Dual core era

TV series directed by Li Jun in 2012
Chinese Mainland 34 episodes
zero Useful+1
The Dual Core Age was created by Li Jun Directed, Zhu Yuchen Masu Pan Taiming Yu Hui The urban emotional teleplay starred by.
The play tells the story of two only children of the post-80s generation who fall in love, get married and have children, run a family and work hard in society.
The play premiered on Hunan Satellite TV on April 25, 2012. [1]
Premiere time
April 25, 2012
Chinese name
Dual core era
Age of Little Couple

essential information

Chinese name
Dual core era
Age of Little Couple
Type of work
Urban Love Music
major awards
The second session LeTV Film Festival "Most Expecting Modern TV Drama" Award
Production area
Chinese Mainland
Li Jun
Yu Meng (Chief Writer) Song Yangming Yuan Huihui
Production company
Hunan TV and Radio Media
Premiere time
April 25, 2012
Number of sets
34 episodes
Duration of each episode
48 minutes
Production time
March 8, 2011
Director system
Jiang Xin, Jiang Xinjian, Li Hao, Yao Jia
Chief scriptwriter
Startup time
March 8, 2011
Finalization time
June 10, 2011


Coco and Li Nan are a half brother and half sister. Li Nan has entered her thirties. Coco plays with a group of young artists in a band out of tune. Their marriage has become the most important thing for her mother Yang Huiling. Yang Huiling used her iron hand to press on step by step, only to find that the final choice of the two children was against her will. Coco gave up the rich second generation introduced by Yang Huiling and married Xu Hang, a poor boy who came to the big city to seek dreams. Li Nan married Ye Ying, the daughter-in-law appointed by her adoptive mother Liu Cuilan. Thus, two dual nuclear families started to smoke everywhere. Coco and Xu Hang started from scratch. The days of common struggle are full of ups and downs. The two are strong personalities and can't communicate, which leads to continuous conflicts. The involvement of the second generation of rich people and the appearance of Xu Hang's first love made their marriage worse. Xu Hang made some achievements in his career through hard work, and Yang Huiling finally admitted the son-in-law. The couple wanted to rent a house to get married, but they were "bought". With Xu Hang's parents moving in, Coco and Xu Hang faced new contradictions. Ye Ying and Li Nan want to be Ding Ke. Yang Huiling cheated on the calendar recording the safety period, which led to Ye Ying's pregnancy, and a series of conflicts followed. On the one hand, Ye Ying has to fight wits and courage with her two mother-in-law, and on the other hand, she is increasingly disappointed with her husband who is not old enough... With the birth of their children, Li Nan and Ye Ying will have to bear more heavy life pressure. [2]

