developing country

Countries with low economic, technological and people's living standards
zero Useful+1
Developing country, also known as developing country and underdeveloped country, refers to economy, technology and people living standard Less advanced countries, and developed country relative. Developing country evaluation criterion Mainly from this country GDP per capita Relatively low, usually including Asia Africa Latin America And other countries, accounting for more than 70% of the world's land area and total population. Developing countries have a vast territory, a large population, vast markets and rich natural resources There are many more Strategic location It plays an important role in economy, trade and military strategic role From the perspective of future trends, the overall slowdown of developing countries has become the "new normal". in the pipeline Economies The growth rate is higher than that of developed economies, which is driving world economy An important engine of growth.
Most of the 190 countries in the human family are developing countries. Africa South America and Asia The vast majority of countries are developing countries.
Chinese name
developing country
Foreign name
Developing country
Economy, technology and people living standard Less advanced countries
Developing countries Less developed countries
Applied discipline
Sociology economics
Distribution range
Asia Africa Latin America And other regions
Major countries
China Russia Brazil India South Africa etc.

National division

from international organization It can be seen that no international organization has ever explicitly put forward the concept of developing countries and defined it in law. the United Nations It clearly identified 50 countries as Least developed countries developed country They establish their developed country status by committing to more international obligations or not seeking some special treatment. There is an international consensus that once a country joins Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is regarded as an economically developed country, but with the development of some developing countries (such as Mexico )With the addition of, this consensus becomes difficult to grasp in practical operation. World Bank (World Bank) and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) also did not give a clear definition to developing countries. Since it is inevitable to divide developing countries in practical work, the usual practice is to Per capita GNP (GNP), now changed to GNI per capita (GNI) or gross domestic product (GDP) is the main parameter to measure the economic development level of a country. Although this approach is simple and effective, it is difficult to comprehensively reflect a country's economic development and social progress in terms of GNP (GNI) or GDP. World Trade Organization There is also no clear concept of developing countries in the legal texts of the WTO. WTO Agreement 》There are two types of developing country clauses in China: one is active clauses, that is, members who "claim to be" developing countries "are making domestic economic and trade policy At that time, they should enjoy the flexibility given to developing countries by the WTO Agreement; The other is the passive clause, that is, a member recognizes some members as developing countries and gives them more preferential treatment in the formulation and implementation of its trade policies Differential treatment From this we can see that even the most authoritative international organization For the identification or classification of developing countries, most of them are based on the technical provisions needed to deal with international affairs and facilitate trade exchanges, without giving a clear definition of the concept in theory.
comprehensive World Bank International Monetary Fund United Nations Development Programme CIA According to the information released by such institutions, the rest of the world today are developing countries except for the following developed countries:
July 2, 2021( Geneva Local time), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development At the 68th session of the Trade and Development Board, the ROK's status change proposal was approved, officially the republic of korea It is recognized as a developed country. [16]
The main developing countries are as follows:
Land area (km2)
gross domestic product
national flag
About 9.6 million [8]
14117.8 million (in 2020, mainland China) [4]
101598.62 billion yuan (2020, mainland China) [5]
The People's Republic of China
About 330000 [6]
32.75 million (2020) [6]
RM1342 billion (2020) [6]
8 million 514 thousand and 900 [7]
210 million (2020) [7]
R $7.4 trillion (2020) [7]
1 million 1 thousand [9]
100 million (2020) [9]
US $290.5 billion (2019) [9]
About 2.98 million [10]
1.324 billion (2020) [10]
US $2.9 trillion (2020) [10]
299 thousand and 700 [11]
About 18 million (2020) [11]
About US $362.24 billion (2020) [11]
the Philippines
17 million 98 thousand and 200 [12]
146 million (2019) [12]
10.36 trillion rubles (2018)
513 thousand [13]
69 million (2020) [13]
US $509.2 billion (2020) [13]
one million nine hundred and thirteen thousand five hundred and seventy-eight point six eight [14]
268 million (2020) [14]
About $1.11 trillion (2019) [14]
one hundred and forty-seven thousand five hundred and seventy [15]
160 million (2020) [15]
US $302.4 billion (2019) [15]
The People's Republic of Bangladesh


Academics Practical classification
new type Industrialized country (NICS)
Latin American countries
African desert countries
Oil exporting countries
A large developing country with a large population
eurasia developing country
World Bank classification
Low Income Countries (LIC)
Upper Middle Income Countries (UMC)
High Income Countries (OECD)
Other high-income countries
As of July 1, 2011, low income economic system It refers to the economy with an average income of less than US $1005 in 2010, and the average income of low - and middle-income economies is US $1006 to US $3975; The average income of high-income economies is $3976 to $12275, and that of high-income economies is more than $12276. General developing countries include the first three categories.

GDP per capita

GDP of developing countries
List of Per Capita GDP of Developing Countries in 2012

