》Meng in, Yuefu in the Han Dynasty《 Go up the mountain and pick up the black and white flowers 》, Jian'an period at the end of Han Dynasty《 Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》The works in this field in modern times include《 Double lotus 》Etc. Narrative poems about marriage and love, with complete and distinct characters, natural and vivid language, some of which are concise and rich expressiveness Some works are lyrical and infectious

Genre classification


Changqing Sports

Changqing Sports ”It was named after the people of Song Dynasty Bai Juyi zhen The collection name of the. It is a general term for the poems of Bai Juyi and Yuan Zhen in the Tang Dynasty. After the Qing Dynasty, its connotation and reference gradually became《 Everlasting Regret Song 》、《 Song of the Pipa 》、《 Lianchang Palace Ci 》Represented by the kind of narrative style, language, and rhyme Seven words long Songline A special term for.
In December of the fourth year of Changqing, Yuan Zhen compiled Bai Juyi's poems into 50 volumes, named《 Bai's Changqing Collection 》; Yuan Zhen's own anthology, also titled《 Changqing Collection of Yuan Family 》。 Although“ Changqing ”In only four years, it was only a short stage in the creation of Yuan and Bai, but the author himself agreed《 New Book of the Tang Dynasty · Art and Culture Annals 》It was recorded as "75 volumes of Bai's Changqing Collection" and "100 volumes of Yuan's Changqing Collection". The directory of Song people has spread today, such as Chao Gongwu Prefectural Study Record 》、 Chen Zhensun Zhizhai's Book Record Solution 》They also wrote Bai's Changqing Collection and Yuan's Changqing Collection. In the Song Dynasty, zhen Bai Juyi's poems and essays were all in the name of Changqing Collection, and people were used to calling their collections that way at that time. It can be inferred that, Changqing Sports ”I.e Yuanbai body Alias of

Meicun Village

Late Ming and Early Qing Wu Weiye study Changqing Sports , Integration“ Four heroes in early Tang Dynasty ”To transform Changqing style narrative poetry into famous“ Meicun Village ”。 Meicun style is the inheritance and development of Changqing style. Its advantages lie in its excellent diction and rhyme, while its disadvantages lie in its excessive use of allusions. Changqing style and Meicun style are the two most important types of Chinese literati's narrative poems.
The "Meicun style" poetry can be basically divided into four parts: the first is the war tragedy, such as《 Linjiang Joins the Army 》、《 Yanmen Taishouxing 》、《 Pine Mountain Mourning 》Etc; The second is political tragedy, such as《 Hall ascending 》、《 Miscellaneous thoughts on reading history 》, Donglai Travel, etc; The third is the palace tragedy, such as《 Yonghe Palace Ci 》、《 Xiao Shiqing's Gate Music 》、《 Luoyang Tour 》Etc; Fourth, the series of artists and civilians, such as《 Chu Liangsheng Travel 》, Listening to the Female Taoist Singing the Piano《 Linhuai Old Prostitute Shop 》、《 Catch a boat 》Etc. Wu Meicun's way of presenting tragic scenes in his creation is adhered to the human Tie the knot In terms of technique, the selection of scenes shows unique ingenuity typical Along with personal experiences, the scene of Individual We can see the universal truth of history in the authentic deeds with original ecology.
The description of individual destiny in Wu Meicun's poems can not only fill the gaps in history, but also make a small difference. In addition to individual lyricism, Wu Meicun's poems pursue the significance of certain special events reflected in history, which is the characteristic of Wu's poems. Among them, war tragedy poetry and political tragedy poetry are usually used to highlight the characters in the historical narration tragic The way of fate, and the fate of the characters in the palace tragedy poems and the artists and civilians tragedy poems are used to reflect the history. The former poet focused on the description of historical events in his creation, and the historian had a clear way of praise and criticism; The latter focuses on the sigh of the characters in the poem, and the lyric feature of the poem is more concentrated. Although the poet has different emphasis on different themes and techniques Mode of thinking Grasping the object and relying on the gift of the opportunity of the times can not but be said to be a kind of cultural encounter of different origins in the history of poetry. Inheriting the historian's tradition of "recording things with people", and naturally combining with the requirement of "combining the common with the individual" in the art of poetic beauty, it is just the so-called "poets are wise and good at choosing topics", which can not be said that it is a cultural coincidence of different origins of poetry and history.