Diversified plot

    Episode I
    Coco readily promised her mother, Yang Huiling, to go on a blind date with Mr. Z, who is rich and good-looking. As soon as she turned around, she found her half brother Li Nan and borrowed his girlfriend Ye Ying to replace her. Coco provided a full set of fake brands, and asked Ye Ying to perform "the more thunder, the better".
    Ye Ying, instead of Coco, ordered the most expensive dish on a blind date. Despite her vulgar manner, she really upset Mr. Z. Li Nan sat at a nearby table and watched the bureau laughing, only to find that Misu, a fashionable gold collar girl whom she had just seen a few days ago, fell from the sky. Misu is obviously interested in Li Nan. Her ambiguous behavior makes Ye Ying cannot help but come forward and announce: This is my boyfriend! The blind date fraud is broken without complaint. Ye Ying's funny dress pales in comparison with the elegant Misu. Misu doesn't pay attention to Ye Ying at all, and she also buys two tables to leave alone.
    Li Nan explains to Ye Ying that he went to see Misu to deal with Yang Huiling's chatter. Ye Ying feels humiliated and thinks that Li Nan regards herself as a spare tire. She refuses to listen to Li Nan's explanation and insists on breaking up.
    Xu Hang was frustrated repeatedly at the job fairs in the talent market. The promotion of his bachelor's degree gave him no chance to communicate with the interviewer. As Xu Hanggang squeezed out of the crowded venue, the landlord called again to urge the rent. He went to the ATM to check, and only a few hundred yuan remained on the card. Xu Hang decides to sell his only valuable property, bicycle. Coco had no idea about the blind date. After she participated in the band rehearsal, she was escorted by Yang Huiling to Mr. Z's home to apologize. Coco thought that her mother made a mountain out of a molehill. Yang Huiling pointed out that Mr. Z's father was a big customer of Uncle Coco's company and could not afford to offend him. Coco dislikes being used as a bargaining chip and finds an excuse to escape. Yang Huiling keeps on chasing after her.
    Xu Hang is selling bicycles at the repair shop. He is discussing the price with the boss. Coco suddenly rushes over, grabs the bicycle and rides away. Xu Hang ran after the car all the way. Coco is sure to get rid of Yang Huiling. As soon as she stops to catch her breath, Xu Hang catches up with her. Coco leaves her bike to slip away, but Xu Hang catches her. Before Xu Hang spoke, he was robbed by Coco, which made Xu Hang feel guilty. At this time, Xu Hang's parents called to ask him about his job search. Xu Hang lied that he had been hired by a big advertising company with a monthly salary of 8000 yuan. While Xu Hang was unprepared, Coco robbed the mineral water he put in his side bag and left.
    Yang Huiling used her killer weapon to confiscate Coco's guitar. Coco had to go to Zjun's house with her. Yang Huiling tried her best to save her daughter's bad image and let Coco perform her piano talent. Coco made a spoof of a classical music and also wrote her own lyrics. The scene was very embarrassing. Unexpectedly, Mr. Z took a liking to the eccentric Coco and said that he hoped to have a relationship with her. Yang Huiling promised to come down for her. Coco was very dissatisfied with Yang Huiling's overly flattering attitude. After leaving Zjun's house, the mother and daughter had a fierce quarrel. Coco ran away alone.
    After another day's tragedy of finding a job, Xu Hang gritted his teeth and sold his paintings on the overpass. Coco recognized Xu Hang and came forward to play a joke on the "big advertising designer". The two men had another fight. Coco liked a painting titled "Rock and Roll Beethoven", Xu Hang offered 10000 yuan, and Coco left 100 yuan to buy it. Xu Hang angrily watches Coco leave, annoyed that there is such an overbearing girl. Yang Huiling asks Mi Su about her relationship with Li Nan. Only then does she know that Li Nan's real girlfriend is taking the place of Coco. Yang Huiling learns about the situation from her ex husband Li Weihua. She learns that Ye Ying's family is a small business in the county town, and she is also a salesman. She is angry and complains that Li Weihua doesn't keep her son in check. Li Weihua said that Liu Cuilan was very satisfied with Ye Ying, and Yang Huiling became more angry. The problem suddenly rose to the height of two mothers competing for their son.
    Yang Huiling can't wait to do ideological work for Li Nan. Li Nan is trying to get back together with Ye Ying, but Yang Huiling turns her upside down, which leads to a big complaint against her biological mother.