Step by step description

Developing countries are associated with developed country Relatively economically backward countries. It is also called an underdeveloped country. Developing countries used to be Europe and America Japan Imperialist colonies Semi colony Or a dependent country. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the world capitalism Transition to the stage of monopoly The Age of Imperialism Britain, France, the United States, Germany, Russia, Japan and other imperialist countries expanded and invaded abroad, turning most of the world's population of more than 1 billion into their own colonies and semi colonies, which became imperialism commodity market And raw material origin and export of capital Place. After a long struggle against imperialism and colonialism, these countries have achieved independence, and some countries have embarked on socialist road , establish independent National economic system However, due to long-term imperialist aggression and plunder, the level of economic development is relatively low. Although most countries have gained national independence politically, they have not yet completely escaped from imperialist control and exploitation economically. used economic structure Not completely destroyed, some Economic lifeline It is still controlled internationally to varying degrees Monopoly capital Hands. Although developing countries have fundamentally changed their status as vassals, they still face Imperialism And hegemonism The threat of. Therefore, maintenance national sovereignty And development national economy , Objection power politics Changing the old international order has become a common task for developing countries.
Developing countries share a similar historical destiny and share common tasks and aspirations. the Second World War Since then, the politically independent developing countries have mostly pursued neutrality Non alignment policy , and realize different ideology and social system The direct cooperation between developing countries has strengthened ties and cooperation. In the mid-1950s Asia Africa Latin America The third world countries, with the newly independent developing countries in the region as the main body, participate in international affairs as a new force, and carry out a joint movement to safeguard national sovereignty and develop national economy, oppose power politics, and change the old international order. The main contents of sports include: ① Non Aligned Movement Oppose participation in major countries military bloc And alliances with major countries. It is not allowed to establish a great power in this country military base , demanding respect for the sovereignty of all countries and joint participation in the settlement International politics Economic Major issues 。② Development movement. The main task is to change the control and plunder centered Old international economic order And establish fair, reasonable, equal and mutually beneficial New international economic order Its actions are mainly reflected in North South dialogue And strengthening South-South cooperation , focusing on South South cooperation, and promoting the development of North South dialogue through South South cooperation. ③ The movement against dictatorship and for democracy. It reached a climax in the 70s and 80s. With the development of national economy in developing countries and the strengthening of modern capitalist factors, people of all countries generally require the establishment of a perfect modern constitutional system, the implementation of universal suffrage and the strengthening of the rule of law.
With " Cold War "End and Bipolar pattern The disappearance of "the Third World", as a political concept, no longer exists in any sense. However, as a "set of concepts" for developing countries, the Third World has its own special features for developing countries Inclusion And affinity, especially for those weak nations and countries cohesive force And Sense of belonging Because of this, the words of the Third World are still widely used, both in the literature of development economics and in people's daily life, but at present, the third world It no longer has a special meaning. It has become a synonym for developing countries.


In addition, New Marxism The economists of the radical school and the radical school call the developing countries "peripheral regions", which shows the "dependency" and "dominance" relationship between them and the "central regions" (developed countries). Of course, the most popular and simple way to say it is to call it "poor country" and "rich country" opposite. However, the scope of low-income countries and underdeveloped countries is not equal. For example, Saudi Arabia Kuwait The United Arab Emirates Brunei Although the per capita income of oil rich countries is high, it is underdeveloped at the same time. Japan and Israel They are not rich, but they are developed countries. Moreover, poverty and wealth are inherently relative and constantly changing concepts. Only in mutual comparison and dynamics can we grasp the meaning.

Organization definition

from World Trade Organization Agreements protocol analysis Developing country members in the WTO can basically be divided into three categories:
The first category is the least developed countries and regions, and its judgment basis is the least developed countries and regions recognized by the United Nations. According to the standard of the World Bank in 1995, it refers to countries with an annual per capita GNP of 765 dollars or less. There are 49 such countries, 29 of which are members of the WTO.
The second category is countries with an annual per capita GNP of less than US $1000.
The third category is "other developing country members", that is, developing country members that do not belong to the first and second categories mentioned above. However, the WTO has no regulations on such members, nor on "developed country members" Judgment criteria This will bring uncertainties to the implementation of some agreements. For example, countries with an annual per capita GNP of US $3000 can be identified as "other developing country members".

basic feature

Although the history, culture, system and Economic development level These countries share some common characteristics, although they differ greatly in various aspects. These features include:
1. Inferior living standard In developing countries, the living standards of most people are very low. The low living standards are shown in the following aspects. First, the per capita living standard in these countries is very low. Secondly, in developing countries, the gap between the living standards of the poor, who are the majority of the population, and those of the rich, is also relatively large developed country Large. Finally, widespread poverty. The so-called poverty refers to the lack of ability to reach the minimum living standard.
2. Inferior productivity Horizontal. Because developing countries Human resource quality Capital stock The productivity level is relatively low due to the constraints of technology and management level. In 2002, developing countries labour productivity Only 1/23 of developed countries.
3. Rapid population growth and heavy burden of support. Population of developing countries birth rate Generally, the birth rate is much higher than that of developed countries. At the same time, due to the improvement of sanitary conditions and the control of infectious diseases, both countries have mortality The difference is much smaller, which has resulted in rapid population growth in developing countries. One result of the rapid population growth is that children account for a high proportion of the total population in developing countries, so the number of children and the elderly supported by the working labor force is also large, which has caused the burden of support in developing countries.
4. High levels of unemployment and Low employment A considerable part of the labour force in developing countries is not used. There are two forms of underutilization of labor force. One is Open unemployment It means that people with labor force and willingness to work cannot get job opportunities; The other is low employment or Underemployment , which means that although workers are formally employed, they get working hours Less time than they can work, or refers to the working time when workers are formally fully employed, but their labor productivity is very low, even close to zero.
5. Yes agricultural production Is heavily dependent on. From the perspective of production structure, Low income countries (except China and India) gross domestic product The medium share is much higher than that of developed countries; from employment structure Look, Agricultural labor force The proportion of; from Urbanization level Look, low income and Middle income countries urban population The proportion in the total population is much lower than high-income countries and regions
6. On international relation At a disadvantage. Developed countries and developing countries are unequal in international relations. Developed countries control the type of international trade and determine the rules and situation of international relations. In most developing countries Development level Low, insufficient domestic savings, economic construction can only rely on exports primary products Obtain foreign exchange. At the same time, developing countries also need to introduce necessary technology, foreign aid and foreign capital, and the international transfer conditions of these resources are also controlled by developed countries. Therefore, developing countries are economically dominated and dependent on developed countries.
7、 underdeveloped market economy yes Economy of developing countries The essential characteristics of. Due to long-term colonial plunder and feudalism Production relations And after independence government intervention Improper, developing country Market operation Ineffective and severely distorted, unable to play its role as a basic means of resource allocation.

