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Printing media

Media terminology
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Printing media is a term in the media field, which means medium It is the carrier of advertising.
Chinese name
Printing media
newspaper , magazines periodical Commodity description matchbox , wrapping paper and other printed publications
This kind medium It is the most common carrier of advertising. Newspapers have the following advantages: timely information transmission, extensive and stable reporters reliability Relatively high; The publication date and layout are highly optional, which is convenient for more detailed description of the advertising content; It is easy to store, easy to make and low cost. The limitations of newspapers are: short time limit and few re readers; The printing is simple, so it is not vivid and vivid, and its appeal is different. The advantages of periodicals are that the readers are relatively certain and easy to reach specific Advertising target Long time limit, more readers to read, easy to keep; The printing is exquisite and strong appeal The disadvantages of periodicals are: long lead time of advertising information transmission, poor timeliness of information transmission circulation Is invalid.