    Episode II
    Ye Ying's mother was very worried when she learned that her daughter was suffering from emotional crisis: if she broke up, who would pay for her daughter's youth in the past two years! Ye Ying said that she would challenge Li Nan's "fear of marriage" by retreating.
    Liu Cuilan is also anxious. Ye Ying has made it clear to her that if Li Nan does not take meaningful action, she will not change her mind. Liu Cuilan urges Li Nan to apologize. Li Nan hears Ye Ying's intention of forcing her to marry and feels very bored. Liu Cuilan tried hard to persuade her son: You can't find a daughter-in-law as strong as Misu. Will you serve her in the future?
    Yang Huiling told Misu Li Nan and Ye Ying that they were in the cold war, suggesting that she might take the initiative. Misu has reached the age of hating marriage. Under various pressures, she has to lower her standards and lock in "affordable men" like Li Nan. Misu offered to date, but Li Nan was not good at refusing, so she accepted. Misu picked him up downstairs from Li Nan's company in a luxury sports car. Li Nan was teased by his colleagues. In a high-end restaurant, Misu grabs the bill, which embarrasses Li Nan. Misu wants to buy a netbook to be recommended by Li Nan. Seeing that he said nothing, she habitually tells him to give her a report. After this date, Li Nan never dared to answer Misu's phone call again.
    Coco is editor in chief of the publishing house. That day, the director took the collected cover sample for the editors to evaluate. Coco chose a work that most people think is weird. The director thought that Coco represented the main audience of the book and adopted her opinion.
    After Xu Hanglai's publishing house settled the contribution fee, Coco found that she had chosen Xu Hang's works.
    Xu Hang took the opportunity of his work being recognized to get a job for himself. The general manager agreed to let him practice in the Binding Design Center, but cut his salary by half.
    Coco deliberately ridiculed Xu Hang's works to see how he was irritated, but he was ridiculed by Xu Hang as a "mediocre little white-collar". The two men disparaged each other. Xu Hang found a basement in the neighborhood near the publishing house and met the community's cultural performance to welcome the World Expo. A youth band is performing with self satisfaction, but the uncles and aunts under the stage don't buy it. The scene is very funny. Xu Hang noticed that the guitarist in the corner of the stage was skilled, but he kept his head down and his body was stiff. After the performance, Xu Hang recognized the guitarist as Coco. Xu Hang laughed at the band's performance and imitated Coco's Zombie Typhoon. Coco was ashamed and angry, but this time she didn't argue with Xu Hang.
    Coco refused to date Zjun. Yang Huiling kept calling to persuade her and stopped at the gate of the publishing house. Coco could not stand the disturbance and decided to let Mr. Z back. Mr. Z decided to arrange his date in the music bar of his hotel. Coco tricked Zjun and managed to let her band replace the pianist who came to play that night, so the guests left one after another. Mr. Z, however, was very tolerant, not only not angry, but also invited the band members to eat and drink, and expressed his willingness to be the band's logistics staff. Coco's attitude towards Zjun was slightly relaxed. In order to protest against Yang Huiling's power, Coco returned to the underground rehearsal room of the band for the night.
    Dai Zhuo and Yang Huiling argued about their daughter's marriage because their daughter didn't stay at home at night. Yang Huiling reluctantly agreed not to use coercive measures.
    Coco met Xu Hang in the basement, who had just moved in. The room he rented was next to the rehearsal room. Late at night, Coco couldn't sleep because there were only chairs in the rehearsal room. She knocked on Xu Hang's door, pretended to invite him to visit the rehearsal room, unexpectedly locked him outside the room and occupied his bed. Coco walked around the room. The sketches scattered on the table and the self-made posters on the wall made her see Xu Hang's talent again.
    Xu Hang found the painting of "Rock and Roll Beethoven" on the wall of the rehearsal room, and his anger was suddenly gone, replaced by a joy of being appreciated. He was very excited and found a piece of white paper to draw.
    The next day, Coco saw a cartoon of the band members pasted on the wall of the rehearsal room, and the other members were lifelike, except that she was painted as a mummy with bandages all over, and there was a large signature of Xu Hang. Coco tore the picture to pieces. Xu Hang saw her so angry for the first time.