Generation and development

Except some countries in Latin America had won national independence and national sovereignty as early as the early 20th century, most countries and regions in Asia, Africa and Latin America, including China, were in the middle of the 20th century National liberation movement China won independence and liberation and established its own national power. It is precisely because these countries are colonies and dependencies of imperialist powers that they have been invaded, exploited and plundered for a long historical period. Colonialism and suzerain They are despised and called "barbaric countries" and "barbarians". After the Second World War, as these countries gained independence and established their own national regimes, they demanded equal treatment politically and could no longer tolerate the humiliation and bullying of developed countries. However, economically, these countries are still poor and backward. Therefore, in the early post-war period, these countries were also called "backward countries" or "backward countries". Obviously, this formulation is inappropriate, because it not only means "low", but also seems to indicate that these countries have always lagged behind and will continue to do so. Since then, these countries have also been called "undeveloped countries" or "less developed countries", which is intended to emphasize that these countries are still in the economic growth Compared with those economically developed countries, China is still in an underdeveloped situation.
In the late 1950s, especially after the 1960s, in the new international politics economic situation Next, some countries and regions that were economically backward in the past have witnessed rapid economic development. Asia“ Four Little Dragons ”And Latin America's "economic miracle" Asia-Africa-Latin America The country has seen new hope for economic development. Specific performance: their economy is developing, abnormal economic structure is changing, and industry is national economy The position of the Chinese is improving; Although they are still relatively poor, domestic Savings rate and Investment rate Are increasing; Their people's life is still very difficult, but most countries cultural education The health care industry is constantly improving. Therefore, around 1964, around the First United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the concept of developing countries began to appear and spread widely in the world, which was accepted by almost all underdeveloped countries western economics China's "underdeveloped economics", which focuses on the economic development of economically backward countries, also conforms to this trend and has been renamed "development economics".
The birth of developing countries is the most important historical event in the process of human development and social progress in the 20th century. It marks that it has its own Human history Since then, the most numerous countries and the most extensive population in the world have begun to take the pursuit of economic development, social progress and national prosperity as their own direction and goal. After nearly half a century of unremitting efforts Least developed countries The situation of most developing countries has changed significantly. When we enter the new century, we should carry out the basic situation of developing countries Vertical comparison It can be clearly seen that development, as the eternal theme of mankind, has made encouraging achievements more than ever before. World Bank World Development Report 1999/2000 Our theme is to march into the 21st century. When summarizing the past development practices in the developing world, the Report pointed out that "the development in recent decades shows that development is possible, but at the same time it is neither inevitable nor easy. The successful experience is enough to make us full of confidence in the future"
Major developing countries—— Asia Countries and regions (except Japan the republic of korea African countries, Latin American countries Central and Eastern Europe all countries.
Now in the world comprehensive national strength Stronger developing countries - Asia: China , India, Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Europe: Russia; Africa—— South Africa Egypt , Kenya; America —— Mexico Brazil Argentina Chile (China, India, Brazil and South Africa are known as basic countries China, India, Brazil and Russia are called BRIC countries China, India, Brazil, Russia and South Africa are called BRICS countries

Status role

1、 the third world The rise of International political pattern And greatly promoted the development of the post-war international political pattern from bipolar to multipolar.
2、 the third world Is against hegemonism power politics And the main force to maintain world peace. After the war, the third world countries are facing the common maintenance national independence , Development national economy Tasks for. In order to consolidate the achievements of national independence and develop the economy, we must seek a peaceful international environment Safeguarding world peace, opposing hegemonism and safeguarding national independence have always been important tasks for third world countries. There was no world war for half a century after the war, and the opposition of the third world countries and people was one of the important reasons.
3. A large number of Third World countries have joined the United Nations This has greatly changed the status and role of this international organization.
4. The Third World world economy The position and role of China is rising day by day, and its development is changing the face of the world economy.
In addition, in solving the problems related to human destiny Global issues , such as ecological equilibrium Environmental pollution, uncontrolled population growth, food, energy, refugees, drug control and other aspects are also inseparable from the cooperation of the third world countries. In the future, as time goes by, these problems will become more and more prominent, and more and more need the participation of the third world countries to solve them.