Famous Poems and Essays

Haw haw again and again, Mulan weaves at home. Do not smell loom Sound, only hear the female sigh. Ask women what they think and what they remember.
Women have no thoughts, and women have no memories. I saw the military poster last night, Khan Point troops Military script Twelve volumes, Volume It has a great name.
Grandpa has no eldest son, and Mulan has no elder brother. I would like to be the saddle horse of the city, and I will levy for you from now on.
The east market buys steeds, the west market buys saddles, and the south market buys bridles, Beishi Buy a whip.
Once I leave my mother and father, I will stay by the Yellow River at dusk. I don't hear my parents calling girls, but I hear the water splashing on the Yellow River.
As soon as I leave the Yellow River, I arrive at dusk Heishantou I don't hear my parents calling girls, but I hear the singing and chirping of horses in Yanshan Mountain.
a great distance Military aircraft , the mountain passes like a fly. The cold light shines on the iron clothes. The general died in hundreds of battles, and the heroes returned in ten years
Come back to see the Emperor, and the Emperor will sit down Mingtang Twelve turn of the Curatorial Medals are awarded to the Top 100. Khan asked what he wanted, but Mulan didn't need a Shangshulang,
I wish to travel thousands of miles and return my son to his hometown.
Ye and Niang went out to support the general when they heard that the girl was coming; When Sister A heard her coming, she took care of her red makeup; When my younger brother heard that my sister was coming, he sharpened his knife at pigs and sheep.
Open my east pavilion door and sit on my west pavilion bed. Take off my war robe and wear my old clothes. When the window arranges the cloud hair, Paste yellow flowers on the mirror
When I went out to see my friends, they were all frightened. After 12 years of traveling together, I didn't know Mulan was a girl.
The feet of male rabbits are flapping, and the feet of female rabbits are flapping Rabbit eye blurred; Two rabbits walk beside the ground. Can Ann identify me as male and female?
The preface reads: Late Han Dynasty Jian'an Medium, Lujiang River Jiao Zhongqing's wife, the Liu family, was sent by Zhongqing's mother and swore not to marry. His family forced him to die by drowning. When Zhong Qing heard about it, he hanged himself on a court tree. When people are hurt, it is a poem.
Southeast Fly the Peacocks Five miles and one wandering.
"Thirteen can weave, fourteen can cut clothes, fifteen can play Harp harp Sixteen poetry books. Seventeen is a king's wife, who always feels bitter and sad. Since you are an official of the government, you are very observant. My humble concubine stays in the empty room and seldom sees each other. The crowing of chickens is woven, Night and night No rest. Five horses will be cut off in three days, which is too late for adults. If it is not for weaving, it is difficult for your wife! I can't bear to be driven, but I have nothing to do, so I can send Bai Gongmu back in time. "
When the officials heard about it, the hall opened the door to Ah Mu: "My son has lost his salary. Fortunately, I got this woman back. I made my hair and bed together, and Huang Quan became friends together. I have worked together for two or three years, but I haven't had a long time. Women have no bias, so why not be thick?"
My mother said to the government officials: "What is too small! This woman has no etiquette and acts with her own discretion. I will be angry for a long time, and you will not be free! There are virtuous women in the master's family, who are named after themselves Qin Luofu You are very poor. My mother asks for you. Then you can dispatch them quickly. Be careful not to stay! " The chief official knelt down and told, "I will only take my mother. If I send this woman today, I will never take her again!"
My mother heard it, Mallet bed He was furious and said, "You have nothing to fear. How dare you help your wife! I have lost my gratitude and will not obey!"