    Episode III
    Yang Huiling was puzzled when she heard that Li Nan didn't even answer the phone of Misu. She asked Coco Yeying what her charm was, which made Li Nan uninterested in Misu. Coco told her that the most popular one now is "affordable woman". Ye Ying will use old jeans as a backpack, and embroider the first letter of her and Li Nan's surname "LY", which is more fashionable than the "LV" on Misu's back.
    Yang Huiling went to meet Ye Ying in person, and talked with Ye Ying about two points. First, she has prepared a marriage room for her son, which is just a welfare room for the unit, and she wrote her name; Second, the principle of getting along between her husband's family and her mother's family is "no economic exchanges, no relationship borrowing", which means Ye Ying can't get any benefit from her. Ye Ying countered that Li Nan never mentioned Yang Huiling to her, and she never thought that she would have two in laws in the future. Yang Huiling is angry.
    Xu Hang reports to the publishing house. Due to the narrow road of enemies, Coco acted as the editor in charge of the magazine and held a face-to-face discussion with Xu Hang. Xu Hang put forward his own design scheme, and felt good about himself. Coco immediately threw out a series of sharp questions to dampen his spirit. Xu Hang is angry with Coco for revenge.
    Xu Hang's plan finally won. He invited the girls in the editing room to dinner, but did not invite Coco. At dinner, the girls told Xu Hang that Coco had voted for his revision plan, and that Coco had played a key role in selecting his contribution. Xu Hang was very surprised. He thought of the "rock and roll Beethoven" and thought that Coco was his bosom friend, but he still disdained her on the surface.
    Xu Hang teases Coco. Her attitude is indifferent, and Xu Hang is lost.
    Xu Hang found that recently Coco was not only indifferent to himself, but also depressed. During the lunch break, Xu Hang could not find Coco anywhere. Outside the publishing house building, he suddenly found Coco standing on the edge of the roof, thought she was going to commit suicide, and ran up to her. In a hurry, he said what he really thought about Coco in his heart, saying that her support helped him find his place in the city. Coco was surprised. She also opened her heart to Xu Hang, saying that she had always had stage phobia because of a bad stage experience when she was a child, but she was reluctant to give up this place where she could realize her self-worth. Only then did Xu Hang know that her cartoon hurt Coco and apologized to her. Coco told him that the band would participate in a performance of an environmental protection music festival, and there would be hundreds of audiences. She was worried that her poor performance would affect the overall performance of the band. When Xu Hang saw the fragile side of this domineering girl for the first time, he couldn't help but be moved.
    As the performance approached, Coco became more and more pressured and made frequent mistakes during rehearsal. The members turned from initial encouragement to complaints. They repeatedly stressed the importance of the performance to the band. Xu Hang saw Coco practicing again and again in the rehearsal room, but he was more and more unsure of himself and worried about her. On the way to the rehearsal room that day, Coco saw Xu Hang standing on the roadside holding a guitar and singing by himself. Although he could only play a few simple notes, he sang confidently, attracting many people to stop and watch. Xu Hang wants to prove to Coco that he can show up even if he has no basic skills. Coco has nothing to fear!
    Xu Hang also took Coco to see a collection of videos of celebrities making an embarrassment edited by him, which made Coco laugh heartily. Xu Hang told Coco that it's normal for him to make an embarrassing scene, even celebrities do, not to mention Coco was a little girl at the beginning.
    When Coco picked up his guitar again, he suddenly felt relaxed. Xu Hang held up a big poster at this time. It turned out that Xu Hang had made a pop chart of the head of the musician Coco liked. Xu Hang asked Coco to imagine that the audience were her bosom friends when she was on the stage. She was playing for them. Coco plucked the strings, but her eyes crossed the poster and looked at Xu Hang. Coco felt unprecedented confidence and strength.