Achievements and problems of economic development
1. Economic development of developing countries
the third world Most countries with weak industrial foundation Agricultural country The economic structure is single, the level of productivity is low, and the people live in poverty. After half a century of construction, all developing countries have achieved varying degrees of development. In general, the first 30 years witnessed rapid economic development, and after entering the 1980s, the economy stagnated (known as the "lost decade"). Only after the 1990s did a new momentum of development emerge. It is shown as follows: First, it has created a higher Economic development speed And even created a higher economic development speed than that of developed countries. Second, the deformed economic structure has been changed to varying degrees. Third, the national economy has developed considerably. Fourth, its share in the world economy has increased.
2. The overall economic strength of developing countries has increased since the 1990s
Since the 1990s, the economy of developing countries has developed rapidly on the whole, their strength has increased, and their position and role in the world economy has been growing. The share of developing countries in the world economy has risen significantly. In particular, East Asia's economy continues to grow at a high speed, Latin America The economic development is also very fast, and Africa has begun to get rid of many difficulties. It is worth noting that during this period, western developed countries fell into recession one after another, while developing countries continued to develop rapidly. This shows that the dependence of developing countries on developed countries has begun to weaken, and their influence on the world economy and the economic development of developed countries is growing. This will help them maintain national independence and national sovereignty, oppose hegemonism, Establish a new international political and economic order
3. Main experience of economic development in developing countries
Since the mid-1980s, especially in the 1990s, developing countries have been adjusting their economic policies and carrying out economic restructuring. Its experience mainly includes the following points: First, formulate and adjust the economy according to the national conditions of the country development strategy Generally Export oriented and Import substitution The combined development strategy replaces the past development strategy focusing on import substitution to achieve better development results. Second, deepen Economic system reform Including reducing excessive state intervention in the economy, emphasizing market mechanism The role of state-owned enterprises to implement transition, encourage the development of private enterprises. Third, adjustment industrial structure Many countries have shifted their emphasis from focusing on the development of industry to the development of industry and agriculture, Attention to development the service sector; the tertiary industry (service industry) and The fourth industry Information industry ), strengthen the weak link And strive to achieve balanced development of all sectors. Fourth, implement the open policy. Participated to varying degrees international economy Spring tide, strive for favorable opportunities to develop themselves.
4. Unbalanced economic development and problems faced by developing countries
On the whole, developing countries have made great achievements in their economic development over the past 50 years after the war. However, due to different levels of original economic development, different levels of domestic political stability, different levels of development strategies and reform and adjustment, different emphasis on science and technology, education, and culture, and others geographical conditions The economic development of developing countries is uneven due to different demographic conditions and other factors. According to the per capita GNP, it can be divided into four categories: first, high-income Middle East And other oil producing and exporting countries. Second, upper middle income Emerging industry Countries and regions. Including Brazil, Mexico, Singapore and Taiwan , Hong Kong, China, etc. Third, lower middle income countries and regions. They account for the majority of the Third World, mostly agricultural countries Capitalist mode of production At the stage of coexistence with the former capitalist mode of production, we are striving to realize the industrialization and modernization of the country. Fourth, the least developed countries. The population growth rate of these countries is higher than Economic growth rate Many of these countries have not even solved the problem of food and clothing.
At present, these countries still face serious problems: first, debt crisis Capital backflow Second, Food crisis , relying on grain imports. Agricultural infrastructure Deterioration, per capita grain yield Declining. Third, population growth exceeds Material production The society is overwhelmed by the growth of. Fourth, political instability and frequent wars have aggravated existing difficulties and displaced residents.
Political developments Achievements and problems:
Developing country political system It is relatively complicated and is in constant change. There are generally the following types:
1、 Parliamentary republic That is, the parliament is the center of national politics, holds the highest power of the country, and the government is responsible to the parliament. The President is elected. Countries implementing this system include India, Singapore, etc.
2、 Presidential system That is, the President is both the head of state and the Head of Government , master administrative power Mexico, Brazil and others have adopted this system of government.
3、 monarchy , which can be divided into three types: monarchical parliamentary system (Parliamentary monarchy), where the monarch does not hold real power, the parliament is the highest legislature , Country executive power It is controlled by the cabinet, such as Thailand, Malaysia, etc; Absolute monarchy The monarch has the highest power of the country, such as Saudi Arabia Oman Etc; Dualistic constitutional monarchy (Dual monarchy), the monarch is the head of state, the parliament is the legislature, the cabinet is responsible to both the monarch and the parliament, but the real power of the state is in the hands of the monarch, such as Jordan Kuwait Bahrain Swaziland Morocco Etc.
4. The military regime refers to the military autocratic rule in which the military holds power. In Latin America and Asia, military power was once common, but in recent years it has tended to be democratized and has declined.
5、 Theocracy And the integration of the Party and the government. The former is Iran In the Islamic Republic, the Head of State and the President are referendum He is responsible for signing parliamentary resolutions and nominating Prime Minister candidates, but the top leader of the country is not the president, but the religious "leader". The latter is actually through the constitution or laws, directly ruling party Identified as the highest authority of the country, such as in Africa zaire , Asian Myanmar Etc.
There are also party systems One party system Bipartisan system multi-party system And the prohibition of all political party activities.
The post-war developing countries have made important political progress:
First, get rid of colonial rule , strive for national independence and establish Sovereign state
Second, explore a development path suitable for the national conditions of the country.
Third, Political democratization The degree is constantly improving.
Fourth, most countries have implemented correct ethnic policies and stabilized the country Political situation , keep good Political environment But there are still many serious problems to be solved: Colonial countries Impact of; Old traditional forces; In some countries, there are conflicts among various ethnic groups, religions and sects.
With the rapid rise of a group of developing countries, it has changed the world economic structure as well as the world Interest pattern In 2008, this trend continued. The BRICs' contribution to world economic growth Contribution rate Continue to exceed 50%. Following the "BRICs", the group of developing countries has emerged again Five countries of VISTA And a number of "second tier countries". They got it economic globalization It brings opportunities, seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, gives full play to its different advantages, and demonstrates a relatively strong development vitality and potential. In 2007, among the top 20 economies in the world, Emerging economies 7, respectively China Brazil Russia India the republic of korea Mexico turkey Among the top 50 economies in the world, Developing economies 25, forming "half of the country". The rise of some developing countries has led to development Economies And developing economies. world economic development Imbalance presents new characteristics different from the past. As far as developing countries are concerned, the development gap between countries is widening. In developed countries, there is also a large gap between rich and poor. Norway and Luxembourg The per capita income in 2007 was the new member of the EU Bulgaria 20 times and 19.7 times. On the other hand, according to the report issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in September 2007, developed countries and developing countries per capita income disparity In 1980, it was 23 times, and in 2006, it was reduced to 18 times.

