
[fǎn shè]
Physical noun
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one kind Optical phenomenon It refers to the phenomenon that when light travels to different substances, it changes the propagation direction on the interface and returns to the original substance. Light will reflect when it meets the surface of water, glass and many other objects. When light changes its propagation direction on the interface between two substances and returns to the original substance, it is called Reflection of light
Reflected light And Incident light normal On the same plane; The reflected light and the incident light are separated on both sides of the normal; Reflection angle be equal to Angle of incidence It can be summarized as: "Three lines Coplanar , two lines live apart, and two corners are equal ". Light has reversibility In the phenomenon of light reflection, the light path is reversible.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Applicable fields
physical optics
Applied discipline

Reflection of light


Basic definitions

The phenomenon that light changes its propagation direction on the interface between two substances and returns to the original substance is called Reflection of light

Laws of physics

1. In reflection, reflected light, incident light and normal All in the same plane;
two Reflected light Incident light Separated on both sides of the normal;
3. The reflection angle is equal to Angle of incidence
(It can be summarized as: "three lines are coplanar, two lines live apart, and two angles are equal".)
The reflection angle changes when passing from one medium to another.


reflectivity , also known as Reflective ability , is reflection light intensity Degree and incident light The ratio of strength. The surfaces of different materials have different reflectivity, and the values are mostly percentage It means that the same material can have different reflectivity to light of different wavelengths. This phenomenon is called Select Reflection So if you list the reflectivity of a material Should be Indicate its wavelength, for example, glass with visible light The reflectivity of gold is about 4%. The selectivity of gold is very strong. The reflectivity near the green light is 50% and the reflectivity to the infrared light is more than 96%. In addition, the reflectivity is also related to the medium around the reflective material and the incident angle of light. The above refers to the reflectivity of light at the interface between each material and air, and is limited to Normal incidence The situation.

total reflection

Light consists of light density propagation velocity Smaller) medium It refers to the phenomenon that when it hits the interface of the light sparse medium (i.e. the medium in which light travels at a high speed), it is completely reflected back into the original medium.
When light strikes the interface of two media, only reflection will occur without refraction Optically dense medium Shooting direction Optically sparse medium When, Refraction angle It will be greater than the incidence angle. When the incidence angle increases to a certain value, the refraction angle will reach 90 °, which will not appear in the light sparse medium Refraction ray , no longer exists as long as the incidence angle is greater than the above value Refraction phenomenon , this is total reflection Therefore, the conditions for generating total reflection are: ① light must be emitted from the dense medium to the sparse medium; ② the incidence angle must be greater than critical angle
The critical angle is the corresponding incident angle when the refraction angle is 90 degrees (total reflection will occur only when the light enters the light sparse medium from the light dense medium and the incident angle is greater than the critical angle)