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Republic of India
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Republic of India( Hindi :भारत गणराज्य, English : The Republic of India, India), referred to as "India", located in South Asia It is the world's second largest software country, the world's largest outsourcing service receiving country, and the largest country in the South Asian subcontinent. Northeast Tongtong China Nepal Bhutan Bordering, The People's Republic of Bangladesh It is sandwiched between the northeast and the east Myanmar Neighboring, southeast and Sri Lanka Across the sea, in the northwest and Pakistan Junction. To the east Bay of Bengal , on the west arabian sea coastline It is 5560 kilometers long and covers an area of about 2.98 million square kilometers (excluding the Indian occupied area on the Sino Indian border and the Indian actually controlled area in Kashmir). India claims to have 29 states and 7 municipalities, with the capital as New Delhi [26] As of April 2023, India has a population of 1.41 billion. [31]
Ancient India was Four Ancient Civilizations in the World one of. Between 2500 and 1500 BC Indus Civilization In the 4th century BC, Peacock Dynasty Start unifying Indian subcontinent [37] , start to implement Buddhism , and spread outwards. About 188 BC, Peacock Empire After the demise, there were separatist regimes and foreign invasions, hinduism and Islamism rise. 1600 britain invasion Mughal Empire , establish East India Company , gradually reduced to British colonies Promulgated by Britain in June 1947《 Mountbatten Plan 》, Implementation Partition of India and Pakistan India was founded on August 15 of the same year Dominion The Republic was proclaimed on January 26, 1950. [35]
according to International Monetary Fund Data, the main economic data of fiscal year 2021/2022 are as follows (calculated at current prices): gross domestic product : US $3.2 trillion. gross domestic product Growth rate: 8.9%. GDP per capita : $2280. [1]
  • TA said
  • TA said
It seems that the difficulty of toileting in India has become a well-known thing. A Chinese tourism blogger once said that it is impossible to travel freely to India and realize "toilet freedom". ... Details
Content from
Chinese name
Republic of India
Foreign name
भारत गणराज्य (Hindi)
The Republic of India [33] (English)
India (India)
New Delhi
major city
bombay Calcutta Chennai Bangalore Hyderabad Chandigarh etc. [1]
National Day
August 15, 1947
National anthem
The will of the people
Country code
official language
Hindi English [1]
India rupee
Time zone
Political system
Parliamentary republic
National leaders
Mulmu, Draopadi [24] President Narendra Modi (Prime Minister)
population size
1.42 billion (2022)
Population density
466.44 persons/km2 (As of June 2022)
Major ethnic groups
Hindustan Wait for more than 100 nationalities
Major religions
hinduism Islamism Sikhism
land area
About 2980000 km ² (Excluding the Indian occupied area on the Sino Indian border and the Indian actually controlled area in Kashmir, etc.)
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $3.39 trillion (2022)
GDP per capita
US $2380 (2022)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Keep to the left
National structure
National Motto
"Only truth wins"
National flower
Climate type
Mainly Tropical monsoon climate


  1. one Historical evolution
  2. Origin of country name
  3. Primitive society
  4. Early Culture
  5. Sixteen Xiong States
  6. Peacock Dynasty
  7. Gupta era
  8. Rajput
  9. Delhi SULTANATE
  10. Mughal Empire
  11. Colonial period
  12. Partition of India and Pakistan
  13. two geographical environment
  14. Regional location
  15. topographic features
  16. Climatic characteristics
  17. three natural resources
  18. mineral resources
  19. bio-diversity
  20. four administrative division
  21. Zoning
  22. capital
  1. five National symbol
  2. Country name
  3. national flag
  4. national emblem
  5. national anthem
  6. national flower
  7. national bird
  8. National tree
  9. six Population and nationality
  10. population
  11. race
  12. nation
  13. seven Politics
  14. regime
  15. constitution
  16. parliament
  17. government
  18. judicial
  19. party
  20. Dignitaries
  21. eight Economics
  22. overview
  1. Industry
  2. Agriculture
  3. Service industry
  4. tourism
  5. Finance
  6. foreign trade
  7. Tax system
  8. foreign exchange reserve
  9. nine Culture
  10. language
  11. Religion
  12. Clothes & Accessories
  13. ceremony
  14. festival
  15. Art
  16. ten military
  17. outlook on war
  18. Military expenditure
  19. arms
  20. ordnance
  21. eleven traffic
  22. highway
  1. Railway
  2. water transport
  3. air transport
  4. twelve Sociology
  5. education
  6. medical care
  7. Sports
  8. information technology
  9. Biotechnology
  10. Space technology
  11. Press and Publications
  12. Caste system
  13. thirteen International Relations
  14. foreign policy
  15. external relations
  16. fourteen Travel?
  17. scenic spot
  18. specialty
  19. diet
  20. fifteen Related news

Historical evolution


Origin of country name

The name India comes from Indus River Indus River Basin It is also one of the birthplaces of ancient humans, so it is the name of the country, Indians call this cradle of national civilization Sindhu“ Body poison ”Etc.). But India's immediate neighbors Persian When I said Sindhu, I had difficulty pronouncing its first letter s, so I changed it into Hindu; The word Hindu became Indu again due to the weakening and even loss of sound of the letter H. The reputation of India was introduced into Greece by the Persians, and the Greeks referred to the whole Indian region with the river in the west of India. They also changed Hindu or Indu into Indus. Later, Indus became the common name of the Indus River in western languages. the medieval times Muslim After invading India farsi India is called Hindustan, which means "the place where Indians live" or "the state of India". Similarly, they will Hindus It is called Hindus. When British colonists came to India, they called Hinduism and India. India obviously evolved from Indus [32] India in Sanskrit India is also called "the country of the moon" [25]
  India is called "Bharata" in Indian languages. This name first appeared in Sanskrit epic《 Mahabharata 》And Lotus Past Life Book. One of the famous interludes in Mahabharata, Shakundara, tells about the king Dushyanta With Jingxiu Forest Immortal's Daughter Shagong Daruo Love story. They had a son named Bharata When Borota grew up, he became Chakravartin His descendants are called Borado Therefore, the Indian languages are also called Bharatavat sa, which means the country of the descendants of Borneo or the country of Borneo. The story of Shakundaruo is a famous poet and playwright in the Gupta Dynasty Kali whirlpool It was adapted into a script and spread all over India and the world. This seems to be the origin of the Chinese name "Bharatha" in the Indian language. The Indian ancients also called the Indian subcontinent JambudVipa, and the Southern Zhanbu mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures and Journey to the West refers to or includes this place [32]

Primitive society

Some scattered early human fossils (later named as Narmada people) found in the Narmada Valley area indicate that at least Paleolithic Age In the medium term, India has been inhabited by human beings. The genealogical classification of Narmada people has not been determined( Homo erectus or Homo sapiens ); Its survival time varies from 200000 to 500000 years ago. The late Paleolithic period began about 40000 years ago and ended about 15000 years ago.
The Mesolithic corresponds to the geological Holocene Mesolithic culture is widely distributed in the subcontinent and Sri Lanka; The earliest Mesolithic site was found in Sri Lanka, and the northernmost site was found in Hindu Kush Mountains The culture there seems to be the direct development of the Paleolithic culture in the same area.
Since about 6000 BC, all parts of India have entered Neolithic Age Neolithic culture is more widely distributed. The Neolithic culture of India is generally later than that of the two river basins.
In India, gold and stone were used together, or called the Red Bronze Age, but metals have also entered human life. The culture of the era of combining gold and stone was mainly found in the Ganges River and Yamuna River River lands, and Rajasthan Punjab and Gujarat

Early Culture

The oldest known Indian Civilization It's from the third millennium BC Indus Valley Civilization , usually representing the site Harappa Name, called Harappa Culture When Harappa culture reached a fairly developed and mature level, it declined due to unknown reasons until now and finally disappeared completely.
Instead of Harappa culture, it entered India from the northwest Aryan The new cultural system brought about by this culture (sometimes called Vedic period )It is the origin of classical Indian culture. Caste system At this time, it probably already appeared. This historical period is the so-called period of all countries, because Buddhism originated in this period, which is also often called the Vedic period. India's spiritual life in the times of foreign countries was very active, and there were many philosophical or religious schools, among which the most influential one was Buddhism and Jainism

Sixteen Xiong States

Sixteen Xiong States 16 powerful kingdoms or republics, covering fertile Indus Ganges Plain In fact, there are other smaller countries scattered in this area. Generally, the sixteen countries are: Kasi , Kosala Yangjia magadha , Fu Liyi (Ba Qi) Morro , Zhiti, Buhui, Dulu Bangalore , Mochaya, Shurasena, Ashiba, Apandi Gandhara He Gan Pu covers (sword sticks to the sand). Among many Indian states Bihar Of Mojituo State Gradually occupy a dominant position. ancient India yes Four Ancient Civilizations First, it was born in 2500 BC Indus Civilization Around the first 1500 years, Central Asia Of Aryan get into South Asia Subcontinent , conquer the local ancient India People, established some Slavery Small country, and establish Caste system vedism Start to develop into Brahmanism

Peacock Dynasty

At the end of the 6th century BC, Persia the Achaemenid Empire king Darius I Conquered Indus Plain One Belt.
Charming Indian dancing girls
What invaded India after Darius I was Macedonia king Alexander the Great , he was right Peacock Dynasty The rise of.
Soon after Alexander withdrew from India Chandragupta Overthrew the Nantuo royal family of Magadha. Chandragupta established the Mauryan Dynasty, the first imperial regime in Indian history. He drove away Greek The remaining forces in Punjab gradually conquered most of northern India. Moon Protector Later in his reign, he fought back Seleucus I Nicator And gain access to Afghanistan The right to rule. The Peacock Dynasty finally came into being Asoka Time has peaked.
Since the beginning of the second century, Daxia Greeks, Cypriots and Parthian Invading India successively; The Cypriot aggression was particularly widespread. Dariu people To become the most successful invaders, they have established a strong kushan empire

Gupta era

After centuries of prosperity, the Kusana Empire split into some small political forces. What has replaced their dominant position in North India is Chandragupta I Established Gupta Dynasty The Gupta Dynasty is the first powerful dynasty in India after the Peacock Dynasty, and also the last imperial regime established by Indians. It is often regarded as the golden age of Indian classical culture. Like the Peacock Dynasty, the Gupta Dynasty originated in Magadha; The first few monarchs of this dynasty were all conquerors. They did unify North India, but did not expand far in the south. In literature, the greatest poet of ancient India appeared Kali whirlpool
Invading India from Central Asia Hephthalite Seriously damaged the Gupta dynasty. The Kuda people were later assimilated by Indian society, but their activities in the 5th to 6th centuries contributed to the disintegration of the empire. Many local princes and nationalities opposed the central power of the Gupta Dynasty, so the empire quickly collapsed. The ruling power of the so-called post Gupta dynasty (actually not related to the real Gupta royal family) returned to Magadha again.


