
[fā xiàn]
Chinese vocabulary
open 27 entries with the same name
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The part of speech found is a verb. Pinyin: f  xi à n. Discovery is human's understanding of the inner and concrete nature of self and its whole, as well as a reprocessing behavior.
Human beings have developed from the spontaneous state of the animal world to the conscious state of human beings, including human beings Practical behavior Discovery and innovation in Core competence It is the discovery of the proper meaning of this word that people make reasoned refutations or textual research on the knowledge or topics that are inherent and used to and turn a blind eye to, so as to reach new conclusions.
Chinese name
Foreign name
discover/find [5]
fā xiàn
words whose meaning is similar
Detection Detection Discovery [3]
Burial , annihilation [3]
See or find things or rules that you didn't know before
Part of speech
Phonetic transcription
ㄈㄚ ㄒㄧㄢˋ


(Movements) ① Know or find things or laws that have not been known or seen by predecessors through exploration and research: discover the new continent | his research work has made significant discoveries. ② Discovery: Find and solve problems in time. [ Near. [3]

example sentence

See "Development".
one show appear
Redords of the Grand History of China ·Tianguan Letter: "The sun and the moon are dizzy and comfortable, and the clouds and winds are gentle. It is also lucky to see it."
Song Dynasty Su Shi Jiao Qianzhi's Poems of Seeking Benevolence from Mountain Spring 》: "It can be seen in gaps, and the odor is really a family."
bright Song Yingxing "Heavenly Creations Mirror": "The mirror in the palace of Tang Kaiyuan was made of silver and copper... The cinnabar spots were discovered by the essence of gold and silver."
A flower in an Ocean of Sin 》The second and fourth time: "Listen to a few words from Mrs. Zhang Pathogenesis After seeing the look and pulse Wen Qing found, he shook his head and said that it was not good Typhoid fever Severe. "
The 40th Chapter of the History of Civilization: We are bound by etiquette and customs, so we are enthusiastic about education, but also suffering from being unable to find out. [4]
History manuscript of the Qing Dynasty ·Shi Huo Zhi 1: "There is no abandoned son whose birthplace can be tested and found in China."
Li Jieren《 The stagnant water is gentle 》Part One Two: "This year, strange things happened in the cemetery." [2]
two performance
Song Dynasty Ouyang Xiu "Preface": "Although it is buried but not emerged, its essence and qi are strange, and can often be seen spontaneously, but things can't be" R "either."
Song Dynasty Yu Wenbao "Four Records of Sword Blowing": "To build a saint and act like the clouds is nothing more than the discovery of nature and the way of heaven. What needs to be said?"
gold Yuan Haowen Nan Guan Lu Yin: "Only Zukao... articles can be described in the industry. Unfortunately, it is not sad to be mixed with the room of Zaoli. It is silent and has nothing to see."
bright Tao Zongyi The Record of Stopping Cultivating, The Secret of Portrait Writing: "When the other side screamed and talked, I saw the true nature, but I kept quiet and asked for it. I kept silent in my heart, closed my eyes as if at the present time, and put my pen as if at the end of the pen." [2]
3. See or find something you didn't know before thing or law
writing reformer Literary and Art Miscellaneous · Yuan Man's Diary in Prison:“ archaeologist Recently in East Asia Many ancient documents have been found on the mainland. "
Lu Xun Hot Wind - Essays 33: "Finding out something unknown by our predecessors is called Fa Jian."
pen name of Wan Jiabao Beijingers 》The second act: "But many years ago he found a woman who knew him." [2]
4. Still find
Ye Shengtao's "Yier": "For his bad deeds, San Shu has seen the least."
Ba Jin's "Home" Trinity: "She suddenly saw that Chueh min's eyes were full of tears." [2]
5. Still happen
Guo Xiaocheng's The Recovery of Guangdong: "During the Wuchang Uprising, the party members planned to fight in Guangzhou overnight to help the provinces. The officialdom was in danger, but Zhang Mingqi Still want to use vague means, in order to save the territory, those who know it would have a bomb found. " [2]
6. Still explore
He Qifang Street: "I want to rediscover their virtue. [2]


1. It is the first time to see or know that we have found a large bay and found the footprints of some unknown animals
2. Find [an object] and find the ball under the table
3. Found by research or experience of a goal scientific research Important new principles are discovered almost every day [1]