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Republic of Ecuador
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Republic of Ecuador Spanish : Rep ú blica del Ecuador) Ecuador be located South America Countries in the northwest, north and Columbia Adjacent, south Peru , Xibin the pacific ocean , the capital is Quito By 2022, Ecuador has a total population of 16.938 million. [25] [35] Minerals are mainly petroleum, mainly distributed in Guayaquil Bay One Belt Amazon Plain Oil fields are also found in the area. Gold and silver are distributed in Machachi and Saruma. Copper is produced in Machachi. [2]
Ecuador was originally Indian Residence, reduced to Spain The colony, which declared its independence on August 10, 1809, was still occupied by the Spanish colonial army and was completely freed in 1822 colonial rule Add later The Greater Republic of Colombia , separated in 1830 Greater Colombia , establishing the Republic of Ecuador. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the political situation has been turbulent. Coupons have occurred repeatedly. The literati and military governments have been in power for 19 times. In August 1979, the literati government came into power, ending the military rule since 1972. [2-3]
Ecuador is a relatively backward country in South America, with weak industrial foundation and slow agricultural development. The petroleum industry is the largest economic pillar of Ecuador. 2022 gross domestic product US $115.049 billion, GDP per capita $6395, economic growth 2.9%。 As of October 2022, foreign exchange reserve US $8.399 billion, public debt US $60.549 billion, accounting for gross domestic product 53.21%。 2022 Inflation rate 3.7%。 [32]
Chinese name
Republic of Ecuador [2]
Foreign name
The Republic of Ecuador
Quito [2]
major city
Guayaquil, Kunka Ambato Machala etc.
National Day
August 10, 1809
National anthem
Motherland, we salute you
Country code
official language
Spanish [2]
Time zone
UTC-5 to UTC-6
Political system
Presidential republic
National leaders
Daniel Novoa [34]
population size
18 million [25] (2022)
Population density
71.0 people/km2 (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Indo European Indian White Murato Black
Major religions
Catholicism [2]
land area
256370 km² [2]
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $115.049 billion [29] (2022)
GDP per capita
US $6395 [29] (2022)
International telephone area code
five hundred and ninety-three
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
National flower
White flower nun orchid
National Bird
National Motto
"God, country and freedom"
Largest city
Central University of Ecuador Catholic University, etc

Historical evolution

Kaha National Park
Ecuador was originally Inca Empire a part. In 1532, it became a Spanish colony.
Independence was declared on August 10, 1809, but it was still occupied by Spain.
In 1822, he completely got rid of Spanish colonial rule and became a part of the Great Republic of Colombia.
After the dissolution of Great Colombia in 1830, the Republic of Ecuador was declared. Since the founding of the People's Republic of Ecuador, the political situation has been turbulent and coups have occurred repeatedly. Scholars and military governments took over as many as 19 times.
On August 10, 1979, the literati government came into power, ending the military rule since 1972.
Rodrigo Borha Sevalos, who was elected on August 10, 1988, was sworn in as President.
On November 26, 2006, leaders of the Movement of the Sovereign Motherland Alliance Rafael Correa He was elected President and took office on January 15, 2007.
In April 2009 and February 2013, Rafael Correa was re elected successfully. [3]
Elected on October 28, 2015 United Nations Human Rights Council Member, term of office from 2016 to 2018. [1]
March 13, 2019, President Moreno It was announced that Ecuador officially withdrew from the Association of South American States because the Association of South American States no longer has the ability to promote regional integration. [4]
On January 3, 2023 local time, a new non permanent member rotation ceremony was held outside the United Nations Security Council, and Ecuador officially became a member of the Council for a two-year term (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024) [16-17] [20]
On October 16, 2023, according to the BBC website, Daniel Roy Hilcrist Novoa Asin, a centre right figure, won the presidential election in Ecuador, and he will become the youngest president in the history of Ecuador. [31]

geographical environment


Regional location

The Republic of Ecuador is located in the northwest of South America. It borders Colombia in the northeast, Peru in the southeast and the Pacific Ocean in the west. The coastline is 930km long. The equator traverses the northern part of the country, and the Andes Mountains run from north to south. The whole territory is divided into four parts: the western coast, the central mountain area, the eastern Amazon River basin area and the Galapagos Islands. Ecuador covers an area of 256370 square kilometers. Among them, the mainland area is 248000 square kilometers, and the island area is 8010 square kilometers. [2] [18]

topographic features

Administrative divisions of Ecuador
Ecuador is divided into three parts: the western coast, the central mountainous region and the eastern region.
West Coast: It includes coastal plains and piedmont areas, which are higher in the east and lower in the west, generally below 200 meters above sea level, and some hills and low mountains with an altitude of 600-700 meters. genus Tropical rainforest climate The southernmost end began to transition to the tropical savannah climate. The annual average precipitation decreases from more than 3000 mm to about 500 mm from north to south.
Middle mountainous area: After entering Ecuador from Colombia, the Andes Mountains are divided into the eastern and western Cordillera Mountains. Between the two mountains is a plateau high in the north and low in the south, with an average altitude of 2500 meters to 3000 meters. Andes It runs through the middle of the country. The crisscross ridges divide the plateau into more than ten intermountain basins. The most important ones are the Quito Basin and the Kunka Basin in the south. There are many volcanoes and earthquakes frequently. famous Kotopashi volcano , 5897m above sea level, the highest in the world Active volcano one of. Located in central Ecuador Chinboraso At an altitude of 6262m, it is the highest peak in Ecuador, at the Chinboraso Mountain in Ecuador. It is 6384.1 km from the center of the earth to the peak. Chinboraso Peak is located in the Western Cordillera Mountain of the Andes, which has long been mistaken as the highest peak of the Andes. It is a Dormant volcano There are many volcanic craters, and there are many glaciers on the top of the mountain, which is about 4694 meters above. It is covered with snow all the year round.
Eastern region: It is part of the Amazon River basin. The mountain foothills at an altitude of 1200-250 meters have fast flowing rivers, and the alluvial plains below 250 meters have wide river surface, gentle water flow and many meanders.
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
Cologne Islands (Galapagos Islands) is located in the Pacific Ocean, more than 900 kilometers away from the mainland coast in the east, covering an area of 7800 square kilometers, including seven large islands and about 70 small islands, all composed of volcanic cones and lava. [3]