The officials in the government were silent. They paid homage again and entered the house. They said the bride, choking with sobs, "I will not drive you away, but I will force you to have a mother. But you will return home for the time being, and I will report to the government today. You will return soon, and we will welcome you. With this in mind, be careful not to disobey my words."
The bride called the government official: "Don't repeat the different opinions. In the early days of the past, the Xie family came to your door. I served in accordance with my grandparents, and dared to be independent. I worked hard day and night, and I was bright and bitter. It said that I was innocent, and I was generous to my family. I was still driven away, and why should I return? I have a embroidered waist, and I am rich and self glorifying. I have a red Luo Fudou tent, and a sachet hanging on four corners; The box curtain is sixty or seventy, green, green and silk rope. Things are different, and all kinds of things are in it. People are cheap and things are despicable. They are not enough to welcome future generations. They are left to bequeath alms. Now there is no reason for them. Always for comfort, never forget! "
Cocks crow, and the new woman makes strict makeup. With my embroidered skirt, everything is connected in four or five ways. Silk shoes are crept under the feet, and tortoise shell is shining on the head. If the waist is flowing, the ears are worn Bright moon pendant It refers to cutting the onion root, and its mouth contains Zhu Dan. She walks softly, her beauty and charm so unrivalled.
go up the hall When I worship my mother, she is furious. "When I was a daughter, I gave birth In the wild I have no lesson, and I am ashamed of your family. suffer capital Too much silk can't be driven by mother. I will go back home today and stay at Nianmu Lao's house. " But I said goodbye to my sister-in-law, tears falling down my eyes. "When the bride first came, my sister-in-law began to help her bed. Today, she was sent away, and my sister-in-law was just like me. She worked hard to support her husband and grandmother, so that she could help each other. seventh day of a lunar month As far as the ninth, don't forget to play. " When you go out and board the bus, more than a hundred lines of tears fall down.
The government officials and horses are in front, and the bride's car is behind. What a great place it is, it will be at the entrance of the main road. Get off the horse and get into the car. Bow your head and whisper: "I swear not to be separated from you, and I will return home for the time being. I will go to the government today, and I will return soon. I swear not to fall in love with you!"
The bride said to the government officials: "I feel that you are just a bosom man! Since you have seen the record, you will come soon. You will be the rock and I will be the concubine Puyu The reeds are sewn like silk, and the rock is not moved. I have my own father and brother, who are as violent as thunder. I'm afraid they will not let me go, but will fry my bosom. " Hands up are long and laborious, and two feelings are the same.
You can enter the family hall without appearance. The mother held her hands tightly, and did not plan to return: "Thirteen teach you how to weave, fourteen can cut clothes, fifteen can play Harp harp Sixteen masters of etiquette and seventeen dispatches you to marry, which means no vow is violated. What is your sin today, and why don't you come back? " Lanzhi felt ashamed of her mother: "My son is innocent." Her mother was devastated.
After returning home for more than ten days, the county magistrate sent media. Cloud has a third Lang, which is unparalleled in the slim world. At the beginning of the 18th century, he spoke many words and made many talents.
A mother is a girl: "You can go and answer it."
The woman answered with tears in her eyes: "When Lanzhi first returned, the officials of the government swore not to leave Ding Ning. Today, they violated the friendship and were afraid that it would be strange. They could break the letter, which was even more called" slowly "
Auntie Bai's matchmaker: "The poor and lowly have this girl, so they should return home. If they can't afford to be an official or a woman, how can they agree with the husband? Fortunately, they can inquire widely, but they can't agree with each other." The matchmaker went to the prime minister for several days and asked him to return it, saying yes Lan Family Female, there are eunuchs in her family. Yun has a fifth Lang, and Jiaoyi is not married. The prime minister was appointed as the matchmaker, and the master book knew the language. To be frank with the Taishou Family, the Lang Jun was sent to your family because he wanted to do justice.