Around the 7th century, a new force emerged in North India, namely Rajput They played a prominent role in Indian history after the 7th to 8th centuries. From the middle of the 7th century to the end of the 12th century Muslim The historical period between the conquest of northern India is often referred to as the Rajput period.
arab At the beginning of the 8th century, he conquered Sindh in the northwest of India, which opened the prelude of the Muslim expedition to India. From the 9th to the 11th century, several powerful kingdoms emerged in South India, such as chola (Note) and Pandya Among them, Zhuluo once invaded the islands of Indonesia.


The true conquest of India by Islam began in the 11th century, and was initiated in Central Asia Turkic Conducted. Ghaznavids Sudan of Mahmoud More than 12 expeditions to India have caused serious damage in northern India. The territory of the Ghaznavid dynasty in Central Asia was formerly a vassal of the Ghaznavid dynasty in Afghanistan in 1173 Kor Dynasty Annexation. Muizdin Muhammad, the ruler of the Kor dynasty (Muhammad of Kor), decisively defeated the Zhao Khan in the second battle of the Dalai Lama in 1192; In 1206, the governor of India (born as a slave), Kutb Din Abek, ruled the Muslim conquered northern India with the title of Sudan, and established Delhi as the capital. From then on until Mughal Empire The history of North India is Delhi SULTANATE History of.

Mughal Empire

The power vacuum caused by the collapse of the Sultanate of Delhi did not last long, and new Muslim conquerors soon appeared in the northwest. In 1526, Turks Timur Immediate descendants of babur He entered India from Central Asia and was defeated in the first Panipat Battle Roddy Dynasty Ibrahim Rodi, the last sultan of. Babur occupied Delhi and was honored as "Emperor of Hindustan". He then defeated the Rajput in 1527 and eliminated them in 1529 Afghans The residual power of. The regime established by Babel is called the Mughal Empire.
Aurangzeb The Mughal Empire after death is called "late Mughal". The characteristics of this period are that most of the emperors were fatuous and incompetent, and the Malata people became more and more powerful, and there was a trend to replace them with Mughals. However, it is the European powers that determine India's fate.

Colonial period

India in the first half of the 18th century
The first European country to establish a stronghold in India was Portugal Their colony is located outside the territory of the Mughal Empire. thereafter Dutch He also actively intervened and defeated the Portuguese. Aurangzeb ignored the danger of European colonialists in the heyday of the empire, while his descendants were already weak due to the decline of the empire when they were forced to face Europeans. In the 18th century, the European powers pursuing interests in India were mainly Britain and France. After some struggle, the British gained the advantage and weakened the existence of France to only a few small colonies.
The main entities operating UK affairs in India are british east india company , 1818 Malata After the final collapse of the power, most Indian princes recognized the suzerainty of the East India Company. The last Indian territory annexed by Britain was controlled by Sindh (1843) and Sikhs Punjab (1849), Beral (1853), and Ode (1856). In 1857, the famous Indian National Uprising
Adopted in 1858《 Improving Indian Management Law 》The East India Company was cancelled and Minister of Indian Affairs Take over all its functions and powers; And was established to Governor of India The Indian government headed by. The British also officially ended the Mughal dynasty, which had no meaning, and exiled Bahadur Shah II to Myanmar. Since then, India has entered the era of direct rule by the British government.
India under direct British rule British India )It is divided into 13 provinces, including Myanmar There are about 700 others ruled by Indian princes Tubang It exists under the close supervision of the UK, and this kind of land state accounts for 40% of the total area of India (there are also land states in some provinces). The idea of taking India as a base and curbing Russian expansion in Asia led some British officials to devote themselves to expanding the territory of British India in the northwest, which led to The Second Anti British War in Afghanistan In 1885, Indian National Congress Establishment. Established in 1906 All India Muslim League The British consciously took advantage of the contradiction between Hindus and Muslims.
After 1885, there were nationalist gatherings in India almost every year, but Victorian era The British bureaucrats of. The goal of British rule in India was simply to avoid famine.
Adopted by Britain in 1909 Molay Minto Reform Act It was stipulated that Muslims and Hindus should conduct separate elections in the legislative elections. Since then, sectarian politics has become a system and the Indian national movement has split.

Partition of India and Pakistan

the First World War It has had a significant impact on the development of Indian nationalism. The British army massacred the Indian people on April 13, 1919 massacre of amritsar These facts have made it a major figure of the National Congress Party Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi He changed his attitude towards the British government and reorganized the Congress Party in 1920. The Congress Party led the anti British struggle many times between the two world wars, and its guidelines were advocated by Gandhi Non violence and non cooperation
stay the Second World War In China, the Indian national movement continued to develop. Gandhi and Genna The meeting ended in failure, and Indian Muslims have widely supported the establishment of an independent Islamic country.
After the end of World War II, Britain's strength declined sharply, and its colonial rule in India was impossible to maintain. Occurred in 1946 Royal Indian Navy Uprising In 1947, Britain proposed Mountbatten Plan According to the program, Pakistan and India Dominion It was founded on August 14 and August 15, 1947, respectively, and the British rule in India came to an end.
After independence, the Republic of India was faced with a series of serious problems, especially the aftermath of the partition of India and Pakistan. In the first year after independence, India and Pakistan Kashmir The dispute led to the outbreak of military conflict. Nehru In the era of governance, India tended to socialist , and imitate Soviet Union A five-year plan for economic development was formulated. India in 1971 The Third India Pakistan War China won a big victory, but also paid the political price of falling to the Soviet Union. India annexed in 1975 Sikkim Kingdom , set the former Sikkim Kingdom as the so-called Sikkim Bang At the beginning of the 21st century, India has become the world Emerging economies one of.
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Indian scenery

geographical environment


Regional location

Administrative divisions of India
India is located in Northern Hemisphere It is located between 8 ° 24 ′ - 37 ° 36 ′ north latitude and 68 ° 7 ′ - 97 ° 25 ′ east longitude. India is the largest country in South Asia, with a territory of about 2.98 million square kilometers (excluding the Indian occupied area on the Sino Indian border and the Indian actually controlled area in Kashmir). It ranks 7th in the world. [1]

topographic features

from the himalayas South, straight into the indian ocean , the northern part is mountainous area, and the central part is Indus River —— Gangetic Plains In the south Deccan Plateau And its east and west sides Coastal plain Plains account for about 40% of the total area, mountains only account for 25%, and plateaus account for 1/3, but most of these mountains and plateaus are not more than 1000 meters above sea level. The low and gentle terrain has an absolute advantage in the country. It is not only convenient for transportation, but also under the tropical monsoon climate and fertile soil conditions such as alluvial soil and tropical black soil suitable for agricultural production, most of the land can be used for agriculture. Crops can grow all year round, with unique natural conditions.

Climatic characteristics

India is hot, most of which belong to Tropical monsoon climate In western India Thar Desert then is tropical desert climate In summer, there is obvious monsoon, while in winter, there is no obvious monsoon. Indian climate is divided into rainy season (June to October) and dry season (March to May) and Cool season (November to February of the next year) Himalayas Barrier effect, relatively no cold current or Cold high pressure Going south affects India.

natural resources


mineral resources

India is rich in resources, with nearly 100 kinds of mineral deposits. mica The output of coal and barite ranks third in the world. The recoverable reserves of main resources are estimated to be 324.128 billion tons of coal, 13.46 billion tons of iron ore, 646 million tons of bauxite, 97 million tons of chromite, 167 million tons of manganese ore, 7.43 million tons of zinc, 5.297 million tons of copper, 1.9 million tons of lead, 75.679 billion tons of limestone, 142 million tons of phosphate, 68 tons of gold, 587 million tons of oil, and 1372.64 billion cubic meters of natural gas. In addition, there are gypsum, diamonds, titanium, thorium, uranium, etc. The forest covers 809000 square kilometers, with a coverage rate of 24.62%. (Data source: India Forest State Report 2021)


India's long coastline has different ecosystems, such as 8100km long mangrove swamps, coral reefs, seagrass beds, beaches, sand dunes, salt marshes and mudflats. Marine and coastal ecosystems play an important role in photosynthesis and productivity. The diversity of flora and fauna shows that the number of known species in Indian coastal and marine ecosystems may reach 17795 or more. In Indian coastal and marine ecosystems, the number of known species may reach 17795 or more. Among them, 998 species are protected by law because their natural populations are exhausted due to overexploitation. [29]

administrative division



India claims to have 29 states and 7 central regions (including the Indian occupied areas on the Sino Indian border - the so-called "Arunachal Pradesh" and Jammu Kashmir region). Major big cities include Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, etc. [26]


The capital of India is New Delhi (New Delhi), with a population of 32.07 million (2022). Delhi is located in India Ganges tributary Yamuna River Jumna River is a central region, including New Delhi, Old Delhi and suburban villages, with an area of 1485 square kilometers (including 446.3 square kilometers of urban area). It is the political, economic and cultural center, railway and aviation hub of India.

