zero Useful+1

Atomic number

The number of an element in a non monatomic state
Atomic number or Atomic number (Atom number or Number of atoms), not Atomic number (Atomic number), indicating that an element is in a non monatomic state( molecule or chemical compound )Number of hours, at chemical formula Written in Element symbol The lower right (subscript) of the.
Chinese name
Atomic number
Foreign name
Atom number
For element Number in non monatomic state
atom Are very small particles

Definition of atomic number

Atoms are composed of positively charged Nucleus And nuclear Coulomb field The composition of negatively charged electrons in motion. It is the smallest constituent unit of a chemical element and the basic unit of molecules and substances. It has chemical property The number of atoms is the number of atoms. [1]

Difference between atomic number and atomic number

Atomic number (atomic number) means that the element periodic table The sequence number in the. Numerically equal to the number of nuclear charges (i.e., the number of protons) or neutral atoms Number of extranuclear electrons For example, the atomic number of carbon is 6, and its nuclear charge (proton number) or extranuclear electron number is also 6. Atomic number The symbol of is Z.
Atomic number and atomic number are completely different concepts. [1]