Climatic characteristics

Map of Ecuador - the latest erlinyou version
Ecuador is divided into western coastal area, central mountainous area and eastern area Amazon There are four regions in the drainage basin and Galapagos Islands, with various climatic conditions.
The western coastal plain area belongs to Tropical rainforest climate The average temperature is 23-25 ℃.
The central Andes. The intermountain basin in this area belongs to Savanna climate The mountain belongs to subtropical forest climate, with perennial snow above 4000 meters above sea level. The average annual precipitation is about 1000 mm. The rainy season is from December to June of the next year, and the dry season is from July to November.
The eastern Amazon region. It has a tropical rainforest climate. It is hot, humid and rainy all year round, with an average annual precipitation of 2000-3000mm.

natural resources

Ecuador minerals are mainly petroleum, mainly distributed in the Guayaquil Bay area, and oil fields are also found in the Amazon Plain area. Gold and silver are distributed in Machachi and Saruma. Copper is produced in Machachi. There are sulfur mines on the Cologne Islands. In addition, there are iron, lead, etc. The forest area accounts for about 68% of the national area, most of which are distributed in the eastern region. It is rich in valuable timber, such as mahogany and balsam (or balsam). The coast is rich in tuna and shrimp. Cologne Island is full of giant turtles and lizards. [3]

administrative division



The country is divided into 24 provinces, 221 cities and 1449 districts. [18] [22]
The names of the provinces are as follows: Pichincha Azuay Bolivar Kanyar , Kalchi, Kodotopakshi Chinboraso Eloro Esmeraldas guayas Imbabura , Loha Los Rlos , Manawi Zamora Chinchipe Nabo Morona Santiago Pastasa Tungurawa , Galapagos, Sugumbios and Francisco de Aureliana. [3]

major city

Quito, the second largest city in Ecuador, is the political, economic, cultural and transportation center, and the provincial capital of Pichincha. Located in the valley at the southern foot of Picincha volcano to the south of the equatorial line, it is 24 kilometers away from the equatorial line, and is the capital closest to the equator in the world. 2818m above sea level [30] , ranking second among all capitals. With a pleasant climate and spring like seasons, it is one of the places with the lowest annual temperature difference in the world, with an annual average temperature of 13.5 ℃. The rainy season is from November to May of the next year, and the dry season is from June to October. The city of Quito is 25 kilometers long from south to north, 5 kilometers wide from east to west (only 3 kilometers at the narrowest point), and has a population of 2.7 million. The urban area is divided into three parts: the south, the middle and the north. The middle part is the old city, where the Presidential Palace is located. The old city of Quito was included in the World Cultural Heritage List by UNESCO in 1978; There are many modern buildings in the New North Zone, where banks and financial institutions are concentrated; The Southern New Area gathers factories and enterprises. Quito is also an important industrial city in Ecuador and one of the agricultural and animal husbandry bases in Pichincha Province. The main industrial categories include textile, clothing, food, metal machinery, chemical industry, medicine, tobacco, leather, etc. [18]
Pelicans swimming in the waters of the Galapagos Islands
Guayaquil is the largest city in Ecuador and the main port along the Pacific coast. It is located in the Guayaquil Bay in the southwest of the country Guayas River The right bank is called "the coastal pearl of the Pacific Ocean". Guayaquil, the largest industrial and commercial city in Ecuador, is also the largest coastal port city in Ecuador, with a population of 2.6 million.
Guayaquil port
Guayaquil Port is the largest seaport in Ecuador. It faces the Pacific Ocean and backs Mount Santa Ana Pune Island is nearby as a natural barrier, which can make the harbor less vulnerable to storms. There is a dock in the south, more than 900 meters long. There are ships from different parts of the world with various national flags anchored in the port. The port railway leads to the capital Quito, and highways connect Quito with other cities in China. Bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton and other products from all over the country are distributed here. Guayaquil also played an important role in the history of friendly exchanges between the people of China and Ecuador. As early as the 18th century, Chinese clothing, textiles and other goods were transported to cities in Ecuador through Guayaquil. In August 1978, the Chinese cargo ship "Jialingjiang" arrived here for the first time. Most of the import and export goods of the two countries are also transshipped through Guayaquil.
Kunka City
Kunka, the third largest city in Ecuador, is located in the southern plateau, with a population of 300000 and an altitude of 2500 meters.

National symbol


Country name

The Republic of Ecuador (English: The Republic of Ecuador; Spanish: La Rep ú blica de Ecuador) is called Ecuador for short. It means "equator" in Spanish. It is also called "the country of the equator" and "the country of bananas". [3]

national flag

Ecuadorian flag
Ecuadorian flag It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. The flag is composed of three rectangles, yellow, blue and red. Yellow occupies 1/2 of the flag, red and blue occupy 1/4 respectively. The national emblem is painted in the center. Yellow symbolizes national wealth, sunshine and food; Blue symbolizes blue sky, ocean and magnificent Amazon Red symbolizes the blood of patriots fighting for freedom and justice. [3]

national emblem

National Emblem of Ecuador
National Emblem of Ecuador It was opened in 1900, similar to the national emblem of Colombia. A fierce "American eagle" vulture Spreading its wings above the national emblem, it is the national bird of Ecuador, symbolizing sovereignty and independence. Ecuador's national emblem has a unique design concept, which fully demonstrates the national style: the highest peak of Ecuador Chinboraso With white snow, against the blue sky, towering on the Pacific coast, there are verdant trees at the foot of the mountain. A big river winds out from the depths of the mountains and gradually flows into the blue ocean. One Ecuadorian The first steam ocean going ship in South America, which is proud of, is anchored at the sea port. On the snow peak, the "May sun", a symbol of Mayan culture, shines brightly. The "twelve officials of the zodiac" on both sides of the sun, marked with the symbols of March, April, May and June, represent the hard years of the Ecuadorian people in 1845 to defend their country's independence and fight against foreign invasion. The beam at the bottom represents the state institutions of the Republic, symbolizing justice and authority. [3]

national anthem

Juan Len Mera (1832-1894) wrote lyrics and Antonio Neumane (1818-1871) composed music. The lyrics were written on November 26, 1865. In 1923, the Eritrean Senate approved the Eritrean Language Institute under the leadership of Mela's son to revise the original lyrics. On November 23, 1924, the Eritrean government issued a decree defining the revised song as the national anthem. [5]

national flower

national bird

national bird
Vulture [3]


God, country and freedom (in Spanish, Dios,patria y libertad

Population and nationality

18 million (2022). Among them, Indian European mixed race accounted for 77.42%, Indian 6.83%, white 10.46%, black and white mixed race 2.74%, and black and other races 2.55%. The official language is Spanish, and Quechua is widely spoken by Indians. 87.5% of the residents believe in Catholicism. [2] [22]