National symbol


Country name

The Republic of India, also known as Borneo. The Indian, Tang Yunyue, has more than one month. (The middle part is omitted) Liang followed the path with his native sages and sages, guided all imperial objects, like the moon shining on them. Therefore, it is called India. " The second legend of mercy said: "India is called India." It is the name of the moon mixed with India.
In history, China's address to India has changed several times. It is translated as "Qiang independence" in Western Chinese, and called "Qiang independence" in Eastern Han“ Tianzhu ”。 Tang dynasty Xuanzang He carefully discussed the names of India, giving up the names of India, India, India, India and India. The translated names of "Tianzhu", "poison" and "India" all originate from the Indus River Sanskrit First name (Sindhu), whose farsi The transliteration is (Hindu) Greek It changes to νν ° C (India), Kuchean Indaka。

national flag

Indian flag It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. The whole flag is composed of three equal horizontal rectangles, orange, white and green, and there is a blue Dharma Wheel with 24 axle bars in the center. Orange symbolizes courage, dedication and selflessness. It is also the color of the vestments of Indian priests. White represents truth and peace. Green represents prosperity, confidence and human productivity. Falun is the third monarch of the Indian Peacock Dynasty Asoka One of the lion head patterns built on the stone pillar capitals of Buddhist holy places during the reign. Generally speaking, people generally call it "Ashoka Falun" (Ashoka believes in Buddhism and has made great contributions to the inheritance and development of Buddhism). The sacred "Ashoka Falun" symbolizes truth and morality, and also represents the ancient civilization of India. The 24 axis bars of the Falun can represent the 24 hours of the day, symbolizing that the country is always moving forward.

national emblem

National Emblem of India
National Emblem of India The pattern comes from the Peacock Dynasty Ashokan pillar Stone carving at the top. Three golden lions stand on the round foundation, symbolizing confidence, courage and strength. There are four guarding animals around the base: elephants in the east, horses in the south, cattle in the west, and lions in the north. In the center below the lion is the Falun with ancient Hindu color; The animal guarding symbols on both sides have a long history of agriculture and unswerving determination and perseverance; Below the pattern is a maxim written in Sanskrit and derived from ancient Indian holy books, "Only truth wins.". On January 26, 1950, the Indian people chose these ancient lion patterns as their national emblem to carry forward India's long culture and history.

national anthem

The main idea of the lyrics: You are in charge of the heart and destiny of Indians. Your name makes the whole country work hard, Punjab, Sindh, Giljarat, Malata, Daropia, Orissa, Bangladesh; Wendina and the Himalayas echoed, Jumna and the Ganges played music to answer, the waves of the Indian Ocean sang songs to praise you and bless you, and everyone was waiting for you to be rescued. The heart and destiny of Indians are under your control, and you are invincible in the world forever.

national flower

Lotus. There are seven kinds of Indian lotus, so it is called "Seven Treasure Lotus". In fact, only two of the seven kinds of lotus are water lilies, namely white lotus (Fentuoli flower) and red lotus (Bottoma flower), and the other five are water lilies.

national bird

Blue Peacock There are three kinds of peacocks in the world, namely blue peacock, green peacock and Congo peacock. The peacock distributed in India belongs to the blue peacock, also called Pavo cristatus

National tree

bodhi tree Buddhists have always regarded banyan trees as sacred trees. Banyan trees are widely planted in jungle temples in India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, and India has designated them as national trees.

Population and nationality



On April 19, 2023, according to the data released by the United Nations, India has a population of 1.428 billion, surpassing China and becoming the most populous country in the world. Half of India's population is under 30 years old, and it is expected to become the world's fastest growing major economy in the next few years. As the third largest economy in Asia, India now has nearly one fifth of the world's population, more than the total population of Europe, Africa or the Americas. [36]
According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China updated in August 2021, India has a population of 1.39 billion. [1]
According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China updated in June 2022, India has a population of 1.39 billion. [1]
According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China updated in January 2023, as of 2021, India has a population of about 1.408 billion. [1]
In November 2022, according to the United Nations《 World Population Outlook 2022 》According to the report, India is expected to become the most populous country as early as 2023 and reach 1.7 billion in 2050. [27]
The population is about 1.42 billion (2022). (Data source: International Monetary Fund). The United Nations Population Fund released the State of World Population 2023 Report in April this year, which said that according to the latest data, India's population will be 1428.6 million by the middle of this year, making it the world's most populous country. [31]
On April 19, 2023, the world population statistics of the United Nations showed that India's population exceeded 1 billion 428 million , slightly higher than China's 1.425 billion. [36]


There have always been different opinions on the division of ethnic groups. The generally recognized division method in the academic circle was proposed by B.s. Guha in 1935. He divided India's ethnic groups into five main types: Negro (the Negroids), the Proto Austroloids, the Mediterraneans, the Alpoinarics, and Indian natives. [1]


There are more than 100 ethnic groups in India, of which Hindustan accounts for about 46.3% of the total population. Other major ethnic groups include Malati, Bengal, Bihar, Telugu, Tamil, etc.
Hindustan (HINDUSTANI) This ethnic group accounts for 46.3% of the total population of India, and is mainly distributed in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar and Rajasthan. Most people believe in Hinduism, while some people believe in Islam, Buddhism, Christianity and Jainism. Most speak Hindi, while a few speak Urdu. Mainly engaged in farming.
Telugu (TELUGU) This ethnic group accounts for 8.6% of the total population of India, also known as Andhra. Mainly distributed in Andhra Pradesh Most people believe in Hinduism, followed by Islam and Christianity. Andhra people like to eat chili and drink tea.
Bengali (BENGALI) This ethnic group accounts for 7.7% of the total population of India. It is mainly distributed in West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. It speaks Bengali and most people believe in Hinduism. Mainly engaged in agriculture.
Maladi (MARATI) This ethnic group accounts for 7.6% of the total population of India and is mainly distributed in Maharashtra. He mainly believes in Hinduism and Buddhism. Maladi people like wrestling and are good at playing cricket, hockey and badminton.
Gujarat (GUJARATHI) This ethnic group accounts for 4.6% of the total population of India and is mainly distributed in Gujarat. exercise Gujarati Most people believe in Hinduism, while a few people believe in Islam and Jainism. Mainly engaged in agriculture, handicraft industry is also relatively developed.
Kannada It accounts for 3.87% of the population of India. It speaks Kannada and is distributed in Karnataka.
Malayalam (MALAYALAM) It accounts for 3.59% of the population of India. It speaks Malayalam and is distributed in Kerala.
Punjabi (PUNJABI) This ethnic group accounts for 2.3% of the total population of India and is mainly distributed in Punjab, India. Most people speak Punjabi, while a few speak Hindi and Urdu. He believes in Sikhism and Hinduism. Most people are engaged in agriculture, while a few are engaged in animal husbandry and handicrafts. Punjabis are good at singing and dancing.
Assam nationality (ASSAMESE) It is mainly distributed in Assam, India, and speaks Assam language. Believe in Shiva. Mainly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. Rice is the staple food, especially tea.
Orissa (ORISSAI) It is mainly distributed in Orissa. Orissa people mainly believe in Hinduism. Orissa has always been known as the hometown of Hinduism, known as the holy land of Hinduism. Orissa people mainly eat rice and dress simply.




India is a Federalism The President is the head of state, but his duties are symbolic, and the real power is held by the Prime Minister. The term of office of the President and Vice President of the country is five years, and they are indirectly elected by an ad hoc electoral body. The office of President is vacant due to death, resignation or dismissal. Article 65 of the Constitution of India stipulates that the Vice President shall act as President. When the new President is elected and inaugurated, the Vice President resumes his original post. If the President is unable to perform his duties due to illness or other reasons, the Vice President shall temporarily act as President until the President returns to office. [1]
administrative power It is exercised by the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister (i.e. the Indian Cabinet). The majority party of the Parliament shall nominate the candidate for the Prime Minister to the President, who shall appoint the Prime Minister. The Premier then nominates the Vice Premier and other cabinet members to the President.
The State Department of India has one Secretary of State and several State Councilors. There is no Deputy Secretary of State.


The Constitution came into force on January 26, 1950. It stipulates that India is a federal country, a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic republic, and adopts the British style parliamentary democracy. Citizens are equal before the law regardless of race, sex, origin, religious belief and place of birth. [1]


The Federal Parliament consists of the President and both chambers. The President is the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the armed forces. He is elected by an electoral college composed of the elected members of the two houses of Parliament and the state parliaments. His term of office is five years. He exercises his powers in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. The current president, Droupadi Murmu (female), will take office on July 25, 2022. The two houses include the Federal House (upper house) and the People's House (lower house). There are 250 seats in the Federal House, which is composed of 12 members with special knowledge or practical experience designated by the President and no more than 238 representatives of states and central regions. The term of office is six years, and 1/3 of them are re elected every two years. The Bundestag meets four times a year. The Constitution stipulates that the Vice President is the statutory President of the Federal Assembly. The current President of the Federal House, Jagdeep Dhankhar, was elected on August 6, 2022 and took office on August 11, 2022. The People's Court is the main legislative body of the country. Its main functions are: to formulate laws and amend the Constitution; Control and adjust the income and expenditure of the federal government; Propose a no confidence motion against the federal government and have the right to impeach the President. The People's Court has 545 seats in total, of which 543 are directly elected by voters, and general elections are held every five years. The 17th People's Court elected in 2019 has more votes: the Indian People's Party won 302 seats, the Congress Party won 52 seats, the Dravida Progressive Alliance won 23 seats, the Grassroots Congress Party 22 seats, and the YSR Congress Party 22 seats. The current Speaker of the People's House, Om Birla, was elected on June 19, 2019.


The Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister is the highest administrative organ. The President appoints the leader of the parliamentary party group of the majority party in the People's House as the general reason. The Council of Ministers also includes cabinet ministers and state ministers. The cabinet composed of the Prime Minister and cabinet ministers is the decision-making body, including 28 cabinet ministers.
Three State Ministers independently presided over the Ministry: State Minister of Statistics and Project Implementation (independently presided over), State Minister of Planning (independently presided over) Rao Inderjit Singh, State Minister of Science and Technology (independently presided over) Jitendra Singh, and State Minister of Justice Arjun Ram Meghwal.


As the highest judicial authority, the Supreme Court has the power to interpret the Constitution and hear disputes between the central government and states. States have high courts and counties have county courts. The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President. The current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud. The Procurator General is appointed by the government, whose main responsibilities are to provide advice and suggestions to the government on law enforcement matters, complete the procuratorial power stipulated by the Constitution and laws, and supervise the implementation of the Constitution and laws. The current Attorney General, R. Venkataramani, was appointed in October 2022.
On September 27, 2018, the Supreme Court of India announced the repeal of Article 497 of the Criminal Law, which related to the crime of adultery, marking the official history of this 158 year old law. [3]


Current Chairman/General Secretary/Party Chairman
Bharatiya Janata Party
It was founded in April 1980, and its predecessor was the Indian People's League established in 1951. It claims to have 110 million Party members. It represents the interests of Hindu forces in the north and small and medium-sized businessmen in cities and towns, with strong nationalism and sectarianism. In 1996, it became the largest party in the parliament for the first time and came to power briefly. He was in power twice from 1998 to 2004. In 2014, it won more than half of the seats in the People's Court again, becoming the largest party and ruling alone in the central government. In 2019, the number of seats in the People's Court election was further increased, and he was re elected successfully.
President Jagat Prakash Nadda, appointed in January 2020
The Indian National Congress
It is called the Congress Party for short. It is said that there are 30 million junior party members and 1.5 million active party members. The Congress Party, founded in December 1885, led the struggle against British colonial rule and India's independence. India was in power for a long time after independence, and split twice in 1969 and 1978. In 1978, British Gandhi formed a new party and changed its current name. In 2004 and 2009, it became the largest party in the parliament twice in the elections of the People's Court, and suffered a heavy setback in the elections of the People's Court in 2014, obtaining only 44 seats. In the 2019 People's Court election, it slightly improved and won 52 seats.
Chairman Mallikarjun Kharge
Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
Established in September 1949, Tamil Nadu is a regional political party, whose main political force is to govern the Central Government in Thailand and the local government. It ranked the third largest party in the 2019 People's Congress election.
MK Stalin, Chairman of the Party
Grassroots Congress Party
Founded in January 1998, the main political force is in West Bengal, mainly representing the interests of the middle and low classes. It ranked the fourth largest party in the 2019 People's Congress election.
Mamata Banerjee (female), Party Chairman
Communist Party of India (Marxism)
It is called the Communist Party of India (Malaysia) for short. In 1964, a group represented by Sundaraya and Nanbudiribad separated from the Communist Party of India and was founded. With about 1 million members (2018), it is the largest left-wing party in India. He had been in power for a long time in West Bengal, and ended his 34 consecutive years in power in May 2011.
Sitaram Yechury, General Secretary
reference material [1]


