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Health Inspection Institute

General practice and community health terms
The Institute of Public Health Supervision was announced in 2014 General practice medicine And Community health Nouns.
By the end of 2023, there are health supervision centers (centers) 279 1. [2] [4]
Chinese name
Health Inspection Institute
Foreign name
Institute of Public Health Supervision
General practice and community health
Time of publication
competent department
Health Committee [3]


  1. one duty
  2. two source
  3. three data


Supervise and manage food, cosmetics, disinfection products, drinking water and products related to drinking water hygiene and safety according to law; To supervise and administer public places, occupations, radiation, school health and other work according to law; To supervise the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases according to law; Supervise the practice activities of medical institutions, blood collection and supply institutions and their practitioners according to law, rectify and standardize the medical service market, and crack down on illegal practice of medicine and illegal blood collection and supply; Undertake other responsibilities specified by laws and regulations. [3]


General Practice and Community Health Terms, first edition. [1]


By the end of 2021, there were 2790 health supervision centers (centers) nationwide.
Issued by the National Bureau of Statistics on February 28, 2023《 Statistical Bulletin of National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China in 2022 》。 According to preliminary accounting, there are 2796 health supervision centers (centers) nationwide by the end of 2022. [2]
On February 29, 2024, the National Bureau of Statistics issued the Statistical Bulletin of the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China in 2023, and there were altogether health supervision institutes (centers) 279 1. [4]