Ecuador has a presidential system. On November 26, 2006, Correa, a candidate of the Sovereign Motherland Alliance Movement, was elected President in the second round of presidential elections, and took office on January 15, 2007. After assuming office, Kuwait promoted the convening of the Constituent Assembly. On April 15, 2007, Ecuador decided to convene the Constituent Assembly in a referendum with 81.72% support. In September, Ecuador held a representative election for the Constituent Assembly, and the ruling party, the Sovereign Motherland Alliance, won 61% of the seats. In July 2008, the Constituent Assembly adopted the new draft constitution. In September, the new constitution was adopted in the referendum with 63.94% of the support rate. In October, the new Constitution was officially promulgated and implemented. In April 2009, Ecuador re held presidential, parliamentary and local government elections in accordance with the new constitution, and Correa was re elected president.
In 2010, President Correa was nearly killed in the military police riots in Ecuador
On September 30, 2010, in order to protest against the adoption of the Public Service Law by the National Congress of the People's Republic of China, which contains provisions on reducing the welfare of police and military personnel, large-scale police protests broke out in major cities such as Quito, the capital of Ecuador, and led to riots. President Correa was attacked and trapped for a time, and then was rescued with the support of the military, parliament and the international community. On May 7, 2011, Ecuador held a referendum on ten political and social issues, including judicial reform and media control, and relevant issues were adopted. Since 2012, Ecuador's political situation has remained stable. [3]


The current Constitution of Ecuador was adopted on September 28, 2008. The new Constitution has established a political system with the separation of five powers. On the basis of strengthening the executive power, reforming the legislative power and judicial power, citizens have the right to participate in social management and the right to vote. We will strengthen the government's macro planning and planning guidance for the national economy, strictly control the strategic sectors involved in the national economy and the people's livelihood, strengthen financial supervision, and cancel the autonomy of the central bank. Establish a debt committee to strictly review and approve the procedures for borrowing foreign debt. [2]


The National Congress of Ecuador adopts a unicameral system. There are 137 members, including 15 national members, 116 provincial members and 6 overseas members. In May 2023, Ecuador's then President Lasso dissolved the National Assembly, and the new National Assembly was officially established on November 17, 2023, with a term of office ending in May 2025. The President and Vice President of the National Assembly shall be elected by the plenary session of the National Congress and may be re elected. Henry Kronfle (Christian Socialist Party), the current President of the Congress, Viviana Veloz (Civil Revolutionary Movement), the first Vice President, and Eckenner Recalde (National League for Democratic Action), the second Vice President. [39]


The President is the highest executive head of the country. The current government was established in November 2023, and the cabinet composition is as follows:
M ó nica Palencia, Minister of Government and Minister of Interior, Mar í a Sommerfeld, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Franklin Encalada, Minister of Public Health, Daniel Calder ó n, Minister of Education, Zaida Rovira, Minister of Economic and Social Inclusion; Humberto Plaza, Minister of Urban Development and Housing; Romina Mu ñ oz, Minister of Culture and Heritage; Andrea Arrobo, Minister of Energy and Mining, C é sar Mart í n, Minister of Telecommunications and Information Society, Roberto Luque, Minister of Transport and Public Works, Sade Fritschi, Minister of Environment and Water Resources, Giancarlo Loffredo, Minister of Defense, Juan Carlos Vegas, Minister of Economy and Finance, Mar í a Sonsoles Garc í a, Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries, Franklin Palacios, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Ivonne N úñ ez, Minister of Labor, Niels Olsen, Minister of Tourism, Marcelo Guschmer, Minister of Sport, and Arianna Tanca, Minister of Women and Human Rights. [39]


The National Judicial Court (Corte Nacional de Justice) is the highest judicial organ of the country, with a total of 25 judges (including the president). The current President Iv á n Saquicela. Attorney General Diana Salazar (Diana Salazar), Inspector General Juan Larrea. [2] [22]


The main political parties in the country are as follows:
(1) Partido de Revoluci ó nCiudadana, the former Corea faction of the Sovereign Motherland Alliance Movement: the opposition party, founded in January 2018 after former President Correa and his supporters broke away from the movement of the Sovereign Motherland Alliance, called for safeguarding the "civil revolution" achievements during Correa's reign, and opposed President Moreno's "betrayal" and conservatism. The leader of the party is former President Correa. In 2020, the party joined the Movement of Social Commitment Forces, and formed the "Hope Alliance" with eight left-wing party groups, including the Central Democratic Movement, the National Women's Permanent Forum, and the Federation of People's and Peasant Indigenous Organizations. It elected the leader of the Corea faction, Alaus, to participate in the 2021 general election as a presidential candidate, and lost the second round of the general election. In June 2023, the party elected Corea candidate Gonzales to participate in the early general election, and lost in the second round. Marcela Agui ñ aga, the party chairman. The Civil Revolutionary Movement Party League won 51 seats in the current Congress.
(2) Acci ó n Democr á tica Nacional: the political party of current President Novoa. It was founded by Nuo in November 2022. In June 2023, the campaign alliance "National Democratic Action" coalition was formed with the center left party "People, Equality and Democracy Movement" and "Green, Moral, Revolution and Democracy Movement". The National League for Democratic Action won 25 seats in the current Congress.
Movimiento Construye: Founded in 2004, it is one of the founding parties of the Sovereign Motherland Alliance. Later, it withdrew and became independent, and changed its current name to 2020. Iv á n Gonz á lez, General Secretary of the Party. The party group of the construction movement won 25 seats in the current Congress.
(4) The Christian Socialist Party: It was called the Christian Democratic Party when it was founded in 1945, and changed its name to the current one in 1951. He was in power twice in 1956-1960 and 1984-1988. Represent the interests of entrepreneurs and advocate Christian democracy. Alfredo Serrano, the party chairman. In 2021, it formed a campaign alliance with the Opportunity Creation Movement, and its candidate Lasso was elected president. The Christian Socialist Party League won 18 seats in the current Congress.
(5) Movie to Unidad Plurinational Pachakutik: established in June 1995. It advocates the establishment of a new democratic and multicultural country that is united, fair and equal, develops foreign relations on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and opposes globalization. Marlon Santi, General Secretary of the Party.
(6) Partido Izquierda Democr á tica: the opposition party, established in 1977, is composed of a faction split from the radical liberal party of Ecuador. It advocates democracy, freedom and social justice, develops the national economy, establishes a democratic socialist society, and upholds national independence and sovereignty. Enrique Ch á vez, the party chairman.
(7) Movimiento Alianza PAIS: the opposition party, once the largest party in Ecuador, was established in November 2005. There are 1.41 million Party members. It advocates that the rule of law and people's freedom should be consolidated and corruption should be combated through participatory and representative democracy; Committed to meeting people's material and cultural needs, increasing people's well-being and achieving coordinated economic, social and environmental development; Safeguard national independence and sovereignty and respect international law. [39]


