
[biàn dòng]
Chinese words
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Change refers to change; Change. The phrase comes from "National Language · Jin Yu I": "The first two generations are elected, the second generation are executed, and the changes are planned to serve the mind."
Chinese name
biàn dòng
Phonetic transcription
ㄅㄧㄢˋ ㄉㄨㄙˋ
Refers to changes; Change

Basic explanation

Basic meaning: change, mostly referring to social phenomena. Change refers to abstract things.
Composition: dynamic compensation type: variable
Example: Personnel changes—— Predicate
The task has changed again—— Predicate
The request for personnel change was approved—— Attributive
Synonyms: change, alteration, change.
[change; alteration alteration] change; Change.
However, the principle of being a thing for a long time has changed in the process of constant change. -- [ On Celestial Performance, written by Huxley and translated by Yan Fu
The heart of doing good has changed.
Change several nouns. [1]

words whose meaning is similar


English translation

change;alteration;oscillation;modification;variation [1]

Citation explanation

1. Alternating activities.
National Language · Jinyu I: "The first two generations are elected, the second generation is executed, and changes are made to serve the mind." Press, two, number two. The upper two points to two hands, and the lower two points to two feet. [1]
2. Change.
Tang Hanyu《 Preface of Sending High Idle Immortals 》"Therefore, the book of Xu is like a ghost and a god, which cannot be traced."
Song Shen Zuozhe's "Yu Jian", Volume 9: "The changes of all things, the generation of nature, so the use of resources is also extensive."
Yuan Hongdao of the Ming Dynasty wrote a book with Cao Luchuan: "Since we call it Zen, we have no choice but to move, change frequently, and have a fixed path?"
The weather in London doesn't change much, but it changes very quickly [1]
3. It means to have access to contingency.
Song Su Shunqin's "Shangfanxi Document": "If you can go to Yanzhou to take charge of your own affairs, comfort people in the Guanzhong Pass to show their faith, and change deeply, what enemy dare to take the lead?" [1]
4. Turmoil; unrest.
Liu Xiang of the Han Dynasty wrote in the Biography of Women, Lu Zang's Grandmother: "Any traitor who will do it will harm his son. If something happens here, you should stop it."
"Sui Shu · Astronomical Annals": "The world changes, the heart stars see the auspicious."
Shen Congwen wrote in Selected Essays: "I survived this change." [1]
5. Change.
In the Biography of Wang Shouren of the Ming Dynasty, it is said: "To live a young life without losing one's heart is that the teacher is single-minded in doing good, and can't change his heart to do good because he can't live a young life."
Ding Ling's "County Chief's Family" 3: "I understand that this set of words is almost what he says several times a day, but he needs to slightly change some of the nouns in front of different objects." [1]
6. It means selling off.
The first chapter of Twenty Years' Dream of Prosperity: "I read about my past savings, and half of them went to waste. The rest of them were owned, but it was not easy to change in a hurry." [1]