    Episode IV
    Coco's band came on stage at the performance. Mr. Z hired people to form a fan group, and light boards with Coco's name were shining everywhere under the stage. Coco found Xu Hang in the crowd at a glance. She watched him all the time during the whole performance, and she was unrestrained and charming.
    This night, Coco and Xu Hang understood that the other party was the focus of their hearts.
    Mr. Z was also fascinated by Coco's charm. He was determined to marry her. Since then, he has launched a strong pursuit and sent flowers to her office every day.
    Mr. Z's pursuit has brought competitive pressure to Xu Hang, who wants to win Coco's favor in his own way. Xu Hang has long noticed that Coco is an environmental girl. Although she seems heartless, she has always carried out her own ideas in detail: carrying canvas bags, using handkerchiefs instead of paper towels, and making battery recycling bins. Xu Hang signed up to participate in the environmental protection public service advertising competition, to support everything Coco loves with his actions.
    Xu Hang suddenly received a phone call from his parents. They were already on the train and arrived at the station in the afternoon. Xu Hang was so worried that he was sweating. What he reported to his parents was "8000 a month salary" and "living in a small apartment". Xu Hang asks Coco for help. Coco immediately asks Li Nan to hand over the key to his house and drives him to stay with Ye Ying. Li Nan can't help but find it hard to leave Ye Ying. He is used to Ye Ying arranging everything for him.
    Xu Hang took separate actions. Xu Hang goes to pick up the station, and Coco moves Xu Hang's things to Li Nan's residence. Xu Hang's parents didn't doubt at all. They were very proud that his son could make a foothold in this metropolis so soon, and then they worried about his life. The old couple got a son in middle age. Xu Hanggang worked, and they urged him to marry Xueling, the "first love" in high school. Now that his son is successful in his career, the old couple asked Xu Hang to go home and handle the marriage, and then brought Xueling to develop together. Xu Hang said "I already have a girl" in a hurry.
    Li Nanlai is in the house Ye Ying shares with others. Ye Ying ignores him, but she still makes the sofa soft for him to sleep on. The friends who shared the house cooked hot pot together. Everyone envied Li Nan for finding an affordable woman like Ye Ying and recounting her advantages. In the evening, Li Nan smelled the aroma of the sun on the quilt, and for the first time felt that there was nothing wrong with having a small home.
    Xu Hang's parents asked his son to take his girlfriend home for dinner. Xu Hang had to ask Coco to pretend to be his girlfriend again. Coco took the initiative to act cute and virtuous, which won the old couple's favor. At the dinner table, the old couple asked the two children when they were going to get married. Xu Hangke felt his heart beat faster. Just then, the door was opened with a key. It turned out that Liu Cuilan came from her hometown to find Li Nan. Liu Cuilan sees that Li Nan and Ye Ying are not making progress, so she decides to come here in person to finalize the marriage of the two children.
    Xu Hang couldn't hide it, so he had to take his parents to the basement. Seeing the living environment of his son, the old couple cried bitterly and must take him home. Coco immediately stated his position: Xu Hang would marry if he stayed, and break up if he returned. Xu Hang's parents hesitated.
    Liu Cuilan cooked a table of dishes in Li Nan's small apartment and solemnly invited Ye Ying to have dinner. During the dinner, a mother proposed on behalf of her son. Although Li Nan was surprised, she did not object. Ye Ying pushed the boat along the river and made up with Li Nan. Li Nan and Ye Ying agreed to have a vegetarian marriage, but Ye Ying's mother thought it was Li Nan's parents' idea. She was dissatisfied with the man's contempt and disagreed with the marriage.