President Novoa. Born on November 30, 1987. Master of Northwestern University, Harvard University and George Washington University. He once served as the chairman of the Economic, Production Development and Small and Micro Enterprises Committee of Ecuador. In November 2022, the political movement "National Democratic Action" was created. In October 2023, he won the second round of early general election and was elected President of Ecuador. He will take office in November 2023 and serve until May 2025. Married, with two sons and one daughter. [33-34] [39]
At 10:00 am on November 23, 2023 local time, the inauguration ceremony of the new President of Ecuador was held in the National Assembly Building of Ecuador, and Daniel Novoa was officially inaugurated as President of Ecuador. [36]




The oil industry is the largest economic pillar of Ecuador. The economic development is divided into three different stages: cocoa, banana and oil. Ecuador is famous as the "country of bananas". Since 1992, its banana output and export volume have ranked first in the world for many consecutive years. In 2000, Ecuador officially implemented the economic dollarization policy. In 2021, it will become the world's largest shrimp producer for the first time.
In recent years, the Ecuadorian government has encouraged production and foreign trade, restarted the process of free trade negotiations with many countries, and sought to return to the international arbitration institution. In 2022, the gross domestic product (GDP) was 115.049 billion dollars, the per capita GDP was 6395 dollars, the economic growth was 2.9%, and the inflation rate was 3.7%. As of November 2023, foreign exchange reserves are US $6 billion, and public debt is US $59.2 billion, accounting for 49% of GDP. [39]


Ecuador mainly includes oil and mining industry, manufacturing industry, construction and power industry. In 2011, the output values of manufacturing, construction and mining industries were US $5.778 billion, US $7.226 billion and US $8.995 billion respectively. In 2011, Ecuador's oil production was 183 million barrels. [6]
On October 1, 2019, the Ministry of Energy of Ecuador announced that the country would withdraw from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on January 1, 2020. In a statement, the Ministry of Energy said that, in consideration of "financial sustainability", the government made this decision to withdraw from OPEC "in line with the government's plan to cut public spending and increase new revenue". Ecuador produces about 540000 barrels of crude oil per day. In recent years, the government has run a serious fiscal deficit and is burdened with a heavy foreign debt, so it hopes to increase crude oil production and income. Reuters reported that the Ecuadorian government had broken the oil production quota set by OPEC several times previously. The Ministry of Energy said in its statement that despite its decision to withdraw from OPEC, Eritrea will continue to support efforts to stabilize the global crude oil market.
Ecuador joined OPEC in 1973, withdrew in 1992 and joined again in 2007. In February 2019, the Ecuadorian government called on OPEC to approve this country to produce more crude oil, and subsequently did not release the news whether OPEC approved this request. [7]

Agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery

In 2011, the output value of agriculture and animal husbandry was 3.597 billion US dollars. Bananas, cocoa and coffee are traditional export agricultural products. The proportion of pond shrimp farming and export in the national economy has increased. [6]

Service industry

In 2011, the output value of service industry was 29.939 billion US dollars, accounting for 47.85% of GDP. [6]


Ecuador has always attached great importance to tourism, which has become the fourth largest foreign exchange earning industry in Ecuador, with about 500000 people directly or indirectly engaged in tourism. In 2012, Ecuador received 1.271 million foreign tourists. Foreign tourists mainly come from the United States, Colombia, Peru and Spain. The main tourist attractions are Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, the province of Inbabula, the eastern Amazon River basin and the Galapagos Islands. The cities of Quito, Turtle Island and Kunka are included in the list of "World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by UNESCO. [6]


At the end of 2011, foreign exchange reserves were 2.958 billion US dollars; The balance of public debt was 1.055 billion US dollars, accounting for 15% of GDP. In 2011, the income from overseas remittances was 2.672 billion dollars, the total deposits in the financial system was 22.821 billion dollars, and the bad debt rate of private banks was 2.5%. [6]

foreign trade

Ecuador mainly exports oil, bananas, prawns and flowers, and mainly imports machinery and equipment, industrial raw materials, fuels and consumer goods. The top three trading partners are the United States, China and the European Union. In 2022, the total import and export of Ecuador will be 62.99 billion dollars, of which the total export will be 32.658 billion dollars, up 22.3% year on year, and the total import will be 30.334 billion dollars, up 27.3% year on year.

foreign capital

In 1997, Ecuador promulgated the Law on Promotion and Guarantee of Investment, which stipulated that radio and television Journalism Foreign direct investment is not accepted in other fields, and foreign and domestic investment in other fields enjoy the same treatment.
In 2008, Ecuador promulgated a new constitution, which stipulates that domestic capital takes precedence over foreign capital, and foreign capital is a supplement to domestic capital. In 2011, Ecuador attracted 386 million dollars of foreign investment. [6]

Foreign aid

In January 2006, Japan provided a loan of US $10 million to Eritrea; In February, Spain provided a loan of 30 million euros to Ecuador; In March, the Andean Association provided a loan of US $293 million to Eritrea. In February 2007, Venezuela provided a loan of US $1 billion to Eritrea. In April, the Japanese government donated US $3.7 million to Ecuador to purchase agricultural fertilizers. In July, the United States donated $9.5 million worth of high-tech communication equipment and military equipment to Ecuador to combat drug trafficking. In February 2008, the EU provided 16.2 million euros to Ecuador to support its education plan. In 2011, Ecuador received a total of 2.52 million US dollars from the international community for the Yasuni ITT environmental protection project. [6]




The official language of Ecuador is Spanish, and Quechua is widely spoken by Indians.


94% of Ecuador's residents believe in Catholicism.