Great changes

Great changes in the pattern of survival interests:
world Economic imbalance At the same time, the imbalance with the development of the North and the South has led to changes in the pattern of global interests. In terms of national and national survival, developed countries have already established their survival advantages, mainly relying on the economy and Financial strength , leading the international trade, controlling the world's major resources and markets Military strength And groups and the rules of human existence formulated by them. For a long time, the group of developed countries has occupied the largest part of the "big cake" of human survival interests, squeezing out the overall deterioration of the living environment, survival resources and viability of most developing countries. However, with the economic rise of some developing countries, developed country groups have to "share" some "benefits" in the field of survival interests with them. These developing countries are not satisfied with this, but also need to obtain more "benefits". In this way, their survival characteristics and survival behavior will gradually be far away from the majority of developing countries, and gradually run in with the developed countries to become a "community of common destiny".

Major adjustment

Major adjustment of development interest pattern:
For a long time, developed countries have a strong Development capacity And strength. However, the "double imbalance" of North South development has led to a major adjustment in the pattern of global development interests. In order to ensure their own development interests, developed countries have delayed the emerging forces to "take away" more development interests, and have begun to throw various bait to attract some of the emerging forces to join the West and jointly prevent the prosperity and strength of another part of the emerging forces. As a result, the position of the attracted emerging forces in the global development interest pattern has significantly improved, while the "deterred" emerging forces have constantly broken through the deterrence, and also improved through competition in the global development interest pattern discourse power And benefit sharing rights.

Big changes

The connotation of the political interest pattern has changed greatly:
In the past, maintaining the old order or establishing a new order was the main line in the debate over the world's political interests, Cold War The period was dominated by group confrontation, institutional and ideological confrontation, and the developing countries became the "middle ground" for both sides of the game. After the end of the cold war, various forces coexist, and no one can eat anyone. Facing the economy Globalization Wave And human survival resources, survival environment living space Challenge: the attention of countries to institutional and ideological differences has obviously given way to the attention to interest dependency. Peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit have become the largest world politics. In this regard, China's proposal of "a harmonious world" has been approved by more and more countries, and has also promoted a major change in the pattern of world political interests.
It should be pointed out that China is the largest developing country, and its future and destiny are closely linked with those of the whole developing country group. China's peaceful development And scientific development are beneficial to the whole group of developing countries as well as the whole world.

external relations

so-called Weak countries have no diplomacy In the world political arena, there are many powerful countries, and it is the diplomacy of competing interests between major countries. There are few weak countries in international organizations discourse power , this can be referred to Iraq War Indochina War Etc. The United Nations, previously manipulated by the great powers, is regarded by developing countries as a platform for dialogue with developed countries and has a high position. Developing countries also have more and more high international status But it still doesn't have much influence, which mainly depends on Group of Eight


The developing countries once had a relatively complete Group size And relatively unified forces play an important role in the world political and economic arena, such as facilitating the restoration of China's legitimate seat in the United Nations; Promote the sixth special meeting to discuss raw materials and development U.N.General Assembly , via《 Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order 》And the Programme of Action; stay The Fourth Middle East War Later use of oil weapons, sanctions the West , resulting in“ The first oil crisis ”Etc.
Cold War Before the end, the group of developing countries mainly relied on cross regional and regional organizations to play a role, especially Non Aligned Movement Group of 77 ACP Group (ACPGroup)、 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Organization of the Islamic Conference OIC )、 las the organization of african unity AU (predecessor), etc., have strong cohesion, and can speak with "one voice" on major issues. Their focus is mainly to maintain the political independence of developing countries and oppose US Soviet hegemony Damage to their own interests, decolonization and the elimination of apartheid, and demand the establishment of a fair and reasonable international economy and political order
After the end of the cold war, especially since the beginning of the 21st century, economic globalization has developed rapidly, and the knowledge economy and information revolution With rapid changes, the balance of major forces in the world has changed dramatically, the global interest structure has diversified, the pattern has become complex, international regulation has undergone new evolution, and the order of competition among various forces has been reshaped. Under such a strategic background, the group of developing countries is undergoing great differentiation and reorganization.
Most of the large groups of developing countries formed by religious, ethnic, geographical factors or similar political and economic demands are losing their vitality, which is difficult to affect the solution of major global hot issues, nor guide the world's major economic and political trends. Their summits or foreign ministers' meetings are still held regularly, and a large number of declarations, statements or communiques are still issued, but rarely Substantive Our cooperative actions, let alone our unified strategic efforts, are not credible or fruitful. For example, group organizations with dozens or hundreds of member countries are treating globalization , anti-terrorism Iraq War Iran Nuclear program, Arab Israeli dispute, Darfur Kosovo Doha Round , climate, environment United Nations reform oil price It is difficult to form a unified position on issues such as inflation, or even fall into a quarrel.
The imbalance of internal development and the widening gap between rich and poor lead to Interest demands They are different and even conflict with each other. For example, in Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in 2007 Saudi Arabia turkey , Indonesia Malaysia Iran Nigeria Pakistan The United Arab Emirates Egypt Algeria The total GDP of 10 other countries is about 2044.2 billion US dollars, accounting for 72% of the Islamic world. Another 47 National exclusion Bahrain Qatar Oman Kuwait Brunei It is a rich country. The total financial capacity of the other 42 countries cannot match that of Saudi Arabia. They owe long-term foreign debt of US $730 billion, accounting for 87% of their total annual GDP, and are unable to repay it. The per capita income of the six GCC countries and Brunei has exceeded some developed country Qatar has an annual per capita income of US $66063, which is one of the richest countries in the world. At the same time, among the 49 least developed countries designated by the United Nations, Islamic countries It accounts for 22, and another 7 Islamic countries are close to the main indicators of the least developed countries due to economic downturn. The above situation is inevitable Conflict of Interest according to World Trade Organization The 2007 assessment showed that trade tariffs and Non-tariff barrier It is still very high, with 50% of anti-dumping investigations in the world among developing countries.
Internal contradiction And conflicts have entered a period of frequent occurrence, and the combination of various forces is constantly changing. More than half of the developing countries are separately or simultaneously boundary dispute Resource disputes Tribal friction, sectarian conflicts, war plague extremist Separatism terrorism Tens of millions of refugees have emerged. Small, weak and poor countries have to line up around large, strong and rich countries according to their survival needs, or frequently "turn against" and change "camp ownership". A considerable number of people lose confidence in the future of the country and migrate to and stay in developed countries through legal or illegal channels.
Some developing countries with high levels of economic, technological, educational and social development are eager to change their national positioning and shed the label of "developing countries". In addition to the 12 "former" developing countries that have become new members of the EU, South Korea, Singapore, Turkey Ukraine , Macedonia Croatia A number of other countries have been reluctant to be called "developing countries" or "third world countries". They "introduced" Western political systems, economic models legal system In the so-called "democracy", "human rights", "freedom of the press"“ National self-determination ”The value judgment on such issues is gradually converging with that of the West.
Latest World Group United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) The Human Development Report 2010 released on November 4, 2010 revised the grouping of countries around the world. After the revision, the number of developed countries or regions increased from 38 in 2009 to 44 in 2010, with an increase of 6.