Mulmu, Draopadi : President. Born in June 1958 in India Orissa Joined in 1997 Bharatiya Janata Party , from 2015 to 2021 Jharkhand The Governor. In July 2022, he was elected as the 15th president of India, the second female president and the first president from a listed tribe in Indian history.
Narendra Modi : Premier. Born in Gujarat, India in 1950, Hindu, Master of Political Science. He joined the BJP in 1987 and served as the general secretary, national secretary and national general secretary of the Gujarat branch of the BJP. He has been the Chief Minister of Gujarat for 13 consecutive years since 2001. He led the People's Party to win more than half of the seats in the 16th People's Court election in India in 2014. He became Prime Minister on May 26, 2014. He led the National League for Democracy (NLD) to win the majority of seats in the general election of the 17th People's Court of India in 2019, and was re elected successfully on May 30, 2019. [1]




India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, and its economic growth rate is eye-catching. As India has a large population, its average GDP is very low. In 2011, India's average GDP( purchasing power parity )3694 US dollars, ranking 129th in the world; USD exchange rate US $1389, ranking 140th in the world. Before 1991, under the influence of the socialist planned economy, the Indian government excessively intervened in the labor and financial markets and regulated commercial activities. Due to the Indian economic crisis in 1991 and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the New Congress Party government made India begin to implement economic liberalization reform and gradually transform into a free market through foreign trade and direct investment, India's economic scale has achieved rapid growth.
India is the world's most populous country, [31] Same BRICS countries First, India's economy and industry are diversified, covering agriculture, handicrafts, textiles and even services. Two thirds of India's population still depends directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihood. In recent years, the service industry has grown rapidly, becoming the most important exporter of global software, finance and other service industries. The world's largest exporter of generic drugs, Overseas remittance First in the world. India's social wealth distribution is extremely unbalanced developing country Caste system The problem is more acute.
India's economy is dominated by farming, modern agriculture, handicrafts, modern industry and its supporting industries. A quarter of the population still cannot feed and clothe. India has sufficient foreign exchange reserves and stable exchange rate. In the future, the government will also completely lift foreign exchange control and let the market determine the value of the currency. India's manufacturing exports have begun to decline, and power supply in many parts of the country is still insufficient. India, with a large population proficient in English, is the world's leading producer of information services, exporter of computer software and the home of many software engineers in the 21st century.
India implements democracy and socialism at the same time. The government strictly controls private economic activities, foreign trade and foreign direct investment. However, in 1991, through economic reform, the control of foreign trade and foreign capital was relaxed, and the domestic market was gradually opened. The privatization of state-owned enterprises and the opening up of some fields have imposed restrictions on private and foreign investment, and the related political debate continues.
After independence, the economy has developed considerably. Agriculture has gone from serious grain shortage to basic self-sufficiency, and industry has formed a relatively complete system with strong self-sufficiency. Since the 1990s, the service industry has developed rapidly and its proportion in GDP has increased year by year. India has become an important exporter of global software, finance and other service industries. In July 1991, a comprehensive economic reform was carried out to loosen control over the industrial, foreign trade and financial sectors. From 1992 to 1996, the economy grew by 6.2% annually. During the Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002), the economy grew by 5.5% annually. During the "Tenth Five Year Plan" (2002-2007), we will continue to deepen economic reform, accelerate the privatization of state-owned enterprises, liberalize the sale of some necessities, including agricultural products, improve the investment environment, streamline government institutions, and reduce fiscal deficits. With an average annual economic growth of 7.8%, it is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. In 2006, the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" (2007-2012) was launched, which proposed to maintain the rapid growth of 10% of the national economy, create 70 million jobs, reduce the number of poor people by 10%, vigorously develop education, health and other public utilities, continue to accelerate infrastructure construction, and increase environmental protection efforts. In August 2011, the Indian Planning Commission adopted the guidance document of the "12th Five Year Plan" (2012-2017), proposing a target of 9% growth of the national economy. In 2015, the Printing and Abolition Planning Committee was abolished. After the end of the 12th Five Year Plan, India will no longer implement the five-year plan. According to the data of the International Monetary Fund, the main economic data in 2022 are as follows (calculated at current prices):
gross domestic product
US $3.39 trillion
GDP growth rate
GDP per capita
US $2380
Currency name
exchange rate
1 US dollar ≈ 83.2 Indian rupees (October 2023 data)
Inflation rate (measured by CPI)
5.02% (September 2023 data)
foreign exchange reserve
US $585.9 billion (October 2023 data)
reference material
India has become the world's largest outsourcing service recipient, and the world's second largest software country after the United States. [28]


During the British colonial rule, Indian industry was dominated by textile and mining. After independence, steel, machinery, electricity, chemistry and other industries have developed, and the industry has formed a complete system. India's textile, food, precision instrument, automobile, software manufacturing, aviation and space industries have developed rapidly.
India has two major automobile enterprises: tata motors And Mahindra, of which Tata Motors acquired Jaguar Land Rover in 2008 and Mahindra acquired Ssangyong Motors in 2010.
The main industries include textile, food processing, chemical, pharmaceutical, steel, cement, mining, petroleum and machinery. Emerging industries such as automobile, electronic product manufacturing, aviation and space have developed rapidly in recent years. In the 2022/2023 fiscal year, India's industrial production index increased by 6.9% year on year, including 15.1% for the power industry, 6.6% for the mining industry and 6.1% for the manufacturing industry. [1]


India is a large agricultural country, with 1/10 of the world's arable land, an area of about 150 million hectares, 0.11 hectares per capita, and is one of the world's largest food producers. The rural population accounts for 65% of the total population. according to european union Report: India has become a net exporter of agricultural products.
Because the climate of India is dominated by tropical monsoon climate, in which the southwest monsoon is very unstable, which makes the time distribution of precipitation in India very unstable, and frequent floods and droughts make India's food production very unstable.

Service industry

In recent years, the printing service industry has achieved rapid development. It will increase by 6.9% in the fiscal year 2020/2021. In the fiscal year 2020/2021, the contribution rate of the service industry to the total added value of the national economy is 55.39%, which is the main sector of India to create jobs, earn foreign exchange and attract foreign capital. It is estimated that the added value of the service industry in India will increase by 9.1% year-on-year in the fiscal year 2022/2023.


India's tourism and service industries are also relatively developed, accounting for a considerable proportion in the national economy. Tourism is a key industry of the Indian government and an important employment sector, providing more than 20 million jobs. The number of inbound tourists is increasing year by year, and tourism income is increasing. The main tourist attractions are Agra Delhi Jaipur Chandigarh Nalando Mysore Goa Taj Mahal Hyderabad , Trivandrum, etc. India selects its seven historical wonders, Indian Rajasthan style.


The central and local finance are separated, and the budget has two levels: federal and state. The financial year is from April 1 to March 31 of the next year. The fiscal deficit in fiscal year 2022/2023 accounts for 6.4% of GDP. [1]

foreign trade

The main export commodities are: finished products mainly include textiles, jewelry, machinery products, chemical products, leather, handicrafts, etc; Primary products mainly include agricultural products and mineral products; Petroleum products mainly include refined oil, crude oil and petroleum products.
The main import commodities are: petroleum products, electronic products, gold and silver, machinery, and chemical products.
The United States is the largest trading partner. China ranks second. Other major trading partners include Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, France, Iran, Japan, etc.
Foreign trade (including trade in goods and services) in recent years is as follows (in billions of dollars):
Foreign trade (including trade in goods and services) in recent years is as follows (unit: billion US dollars)
five hundred and thirty-eight point zero eight
five hundred and twenty-six point five five
four hundred and ninety-seven point nine
six hundred and sixty-nine point six five
seven hundred and seventy point one eight
Import volume
six hundred and forty point one four
six hundred and two point nine eight
five hundred and eleven point nine six
seven hundred and fifty-six point six eight
eight hundred and ninety-two point one eight
reference material:
international repercussions
The General Administration of Foreign Trade of India announced on March 5, 2012 that cotton export was prohibited. As the world's second largest cotton exporter, India's decision caused significant fluctuations in the global cotton trading market that day. [40]
The Ministry of Commerce of India hopes that the Ministry of Finance will adopt its proposal to increase rubber import tariffs as soon as possible to help domestic rubber farmers cope with the decline in rubber prices. The price of rubber has dropped from 230 rupees/kg to about 160 rupees/kg.
Two months ago, the Ministry of Commerce of India proposed to the Tax Bureau that the special import tariff on rubber should be increased from 20 rupees/kg to 34 rupees/kg based on the average price of the past three years. However, it did not propose to change the import tariff of 20%. The importer can pay the tax in two ways: 20% import tariff according to the rubber value, or 20 rupees/kg import tariff.
In March 2013, rubber farmers' representatives from the southern states of India, including Kerala, which accounts for about 90% of India's rubber production, visited the head of the Ministry of Commerce and pointed out that if import tariffs were not raised, cheap rubber from neighboring countries would flow into the Indian market, further reducing rubber prices and possibly leading to domestic crises.

Tax system

The income tax system introduced from Britain in 1886 became the embryonic form of India's tax system. After independence in 1947, with the gradual liberalization of the economy, India began to supplement and improve the tax system, gradually collecting inheritance tax (1953), gift tax, wealth tax (1958) and excess profit tax (1964), and implemented a limited value-added tax in 1986. In 1991, the Indian government carried out a systematic reform of the tax system, achieved remarkable results, and formed a complete set of perfect tax system. India's tax system is relatively simple, including corporate income tax, personal income tax, wealth tax, agricultural tax, interest tax, gift tax, consumption tax, sales tax, limited value-added tax tariff Wait for 10 taxes.
India in Astrophysics space technology Molecular biology electronic technique And other high-tech fields have reached a high level. In August 2009, ASEAN and India signed the Agreement on Trade in Goods in Bangkok. According to the agreement, from 2013 to 2016, ASEAN Member States And India will eliminate import tariffs on more than 80% of traded products.

foreign exchange reserve

As of December 4, 2020, the data released by the Central Bank of India showed that the foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of India reached 579.346 billion dollars, and the foreign exchange assets of the Bank of India increased by 4.525 billion dollars in the reporting week. [5]
As of October 2023, the foreign exchange reserves reached US $585.9 billion.