Festival Introduction
January 1st
In the New Year, Quito, the capital of Ecuador, celebrates the traditional religious festival.
January 6th
Three Kings' Day.
February 12th
Amazon River Discovery Day.
February 27th
National Community Spirit Day.
May 1st
International Labor Day held a nationwide march to pay tribute to the world's workers.
May 24th
On the anniversary of the Peccaca War, the war was an important battle for independence from the Spanish colonialists. Although the date of the festival may vary according to the religious calendar, its grandeur has always been grand. The army and the people throughout the country will hold major commemorations and demonstrations.
June 24th
St. John's Bishop's Day is celebrated mainly in the Altwara and Highland regions.
June 29th
Sao Paulo The festival is mainly held in Otwara and highland areas.
July 24th
Simon Bolivar is the pioneer of the liberation movement in the whole South American region. The whole country will celebrate the freedom with singing and dancing.
July 25th
The anniversary of the founding of Guayagi City is especially in Guayagi City. The whole city will be paralyzed in two days to celebrate the birthday of Simon Bolivar and the anniversary of the founding of Guayagi City.
August 10th
Independence Day in Quito, the capital.
October 12th
Columbia Day This day commemorates the discovery of the New World by Columbus in 1492.
November 1st
All Saints' Day.
November 2nd
All the festivals of the dead come on a temporary basis. The whole family will gather in the ancestral cemetery, sing and dance, eat and drink, and then offer flowers and offerings to the dead.
November 11th
Ratkago Independence Day.
December 6th
On the founding day of Quito, Quito was immersed in a happy atmosphere in the first week of December. People take part in bullfights, watch parades on the streets, and drive open cars around the river.
December 24th
December 28th to 31st
The year-end celebration began with the celebration of a simple festival. The whole country was immersed in a festive atmosphere. People burned papyrus on the road, which meant that the whole country was joyfully entering the new year.


equatorial tablet
The Indians built a hollow column near Quito as a mark of the equator, and held a sacrifice ceremony in front of the column at noon on March 21 and September 23 every year. This ancient custom has been passed down to this day. Ecuador has more than 1/3 of the total population Indian Their marriage customs retain Indian customs. Every September is the Black Mother's Day in Ecuador, also known as the Blessing Day of Our Lady. It is said that the nurse of the Virgin Mary is black, and she guides the Indians and Messo people to worship the Virgin Mary. People celebrate Black Mother's Day every September in memory of black wet nurses.
Among the Indian tribes in Ecuador, there are some primitive religion They all have their own idols, and most tribes Andes The high mountains and mountains are regarded as the masters of their clothing, food, housing, transportation, honor, disgrace, misfortune and happiness. Ecuador has no special taboos. The basic etiquette of European and American society also applies to Ecuador. It is very popular to give small gifts when meeting. When you go to Ecuador, you can always wear a conservative thin suit. No matter what season of clothing you wear, you should wear it carefully. Like other South American countries, Ecuadorians are very polite. They shake hands when meeting guests for the first time, but when meeting women, they should wait until they reach out their hands first. Between good friends, women kiss their cheeks and men hug. After dinner, each guest should express his thanks to the host or hostess. Tips are common in Ecuador, but the amount is small.


Ecuadorian business etiquette allows you to wear conservative thin suits at any time. Visits to large companies or government agencies must be made on appointment. Ecuadorian businessmen have a weak sense of time. Local people respect people's titles very much. They can not address each other by name, but by title (the position must be indicated on the business card). Business cards in English and Spanish are very useful. They can be printed locally and picked up in two days. There is no social stratum formed here due to ethnic differences (most of the population is mixed race), but the class identity created by the position seems to exist. Ecuadorian businessmen are relaxed, friendly and more open than businessmen in other Latin American countries.
Due to the weak sense of time, the report on the arrival time of the flight is unreliable. Airlines often accept overbooking. After arriving in Ecuador, you should take a day off to adapt Plateau climate Ecuadorians take a two-hour lunch break and do not work. Shake hands when meeting guests for the first time. Between good friends, women kiss their cheeks and men hug. After dinner, each guest should thank the host or hostess.
Quito is the best place to visit in the middle of October December and January June. It is warm in the day and cool at night. Guayaquil is the best place to go from May to October. March to March is a tropical rainy season, which is also a holiday. Ecuador closed its stores for a week at the carnival in March. Meat and fish are abundant. Avoid drinking raw water, only boiled water or bottled water, unless it is a first-class hotel or hotel. 300 duty-free cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or half a pound of tobacco and 1 bottle of wine. There is no limit to the import and export of foreign currency. No tips for taxis. The post office in Ecuador does not mail straw hats.



national defense

The President is the supreme commander of the armed forces and commands the whole army through the Minister of Defense and the Joint Command of the three armed forces. The Secretary of Defense shall be appointed or removed by the President and may be active or ex servicemen. The joint headquarters of the three services consists of the commander of the three services, who is responsible for formulating training and operational plans. The system of compulsory military service shall be implemented, and the term of service shall be one year. The current joint commander of the three armed forces is Jaime Vela, the army commander is Luis Burbano, the navy commander is Miguel C ó rdova, the air force commander is Geovanny Espinel, and the national police commander is C é sar Zapata. The total strength of the three armed forces is 55000. [39]

military strength

Ecuadorian military parade
The total strength of Ecuador is about 59750. There are 35000 troops in the army, including 4 divisions and 14 brigades. Equipped with 111 light tanks, 67 armored vehicles, 350 armored transport vehicles, 1000 guns of various types, and 90 aircraft; The Navy has 14000 people, three military regions, one fleet and one submarine unit. 38 ships of various types are equipped. 30 submarines of all types. There are 1500 marines with three marine battalions. There are 250 naval airmen equipped with 20 aircraft of various types. The air force has 6000 people, with 3 military regions and 4 headquarters. There are 7 regiments and 16 squadrons. More than 200 aircraft are equipped, including 78 combat aircraft. have other Coast Guard 200, including 100000 reservists.

Military expenditure

In 2006, Ecuador's military expenditure was 650 million US dollars, accounting for 5.3% of the national budget, and in 2011, it was 1.7 billion US dollars, accounting for 7.4% of the national budget. In 2012, military expenditure accounted for 2.83% of GDP (CIA data).




Road transportation is the main mode of transportation in Ecuador. The Eritrean government plans to use the financial budget or foreign financing to carry out a series of highway construction, reconstruction, widening and other projects. It is planned to build several two-way six lane expressways connecting Manta, Santo Domingo, Esmeralda and other important cities by 2037. [18]


The development of railway transportation in Ecuador is slow and plays a low role in the transportation network. The government of Ecuador plans to repair and expand the national railway network. [18]

air transport

There are 1 international airport in Quito and 1 international airport in Guayaquil. There are 17 civil airports on domestic routes. Ecuadorian Airlines is a state-owned company with 10 large passenger aircraft. There are two private airlines and TAME company under the jurisdiction of the military. In 2009, 3.3 million passengers were transported by air. [8]

water transport

As of April 2014, Ecuador has an oil fleet of 8 oil tankers, more than 1700 fishing boats and two private shipping companies. The main ports are Guayaquil, Esmeraldas, Bolivar, Manta and Balao. [8]

The Conduit

It is 503km long from Lake Agrio in the east to Esmeraldas Port. [8]