Major countries



World Bank Recently announced the annual“ Examination results ”: 2017 Russia per capita gross national income $10743, the first Soviet Union The region is second only to Estonia Latvia and Lithuania While fully recognizing the economic development of Russia, the above rankings are inevitably suspected of "water injection". Russia《 Komsomolskaya Pravda 》Later, the website commented that the World Bank was "lax in changing the volume" and gave Russia a high "score": "high income" only means "single subject score", while "developed" needs "comprehensive scores".
The "high income" ranking has improved Russia's confidence in revitalizing its economy. Popokov, director of the All Russian Living Standards Research Center, said to the author that“ high income country ”Rank, Russia, which has suffered from reform for 20 years, is indeed proud of it. In addition, "high income" also makes it possible for Russia to achieve the grand goal of an annual per capita income of 30000 dollars. [1]
developing country


China in 2010 GDP per capita Less than 4500 dollars, ranking only 94th in the world in strong or weak light Total GDP Unreliable
"Catch up" was once our lingering complex.
In countries around the world gross domestic product In the competition, China is undoubtedly a master of overtaking -- in 2005, we surpassed britain In 2008, we surpassed Germany; In 2010, we exceeded Japan , becoming the second largest in the world Big economy It is the largest developing country in the world.
Foreign media, who like to join in the excitement, came to China to support it. Of course, there were many people who wanted to support it.
United States《 New York Times 》Say, this is China's economy A milestone of; Singapore Lianhe Morning Post 》It points out that this is an important chapter in the history of world development; Japan《 asahi shimbun 》Sigh, Japan's influence began to fade; UK《 Financial Times 》Predict that the world will adapt to this new way.
Different from the world media, this time, the Chinese people ranked the second in the world in terms of GDP. From the private sector to the government, they were calm because we were the poorest second in the world.
GDP per capita ranks 94th in the world
Between 2005 and 2009, Gallup World Poll Thousands of people were interviewed in 155 countries through telephone and home access, and data on their happiness were obtained from people around the world.
The survey results show that among the "happiest countries and regions in the world", Denmark Finland , Norway Sweden Four Northern Europe Countries rank in the top four. China and Kenya Ghana They are ranked 125 together.
When the domestic and foreign media widely reported that "China has become the second largest economy", Yao Jian, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said: "GDP data is just National economy The reflection of strength on the one hand. We should not only care about GDP data, but also about per capita data. "
according to International Monetary Fund According to the data released by the IMF, China's per capita GDP in 2010 was only 4382 US dollars, ranking 94th in the world. On the whole, China is still a developing country.
Yao Jian said that there are still 150 million people in China who have not reached the standard of one dollar a day income of the United Nations. although Economic scale More than Japan, but due to China Population size It is 10 times that of Japan. If calculated on a per capita basis, China's per capita GDP is only one tenth of that of Japan.
Yao Jian said frankly: "The problem is only on the data level. What's more, the quality of China's economic development needs to be improved. Compared with developed countries, whether people's Quality of life In the field of technology and environmental protection, we still have a huge gap. In the process of economic development, our social development is still lagging behind, and there is still much room for development in education, culture, health and other fields. "
Expert opinion
China's economy hides Pathogenic factor
China's economic development mainly depends on investment, and a large part of it is driven by foreign investment.
Foreign capital in made in China Considerable“ China's GDP ”, but the benefits pass Commodity export When transferred to other countries, the higher China's GDP, the more benefits it can deliver to foreign countries.
Some experts pointed out that China is not strong, but fat. Hypertrophy not only shows little power, but also hides many pathogenic factors.
In terms of China's economy, that is Gold content Very low, technological innovation Weak, high economic growth, relying on selling Cheap labor And pay a heavy environmental price.
This hidden cause has already caused disease in succession on the land of China - environmental pollution and frequent product safety accidents.
The Chinese government has realized the problem and is committed to change, but no change can be achieved overnight.
GDP can't be a sign of national strength
China's own history has repeatedly shown that the size of GDP cannot be a sign of a country's strength.
If calculated by GDP, Modern History Was always regarded as“ Poor and weak ”China has always been a Economic Powers
According to the famous British Economic History And economic statisticians Angus Maddison It is estimated that from 1700 to 1820, China's GDP not only ranked first in the world, but also accounted for 32.9% of the world's GDP.
And also according to Madison's estimate, according to the current Development speed By 2030, China's share in the world's GDP may increase to 23%, which is only a draw with its ancestors 200 years ago.
Even in 1936, before the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, China's GDP was also much higher than that of Japan, about 1.9 to 2.8 times that of Japan. But obviously, all countries believed that Japan was significantly stronger than China at that time.
National income Not equal to national welfare
GDP is by no means omnipotent, which is the "original sin" of GDP.
As early as 1934, the inventor of the GDP indicator, Russian American Kuznets, found the biggest defect of the GDP calculation method: "the income of a country is not equal to the well-being of its citizens".
according to britain Financial Times 》Report to Joseph Stiglitz And Amartya Sen nobel prize in economics The 24 top economists led by the winner issued a report in April 2010 to explore the possibility of improving GDP.
In Stiglitz's view, the inherent defect of GDP is that it is not considered social development factor. GDP is just one Quantitative indicators , not a quality index GDP is not considered national income There is no allocation to economic activity The value of Moral judgment
More Chinese scholars began to think about "the gold content of GDP", and someone proposed to use GDPW (GDP and welfare) instead of GDP.
American scholar Galbraith It was pointed out that developing countries have three options for modernization, one of which is symbolic modernization, to build first-class airports and developed expressway and Large project , but it does not mean bringing Welfare level Promotion of.
Economic development depends more on quality
Economic development depends not only on the total quantity, but also on the quality.
famous historian Paul Kennedy On《 The rise and fall of great powers 》The book points out:“ Economic aggregate It is meaningless in itself. The material output of hundreds of millions of farmers can dwarf the output of 5 million workers, but most of their production Consumed Therefore, it is far from possible to form surplus wealth or decisive military strike force. Britain was strong in 1850. It was strong because it had modern, wealth creating industries and all the benefits it generated.
The growth of staff income is slow and low for a long time
A netizen once posted his Payslip base pay 1300 yuan, deducted endowment insurance 144 yuan, 198 yuan for social insurance, 18 yuan for unemployment insurance, 36 yuan for medical insurance, plus 900 yuan deducted for four times of being late, the final paid salary is 4 yuan.
A copy at the Beijing CPPCC Research report It is pointed out that Beijing Front-line staff The current income level is "slow growth, long-term low".
Guangdong in 2010“ Social thermometer investigation report It is also pointed out that residents believe that the most important social problem The first place is "slow wage rise".
In sharp contrast to the slow salary increase Cost of living Increase of.
It was once popular to post the cost of marrying all over the country online: 1.28 million yuan in Guangzhou; 1782000 in Hangzhou; Shanghai 2.0082 million; 2.028 million in Beijing; Shenzhen has 2.08 million yuan.
alain de botton On《 Identity anxiety 》Zhong once said that in the boom of the economy, one has been troubled western world The problems that have lasted for centuries also spread eastward to China. When the basic needs of life are guaranteed by the society, it is the time when identity anxiety grows.
stay Bask in wages Behind the cost of living is a psychological comparison, which reflects China's Salaried class Anxiety about life.