The languages of India mainly include Indo European Sino Tibetan language family Austro-Asiatic language family Dravidian languages The language is complex. The official language of India is Hindi , used by 30% of the population; English It has terminated its status as the only official language (the same as Hindi) in 1965, but still retains its status as "the second additional official language". It is also a national common language, mainly used in political and commercial exchanges. There are also 21 other scheduled official languages of ethnic minorities.
There are about 2000 languages in India, 55 of which have their own characters and literature. The 19 perfect languages with their own literary treasures have been designated as the official languages of India.


Every religion in India subcontinent All have their followers. There are countless beautiful temples, magnificent churches, grand mosque Buddhist temples, synagogues and Zoroastrian temples with flourishing incense. A commercial megalopolis in western India bombay It can be said to be a microcosm of India's religious, ethnic and linguistic diversity. In addition to the temples and churches of the above religions, there are also famous Armenian churches, Shinto temples and Datong temples in the city.

Clothes & Accessories

Male turban In some regions and faiths of India, men have the custom of wearing turbans, which are called Turbans. There are various ways to wrap a headband, among which Sikhism A male headband with a specific style. According to tradition, sikhs From childhood to adulthood, you must grow hair, beard, and head scarf. The style of the children's headband is relatively simple, and only black cloth is tied into a bun. The styles of adult headbands are complex. First, long hair must be tied into a bun with a black elastic band, and then wrapped into a headband with a piece of cloth about 3 meters long. The style is that both sides are lined to form a regular pattern. Sikhs have many colors in their headdresses, and some even match their clothes.
Most Indian men wear a loose tunic with a straight collar and a pair of trousers with narrow feet (Dhoti). The trousers of men in Rajasthan are wrapped in a piece of white cloth. The cloth towel on the head has many patterns and bright colors.
Indian woman
Women wear sari The traditional dress of Indian women is Sari (Sari) Sari refers to a piece of cloth with a length of more than 15 yards, which is wrapped around the body when wearing. Indian women are good at using techniques such as binding, girdling, binding, wrapping, wrapping and drapery to make sari different.
The sari of Rajasthan women is short, only draped on the head, but colorful, with gold and silver embroidered edges. The blouse of women in Rajasthan is a little like a Chinese henna without collar, and the lower part of the body is a piping skirt reaching to the ground.


Birth ceremony
Hindus bathe in the "holy water" of the Ganges River
In India, the traditional preference is for boys, because when a daughter marries, parents must prepare a rich dowry. If there is no dowry, a daughter cannot marry. The way Indians celebrate the birth and safe growth of their children is to go to the temple for a "Puja ceremony", sing prayers, and then hold a dinner with relatives and friends.
When Indian children are born, their parents will ask for divination for them. Most of the children's names are taken from heroes or gods. The eight characters of a child's birthday are especially valued because they can determine the future marriage object of the child.
When Hindus die, they will hold a cremation ceremony at the River Altar. After the death of Hindus, their families will wrap the body in yellow or white silk cloth, and then put it on two bamboo stretchers, which will be carried to the Hetan cremation site in a parade.
Indian wedding is a representative of social status and a major ceremony in life. When Indian youth reach marriageable age, their parents will replace them to find objects with the same social class, language, and astrology. On the wedding day, the groom rode a white horse to the bride's house. At this time, the fire altar had been set up in the woman's home. The relatives and friends of both sides walked around the fire altar to pray in the auspicious words recited by the priest. After that, the bride walked to the front of the fire altar surrounded by her female partner, and the priest tied the bride's sari and the groom's scarf together, representing a long marriage. The wedding dinner in India is held at the bride's home, where a couple sit to receive the blessing from relatives and friends. The groom spent the night at the bride's house on the evening of the wedding day, and the bride was welcomed home the next day.
Puja ceremony
Puja is the center of Hinduism gods The ceremony of worship, the Puja ceremony must be performed by the priest. In the ceremony, the believers will The statue After decoration, the temple was carried out to celebrate, and flowers, coconuts, tika powder and other offerings were offered. Finally, the priest will hold the oil lamp in front of the statue“ Alati (arati)”。
In the process of "Alati", the believers covered the lights in the priest's hands with their hands, and then touched them on their eyes, representing the power given by God.
In India, after the Puja ceremony, believers can usually get some flowers, tika powder or water, called "Prasada". So in India, whenever Indians come out of a temple to worship, their foreheads are almost painted with red or white powder.
In India, the religious belief, race, class and region of the local people can be seen from different costumes and costumes.


India works five days a week, and Saturday and Sunday are public holidays. [26]
Republic of India Day (Republic Day in India), January 26 every year. On January 26, 1950, the Indian Parliament passed Constitution of the Republic of India India established a republic.
India Independence Day (Independence Day), August 15 every year. On August 15, 1947, the Indian people gained independence from British colonial rule.
Holi (Holi), one of the four Hindu festivals in March and April of the Gregorian calendar every year. The festival is in India's winter to spring harvest season, so it is also called the Spring Festival.
Festival of Lights (Diwali), between October and November of the Gregorian calendar hinduism It is the largest festival in the country and is celebrated for 3 days.
New Year's Day (New Year's Day) in India starts from October 31 every year and lasts for five days. The fourth day is New Year's Day. On the first day of the New Year, no one is allowed to be angry with others, let alone lose their temper. In some areas, people fast day and night to welcome the new year, from the early morning of New Year's Day until midnight. Because of this strange custom, New Year's Day in India is called "New Year's Day of crying bitterly" and "New Year's Day of fasting".
Rohri is a public holiday. This is a rest day for ordinary people. Schools and most enterprises are closed. [6]
Maha Shivratri, Maha Sivaratri, Shivaratri, Sivaratri is a festival held on the 13th or 14th of the month of Maga or Farguna in Hinduism to worship God Shiva. Festivals usually take place in February or March, with only one day and one night. Shivarati is a public holiday. This is a rest day for ordinary people. Schools and most enterprises are closed. [7]
Good Friday It is a legal holiday in India. It commemorates the last moment of Jesus' life, his suffering and death, as described in the Christian Bible. [8]
Ram Navami, Ramanavami, Sri Rama Navami is a Hindu festival, celebrating the birth of Rama on the ninth day of Hindu Ketra month, usually in March or April. Rama is the eldest son of King Dasalata and Queen Ayuttha Kausalia, and is considered to be the seventh incarnation of the Indian god Vishnu. Ramanawami is a public holiday. This is a rest day for ordinary people. Schools and most enterprises are closed. [9]
Mahavira Jayanti is a public holiday. This is a rest day for ordinary people. Schools and most enterprises are closed. [10]
Eid al Fitr It is the first day of Shawar month in Islam. It marks the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting and prayer. During Eid al Fitr, many Muslims participate in collective prayer, listen to sermons and carry out charity activities. Eid al Fitr is a public holiday. This is a rest day for ordinary people. Schools and most enterprises are closed. [11]
Vesak Day (Buddha Putuo Nima, Buddha Kayanti) is a Buddhist festival, which marks the birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha. It falls on the full moon in April or May, which is a legal holiday in India. Buddha Punima/Vesak is a public holiday. This is a rest day for ordinary people. Schools and most enterprises are closed. [12]


Karnatik is a transliteration of classical music in South India, which originated from the Vishyanagara Empire in the 16th century. While the empire grew in the southern tip of the peninsula, the Persians invaded northern India. Since then, Indian music has developed two distinct lines: Karnatik in the south and Hindustan in the north. Unlike northern India, southern Indian music is rarely influenced by Persian and Islamic culture. Since its birth, Karnatik's prosperity has been inseparable from the support of the ruling class in South India, and it has always been the "elegant culture" popular in the upper class society. [43]
Ancient Indian dance activities were mainly concentrated in Brahmanism temples, and dance became one of the means of preaching at that time. There are dancers in the temple dedicated to serving gods and entertaining gods. These dancers are called Deva Darcy. The gestures of Indian dance have specific meanings, even unpredictable. For example, the gesture of finger face is used to express beauty, and the lotus gesture is commonly used when performing for God.
There are four kinds of Indian classical dance, namely Manipuri bharata natyam Getakry and Ketak dance Manipur dance is one of the four classical dances in India. It originated in Manipur area, hence its name. The brado dance is a traditional dance in Tamil Nadu, India. The brado dance emphasizes the beauty of symmetry, and most of the movements are done from left to right to achieve symmetry. [42] Getakry is the most famous dance in Kerala. In fact, the Getakry dance is a kind of dance with strong storytelling and unique characteristics. Ketak dance is a famous dance in Rajasthan. Ketak is a caste who specializes in dancing and makes a living as a performer. The dance they dance is called Ketak dance. Ketak dance belongs to the court erotic dance, which is specially used by princes and nobles for leisure. There are many small copper bells tied to the dancers' feet, and the actors make different sounds with the fluctuation of the drums, sometimes sonorous and powerful, sometimes fine and melodious. This is a famous posture dance that can express complex emotions. [44]



outlook on war

India believes that war is a human social phenomenon and a form of struggle to achieve national political goals. The purpose of India's war is to defend the territorial integrity and national unity of the country, safeguard the national interests and achieve the overall goal of the national strategy. India believes that its army strength ranks third in the world, its navy ranks fifth and its air force ranks sixth. The Indian army was formerly a mercenary of British colonialists. After the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, the three separate armies were established. The independent Coast Guard was established in 1978. The President is the nominal commander of the armed forces, and the Cabinet is the highest military decision-making body. The Ministry of Defence is responsible for the command, management and coordination of the forces. Service commands are responsible for formulating and implementing operational plans and commanding operations. Current Army Chief of Staff Manoj Pande (Manoj Pandey), Vivek Ram Chaudhary, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and Radhakrishnan Hari Kumar, Chief of Staff of the Navy, implemented the recruitment system. The active military strength of the army, navy and air force is 1.444 million, including 1.237 million for the army, 67000 for the navy and 140000 for the air force. There are also more than 500000 reservists and more than 1 million paramilitary troops. The defense budget of 2023/2024 is 5.94 trillion rupees.