The Constitution of Ecuador stipulates that at least 6% of the gross national product is used for basic and secondary education. In 2021, the illiteracy rate in Ecuador will be 6%. At present, free education is practiced in national universities, middle schools and primary schools, and universities are autonomous to protect the freedom of private education. In 2019, the enrollment rate of basic education was 97%, and the enrollment rate of higher education was 38%. Famous institutions of higher learning include Ecuador Central University, Catholic University, Guayaquil University and Cuenca University. [2] [26]


Valencia, Ecuador star
There are more than 50 newspapers and 21 magazines in China. The main newspapers are: Business Daily , with a circulation of 90000 copies; Cosmos , circulation 75000 copies; express news 》With a circulation of 60000 copies. The main magazines are: Browse
Radio stations: There are more than 460 radio stations in China and 54 in the capital. Mainly Radio Ecuador Catholic Radio Quito radio station Achievement Radio and Andean Voice Radio Most radio stations are privately owned.
There are 19 television stations in China. Main TV stations: 2, 4, 8, 10 and 13. [32]


Ecuador began to participate in the Olympic Games in 1924, but Ecuador's sports level was average. Only one medal was won in the Olympic Games, that is, the gold medal of Peres in the men's 20 km walking race in the 1996 Olympic Games. However, football is in the top ten in the latest FIFA total ranking, and the Spanish team has ranked first for 21 consecutive months. Compared with the previous period, the top 10 have no change, namely Germany, Argentina, Croatia, Portugal, Colombia, England, Italy, the Netherlands and Ecuador. [9]

People's livelihood

In 2011, the average minimum wage was $264 and the Gini coefficient was 0.46. In 2009, the urban poverty rate was 17.36%. In 2010, health expenditure was about 1.31 billion US dollars, accounting for about 2% of GDP.

International Relations


foreign policy

Ecuador pursues an independent, independent and peaceful foreign policy. We advocate that all countries respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, do not interfere in each other's internal affairs, advocate multilateralism, and resolve international disputes peacefully. It emphasizes that diplomacy serves economic construction. To advocate comprehensive disarmament and reduce nuclear weapons, Latin America should become a genuine nuclear free zone. It advocates strengthening the role of the United Nations. The Security Council should be more broadly representative, and its work should be more transparent and decision-making democratic. He advocated actively developing political and economic and trade relations with countries in the Asia Pacific region. We have maintained diplomatic relations with 147 countries. It is a member of the United Nations, WTO, the Group of 77, the Organization of American States, the Latin American and Caribbean Community, the Andean Community, the South American Forum for Progress and other international and regional organizations, and is the first Latin American full member of the Asian Investment Bank. The Novoa government adheres to a diversified and pragmatic foreign policy and actively participates in international and regional affairs. [39] From January 1, 2023, he will become a non permanent member of the UN Security Council from 2023 to 2024. [19]

external relations

Relations with China
Ambassador to Ecuador Cai Runguo Visits El Oro Province
On January 2, 1980, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Ecuador officially established diplomatic relations; In July of the same year, China set up an embassy in Ecuador; In July of the following year, Ecuador set up an embassy in China. China has a consulate general in Guayaquil. Ere in Shanghai Guangzhou There is a consulate general. [23]
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China Ecuador relations have developed smoothly. In January 2015, China and Eritrea established a strategic partnership. In November 2016, the bilateral relationship was upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership. The Foreign Ministries of the two countries established a political consultation system in 1997 and have held eight political consultations so far. In October 2011, the first round of China Ecuador consular consultations was held in Beijing. [23]
China is Ecuador's second largest trading partner, and Ecuador is China's eighth largest trading partner in Latin America. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Ecuador will be 13.649 billion US dollars, including 5.861 billion US dollars of Chinese exports and 7.788 billion US dollars of imports, up 4.7%, - 5.8% and 14.2% year on year respectively. We mainly export telephones, metal products, household appliances, cars, industrial machinery and components, and mainly import crude oil, prawns, bananas, minerals, timber, etc. In December 2018, the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding on jointly building the "Belt and Road" cooperation. In December 2022, the 15th China Latin America Entrepreneurs Summit will be held in Ecuador. In May 2023, the two countries signed a free trade agreement.
In 1984, the two countries established a mixed economic and trade committee mechanism, and 14 meetings have been held so far. [40]
The two countries have signed cultural cooperation agreements and educational cooperation agreements. From 1965 to 2020, China received 783 Ecuador government scholarship students. In December 2010, the Confucius Institute jointly established by the China University of Petroleum and the University of San Francisco in Ecuador was inaugurated. In addition, China has opened a Confucius Classroom at the Siyuan Chinese Language School in Ecuador. [27]
The two governments have signed an agreement on scientific and technological cooperation. In July 2012, the two countries held the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Mixed Committee on Science and Technology Cooperation. In 2013, the Chinese side successfully launched the "Pegasus" small satellite for Ecuador while undertaking the launch mission of Gaofen 1 satellite with the Long March IID carrier rocket at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. In 2014, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China sent 8 scientists to participate in the "Prometheus" talent introduction plan of the Ethiopian government. In 2015, Ecuador sent two young scientists to work at Haikou Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences. In September 2015, the first China Latin American and Caribbean Community Science and Technology Innovation Forum was held in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. [21]
