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Double uterus

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Genital malformation
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Wang Zhiqi (Chief Physician) Review Department of Gynecology, Peking University People's Hospital
Double uterus is a genital malformation, which is caused by embryonic development The two Mullerian tubes on both sides developed normally but were not fully fused. They developed into twin uterus with their own Fallopian tube , each has its own function, forming double uterus, double cervix, and often accompanied by Double vagina
Foreign name
duplex uterus
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Common causes
In the process of embryo development, it is affected by some factors of internal and external environment
common symptom
Chinese name
Double uterus


embryonic development During the process, affected by some factors in the internal and external environment Accessory mesonephric duct If not fused, it can form various malformations. If not fused completely, it develops into two uterus and two cervix, and the vagina is often completely separated. There are single fallopian tubes and ovaries on both sides of the uterus.

clinical manifestation

Two sets of uterus, double cervix and double vagina connected with fallopian tube connective tissue separate; It can also be found in the vagina Mediastinum It forms double uterus and single vagina. The patient may be asymptomatic or Menstrual blood volume More Prolonged menstruation Both uterus have functions, so it does not affect fertility, but abortion may occur during pregnancy, Early pregnancy When pedestrians flow, it is easy to scrape the uterus on the non pregnant side and miss scraping, and the uterus continues to grow, Late pregnancy Abnormal fetal position The rate increases. During delivery, the uterus on the non pregnant side may hinder the descent of the fetal head, resulting in obstructive dystocia, Uterine atony It is also common, so Cesarean section Rate increase; Postpartum may be due to uterine cavity discharge on the non pregnant side decidua In case of bleeding, one fetus can be seen on each side of the uterus occasionally. In addition, the mediastinum in the vagina can interfere with sexual intercourse Sexual intercourse difficulty or Coital pain , which can also be caused by one side Vaginal atresia To form a vaginal atresia Hematocele




Ask in detail whether there is Menorrhagia The gynecological examination found double uterus, double cervix, double vagina, double uterus and hysterosalpingography And so on to make a clear diagnosis.


If it does not cause clinical symptoms, treatment is unnecessary. In case of early pregnancy and pedestrian flow B-mode ultrasonography Under monitoring or bilateral Uterine cavity Scratch to avoid missing scratches. Generally not used Intrauterine device Contraception.
Bosom Early pregnancy Pay attention to the symptoms of abortion, if any Vaginal bleeding , lower abdomen contraction Lumbar acid , lower back pain and other discomfort, namely“ Threatened abortion ”And should go to the hospital for proper abortion treatment. In daily life, we should relax, slow down the pace of life, do not put too much pressure on ourselves, and try to wear loose clothes.
To the bosom Second trimester Or late, more attention should be paid to prevent premature delivery. Prenatal examination shall be carried out regularly Frequency ratio Generally, there are more pregnant women. During prenatal examination, medical staff can help pay attention to conditions that may lead to premature delivery and give appropriate treatment. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary long distance travel, overwork, and anxiety caused by excessive worry. If there is a sign of premature delivery, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible, and you should also adjust your activities during pregnancy.