    Episode 5
    Xu Hang and Coco took Xu Hang's parents on a tour in the city, pretending to be lovers made their relationship heated up sharply. Xu Hang's mother saw that the two children were deeply in love. She told her son in private that if she identified Coco, she would hurry to get married. Now Xueling's side is still hot. Don't wait until the chickens fly to the ground. Xueling's name was finally heard by Coco. She pretended to take a real order to Xu Hang that she was the only one in his heart. Xu Hang sincerely likes Coco's arrogance at the moment, and responds to her with kisses. Coco didn't refuse.
    Having seen the vibrant metropolis, the old couple gradually agreed that young people should make a breakthrough here, and finally decided to let their son stay. After seeing off his parents at the railway station, Xu Hanggang is going to ask Coco to be his girlfriend. Coco suddenly receives a call from Zjun. It turned out that a band Coco liked was coming to hold a concert, and Zjun bought her a VIP ticket. Coco cheered excitedly. Xu Hang didn't say anything to his mouth.
    At the concert scene, Coco was not as excited as she imagined, because there were few people to share with, so Zjun was obviously not interested in the performance and yawned.
    In the basement, Xu Hang focused on drawing his entries. On an environmental bag, a girl with cocoa as the prototype held green buds representing hope.
    Liu Cuilan and Li Weihua hurried to Ye Ying's hometown to propose marriage, and they did their utmost to show their courtesy. Only then did Ye Ying's mother know that plain marriage was the children's idea. Both parents and two children had a debate over the phone connection. In the end, Ye Ying proposed a compromise, DIY was a unique and economical wedding.
    Yang Huiling was the last person to know Li Nan's wedding news. When Coco handed her the wedding invitation, she was still talking to Misu to persuade her to be more patient with Li Nan. Yang Huiling immediately called Li Weihua to vent her dissatisfaction. Coco enlightens Yang Huiling to accept Ye Ying, otherwise she will be excluded from Li Nan's small family, and her efforts for Li Nan over the years will be wasted. Coco reminds the dreamer that Yang Huiling has decided to adopt a soft policy towards Ye Ying.
    Li Nan and Ye Ying held an open-air barbecue wedding in the factory compound where Li Weihua worked. The guests all felt fresh and festive. Yang Huiling was the only one who didn't like everything. She blamed Li Weihua for making the wedding too simple and targeted Liu Cuilan everywhere. In front of Ye Ying, Yang Huiling changed her face again, praised Ye Ying for her creative wedding planning, praised her as a good daughter-in-law who can live, and handed the room book with Li Nan's name to the couple as her wedding gift. However, Ye Ying didn't appreciate her and said she wanted to buy a house by herself. Moreover, they were already able to buy a one bedroom apartment. Yang Huiling said that one bedroom can't have children. Ye Ying declares that she and Li Nan are Ding Ke and don't want children. Yang Huiling is shocked and hurries to unite with Liu Cuilan, who is also eager to have a grandson, to persuade and educate the young couple. Ye Ying resolutely and politely rejected the views of the two mother-in-law one by one, and Yang Huiling once again learned the power of the daughter-in-law.
    Yang Huiling was indomitable. The couple came uninvited on the first morning of their marriage and insisted on taking them to see the wedding room she had prepared. Ye Ying refused to be a "gnawing old family". However, Yang Huiling had an unexpected harvest this time. She found that Ye Ying had been using the calendar to calculate the security period. She cheated on the calendar.
    When her son's marriage failed, Yang Huiling decided to put pressure on Coco, so that her daughter could not go wrong again. She began to indoctrinate Coco with the idea of getting married before cultivating feelings, fearing that Mr. Z would be dragged out of patience.
    On this day, Z Junyue asked Coco to have dinner, and Coco readily agreed. Xu Hang wants to ask Coco to see his just finished entries after leaving class, but he sees her in Zjun's luxury car. Coco confessed to Mr. Z that he already had someone he liked and hoped that he would take the initiative to quit. Jun Z insists that only he is the most suitable for Coco, and thinks that Coco's ideal of love and marriage is unrealistic. He said that he was not a person who would give up easily. He would only become more and more brave after being defeated. Coco was angry.
    Coco wants to pour out his troubles to Xu Hang, but he finds that Xu Hang is cold to her and even deliberately avoids her. Coco doesn't know why.