Military expenditure

India has always regarded expanding its military strength as an important symbol of striving to become a world-class power. India has always been committed to dominating South Asia, directly controlling the Indian Ocean, and becoming one of the world's military powers is the ultimate goal of India's national strategy. The Indian authorities are convinced that military strength is the necessary basis for achieving the status of a major country. Diplomacy must be backed by military power, and military power must be supplemented by diplomacy. Military strength is not only an important element of comprehensive national strength, but also the most reliable trump card of national diplomacy. More importantly, this strategic thinking has been widely supported by Indian think tanks, the military, academia and the press, and is the father of Indian missiles Kalam , he has repeatedly stated bluntly in public that "weakness is not respected, so India must be strong militarily".
Minister of Finance of India Pranab Mukherjee It was announced that by the fiscal year of March 2010, India's military budget would increase by 24%, to 1.42 trillion rupees, about 50 billion US dollars. It will fund the modernization plan of India's 1.23 million troops. In addition to the military budget, Mukherjee also approved an increase of $143 million for the paramilitary sector. He also said that this fiscal year will increase the so-called border security by 456 million dollars. India is the country that buys the most weapons among emerging economies. Since 2000, India has imported military equipment worth 28 billion dollars. In the next few years, India plans to further sign contracts worth an estimated $30 billion.


In order to achieve the national strategic goal of "directly controlling the Indian Ocean and striving to become a world-class power", India attaches great importance to the modernization of its military forces, formulates a strategic plan to become a world military power by 2015, and vigorously promotes the transformation of the armed forces of the sea, land and air. Army: change to strategic strike service; Navy: change to ocean going combat service; Air Force: change to aerospace service. So as to establish a "future army" that adapts to the needs of future wars and national strategic objectives. In order to adapt to the modernization transformation of the military, the structure of military expenditure has also been greatly adjusted. The cost of weapons procurement, known as the "first cost item", has reached 334 billion rupees, nearly double the actual procurement cost of 169 billion rupees in the previous fiscal year.
The Indian Navy has 1 aircraft carrier, 8 missile destroyers, about 40 frigates, 16 submarines and a large number of auxiliary warships. It is reported that the Indian government has approved the construction of two more nuclear submarines before 2015.


India will jointly develop with Russia, code: PAK-FA The 5th generation advanced fighter. Russia India joint research and development of the 5th generation fighter plane project amounts to billions of dollars, which will become the largest joint research and development project of the Russian and Indian governments in the military field. The latest fighter introduced by India from Russia is the Su-30MKI fighter. The main generals of the Indian Air Force have confirmed that the Indian Air Force has determined the technical performance indicators of India's 5th generation fighter. It is said that the Indian Air Force hopes to spend five years developing the fifth generation fighter. It is reported that the 5th generation fighter PAK-FA has stealth performance and can conduct supersonic cruise without using afterburner. Active electronically scanned array (AESA) airborne radar and thrust vectoring nozzle that can enhance mobility will be installed on the aircraft.
In the 21st century, Indian Army has purchased 310 vehicles from Russia T-90 main battle tank Senior officers of the Indian army said that the army's need to replace the old T-55 and T-72 tanks with 1781 main battle tanks would be met through the introduction of 1657 Russian made T-90S and 124 ordered Arjun tanks (developed by India itself and expensive, but the quality and performance of the tanks have always been problematic, which cannot meet the requirements of the Indian army). Russia and India signed an agreement to import 310 Russian made T-90S tanks. According to the agreement reached between the two sides, India imported 347 more T-90S tanks, and India Awadi Heavy Vehicle Manufacturing Factory has begun to produce another 1000 T-90S tanks according to the Russian license.
India has announced plans to build an aircraft carrier fleet and nuclear submarines in the next decade. India has also carried out portable Nuclear warhead Its range can cover major cities in China. In the border areas near China, it is also reopening its air bases.




According to the statistics of the Ministry of Transport of India, the total length of Indian roads is about 6216000 kilometers, and the road carrying capacity accounts for 90% of the total passenger transport volume and nearly 64.5% of the total freight transport volume of the country. Among them, the total length of expressways and national roads is 136000 kilometers; The total length of state roads is 150000 kilometers. The road conditions in India are poor and the road transportation capacity is insufficient. About 75% of the national roads are one-way two lane roads and below.
There are highways between India and neighboring Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. [26]


The total length of Indian railway track is 125400 kilometers, ranking first in the world. There are about 135000 passenger trains and 9100 freight trains in China. Indian railways are relatively old and backward, and railway signs and vehicles are old. The government plans to modernize 22 major railway stations in the country through public-private partnerships.
Urban rail transit in India has developed rapidly. At present, Delhi bombay Calcutta Bangalore Chennai Hyderabad Cochin There are metro/urban rail lines in operation or under construction in first tier cities such as Delhi and Agger, among which the "semi high-speed" train with a speed of 160 km/h was officially opened in April 2016. The Indian high-speed railway from Delhi to Varanasi, also known as "Hail India", the fastest train in India, was put into operation in February 2019. Urban rail transit in second tier cities such as Ahmedabad, Pune, Chandigarh, Patna and Lucknow has also entered the planning and design stage. [26]

water transport

India has 7517 km coastline, 12 major ports and 187 non major ports. 12 major ports are directly managed by the Indian government; Only one third of the 187 non major ports are in operation and are managed by the maritime boards of the state governments.
Water transportation is the main mode of India's foreign trade transportation. 95% of India's foreign trade is completed through water transportation, accounting for more than 70% of the trade value. In recent years, the throughput of Indian ports has grown steadily, with an annual growth rate of about 10% - 12%. In 2019, the annual freight volume of major ports reached 705 million tons.
India also has six major national inland waterways, with 14500 kilometers of navigation mileage. In addition to the middle and lower reaches of the Ganges River and other local areas, the level of inland river transport in India is relatively low, and the national inland river cargo transport volume only accounts for 0.1% of the total domestic cargo transport volume. [26]

air transport

India has frequent international and domestic flights, which is one of the fastest growing civil aviation markets in the world. In 2019, Indian air passenger throughput reached 344 million person times. By the end of 2021, India has about 460 operational airports, including 29 international airports in Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chennai and other major cities. Air India, the national airline of India, has opened routes to 120 destinations and 39 countries (regions). In 2019, Indigo Airways opened flights from Delhi to Chengdu and Calcutta to Guangzhou. Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines and Shandong Airlines have opened direct flights to Beijing Delhi, Chengdu Bangalore, Shanghai Chengdu Mumbai, Beijing Shanghai Delhi, Kunming Calcutta, Guangzhou Delhi and Jinan Delhi respectively. Affected by the epidemic, direct flights between China and India will be suspended by the end of 2021. [26]




Indian education implements 12 year compulsory primary and secondary education. A total of 10 years of higher education, including 3 years of undergraduate, 2 years of master, 2 years of associate doctor and 3 years of doctor courses. In addition, there are various types of vocational and technical education, adult education and other informal education. There are 20 national universities, 215 state universities, 100 autonomous universities and many other colleges in China. The famous universities include Nehru University, Delhi University, Indian University of Technology, Indian Institute of Management, etc.
In 2018, India's adult literacy rate reached 74%. In recent years, the gross enrollment rate of children aged 6 to 14 in India is 93% - 95%, but the average dropout rate of primary schools in the country is as high as 31%. Some enterprise consortia have invested and set up a number of private schools. Although the tuition is relatively high, some of them meet the needs of higher education because of their good school buildings and teachers. [26]

medical care

The Indian government has established a public health care system with wide coverage, and most of the national health expenditure is paid by the government. The public expenditure of the Indian government on health care is at a low level. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, the public expenditure on health care in the central and states accounted for less than 1% of GDP. The shortage of resources and medical professionals has become a serious constraint to the medical service system. In addition, the problems of clean drinking water and environmental sanitation in some areas are not optimistic.
Some enterprise consortia have invested and set up a number of private hospitals. Although the medical expenses are relatively high, their medical facilities, environment and medical personnel are well equipped, which partially meet the needs of patients for high-level medical services. [26]


Bindra He won the gold medal of the men's 10m air rifle (60 rounds) at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, which was India's first individual gold medal since 1920.
Some analysts pointed out that the victory of Bindra made Indians feel the taste of Olympic gold medal for the first time, thus realizing the happiness of the Olympic Games. People began to participate in the Olympic Games for the first time psychologically. It is believed that under this universal psychological participation, India's sports will reach a new level, and India's Olympic gold medals will be one after another.
Indian Football Super League Indian Super League (ISL), a professional football league of Indian football, was founded on October 21, 2013.

information technology

India's success in information technology is well known. India has made brilliant achievements by virtue of its talent advantage and by providing services to developed countries. The contribution of information technology industry to India's GDP has increased from 1.2% in 1999~2000 to 4.8% estimated in 2005~2006. The average annual growth rate of services driven by software and information technology in India has exceeded 28% in the past five years. The success of information technology has completely changed the evaluation and impression of India in Europe and the United States. More importantly, it has changed India's view of its own potential and is cultivating India's scientific self-confidence. India's success in information technology has also played an important role in attracting transnational R&D centers and foreign Indians to invest in India.


India has established new key areas and development directions, with biotechnology as the focus. In the past 10 years, the R&D investment in biotechnology has increased from US $96 million in 1987~1988 to US $358 million in 2004~2005, of which the increased funds focus on supporting biopharmaceuticals rather than agricultural biotechnology.
From 2004 to 2005, India's biotechnology revenue increased by 37% to US $1.1 billion. The National Biotechnology Development Strategy has set the goal of raising this figure to US $5 billion by 2010. In March 2005, the Indian Minister of Science praised biotechnology as the "best batter" of the Indian team, and believed that biotechnology could become the "next great success example" of India, which helps to provide affordable health care and alleviate poverty. In 2004, the Ministry of Biotechnology issued a plan to turn India into a "global center of bioinformatics".

Space technology

Indian Space Technology
After years of development, the research, development and application technology of Indian satellites has reached or approached the international advanced level, and its carrier rocket technology has also made breakthroughs. In 2009, India has four types of domestic launch vehicles: "Satellite Launch Vehicle 3 (SLV-3)", "Augmented Launch Vehicle (ASLV)", "Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)" and "Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV)". While vigorously developing rocket and satellite technology, India also seeks to make greater achievements. For example, in 2007, India sent its first recoverable capsule and three satellites into space with a polar satellite carrier rocket, obtaining important data for its future manned space program. In addition, India is also implementing its own lunar exploration plan in full swing. The Indian Space Research Organization launched a polar satellite in 2008 rocket India's first lunar probe, Chandrayaan-1, was launched.
At 9:20 on April 28, 2008 (11:50 Beijing time), an Indian PSLV-C9 rocket was launched with 10 satellites. Subsequent U.S.A Russia European Space Agency and China Then the fifth master“ One arrow with many stars ”Launch technology. and One arrow and ten stars Be number one.