In 2006, China declared Ecuador as an outbound tourist destination for Chinese citizens. In November 2007, the tourism authorities of the two countries signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation Plan of Chinese Citizens' Group Tourism to Ecuador. In September 2009, the Chinese citizens' travel to Ecuador was officially launched. In November 2013, the civil aviation authorities of the two countries signed an intergovernmental air transport agreement. In January 2015, the two governments signed an agreement on mutual visa exemption for ordinary passport holders, which came into force in August 2016. [10]
On September 17, 2014, during her visit to China, Ecuadorian Defense Minister Maria Espinosa said that Ecuador would seek cooperation with China in the production of weapons and equipment, and develop its own satellites with the help of space technology transferred by China. Espinosa's visit to China aims to promote exchanges between the two countries in areas that have been opened up, such as military training and undeveloped areas, such as aviation technology transfer, and China's participation in Ecuador's defense industry construction. [11]
In the afternoon of November 17, 2016, President Xi Jinping Arrived here and began a state visit to Ecuador. This is the first time that a Chinese head of state has visited Ecuador since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries 36 years ago. President Correa of Ecuador broke Ecuador's Regulations on Public Ceremony and the practice that the President does not go to the airport to greet foreign heads of state, went to the airport to hold a grand ceremony and welcomed President Xi Jinping. Children and children to President Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan Present flowers to express our friendship with the Chinese distinguished guests. [12]
On May 10, 2023 local time, Ecuador became the fourth country in Latin America to sign a free trade agreement with China. [24]
On February 15, 2024 local time, President Novoa of Ecuador issued Executive Order No. 166 approving the Ecuador China Free Trade Agreement. [37]
Relations with the United States
Ermei established diplomatic relations on August 12, 1848. The two countries have close economic relations, and most of Ecuador's capital and technology come from the United States. The United States supports the Eritrean government in dollarizing its economy. The United States is the main buyer of Ecuador's oil, accounting for 60% of Ecuador's oil exports. In April 1999, Eritrea and the United States signed an agreement allowing the United States to lease Manta Air Force Base as an anti drug base for the United States in South America. The lease period expired in September 2009, and the Eritrean government did not renew the contract. In 2010, the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States Valenzuela, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee visited Ecuador successively. President Cordero of the National Assembly of Ecuador and Defense Minister Javier Ponce visited the United States. In October, President Obama of the United States had a telephone conversation with President Correa. In April 2011, Ecuador and the United States expelled ambassadors from each other due to the "WikiLeaks" incident. In January 2012, Ecuador's new ambassador to the United States submitted credentials to President Obama, and in June, the new U.S. ambassador to Eritrea submitted credentials to Vice President Moreno, restoring normal relations between the two countries. [3]
With Latin American countries
Developing relations with Latin American countries, especially with neighboring countries, is the focus of Ecuador's foreign relations. Ecuador advocates "real integration" in Latin America. In June 2009, Ecuador announced its accession to the "Bolivarian Choice of the Americas" (later renamed the "Bolivarian Union of the Americas"), and in September, Ecuador signed the Treaty on the Establishment of the Southern Bank. In 2010, Ecuador took the opportunity of holding the rotating presidency of the Association of South American Nations to promote high-level exchanges, practical cooperation and regional integration with other Latin American countries. President Correa attended the inauguration ceremonies of the presidents of Bolivia, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia and other countries, visited Peru and Argentina, went to Haiti, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela to provide disaster relief assistance, and attended the summit of the Rio Group, the Association of South American Nations and the Bolivarian Union of the Americas. The heads of Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay and other countries visited Ecuador. In 2011, President Correa visited Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Cuba, Peru, Haiti, and attended the Ibero American Summit and the MERCOSUR Conference. The heads of Panama, Peru, Guatemala, Colombia and other countries visited Ecuador. In April 2012, Costa Rica coordinated with the left-wing countries in the region and refused to attend the 6th Summit of the Americas held in Colombia on the ground that "the meeting that unreasonably excluded Cuba cannot be called the Summit of the Americas in the true sense". [3]
Relations with EU and Japan
The EU and Japan are an important source of capital and technology needed by Ecuador, as well as an important market for Ecuador's traditional export products. They have signed a number of economic, trade and scientific and technological cooperation agreements with each other. Ecuador's exports to the EU account for 12% of its total exports. 10% of Ecuador's external debt belongs to Japanese commercial banks. In October 2012, the Spanish Crown Prince and his wife visited Ecuador. [3]
Relations with Argentina
On July 18, 2023 local time, Argentina and Ecuador will resume diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. [28]
Relations with Mexico
On April 5, 2024, Mexican President Lopez said through social media that he had instructed the diplomatic authorities to suspend diplomatic relations between Mexico and Ecuador. [42] On April 11, Mexican Foreign Minister Balsena said that Mexico had formally filed a lawsuit with the United Nations International Court of Justice against Ecuador for suspected violations of international law. [44]
Relations with Nicaragua
On April 6, 2024, Nicaragua broke off diplomatic relations with Ecuador. [43]
Relations with Switzerland
On May 29, 2024 local time, Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Sommerfeld announced that Switzerland would become a "diplomatic channel" between the governments of Ecuador and Mexico to resolve the diplomatic conflict between the two countries. [45]