Uneven distribution: China's economic development has "hard injury"
This anxiety also reflects the development of the region out-off-balance On.
When China rapidly becomes the second largest country in the world Luxury consumer countries The production and consumption of cars have ranked first in the world. When the housing prices in Shanghai, Beijing and other big cities are directly catching up with those in New York and Tokyo, it is easy for us to make ourselves and others feel illusory.
And when we focus on the vast countryside and remote mountainous areas, and then do it with 1.3 billion people denominator When we average all the figures in China, we feel great pressure and responsibility.
scholar Zhang Weiwei It was pointed out in the article "What kind of China does GDP mirror look like" that today's China has formed a population of about 300 million“ Quasi developed country Plate ". In this plate, Beijing and Shanghai Life expectancy per capita All over New York, most city dweller The housing level of Hong Kong, China homeownership rate More than developed countries, per capita educational level It also reaches the average level of developed countries Scientific and technological capability It is higher than that of general developed countries.
However, when the cake of economic aggregate is bigger and the cake of distribution is seriously unfair, the larger the GDP is, the stronger the sense of deprivation is, and the more social crisis is buried.
In fact, China's poverty gap Increasing.
In 1994, China's Gini coefficient It exceeds the internationally recognized 0.4 cordon In 2007, it was as high as 0.48.
The polarization has lowered the per capita GDP, which makes China's prosperity have an illusion.
Realization of China's developed countries
"If we estimate based on historical experience, the probability of China's promotion to developed countries at the end of the 21st century is about 4%; if we consider the population factor, China's population is 1.3 billion to 1.4 billion, and the population of developed countries is 1 billion, the probability of China may be smaller."
On January 30, at the "400 Years of World Modernization and the Expert Symposium on China Modernization Report 2010", China Modernization Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences director He Chuanqi Say.
China Modernization Report 2010: Overview of World Modernization 》(hereinafter referred to as the "Report") is the research group of China's modernization strategy and the China Modernization Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences《 China Modernization Report 》The tenth annual report series analyzes the basic facts and future prospects of world modernization, and discusses the facts and prospects of China's modernization.
According to the report, according to the historical experience of the past 300 years, there are about 20 developed countries and more than 100 developing countries in the 21st century; Developed countries may be downgraded to developing countries, and developing countries may be upgraded to developed countries. Developing countries include three groups of countries, which are moderately developed, primarily developed and less developed countries. In the 21st century, developing countries still have a chance to succeed. They will compete for five tickets to upgrade developed countries.
The "promotion probability" of 4% caused controversy at the forum. "If you can't predict the future well, the results will be funny." Beijing Institute of Socialism Vice President Chen Jian Said to our reporter, "This 4% is meaningless."
The Report outlines a picture of "digitalization" of world modernization panoramic scan ”, while in some social sciences From the perspective of scholars in the field, the methods and conclusions of the Report need to be discussed.
It is expected to basically realize modernization in 2040
"If according to the 1990-2005 Annual average growth rate It is estimated that China may reach moderately developed country Horizontal. China modernization Step 3 of strategic target It may be realized about 10 years in advance. " He Chuanqi told our reporter.
In October 1987, the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the "three-step strategy" for China's modernization drive: the first step, from 1981 to 1990 Gross National Product Double that of 1980 to solve the problem of people's food and clothing; Second, from 1991 to the end of the 20th century, the gross national product doubled again, and people's living standards reached well-off level Step 3: By the middle of the 21st century Per capita GNP It has reached the level of moderately developed countries, the people are relatively well-off, and modernization has basically been achieved.
He Chuanqi said that if the third strategic goal is achieved, China's modernization level is generally as follows:
First, Economic modernization : The annual per capita income exceeds 20000 US dollars, which is critical Economic indicators Ranked in the top 40 in the world.
Second, Social modernization : Pension and medical insurance Coverage 100%, Urbanization rate And the informatization rate reached about 80%.
Third, Political modernization : Build a democratic, free, equal and efficient political civilization International competitiveness Ranked among the top 10 in the world.
Fourth, Cultural modernization cultural life Over the world average, culture innovation ability Its key indicators rank among the top 20 in the world.
Fifth, human modernization: universities Penetration rate Over 80%, Average life expectancy Over 80 years old, Human Development Index Ranked among the top 20 in the world.
Sixth, ecological modernization: economic growth and Environmental degradation Complete decoupling and human settlement environmental quality Basically reaching the level of major developed countries.
According to the Report, since the 1860s British Industrial Revolution Up to now, the world modernization can be divided into two stages, of which, The first modernization Is from agricultural society towards industrial society agricultural economy towards industrial economy Agricultural civilization towards industrial civilization Transformation is a classic modernization characterized by industrialization, urbanization and democratization; The Second Modernization From industrial society to knowledge society Industrial economic trend knowledge economy Industrial civilization to knowledge civilization material civilization towards Ecological Civilization The transformation of globalization A new type of modernization with typical characteristics.
According to the research results of the Report, in 2006, 29 countries in the world entered the second modernization, 90 countries in the first modernization, 12 countries in the traditional agricultural society, and hundreds of countries ethnic minority Living in Primitive society In the 21st century, it is expected that more than 100 countries will complete their first modernization, more than 80 countries will enter the second modernization, and developed countries will complete their second modernization.
In 2006, China was at the primary level of development among developing countries. It was in the mature stage of its first modernization. The first modernization had been completed by four fifths, and the second modernization was about two fifths of that of developed countries. In 2006, China's second modernization index ranked 70th among 131 countries in the world.
The modernization of mainland China is unbalanced. Beijing has reached the initial stage of the second modernization. Shanghai and Tianjin are in the transition period from the first modernization to the second modernization. Seven regions, including Zhejiang, are in the mature stage of the first modernization, and 21 regions, including Hubei, are in the development stage of the first modernization.
Tall buildings springing up in many developing countries
In 2006, some indicators in some parts of China have reached or approached the level of the more developed countries in Europe. Beijing's second modernization index, urbanization level and university penetration rate have reached Italy and Spain Level, comprehensive modernization index, average life expectancy and Adult literacy rate Close to the level of Italy and Spain.
On May 12, 2023, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Wang Wenbin At a regular press conference, the United States had no say in whether China belonged to a developing country or not. China is recognized by all as the largest developing country. The United States wants to give China the hat of "developed country". Sorry, China cannot wear this hat. As a developing country, China has sufficient factual basis. It is China's legitimate right to safeguard its status as a developing country. "
On June 8, 2023, United States Senate The Council on Foreign Relations unanimously passed the Act on the Termination of China's Status as a Developing Country, which requires US Secretary of State Lincoln to commit to depriving China of its status as a "developing country" in international organizations with US participation. [17]