Press and Publications

Indian newspapers are mostly owned by private individuals and consortia. By the end of 2007, there were 35595 newspapers and periodicals in 96 languages, with a total circulation of 99 million, ranking second in the world. Indian and English newspapers accounted for 37% and 16% of the total respectively. The three largest daily newspapers are《 Times of India 》Malayala Entertainment News and Gujarat News. The major Indian newspapers are the Punjab Lion and Today's Daily《 Hindustan 》Etc. Major English newspapers include《 Hindustan Times 》《 Politician 》《 Hindu newspaper 》《 India Express 》Etc.
Major news agencies and news agencies include:
(1) Press Release Administration: It is equivalent to the Central News Agency of the government. It has more than 1100 domestic and 180 foreign special correspondents. The telex network covers all parts of the country and provides articles to more than 8000 news organizations. There are 8 regional headquarters and 27 branches.
(2) Press Trust of India: India's largest news agency, semi official. It was founded in August 1947, merged with the United Press Agency of India and Reuters India Branch, and opened on New Year's Day in 1949. There are 136 domestic branches and 11 overseas branches, with more than 1000 employees and more than 30 overseas journalists. More than 100000 words are published in English every day. A reporter was stationed in Beijing.
(3) Associated Press of India: India's second largest news agency, a joint venture of newspaper colleagues. It was registered in 1959. There are more than 100 branches. It provided news services to four Gulf countries, Singapore and Mauritius, set up branches in Dubai, Washington and Singapore, and sent journalists to 22 countries.
(4) Hindustan News Agency: private, mainly compiles and distributes news in Hindi, Maladi, Gujarati and Nepali. All Indian radio stations are subordinate to the Ministry of News and Broadcasting of the government, and the radio network covers 99.91% of the national population. 24 languages and 146 broadcasts are used internally. 27 language broadcasting is used externally. All India Television was broadcast in 1959. In 1976, Radio India became an independent organization under the Ministry of Press and Broadcasting. It is one of the largest television networks in the world. As of 2013, there are 56 channels and 23 star channels in China. The television network covers 86.9% of the country's land area.

Caste system

Caste system It is a universal social system in India and other South Asian regions. The caste system Brahman Centered on, it divided many professional based groups of endogamy, namely caste of India Various surnames are divided into many castes according to the different regions they live in. These sub castes are divided into many settlement castes according to the different settlements they live in. These settlement castes are finally divided into clans with different lines of exogamy, which are linked at different levels and integrated into a social system scattered throughout the Indian subcontinent. Therefore, the caste system covers the vast majority of groups in Indian society and is closely related to India's social system, cosmology, religion and interpersonal relations. It can be said that it is the most important social system and norm in traditional India.
The caste system is not a set of absolute social strata, but a set of relative order established by many different standards, such as whether to eat vegetarian food, whether to kill cattle, and whether to contact the corpse. The core concept behind these standards is a set of "clean and unclean" values, but this value is affected by the power relationship in real life. For this reason, the Brahmans in ancient India developed a system called“ varna ”As a way to explain and simplify the whole system. Therefore, these two modes of thinking roughly constitute the main concepts of the whole caste system.
Article 15 of the Constitution of India stipulates that "no one shall be discriminated against because of caste, religion or place of birth"; Article 17 explicitly stipulates the abolition of the "inaccessible system". In order to ensure the education and job hunting rights of low castes and untouchables, India has also implemented the famous "reservation policy", which not only reserves a certain proportion of seats for them in both houses of Parliament, but also reserves up to 27% of seats for them in all government agencies and state-owned enterprises. In addition, a certain proportion of students born in low castes will be given places to enter higher education. There is no longer any record of caste in Indian identity records.

International Relations


foreign policy

India is Non Aligned Movement As one of the founding countries, successive governments have emphasized that non alignment is the basis of their foreign policy and strive to play an important role in regional and international affairs. After the end of the Cold War, the Indian government has adjusted its long-term pursuit of the Soviet Union's major country balance policy and pursued all-round pragmatic diplomacy. So is India BRICS countries A member of the Group.
On July 7, 2015, India joined as an observer country Shanghai Cooperation Organization [13] On June 9, 2017, India became a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
On June 9, 2022 local time, the members of the United Nations General Assembly voted at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to elect the non permanent members of the Security Council from 2023 to 2024. The new member states of the Security Council will succeed India and other countries from January 1, 2023 [22-23]
On October 1, 2023, according to the Agence France Presse in New Delhi, the Afghan Embassy in India stopped operating on the same day. More than two years ago, the former government of Afghanistan supported by the West was overthrown. [38]

