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Pressure support index

Volume indicators
The pressure support index (SSL) belongs to volume Type index. It accumulates historical transactions at various price levels Number of transactions , and then displayed in purple horizontal column line to calculate price of stock Pressure and support. The longer the purple bar line is, the greater the trading volume in this price zone is, and the greater the pressure or support on the stock price to move here.
Chinese name
Pressure support index
volume Type index
stock market

Overview of indicator classification

As we all know, there are many indicators used in the securities market, and they are very miscellaneous. Thousands of indicators can be classified according to the goals and objectives it needs to judge. E.g. judgment Market Changeable Large scale indicators , Judgment calorimeter Changing energy measurement indicators and price trend judgment Trend indicators and Counter trend indicators , Judgment Volume price relationship Quantity and price indicators of Pressure support Class indicators are also one of them.
The pressure support indicators are used to collect relevant data by observing the operating laws of securities prices or other elements, and use relevant parameters to statistically calculate where prices will stop rising when encountering pressure, and where prices will stop falling when encountering support.
Common and commonly used support pressure indicators include Boll Brin limit %B、 Brin limit width BWIDTH、 Multi empty Bollinger line BBIBOLL、 Mike index MIKE、 amplitude Channel VB, channel line CHANNELS Xue Si Channel XS、 Track line ENV、 Contrarian operation CDP, etc.

SSL Metrics Overview

It can be seen that this indicator is mainly used to predict the intensive trading area formed by historical exchanges, and to assess the potential pressure and support level Make pre judgment. With other polyline forms volume Compared with type I indicators, this indicator has the advantages of being graphical, intuitive, easy to observe, analyze and judge, and relatively simple to master. So it can also be counted as Pressure support Class indicators. Qianlong Software It is directly named "pressure support index".
Example description
The above principles can be flexibly used in actual operation. For example, ST Xiamen (600057): the stock has been on a rise since the beginning of 2002 quotation In June, we can see an obvious Backstop , but we can see it on the SSL graph price of stock Didn't fall below 10 yuan in the early stage Transaction intensive area At this time, we can still consider bargain hunting; Also in July and August Sort out the market The stock price did not fall below the transaction intensive area of 14 yuan, suggesting that we can Look at the high line
Attention should be paid in the use of the stock option Ex right Notched Individual shares Should be done first Rehabilitation Operation, make the historical share price cost reflect correctly before analysis. In addition, the "cost distribution" function of the flagship version can also be combined in use. When the signals of the two are consistent, the results will be more accurate.
Mike support pressure (MIKE) index is a kind of Stock price fluctuation The pressure support index, which varies in magnitude, has three different levels of support and pressure: primary, intermediate, and strong. It directly displays the position of pressure and support with icons.
China Stock Market use call auction Generated by Opening price , and stipulate that, Closing price The calculation of volume Of Weighted average It is determined that the purpose is to prevent the organization Makers Use the advantages of advanced communication and fast runway for manual control price of stock However, this situation cannot be completely eliminated.
In order to avoid being misled by the intentional market making of institutional dealers, MIKE Index Set an initial price (Typical Price in English, or TYP for short), and use it as the calculation benchmark to obtain the six band support and pressure values of the primary (Weak), intermediate (Medium), and strong (Strong), which are path indicators or support pressure indicators.

matters needing attention

1. Before using SSL indicators, you should first do Rehabilitation (19+EN TER), so that the historical actual share price cost is reflected correctly.
2. It can be combined with the "stack chip distribution" function on the K line (12+EN TER, the gray horizontal line distribution similar to SSL will appear on the K line). When the signals of the two are consistent, the results will be more accurate.
People generally agree that the 1750 point of the market is an intensive trading area, but the actual individual stocks are very different. Some of the stocks have actually broken through the pressure position of the original 1750 point before the market, and started to rise, while the other part of the stocks are under pressure in the intensive trading area, not rising but falling. Investors can use SSL indicators to select individual stocks that have broken through the pressure of the long purple line to gain an upward trend ahead of the market. [1]

Correlation rule

1. Accumulate daily transactions price of stock The number of the number of trading hands, shown by the purple bar line, is used to calculate the pressure and support of the stock price. The longer the purple line is, the greater the volume of this price area, the greater the pressure or support. [2]
2. In the process of rising, if you encounter a long purple line (big deal level), you should sell it first, and then make up when the level is backed up by the downshift.
3. In the process of decline, if there is a long purple line (big deal barrier), there will be support and bargain hunting can be involved.
4. The rise broke through the long purple line (a large pressure price zone), and the decline no longer broke, indicating that the stock has changed from the short side to the multi party initiative, and the pressure has turned to support, so it can be bought by adding positions. [3]

Overview of MIKE indicators

Mike support pressure( MIKE )Indicator is a kind of Stock price fluctuation The pressure support index, which varies in magnitude, has three different levels of support and pressure: primary, intermediate, and strong. It directly displays the position of pressure and support with icons.

Calculation formula

1. Initial price (TYP)=(the highest price of the day+the lowest price of the day+the day Closing price )/3
2. HV=3-day index moving average of the highest price in N days
LV=3-day index moving average of the lowest value of the lowest price in N days
3. Elementary Pressure line (WEKR)=3 days of TYP * 2-LV index moving average
Medium pressure line (MIDR)=3-day index moving average of TYP+HV-LV
Strong pressure line (STOR)=2 * 3-day index moving average of HV-LV
4. Elementary Support line (WEKS)=3-day index moving average of TYP * 2-HV
MIDS=3-day index moving average of TYP-HV+LV
Strong support line (STOS)=2 * 3-day index moving average of LV-HV

Application rules

1. After calculation, six lines are obtained to form three channels: WEKR and WEKS form a narrow channel, MIDR and MIDS form a medium channel, and STOR and STOS form a relatively wide channel, which intuitively reflects the pressure and support position. MIKE Index along with price of stock And can provide possible space for rise in the process of price rise or for decline in the process of price decline, and Band operation It has a good hint function.
two MIKE Index There are six curves in total, three above Pressure line , three below Support line
3. When the stock price breaks away from consolidation and moves towards an upward trend, the three pressure lines above the stock price serve as the pressure reference price, and the lower support line has no reference value.
4. When the stock price breaks away from consolidation and moves towards a downward trend, the three support lines below the stock price serve as the support reference price, and the pressure line above the stock price has no reference value.
5. When price of stock In the consolidation stage, WEKR and MIDR constitute the selling area, and WEKS and MIDS constitute the buying area, which is used as the buying and selling standard for band operations.

Important points

Investors should pay attention to, MIKE Index The pressure and support shown are only reference prices, and price of stock The actual top or bottom price has a large error, and investors should combine Tangent Theory Morphological theory And so on. In addition, in addition to the primary values, MIKE Index Listed Pressure support In many cases, there is a large gap between the price and the current price, especially in the continuous rise or fall quotation Its channels also expand upward or downward at a faster speed, weakening the short-term The guiding role of the market.