developing country
President of India Abdul Kalam Set an important task for the Indian government and parliament before the end of the five-year term: turn India into a developed country by 2020.

Well developed

China, Russia, Brazil and Latin American countries East Asia And other developing countries, although economic growth rate Both of them surpass the developed countries, but their social well-being It depends on developed countries. For this reason, developing countries are not subject to Economy of developed countries Instead of repeating the growth path of developed countries, we need to explore new economic model
In the 21st century, we are faced with important tasks, China Russia Brazil And Latin American countries, East Asian countries, etc economic growth Shanghai has surpassed developed countries. Their social well-being depends on developed countries, so if we see economic stagnation The economic growth of developed countries is very low and slow, while they also face challenges.
Because the demand of developed countries and other countries can be important for economic growth drive For example, there are many other BRICS countries G20 Member States do not face serious economic stagnation, they also face some Fiscal retrenchment If they can further pursue the growth path of developed countries to further repeat their economic model , there will be some problems. Therefore, we believe that we should further follow the new economic model, where competition and dependence coexist. Competition mainly refers to many international organization And international institutions, such as new international organizations, are also competing with each other. They can bring a more perfect world through mutual competition. Because we should pay attention to their policies to promote social development.
Second, independence. This mainly refers to domestic economic policy They should be independent of each other, and can play a role in the G20 Coordination role To communicate with each other about their own economic policies and create some integrated models. We are Brisbane A growth plan has been proposed, which is very meaningful for policy makers. I think it is a great success for Australia. They have achieved success, and they have also passed such a Brisbane plan. In the first year, this plan was not particularly successful, and not all countries have implemented it. Therefore, we should play an important role in the G20 so that all international organizations and institutions can meet each other to discuss their policies. We can also help each other through different strategies to help us promote economic growth and realize economic revival sustainable growth

Chinese support

On December 6, 2019, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations a deputy Wu Haitao expressed that China supports Secretary General of the United Nations Guterres The "Operation for Peacekeeping" initiative was put forward to actively support troop contributing countries from developing countries capacity building , while supporting the United Nations to AU Autonomous peace operations provide sustainable and predictable financial support. [2-3]