[Source of the episode [3-8] ]

screen credits



Masu Ornament Dai Keke
Dubbing -
Remarks The heroine has a strong personality
Zhu Yuchen Ornament Xu Hang
Dubbing -
Remarks hero
Sui Junbo Ornament Ye Ying
Dubbing -
Remarks Li Nan's wife
Pan Taiming Ornament Li Nan
Dubbing -
Remarks IT elites
Yu Hui Ornament Yang Huiling
Dubbing -
Remarks Dai Keke's mother, Li Nan's own mother
timely rain Ornament Dai Zhuo
Dubbing -
Remarks Dai Keke's father
Li Fengxu Ornament Liu Cuilan
Dubbing -
Remarks Li Nan's foster mother
Zeng Hongsheng Ornament Li Weihua
Dubbing -
Remarks Li Nan's father
Liu Dan Ornament Xu Hangma
Dubbing -
Remarks Xu Hang's mother
Li Yansheng Ornament Xu Hangdad
Dubbing -
Remarks Xu Hang's father
Nie Xin Ornament Li Xueling
Dubbing -
Remarks Xu Hang's First Love Girlfriend
Qiao Hong Ornament Feng Jing
Dubbing -
Remarks Shen Youting's Mother
Zhang Yi Ornament Shen Youting
Dubbing -
Remarks Rich Second Generation, Pursuing Dai Keke
Wang Jianguo Ornament Leaves grow steadily
Dubbing -
Remarks Ye Ying's father
Zhang Yixin Ornament Leaf mother
Dubbing -
Remarks Ye Ying's mother
Wang Xinyue Ornament Fang Yuan
Dubbing -
Remarks Dai Keke's roommate
Xia Jun Ornament Liang Hui
Dubbing -
Gao Xiaofei Ornament Misu
Dubbing -
Remarks Li Nan's blind date
Zhang Hanning Ornament Lisa
Dubbing -
Remarks Dai Keke, colleague
Sun Chen Ornament Shaohui
Dubbing -
Remarks Colleague Dai Keke, Lisa's husband
battle Ornament Wu Di
Dubbing -
Dong Zhi Ornament Sister Mei
Dubbing -
Sun Gelu Ornament Qiao Shangmei
Dubbing -
Remarks college girl
Mountains and fields Ornament Mountains and fields
Dubbing -
Remarks Leading singer of Dai Keke

Employee List

publisher Ouyang Changlin, Long Qiuyun, Peng Yi
producer He Wen
Supervised by He Xiaoting, Xiao Ning, He Wen
director Li Jun
Scriptwriter Song Yangming, Yuan Huihui
Photography Li Tian, Madezhou
clip Mou Xiaojie
Art Design Wang Jiguo
issue TV&Radio Media Culture Development Co., Ltd Junhe Communication
[Source of cast member list [9] ]

Role Introduction

Xu Hang
performer Zhu Yuchen
dubbing -
Working families from second tier cities, with the dream of becoming "visual arts masters", go to big cities alone to make their way into the world. He was arrogant and determined to break his own ground in this big city, but he failed to find a job again and again. Xu Hang lived in the basement and sold paintings on the overpass. All kinds of difficulties did not make him give up his dream.
Dai Keke
performer Masu
dubbing -
Born in a well-off family in a first tier city, he is simple and straightforward, and dares to speak and do. Planning in a publishing company, with the dream of music life, I formed a band with like-minded friends in my spare time and acted as the lead guitar.
Li Nan
performer Pan Taiming
dubbing -
Dai Keke's half brother. Work as a software engineer in a technology company. Every day, I wear suits and shoes and carry IBM into and out of high-end office buildings with a salary that can satisfy the petty bourgeoisie sentiment from time to time, but my personal development space is limited and I will never get rich, which belongs to the top tier of IT migrant workers. The attitude towards life is pragmatic, but it lacks foresight, is easy to get rich, and has no enterprising spirit. I am about to enter my thirties, but I am still a child psychologically.
Ye Ying
performer Sui Junbo
dubbing -
Children who grew up in small city worker families. The parents regard it as the apple of their eye. They economize on food and clothing and try not to let their daughter be wronged. The family environment has formed Ye Ying's pragmatic values. Her pursuit is to live a better life and make her parents' life better. After graduating from college, I worked as a sales representative in a fast selling enterprise. Work seriously, be willing to use your brain, not afraid of hardship, and actively pursue personal development. Have clear goals and action power.
Yang Huiling
performer Yu Hui
dubbing -
Li Nan's biological mother has her own dance troupe. When he was young, he married Li Weihua and gave birth to Li Nan. Influenced by new thoughts and new ideas, he was admitted to the Normal Conservatory of Music when he was pregnant with Li Nan, and fell in love with his elder martial brother Dai Zhuo when he was studying. Li Weihua filed for divorce for his wife's happiness. Yang Huiling reorganized her family and gave birth to her daughter Coco.
Liu Cuilan
performer Li Fengxu
dubbing -
Li Nan's foster mother. Retired, former warehouse keeper of Li Weihua's factory. Diligent and kind-hearted. After marrying Li Weihua, in order to give Li Nan all the love, he insisted on not having his own children. For this reason, Yang Huiling has always respected her. Liu Cuilan also knows that Yang Huiling sincerely wants to make Li Nan's life better, so she is tolerant of all her disruptive behaviors, but she also worries that Li Nan will become closer to Yang Huiling in the future.
[Role introduction source [10] ]

