Native advertising

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Native Advertising (Native Ads), also known as native advertising, is a popular keyword in the global media world in 2013. Since the end of 2012, someone has started to mention the term, and then it can be seen everywhere. Then, many foreign seminars began to have lecture on a special topic What's more, there are those who specialize in native advertising Media creativity Agents were born.
Chinese name
Native advertising
Foreign name
Native Advertising
Red burst time
Paid launch in a separate platform
Abbreviation in foreign language
Native Ads
Proposed time

Advertising concept

When this advertisement can only be paid for in a separate platform, such as Facebook and Weibo, and this form is suitable for the browsing environment of this platform, it is called a native advertisement.
Native advertising starts from website and app user experience profit model , driven by advertising content, and integrating the Visual design (In short, it is an advertisement that integrates the website and the App itself. This advertisement will become part of the website and App content, such as Google Search ads, Facebook's Sponsored Stories, and Twitter Tweet ads of all fall into this category).

brief introduction

Native advertising is a new concept proposed in 2012. No one can give a very clear definition of native advertising. There are different opinions from all walks of life. Jon Steinberg, president of Buzzfeed, said, "When you use the form of content and use the version of the platform, it is a kind of native advertising. For example, in Twitter Inside, it will be a tweet Facebook It will be a new status, and it will be a report in Buzzfeed. "
Ian Schafer, CEO of Deep Focus, said, "This is a way to contact consumers by using the media itself."
U.S.A Yahoo Patrick Albano, vice president of sales of Atlanta He shared at the native advertising seminar that he believed that native advertising was more diversified, which could be pictures, videos, or words. As long as it was a form of consumer experience, it could be called one of the forms of native advertising.
"Native advertising is a form of advertising that allows advertising to be embedded into actual page design as part of content," said Dan Greenberg, CEO of Sharethrough.
The definition given by Solve Media is: "Native advertising refers to a kind of advertising that is information flow Published in with relevance The content of User experience Specific to business model 。”
Native advertising
IDEAinside [1] The definition given is: the original advertisement is presented through "harmonious" content Brand information , do not destroy the user's experience, and provide valuable information for users. Let users accept information naturally.
Although many people understand that the definition and form of native advertising are different, and to sum up comments from various parties, native advertising can be viewed from two perspectives. In addition to the difference in form, it is a new consumer experience, and it is an interactive advertising, but it should be cut in with consumers' common usage habits, and become consumers' original experience without barriers.
It is estimated that the number of native advertisements in the United States will account for in 2019 Display ads 62.7% of the total expenditure, or 43.9 billion US dollars. The situation in China is similar. According to the prediction of professional consulting institutions, China's native advertising scale will account for online advertising More than 50%. [2]

Advertising characteristics

IDEAinside summarizes the following characteristics of native advertising:
1. Value of content [3] : The original advertisement provides the audience with valuable and meaningful content, rather than simple Advertising information , but this information can provide users with Lifestyle , lifestyle information.
2. The original nature of content: the implantation and presentation of content does not destroy the harmony of the page itself, rather than the abrupt presentation to grab consumers' attention and destroy the harmony of the picture.
3. User's Initiative [4] : Users are happy to read, share and participate. Instead of simply "until me" advertising communication, each user may become a diffusion point of interactive sharing communication.


along with Network society With the development of, consumers are fed up with information irrelevant to themselves, and Content Marketing It has gradually become the mainstream trend. Consumers only look for information related to themselves and seek resources through multiple channels. Under this trend, the importance of native advertising [5] remarkable. Can make advertising and Website content Together, consumers never find that they are reading an advertisement. Native advertising is like Protective color The true identity of the insect is not easy to be found in the environment.

matters needing attention

The original advertisement looks beautiful, but there are still some thorns under the rose. No matter from the interview and research figures, although the original advertising is covered with a layer of yarn, it is still a little far away, but it looks great, grows fast, and consumers love it very much. However, it will never become the next new advertising form that is invincible all over the world. There are still restrictions to pay attention to. The following are the four precautions mentioned by OEO2 [6]

Advertising standards

Original advertising makes the presentation form of advertising more and more diversified but also vague, and it is difficult to have a standard for brand production and benefit measurement.

Product benefits

Every native advertisement needs personalized content, and cost consideration will be a big challenge.

Consumer trust

The difference between the original advertisement and the broad-spectrum draft is that the broad-spectrum draft is not consumer centric and has no way to connect with consumers. It has interaction with consumers. Once the brand and media have a little difficulty in the implementation of the two Differences The loss will be consumers' trust in this advertisement and brand.

Brand integrity

Short term brand Cross industry cooperation , in divergent New media era We should choose carefully.

Main categories of mobile native advertisements

the mobile [7]
This kind of advertisement mainly includes the original advertisement on the mobile end and the original advertisement form only for the mobile end.
According to characteristics, native advertisements can be divided into: content of embedded brands Spot advertisement , Stimulate Interactive advertising And realizable Click to call Search results for. [7]

Main forms of original advertising

The original meaning of the original advertisement is the original advertisement. Its form is not limited by the standard, but varies with the scene.
1. Video class
The original advertisement of video can be a billboard in a video background, an item held by a video character, or an advertising screen that pops up after the video pauses, loads, and ends.
2. Original advertisement with theme expression [8]
Theme based original advertising is to make advertising information into various themes, skins, etc. through deep implantation.
3. Original advertisement of game level [8]
Advertisements embedded in the game level and clearance rewards.
4. Launcher Desktop Native Advertising [8]
This kind of advertisement is designed with icon button in the mobile phone desktop and application functions, and click to enter an advertising wall
5. Feeds information flow [8]
For example, Facebook and WeChat ads are inserted into the information flow
6、 Mobile navigation class [8]
The function of the navigation application is to help users find their favorite applications easily