double-edged sword

[shuāng rèn jiàn]
Chinese vocabulary
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A single edge is a knife, and a double edge is a sword. In ancient times, swords were superior weapons and ornaments of generals. In ancient times, people appreciated the sharpness of the sword because it can give the sword holder prestige, generosity and chivalry, make the enemy frightened and have a strong lethality.
People talk about swords not only in terms of weapons, but also in wartime warship fighter Tank Replaced by.
Chinese name
double-edged sword
Foreign name
rapier,double-edged sword,two-edged sword
Shuāng rèn jìan
A weapon that is now replaced by thermal weapons
Deep meaning
Every thing has two sides
Idioms - Idioms


double-edged sword
The sword with both sides of the blade is used to describe the double influence of things, which has both advantages and disadvantages.

example sentence

Family Planning It is a double-edged sword. The advantage is that it has controlled the rapid growth of the population, while the disadvantage is that it will lead to the aging of the population many years later.

Deep meaning

double-edged sword
"Double edged sword" requires us to carry out positive and negative Two aspects of understanding, remind people to pay attention to the prevention of those bad things. The word "double-edged sword" literally means that it has two edges. When people use this double-edged sword, when one side is facing the enemy, the other side must be facing themselves. At this time, if the sword edge is cut off from the enemy, the enemy will use a weapon to block it, and the sword will bounce back, which will be dangerous to themselves
The implied meaning is that this thing has two sides, which can hurt both the enemy and yourself. Therefore, when using it, you must take into account, correctly estimate the two sides of things, and use it properly. Otherwise, it may not be a good thing for yourself

Social commentary

The sword has two edges, and everything in the world has two edges. When people get the benefits of an event or thing, they will also be affected by the disadvantages. However, as long as certain measures are taken, the disadvantages can be controlled within an appropriate range, so as to obtain the maximum benefits. Therefore, although all things have two edges, as long as you can master them, you can master this double-edged sword.

Academic explanation

double-edged sword
1. The "double-edged sword" means that the information system has greatly strengthened the monitoring of tax collection and management. Through the collection and management information system, the enterprise declaration rate, 32 Internet Weekly 2002826 Tax Impossible Warehousing Rate, tax burden change and other reports can be automatically and quickly generated every month, providing scientific basis for collection and management in a timely manner. 2. (Beijing Charter) calls technology a "double-edged sword". automobile It is the product of technological civilization that brings great convenience to people and improves work efficiency and quality of life. However, environmental pollution, traffic congestion, energy consumption and land occupation have become social problems in some countries after the rapid increase of cars.
3. People once thought that the WTO Dispute settlement mechanism It is called a "double-edged sword", but some people think that the United States and the European Union have used the dispute settlement mechanism as a "spear" and "shield" to achieve dual protection for their domestic enterprises.
4、 Japanese Chinese characters in Chinese can also be called "double-edged sword" for Chinese people learning Japanese. The truth is self-evident. The key is how to treat and deal with them in practice.

Related examples

Technology is a double-edged sword
Since the rapid development of science and technology in the 17th century, it has not only fully demonstrated its beneficial function, but also gradually exposed its harm to nature and society. Science and technology is an extremely sharp double-edged sword, and scientific and technological progress is a mixture of sorrow and joy symphony
Science and technology in the 20th century, while benefiting the society, also brought many negative effects to mankind. Science and technology studies the mysteries of nature and human beings themselves. Beneficial scientific and technological behavior can benefit all mankind and the whole nation, otherwise, it will be a disaster. Therefore, science and technology also have moral responsibility. The concern and debate about the moral responsibility of science and technology has been a topic of general concern for scientists since the early 20th century. Some scholars even believe that "the era of science and technology has become an ethical era, in which the re evaluation of the role of responsibility and obligation in noble moral activities is a major ethical issue."
Science and technology has always been a "double-edged sword". For example, intelligent robot technology will bring social and ethical problems to people while playing its positive role. Therefore, some people worry: will intelligent robots surpass humans in intelligence in the future, so as to affect employment, or even threaten human life and property? In fact, this concern is totally unnecessary. Intelligent robot is not omnipotent. Its IQ is only equivalent to that of a 4-year-old child, and its "common sense" is far worse than that of normal adults. Professor Zhou Haizhong pointed out in his article "On Robots" published in 1990 that robots can surpass humans in work intensity, computing speed and memory function, but cannot surpass humans in consciousness, reasoning, etc. Professor Hirose Maonan, a Japanese robot expert, recently pointed out that even if intelligent robots have common sense and can replicate themselves in the future, it is unlikely to cause widespread unemployment, let alone pose a threat to human beings. Only by correctly treating and using intelligent robots can they better serve and benefit mankind. [1]
Network is a double-edged sword
The network is a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it can promote the construction of socialist culture and Spiritual civilization A powerful weapon for construction; If you can't do it well, you will be hurt by it again. To this end, the state should strengthen network management and establish corresponding Network supervision Functional departments. Its tasks: First, it is responsible for formulating national Network development Policy and planning; Second, be responsible for drafting relevant laws and regulations on national network management; Third, establish a vertically led network supervision and law enforcement team.
The network brings people many conveniences, but because of the imperfect network system, if it is not well controlled, people will indulge in it and suffer greatly. How to make the network, a double-edged sword, more beneficial to people, and make its negative side less harmful to people, is a problem that needs in-depth consideration.
Character is a double-edged sword
Any character has its advantages and disadvantages, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior characters. Throughout the ages, every character has its winners and every character has its losers. Character is like a double-edged sword, see how to use it. To exert the greatest power of character, the key is to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses.
There are innate parts of character, but most of them are formed through nurture. Once the character is formed, it is very difficult to change it, but the character can be corrected, especially the defects, which can be remedied by rational means. What kind of character do people belong to? What are the advantages and disadvantages of personality? How can we develop our strengths and avoid weaknesses, and let our personality help us spend our lives smoothly? These are issues that everyone must face up to and consider.