Risk factors

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The so-called risk factors refer to the factors that increase the possibility of disease or death, and refer to the occurrence of disease and this factor causal relationship However, there is no reliable evidence to prove the pathogenic effect of this factor, but when this factor is eliminated, the probability of disease occurrence will also decline. stay etiology In the study, such factors related to disease occurrence are called risk factors.
Chinese name
Risk factors
Foreign name
dangerous factor / risk factor
Accident relation
Risk factors are necessary conditions for accidents
Material risk factors
Physical Hazard
How easy it is to transform risk factors into accidents

Basic Introduction

The concept of risk factors reflects probability theory Causality. The emergence and application of the concept of risk factors make the human understanding of etiology more in-depth and comprehensive. Risk factors applied to chronic disease Because the research is of great practical significance, many factors and chronic disease There is a certain degree of correlation, but most of them have non Specificity , many denaturation and Uncertainty Because they are inferior to pathogen And infectious diseases Causal link Therefore, it is called risk factor.

Accident relation

Risk factors are accidents necessary condition


Risk factor Sensitivity It refers to the degree of difficulty of transforming risk factors into accidents

Three types

Physical Hazard
It refers to the material conditions sufficient to cause or increase the opportunity or severity of loss. Such as building materials, location, purpose of use and Fire fighting facilities Can be regarded as causing or increasing Fire losses The substantial risk factors of.
Moral Hazard
It means that the insured or the beneficiary seeks benefits Bad attempt to make compensation or payment Dangerous accident So as to form the damage result of the insurance subject, or deliberately expand the damage degree of the insurance subject without taking effective measures to mitigate the loss when the insurance subject is damaged. Such as setting fire to houses, sinking ships, damaging vehicles, and the beneficiary deliberately murdering the insured in order to obtain insurance money.
Mental Hazard
It means that people's carelessness in thinking increases the chance and loss of dangerous accidents seriousness The fact that the insured is negligent in protecting the insured property due to insurance can be included in the concept of psychological danger.