Development status

Ecuador is a country with developed tourism. Few countries can compare with Ecuador. Although it is small in area, it has such rich cultural and geographical features. Such a place with bright history and natural scenery is not a well-known tourist destination in South America at present, so tourists coming to Ecuador have more free time of their own. The Cologne Islands of Ecuador, with its unique ecosystem, is known as a "living museum of biological evolution" and has been declared as "the natural wealth of mankind" by UNESCO. Other major tourist attractions include the old city of Quito, the Goddess Stone Statue of Bread Mountain, Independence Square, etc.
Tourists can leisurely visit the natural scenery or see different cultural customs, such as strolling in the charming Spanish colonial cities of Cuenca and Quito, or experiencing foreign culture in ethnic villages scattered in fertile rivers on the volcanic road. The accommodation environment in Ecuador depends on the place you visit. Most towns and cities in Ecuador have all kinds of accommodation, from family hotels to luxury hotels. In all the special accommodations, including cities and villages, and even in the jungle, there are many five-star hotels and a large number of mid-range hotels and hostels in the capital Quito.

scenic spot

The capital city of Ecuador, Quito, is 2850 meters above sea level. It was built on the ruins of Inca in the 16th century. Despite the 1917 earthquake, Quito is still the best preserved and least changed historical center in Latin America. The monasteries of St. Francis and Santo Domingo, the churches and Jesuit colleges in La Compania, together with the magnificent interior decoration of these buildings, have become the pure models of "Quito Baroque Style", which perfectly integrates Spain with the essence of Italy, Moore, Flemish and local art. Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is located on the plateau of the Andes Mountains at an altitude of 3000 meters. It was once a remarkable historical center UNESCO Of《 World Heritage List 》Won a place in the.
Cologne Islands
Volcanic islands in the eastern Pacific Ocean. also called Galapagos Islands It is named for its abundance of giant tortoises ("Galapagos" in Spanish). It is located between 1 ° 40 'north latitude - 1 ° 25' south latitude and 89 ° 14 '- 92 ° 01' west longitude, with an easterly distance South America The coast of Ecuador is about 970km. Ecuadorian First level administrative region Population 6094 (1982). The provincial capital, Port Heibakrisso, is on the island of San Cristobal.
There are about 700 kinds of animals, 80 kinds of birds and many insects. The animals on the island are strange, and most of them are reptiles, especially Giant tortoise and Lizard World famous; Due to long-term indiscriminate hunting, the number of giant turtles has decreased greatly, and some islands are almost extinct.
virgin mary statue
The Goddess Stone Statue of Bread Mountain, the Bread Mountain at the southern end of the city, is 183 meters above sea level. There is a winding mountain road leading to the top of the mountain. On the top is a large statue of the Goddess Stone of Quito, known as the symbol of the people of Quito striving for independence and freedom. There is an ancient Inca Temple on the mountainside. Standing here overlooking the whole city, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of Quito: Pichincha Volcano is surrounded by clouds, snow covered and gorgeous; The towers and spires in the urban area of Quito reflect each other with the nearby hills and mountains. The scenic spots and historic sites in Quito reflect the development characteristics of different times in Latin America, and are listed as one of the key protected cities of cultural relics in the world.
Independence Square
Independence Square is the center of Quito. Around this square square, there are many buildings with artistic characteristics of the late Italian Renaissance. Most of these buildings are two-story, with carved stone doors. At the south end of the square catholic church , built in 1550 and completed in the 18th century, with a green tile dome and gray white columns supporting the porch, it is a mixture of Arab, Persian and Moorish architectural styles. The outer wall has the name of the founder of Quito City inlaid with gold leaves, and there is the mausoleum of General Sucre in the yard. Opposite the church is the main palace, and at the northwest corner of the square is the magnificent government palace. Santo Domingo Square, also known as Theatre Square or Sucre Square , standing in the center of the square Sucre At the east end of the statue of the general stands the Santo Domingo church and monastery famous for its rich collection of wood carvings. The old castle of Saint Agustin here is the place where General Sucre signed the Ecuadorian independence agreement in person. Near the square is the intersection of Ronda Street and Guayaquil Street. The street is narrow and ancient, with shops in rows and pedestrians bustling. It is a prosperous business district in Quito. Alameda Park, not far from the square, is a famous tourist area in Quito. In the park, there are murmuring streams and springs, small bridges and flying bridges, winding paths leading to seclusion, birds singing and flowers fragrance. In the park, there are the oldest astronomical observatory in South America, Simon Boleval Monument and the Art School.
equatorial tablet
The Equatorial Monument is 95 kilometers north of Quito. It takes 40 minutes to drive. The monument directly below the equator is built on a basin surrounded by mountains on all sides. There are special food shops and restaurants beside the monument. On the way to the monument, there are Yugali forests and cultivation Grapefruit , vineyard of grapes. Anyone who travels to Ecuador will have to go to see the famous scenic spot - Equator Monument, which is regarded as the "center of the earth". Equatorial Monument is divided into new and old ones. The old monument is located in the town of San Antonio, 24 kilometers north of Quito, the capital of Ecuador. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an altitude of 2483 meters. The Equatorial Monument is about 10 meters high and built of crimson granite. The stele is square in shape, with striking English letters E, S, W and N engraved around it, representing the east, south, west and north directions respectively. The tablet is engraved with Spanish inscriptions in memory of the French and Ecuadorian scientists who made contributions to the measurement of the equator and the construction of the monument. The lower end is engraved with the words "Here is the center of the earth". The top of the monument is a large stone globe, with the South Pole facing south and the North Pole facing north. The middle waist of the globe is carved with a very clear white line from east to west, representing the equatorial line. It extends to the stone steps at the bottom of the monument. The actual circumference of the equator is 40075.13 kilometers. From here, the earth can be divided into two completely equal hemispheres, north and south. Ecuador calls this monument "half of the world". On March 31 and September 23 of each year, the sun passes through the equator line and directly shines on the equator, making the day and night of the world equal. At this time, Ecuadorians always hold a grand event to welcome the sun god here, and thank the sun for bringing warmth and light to mankind. Tourists who come here like to take photos on the stone steps with their feet flat on both sides of the white line to show that they are two hemispheres of people.


The most valuable thing to buy in Ecuador is the woven fabric produced by Otavalo, which can be purchased from AV in Quito PatriayAv.10deAgosto takes a bus and drives from Quito for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Otavalo is famous for making and selling traditional woven fabrics on the spot in Indian tribes. The Saturday market is also famous. Every day, there are a large number of visitors and shoppers. The Thursday market in Sasquali is also famous for selling Indian artifacts. Sasquali is 50 kilometers away from Quito.

delicious food

Ecuador is rich in rare fruits, high-quality fish, seafood and a wide variety of potatoes. From south to north, there are a variety of delicious dishes, such as braised shrimp with lemon, roasted corn, spicy meat, roast suckling pig and bullwhip soup. Of course, for thrifty people, you can buy rice in many restaurants. There are main meals, desserts and soup. The price is about one dollar. In a bakery, you can buy good toast, desserts and rich fast food for only a few cents. Although there are many places to take out fast food on the streets, the health situation is not optimistic. It is better to go to the restaurants that are frequented by local people. There is no problem with the food in those places. Ecuadorians often eat rice, potatoes and meat (beef, chicken and pork), which are usually accompanied by spicy juice. The recipe of spicy juice in each restaurant is different, so you should try whether the spicy juice is delicious before eating. Ecuador's soup pot is world famous. They usually drink soup before dinner, some with meat, potatoes and cheese; Some are served with fish and vegetables, while others are served with local famous bullwhip. [3]

state of emergency

On March 16, 2020, Ecuador added 21 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with a total of 58 confirmed cases. President Moreno of Ecuador declared a state of emergency for 60 days that night to curb the spread of the epidemic.
In his national speech that night, Moreno stressed that during the state of emergency, citizens should not go out in principle except for special circumstances such as purchasing food and medicine. In addition, Ecuador will also implement a curfew from the 17th, which lasts from 21:00 to 5:00 every night.
Moreno also announced that, except for special circumstances, the national inter provincial traffic, domestic flights and private vehicle travel will be suspended for 14 days from the 17th.
The Ecuadorian government has previously announced that since 23:59 on the 16th, all people (including domestic citizens living abroad) are prohibited from entering the country by air, land and sea. The ban lasts for 21 days.
Ecuador's Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo reminded people to stay at home as required on the 16th. She said that the Chinese and South Korean people have a high degree of consciousness and discipline, and Ecuador must learn from the successful experience of China, South Korea and other countries in controlling the epidemic. [13]
On October 18, 2021, Ecuadorian President Lasso announced that the country had entered a state of emergency to combat the increasing prevalence of drug trafficking and violence in the country. This measure will mainly apply to Guayas and other provinces with high crime rates. [14]
On February 28, 2024 local time, the President's Office of Ecuador announced that since the country entered the state of "internal armed conflict" on January 9, the security forces of Ecuador have arrested 10763 people nationwide, 268 of whom were arrested for terrorism. [38]
On April 29, 2022, Ecuador's President Lasso announced a state of emergency in Guayas, Esmeraldas and Manawi, the three coastal provinces, to combat the increasingly rampant organized transnational drug trafficking violent crime. [15]
On the evening of March 7, 2024, President Novoa of Ecuador signed a decree extending the state of emergency for 30 days. On January 8, riots broke out in several prisons in Ecuador, and the country entered a 60 day state of emergency. [41]