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Reaction mode

Performance of personality characteristics
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Way of response is also called "response style". Response tendency independent of test content. A manifestation of personality characteristics. For example, individuals with "default" reaction mode tend to respond "yes" regardless of the content of the topic. The reaction style of the subjects will cause test errors. [1]
Chinese name
Reaction mode
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way of responsc
Answer Style
Performance of personality characteristics
If a pigeon Skinner box After the conditioned reflex of pecking a red circle is formed, an orange dot can also cause the pigeon to peck, but the speed is slower than pecking the red circle. A yellow dot can also cause its response, but the pecking speed will be slower. Skinner called this phenomenon inductive gradient, and believed that the reason was that the new stimulus situation had the same factors as the original stimulus situation. The phenomenon of reaction generalization widely exists in various learning environments. Most of the later learning theorists tend to replace "generalization" with "transfer".