external relations

China India relations
During Zheng He's seven voyages, Kerala in India was an important transit place for the fleet. Zheng He's fleet paid many visits to ancient Indian countries, such as Guri, Kochi, Kogolan, Gambari, and Gayal. In particular, the second and seventh voyages to the Western Ocean saw the largest number of Indian countries, including 7 to Guri and 6 to Kochi. In 1403, Zhu Di, the Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, sent Yin Qing as an envoy to Ke Zhiguo (today's Keqin) and Guli (today's Kalikat) to proclaim rewards. The two countries also sent special envoys to pay a return visit with Yin Qing. In 1407, after Zheng He led his fleet to Guli, he read the imperial edict issued by Zhu Di, the Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, to the King of Guli, and gave him the silver seal of the imperial edict. [14]
China and India established diplomatic relations on April 1, 1950. After the Tibetan rebellion in 1959, the Dalai Lama set up the so-called government in exile in India, and Sino Indian relations deteriorated. From October to November 1962, a large-scale armed conflict occurred on the border between China and India. After the resumption of the exchange of ambassadors in 1976, bilateral relations gradually improved. In 1998, India conducted nuclear tests under the pretext of "China's threat", which severely frustrated China India relations.
In 2002, China India relations further improved and developed. From January 13 to 18, Premier Ying Yin Vajpayee Invitation, Premier of the State Council Zhu Rongji He paid an official visit to India, and successively visited Agra , Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore On June 4, President Jiang Zemin attended in Almaty Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia During the summit, he met with Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee. The dispute between China and India over Sikkim's status has not been completely settled.
After the outbreak of the global financial crisis, China and India began economic and political cooperation under the BRIC mechanism. India's economy has soared since the 1990s, and its efforts to win the status of an international power have become increasingly obvious. India, Japan and Germany have joined together as a small group to win the permanent membership of the Security Council. China's attitude is that the Security Council needs reform, but it does not clearly support the three countries.
In January 2008, shortly after his visit to China, Prime Minister Singh inspected the Indian occupied area, including the eastern section of the China India border, and put forward a package plan to promote the development of India's northeast border area. On November 8, Indian Foreign Minister Mukherjee repeated the same old tune when he visited China's Tawang region (India called it "Arunachal Pradesh"), claiming once again that India has sovereignty over Tawang.
India stubbornly stuck to its own position in the border negotiations, not only ignoring China's reasonable territorial claims on the eastern line, but even trying to carve up a piece of land in Aksaichin on the western line. In view of India's tough position Sino Indian border dispute There is a long way to go.
April 25, 2022: According to Indian media reports, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said to its member airlines on April 20 that India has suspended distribution to Chinese citizens tourist visa [20]
China and India maintain communication and coordination in the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the BRICS, the Group of Twenty, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China, Russia and India and other mechanisms, and work together in the areas of climate change, energy and food security, reform of international financial institutions and global governance to safeguard the common interests of China and India and developing countries. [30]
China India economic cooperation continues to expand. In 2021, the bilateral trade volume between China and India will reach US $125.66 billion, a year-on-year increase of 43.3%, of which China's exports to India will reach US $97.52 billion, a year-on-year increase of 46.2%, and China's imports from India will reach US $28.14 billion, a year-on-year increase of 34.2%. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume between China and India will reach US $135.98 billion, up 8.4% year on year. Among them, China's export to India was US $118.5 billion, up 21.7% year on year, and China's import from India was US $17.48 billion, down 37.9% year on year. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and India will reach US $136.22 billion, up 1.5% year on year. Among them, China's export to India was US $117.68 billion, up 0.8% year on year, and China's import from India was US $18.54 billion, up 6% year on year. China's main export commodities to India include mechanical and electrical products, chemical products, base metals and products. China's main imports from India include mineral products, raw materials and chemical products. In August 2012, the ninth meeting of the China India Joint Economic and Trade Group was held in New Delhi. In November, the second round of China India Strategic Economic Dialogue was held in New Delhi. In March 2014, the third China India Strategic Economic Dialogue was held in Beijing. In September, the tenth meeting of the China India Joint Economic and Trade Group was held in Beijing. In October 2016, the fourth China India Strategic Economic Dialogue was held in New Delhi. In March 2018, the 11th meeting of the China India Economic and Trade Joint Group was held in India. In April of the same year, the fifth China India Strategic Economic Dialogue was held in Beijing. In September 2019, the sixth China India Strategic Economic Dialogue was held in New Delhi.
indo-pakistani relations
After the partition of India and Pakistan in August 1947, India and Pakistan remained at loggerheads, and three full-scale wars broke out in 1948, 1965 and 1971. Because India instigated and supported the independence of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), India and Pakistan broke off diplomatic relations in December 1971 and resumed diplomatic relations in July 1976. In 1998, India and Pakistan successively conducted nuclear tests and launched a nuclear arms race, resulting in sharp tension between the two countries. In February 1999, Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee and Pakistani Prime Minister Sharif signed the Lahore Declaration, which led to a detente between the two sides. But in April, India and Pakistan test fired missiles, and in May, there was a fierce conflict between the two countries in Kargil, Indian controlled Kashmir. India Pakistan relations once again turned from detente to deterioration. In December, an Indian civilian flight was hijacked, and the Indian Foreign Minister accused Pakistan of involvement in this matter. In 2000, India Pakistan relations were in a stalemate, and the atmosphere eased at the end of the year. In 2001, India Pakistan relations took the "September 11" incident as the boundary, showing a trend of slowing down in the front and tightening in the back. In 2002, India Pakistan relations were still in a state of tension and confrontation. In 2019, Pakistan downgraded diplomatic relations with India and suspended bilateral trade with India. [15]
Relations with the United States
In July 2005, India and the United States announced the establishment of a global partnership. In March 2006, US President Bush visited India. The two sides reached an agreement on India's nuclear facility separation plan, set the goal of doubling bilateral trade within three years, and announced the establishment of the Science and Technology Commission to discuss civil space cooperation. In December, the United States will pass the Indian American Civil Nuclear Energy Cooperation Act. In September 2008, Indian Prime Minister Singh visited the United States and held talks with President Bush. The two sides issued a joint statement and agreed to carry out civil nuclear energy cooperation. The United States added Consulate General in Hyderabad in India, and the United States added Consulate General in Atlanta and Seattle Two consulates general. After the Nuclear Suppliers Group lifted its nuclear export restrictions on India, the US House of Representatives approved the India US Nuclear Agreement.
On June 24, 2023, the State Department of the United States announced that Indian Ambassador to the United States Taranjit Singh Sandu signed on behalf of the Indian government《 Artemis Agreement 》。 India became the 27th country to sign the agreement. [34]
Relations with Russia
India and Russia have close bilateral relations. In 2000, the two countries announced the establishment of a strategic partnership and an annual summit mechanism. In February 2008, Russian Prime Minister Zubkov visited India to attend the opening ceremony of the Russian Year held in India. The two sides signed two memorandums of understanding on law enforcement and archival cooperation. In December, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited India, met with Indian President, Vice President, Foreign Minister and parliamentary opposition leaders respectively, held talks with Indian Prime Minister Singh, and attended the closing ceremony of the "Year of Russia" held in India. The two sides issued a joint statement and signed 10 cooperation agreements in energy, economy and trade, finance, customs, tourism, aerospace and other fields. In December 2009, Russian President Medvedev and visiting Indian Prime Minister Singh signed a joint statement between the two countries, expressing their common position on global counter-terrorism, climate change and other issues. The two countries also signed agreements on strengthening cooperation in military and civilian nuclear energy and other fields. Singh's visit to Russia this time is only ten days after his visit to the United States, which reflects that India attaches great importance to "great power diplomacy" and tries to develop India Russia and India US relations in a balanced way. In March 2010, Russian Prime Minister Putin visited India, and the two sides signed a series of agreements worth tens of billions of dollars. In December, Russian President Medvedev visited India. The two sides signed dozens of agreements, issued an India Russia joint statement, and held activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of India Russia strategic partnership. In October 2011, Indian Defense Minister Antony went to Russia to attend the regular meeting of the Indian Russian Military Technical Cooperation Committee. The two sides held consultations on the implementation of military projects and the export of supporting parts for weapons and equipment. In December, Indian Prime Minister Singh paid an official visit to Russia and attended the 12th India Russia Summit. Singh held talks with President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin respectively. The two sides agreed to deepen the special and priority strategic partnership between the two countries and expand cooperation in various fields such as economy and trade, investment, defense, science and technology, and cultural exchanges. In December 2012, Russian President Putin visited India. The two sides issued the Joint Statement for Common Prosperity and a Better World, and signed five cooperation documents, including the consultation protocol between the two foreign ministries, the memorandum of cooperation on science, technology and innovation, the cultural cooperation plan from 2013 to 2015, investment cooperation, and the memorandum of understanding between communication and navigation companies of the two countries, A total of US $2.9 billion of arms purchase and sales contracts were concluded.
Relations with Japan
India Japan relations enjoy a sound momentum of development.
In 2000, India and Japan established a global partnership.
Since 2004, India has become Japan's largest recipient of overseas development assistance.
In December 2006, when Indian Prime Minister Singh visited Japan, the two sides announced the establishment of a strategic global partnership and designated 2007 as the "India Japan Friendship Year" and the "India Japan Tourism Exchange Year".
In October 2008, when Prime Minister Singh visited Japan, the two sides issued the Joint Declaration on India Japan Security Cooperation and the Joint Declaration on the Progress of India Japan Global Strategic Partnership.
In December 2009, Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama paid a visit to India. The two sides issued a joint statement on the "Action Plan" for strengthening bilateral security cooperation.
In October 2010, Indian Prime Minister Singh visited Japan and held talks with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan. The two sides issued a joint statement on the Vision of India Japan Global Strategic Partnership in the Next Decade and signed the Joint Declaration on the Conclusion of India Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.
In February 2011, representatives of Japan and India officially signed the Economic Cooperation Agreement (EPA) in Tokyo.
In October 2012, the second round of India Japan Deputy Ministerial Dialogue on Foreign Affairs and Defense (2+2 Dialogue) was held in Tokyo, and the third round of India US Japan Trilateral Dialogue was held in New Delhi.
In January 2014, the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe During his visit to India, he signed 8 agreements covering tourism, telecommunications, electricity and other fields. Japan will provide about US $2 billion in loans to India, and will also sell amphibious aircraft to India. In August, the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi Visit Japan.
Relations with Afghanistan
After the establishment of the new Afghan government, it attached importance to the development of relations with India and maintained close high-level exchanges between the two countries. As a major donor country around India, Afghanistan has so far committed $800 million in aid to Afghanistan. On October 4, 2011, India and Afghanistan signed a bilateral strategic partnership agreement. According to the agreement, the two countries will carry out cooperation in security, economy, trade, culture, education, people to people exchanges and other fields. On November 24, 2023 local time, the Afghan Embassy in India announced its permanent closure. [45]
Relations with ASEAN and ASEAN countries
India is geographically close to Southeast Asian countries and has a long historical relationship. India actively implements the "eastward policy" to strengthen the cooperation with ASEAN And actively participate in East Asia cooperation. On December 20, 2012, the "India ASEAN Commemorative Summit" issued a statement announcing that India and ASEAN had upgraded to a "strategic partnership".
British Indian relations
In April 2022, Britain and India agreed to establish a new defense and security partnership. [19]
Relations with Qatar
On the evening of February 14, 2024 local time, Indian Prime Minister Modi arrived in Doha, the capital of Qatar, for a two-day visit. This is Modi's second visit to Qatar after 2016. [47]
Relations with Maldives
On the evening of February 18, 2024 local time, President Muiz of Maldives said that Maldives and India had signed an agreement confirming two dates for India to withdraw its military personnel from Maldives. The agreement requires India to recall all military personnel stationed in Maldives before May 10, 2024. The first group will leave before March 10, and the rest of Indian military personnel will leave before May 10. [48]



scenic spot

Ajanta Grottoes
Ajanta Grottoes
Ancient Indian Buddhist art site. It is located in Maharashtra, carrying Wendiya Mountain and facing Gowala River. It was first chiseled in the 2nd century BC and lasted until the middle of the 7th century. There are now 30 caves (including one unfinished cave). It is 550 meters long from east to west, all of which are cut on the cliff surface 10~30 meters above the ground. Except for the five caves (namely caves 9, 10, 19, 26 and 29), which are Zhiti caves for believers to worship, the rest are monk rooms.
Chinese eminent monk Xuanzang At the beginning of the 7th century, he made pilgrimage to Saint Ajanta. With the decline of Buddhism, this place was neglected and gradually forgotten, becoming a fox and rabbit cave. It was not until the early 19th century that it was rediscovered and attracted worldwide attention. [16]
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal It is the fifth generation Mughal monarch of India, Shah Jahan, who is the favorite Taj Mahal The mausoleum built is all made of white marble. The four sides of the main building are 5687 meters long and the dome is 74 meters high. This Islamic style building has a dignified and magnificent appearance, which is impeccable. The doors, windows and screens of the dormitory are carved into diamond shaped lattice with lace with white marble, and the walls are inlaid with colorful vine flowers with jadeite, crystal, agate and ruby.


The origin and development of Indian tea dates back to about 1830 AD, before tea became a commodity. Most of the tea plants were wild and distributed in the jungle in the northeast of Assam. In about 1598 AD, a Dutch tourist named Jan Huyghen van Linschoten wrote a book about his adventure. He said that India cooked a leaf as a vegetable with curry and oil, and even cooked it as a brewed drink.


The staple food of Indians is mostly rice and pasta. The north with higher latitude is dominated by wheat, corn, beans, etc; In the central Degan Plateau, millet and coarse cereals are the main crops; In other areas, such as the eastern and southern coastal areas, rice is the majority, and rice is the main food. The cakes in noodles are also very interesting. Indian non-staple food likes to eat chicken, duck, fish, shrimp and mutton; Vegetables like tomatoes, onions, cauliflower, eggs, fresh peppers, peas, potatoes, cabbage, spinach, eggplant, potato, etc; Black fennel, black mustard, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, curry juice, cinnamon twigs, coriander, pepper powder, fennel, cardamom peel, ginger, rose essence, soybean powder, etc. are preferred for seasoning.
Indian cuisine can be fried, boiled, stewed, roasted, etc. It likes to add various spices, especially spicy ones. Indians are peaceful and slow in pace of life. Most of them are vegetarians. About a quarter of Indians are vegetarians. The higher the caste and the higher the social status, the higher the proportion of vegetarians, the more taboo meat, especially Brahmans; Only those of low rank are willing to eat meat.
Due to the hot climate in southern India, the local people generally have a strong taste and a taste for spicy food; Northern Indians have a much lighter taste. Indian food pays attention to the crispness of the dishes. Generally, it doesn't like too salty and prefers spicy food. India is also a country of spices.
Special food includes Nang, braised Duri chicken, skewered roast, Biryani dish, curry broth, dairy products, tea, among which Nang is generally the staple food of Indians. [41]

Related news

On June 17, 2020 local time, the United Nations General Assembly voted to elect India as a non permanent member of the Security Council from 2021 to 2022. [2]
On March 12, 2022, according to Reuters, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan issued a statement on the same day requesting India and Pakistan to jointly investigate the matter, and opposed the statement that India had previously conducted an internal investigation. The statement said, "Such a serious incident cannot be handled with the simplistic explanation provided by Indian officials." [17]
On March 12, 2022, according to the Ministry of National Defense of China, on March 11, 2022, the Chinese and Indian armies held the 15th round of military commander level talks on the Indian side of the Mordor/Chushule meeting point. [18]
On June 1, 2022, the Indian government announced that, in order to ensure the domestic sugar supply and price stability, the total export volume of domestic sugar (including raw sugar, refined sugar and white sugar) will be limited to 10 million tons from October 2021 to September 2022. [21]
On October 25, 2023, the Hindustan Times reported that Issac, the chairman of the Social Science Committee under the National Education Research and Training Commission (NCERT) of India, proposed to change the country name "India" to "Bharat" (or "Bharat") in textbooks, and replace the existing ancient history curriculum with "classical history". [39]
According to the Cabinet Approval No. 23/1885/602/023 of October 24, 2023, Sri Lanka will implement a free visa system for nationals of China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan as a pilot plan to rebuild the tourism industry. The plan will come into force on November 28, 2023 and will be valid until March 31, 2024. [46]