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[fā xíng liàng]
Currency market terminology
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Circulation is the number of copies of newspapers and magazines sent to readers through distribution channels. It includes two parts: sale and gift. The circulation index mainly includes periodical distribution (that is, the number of newspapers and periodicals issued in each issue) and annual distribution (that is, the total number of newspapers and periodicals issued in each issue within a year). Circulation is an important parameter to measure the social impact of newspapers and periodicals, which has an important impact on newspaper advertising pricing and advertising volume. The advertising agency industry and advertisers generally decide to select media according to the circulation. [1]
F  x í ng li à ng, the number of publications sold.
Refers to Printing media (a publication) the number of copies actually distributed to readers in each issue.
Chinese name
Publications, currency
fā xíng liàng
Year end statistics sale amount

Currency market terminology

National commemoration Gold and silver coins Both sets and pieces have a fixed number of issues. The published circulation is limited and cannot be changed at will. This is the issuing credit of gold and silver coins. The circulation of non commemorative gold and silver coins is unlimited. Generally, the sales volume at the end of the year is taken as the circulation and announced.

Classification definition


Declared circulation

Claimed circulation: the declared circulation of the publication itself is the actual printing volume minus the number of copies not issued.

Audited Circulation

Audited Circulation: circulation data provided by an independent third party after verifying the circulation of publications. The data is fair and reliable. In general, the claimed circulation without verification is often exaggerated than the actual circulation.

ABC-Audit Bureau of Circulation

ABC-Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC Audit Bureau of Circulation): an organization formed by advertisers, advertising companies and media units, which strictly audits the circulation of print media and issues a circulation certificate to prove the circulation of the print media. ABC originated in the United States.

Subscribed Circulation

Subscribed Circulation: refers to the circulation of print media that belongs to long-term subscription. It is also divided into household subscription circulation and unit subscription circulation. Readers of household subscription circulation usually have strong confidence and interest in the publication, and have a high degree of investment in the publication. Therefore, both household subscription circulation and subscription readers have high value for the publication itself and advertising value. Unit subscription distribution helps to increase circulation rate.

Retail circulation

Retail Circulation: the circulation of print media that belongs to the single purchase. It mainly refers to readers bought by newsstands, followed by the value of retail circulation to publications and advertisements.

free circulation

Free Circulation: refers to the circulation of printing media that belongs to the free circulation. Since most of the circulation of free reading is not the result of readers' choice, its value is the lowest. [2]