Music soundtrack

Song name
Mountains and fields
Mountains and fields
Mountains and fields
Opening song
Qin Tian
Qin Tian
Mountains and fields
Mountains and fields
Incomplete beauty
I love you very much
Green Hope
Everything is nothing.
After the romantic
Under the sky of dreams
How long can I love
Love again
Never admit defeat when you have a dream
Heavenly Book
After you left
Sweet wound
The street where we lived
[Original music source [11] ]

Behind the Scenes

1. The second female role in the play was originally scheduled to be played by the mainland actress Hou Jiao, but was replaced for some reason. [12]
2. The court ruled that the TV and Radio Media Company and He Wen jointly compensated the Tiandi Elite Company with 520000 yuan when changing roles in the TV series "Dual Core Era". [13]
3. Ma Su didn't know anything about music before the filming of "The Age of Two Cores" began. He also learned guitar for a period of time to play the play. [14]

Award record

prize winner
The second session LeTV Film Festival "Most Expecting Modern TV Drama" Award
Age of Little Couple
[ Source of award records [15] ]

Broadcast information


Broadcasting platform

Broadcasting form
Start date
Broadcasting platform
Exclusive premiere of Hunan Satellite TV [1]
April 25, 2012
Hunan Satellite TV Golden Mango Solo Theater
September 15, 2013
1001 Night Theatre
February 5, 2014

audience ratings

air date
Number of sets
Audience rating%
Market share%
Ranking in the same period (excluding CCTV)
April 25, 2012
zero point eight six eight
two point three zero
April 26, 2012
zero point seven six zero
two point zero nine
April 27, 2012
zero point six zero two
one point seven three
April 28, 2012
zero point seven seven one
two point one eight
April 29, 2012
zero point seven four zero
two point zero three
April 30, 2012
zero point seven six six
two point one one
May 1, 2012
zero point six six
one point seven two
May 2, 2012
zero point seven two five
one point nine six
May 3, 2012
zero point nine three eight
two point five four
May 4, 2012
zero point seven six four
two point two six
May 5, 2012
zero point seven zero eight
two point one three
May 7, 2012
zero point eight zero three
two point one seven
May 8, 2012
zero point six nine one
one point nine zero
May 9, 2012
zero point seven zero nine
one point nine five
May 10, 2012
zero point seven three two
two point zero three
May 11, 2012
zero point six eight three
one point nine seven
May 12, 2012
zero point eight one four
two point three six
May 13, 2012
zero point seven seven eight
two point zero three
May 14, 2012
zero point eight one eight
three point three zero
The above is CSM50 city ratings

Drama evaluation

This TV series is not only about the problems of young people, but also shows married or unmarried young people the pain of growth and the difficulties of reality. Everyone can see themselves, especially the only child family. Parents see family education, children see growth, and see the problems of real marriage. In this play, every audience is the leading role and has the right to speak. (commented by Chongqing Morning Post) [16]