Aunt Xie, the matchmaker, said, "You must swear first, Grandma How dare you speak! "
Brother A was upset when he heard it. As a saying goes, A Mei: "Why not measure up when you make a plan? First marry a government official, then marry a husband. If you are as peaceful as heaven and earth, it will be enough to honor you. If you are not married to a righteous man, what would you like to be?"
Lanzhi looked up and said, "The truth is like what my brother said. The Xie family is the husband, and the middle way is to return to my brother's family. If the punishment is suitable to my brother's wishes, it must be professional! Although I want to be with the government officials, Qu Hui will never have a chance. Once I get married, I will make an agreement."
The matchmaker gets out of bed, Norfolk. Bai Fujun, the minister of the Ministry of Finance, said: "The lower official is committed to his mission, and his words are predestined." When he heard this, he was very happy. Re open the book according to the calendar, so that within this month, the Six Harmonies are just corresponding. On the 30th of Liangji, it is now 27. You can get married. hand over Speed of speech Attire, The stream is like floating clouds Green sparrow white boat, four dragon flags. Graceful with the wind, golden cars and jade wheels. The blue white horse is wandering, and the tassel is golden. It costs three million yuan and is all worn with green silk. Miscellaneous colour Three hundred of them will be delivered to Guangshi Salmon Treasure. From four to five hundred people, the county gate is gloomy.
My mother said to me, "I will meet you tomorrow when I have received the letter from the government. Why not make clothes? Don't let things go!"
The woman kept silent, the handkerchief covered her mouth and cried. Tears fell like diarrhea. Move me Glazed couch , out under the front window. Hold the knife ruler in the left hand, and hold it in the right hand Damask Chaocheng Embroidery Clip Skirt, Evening Single Luo Shirt. It is called "The day is gloomy, and I am worried about going out and crying".
When officials heard of this change, they returned temporarily for asking for leave. Less than two or three miles, destroy the Tibetan horse sorrow. The bride knows the sound of horses, and meets them on tiptoe. When we look at each other from afar, we know that our old friends are coming. He raised his hand and patted the saddle, sighed and made his heart hurt: "Since you left me, there is no way to measure people. It is not as good as you expected. I have my own parents and persecute my brothers. I should treat others as I am. What do you expect?"
The official said to the bride: "He Qing was moved high! The rock is square and thick, and can die for thousands of years. Pu Wei can sew for a while, and then he can become a woman overnight. Qing won the honor that day, and I went to the Yellow Spring alone!"
The bride said to the government officials: "What do you mean by that? You are also being persecuted, so are your concubines. Don't go against today's words when you meet at the bottom of the Yellow Spring!" She went to separate roads and returned home. How can we say goodbye to strangers and hate them? Say goodbye to the world, never complete!
The official returned home and went to the church to worship his mother: "Today, the wind is very cold, the cold wind blows the trees, and the frost turns into orchids. Today, my son's mother is behind me. If you play a bad trick, don't blame the ghosts and gods again! Your life is like a stone in the south mountain, and your body is healthy and straight!"
Upon hearing this, my mother answered with tears: "You are the son of everyone cabinet minister Be careful not to die for a woman. How can you be so humble! There is a virtuous daughter in the master's family. She is slim and beautiful in the city. My mother will ask for you, and then she will return in the twinkling of an eye. "
The officials paid homage again, sighed in the empty room, and made plans. Turning to the door, I gradually felt anxious.
The cattle and horses neigh every day, and the bride goes to Qinglu. After dying in the dusk, the silence is still. "I am doomed to die today, and my soul will die forever!" Grasping my skirt and taking off my silk shoes, I raised my body to Qingchi.
When officials heard this, they knew that they would leave for a long time. Wandering under the court tree, I hang my southeast branch.
Two families seeking Co burial , buried together near Huashan Mountain. East-west plant Pine and cypress , left and right Chinese parasol trees. Branches and branches are covered and leaves and leaves are connected. There are two birds in the middle, which are called mandarin ducks. Look up and sing to each other, reaching the fifth watch every night. Pedestrians stop to listen, widows hesitate. Thank you to future generations. Be careful not to forget!
