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Historical law

Historical law
Historical law, namely historical law, namely belief human society Like historical development nature That has an objective change track that does not shift with people's will.
Chinese name
Historical law
Foreign name
Historical law
lishi guilü
repeat , foresight, hierarchy, uncertainty


law A category revealed by people of. For them, the historical law is also an objective reality, which refers to the historical phenomena that appear many times in the process of historical development and have the appearance similarity or the essential commonness, as well as the internal and external essential relations. Revealing the laws of history is the expression of people's efforts to explore its deep causal links through historical appearances and reveal the universality, unity and inevitability of historical development; It is the expression of the idea that people are dissatisfied with the superficial description of history and hope that history can learn from reality and predict the future. Since the revelation of historical laws is an abstract understanding of the deep structure of history that cannot be perceived, it is possible to invest more subjective influence. Therefore, we can also say that historical laws are the above people's subjective understanding of the above historical phenomena and connections abstract And induction. That is to say, some things that were once considered as laws of history were later proved by history to be not laws; Other things that were once regarded as accidental phenomena were later proved by history to be laws, so historical laws are also the product of the knowledge of historical laws, which is often limited by various subjective and objective conditions. It can be seen from this that on the one hand, the laws of history did exist in human society objective law On the other hand, it has subjective color because it cannot be obtained empirically and proved immediately through experiments, so it is a special thing. It has both similarities and differences with natural laws. This shows that historical science is a special science.

Characteristics of historical laws

Based on this, the historical laws have the following characteristics.
First, repeatability This is its most basic attribute, which is also the same as natural law This also shows the objectivity of historical laws. People are just exploring the repeated historical phenomena, grasping their internal links and proving that they are historical laws; Once so, it will be within a certain range.
Second, predictability If there is no predictability to a certain extent, it is not called a historical law (such as Tang Taizong The law of "water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn a boat" summarized by, etc. is not only applicable to his later feudal society, but also to modern and contemporary society. In this way, it is valuable to discover the law.
Third, hierarchy Based on the above, some historical laws are applicable to several social forms or the entire human society, while more are only applicable to specific historical periods and regions, namely the so-called universal laws and special laws. For example, the development of productive forces and the continuous evolution of human society from low to high are universal laws applicable to all time and space (historical periods) and are the highest level of historical laws. Compared with them, other regular phenomena and things are special laws and have accidental factors; At their respective levels, they are all inevitable laws.
Fourth, uncertainty and openness Because of the subjective limitation of human beings, even the revealed historical laws must be tested by the long-term historical development process to see whether they are indeed historical laws, especially to see what level or scope they are. Because Historical cognition The recognition of historical laws may be modified, limited, or even denied; Similarly, it is possible to constantly reveal new historical laws and verify them in the longer historical development. [1]