Techno Ver
the tang dynasty Li Bai
Autumn song
One month in Chang'an, 10000 households Tamping clothes Sound.
The autumn wind blows endlessly, always feeling at the Jade Pass.
He Liping northern barbarians My beloved, stop the expedition?
In the Ming Dynasty, the post envoys sent out and collected their robes overnight.
The needle drawn by plain hands is cold, which is worth a pair of scissors.
The tailor sent it far away. How many days will it arrive Lintao
In the Quiet Night
Tang Dynasty Li Bai
Suspected frost on the ground.
look at the bright moon,
Bow your head and think about your hometown.
Overcast rain
Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi
The haze is heavy today, and the mountains and rivers are deep here.
The sound of the beach is more urgent in autumn, and the gas of the gorge is more cloudy at dawn.
The sky clouds cover the eyes, and the homesickness rain drops the heart.
How can I comfort you alone? Rely on the north window piano.
Tang Dynasty Li Zhong
Travel through cold food, homesickness tears wipes.
The sound of the book breaks outside the sky, and the peach and plum rain in the spring.
There is no thread to drink, but there seems to be a reason for chanting.
Lose him beyond the outer city wall , how many young people.
Tang Dynasty du xunhe
Driving horses by the river, nostalgia grows step by step.
Raise the whip to wave the willow color, and lose the cicada's voice.
Autumn crops edge long road, cold clouds about the ancient city.
When the family is poor, they have no land to plough.
Tang Dynasty Zhang Qiao
Where to accumulate nostalgia, the ends of the world will be turbulent.
The shore is long and the mountain is late, the lake is wide and the sails are in autumn.
Buy wine and pass the fishing house, Light distribution And fishing boats.
poetic name for the Xiang Jiang River in Hunan Province When you see the geese coming, you should read to swim alone.
Tang Dynasty Bu Sub
There are no pedestrians in northern Luzhou, and the letter from Yunnan has not yet been returned.
If the flowers in front of the court are not swept, who can climb outside.
If you sit for a long time and sell silver candles, you will lose your beauty if you worry too much.
Suspensory core Autumn Night Moon , thousands of miles shining on Guanshan.
Zhou He
The big field is beginning to freeze, and the sky is clear.
The trees are cold and sparse Resident bird , few monks from the mountain.
Back to the sun, collect the snow from the window, and open the furnace to release the ice.
I suddenly returned to my hometown and wanted to live alone Xiling
Yunmeng's Old City in Autumn
Tang Dynasty Rong Yu
The ruins of my old country are here. I want to visit them.
Once people change, a thousand years of water flow away.
In the evening, when the sound of a swan is heard in the dream, Jingmen The trees look autumn.
The clouds stay together, looking at homesickness from afar.
[Tang Dynasty] Gao Shi
The cold light in the hotel keeps you awake alone. What's the matter with you.
Hometown tonight thought thousands of miles, worried about the next year.
Tang Dynasty Si Kongtu
Send flowers and wine, like new flowers, flowers on the left and cups on the right.
If you want to ask why flowers are different from wine, why do people differ?
Tang Dynasty Weizhuang
Every year, Du Qu feels sad for the strange land oriole It can be known.
More by the setting sun on the river bank, heartbroken smoke willow threads.
Tang Dynasty zhen
There are many sad winter scenes around the Mangrove Temple.
Zhongxuan has endless homesickness tears, and the Zhangshui River flows eastward with jasper waves.
Tang Dynasty Gaoqu
There are thousands of mountains in the north and south, and thousands of mountains in the south.
The only thing left is Fanghan's sad trace, and the strangers are afraid of hurting the faces of peaches and plums.
Tang Dynasty Xue Tao
The water of Mount Emei is like oil, so pity my heart and don't tie the boat.
When will the sails leave Jinpu, and the sound of oars sing together Midstream