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Satellite galaxy

A galactic system that is surrounded by another large galaxy under the influence of gravity
Satellite galaxies are galaxy systems that are surrounded by another large galaxy under the influence of gravity. [1]
Chinese name
Satellite galaxy
Foreign name
Satellite galaxies

Galactic structure

Galaxies are composed of a large number of celestial bodies (like fixed star planet , and Nebula )Composed of. Although there is no direct connection between them, it has Quality Center , representing the average position of all masses. It is similar to that all materials in daily life have Quality Center Is all the components Atomic mass Average location.
In a pair of mutually circling galaxies, if one is larger than the other, the big one is the main galaxy (main host galaxy) or the dry galaxy (dry primary galaxy), and the smaller one is the satellite galaxy (satellite galaxy). [2-3] If two galaxies are almost the same size, they will be called binary galaxy system [4]

Galactic hypothesis

When galaxies encounter each other, they can collide, merge, tear apart, or send some celestial bodies to each other in any direction. In these cases, it is difficult to know where one galaxy ends and the other begins. The "collision" between galaxies will not be a violent collision between objects in one galaxy and objects in another galaxy, because the space inside the galaxy is still almost empty.

Star test

Under the theme of "galaxies habitually feed on atomic gas between stars located near the periphery of satellite galaxies", the team behind the new research first used advanced cosmology under the leadership of the International Radio Astronomy Research Center computer Simulation and prediction of the amount of gas that should exist in the periphery of the galaxy (atomic gas) and the core of the galaxy (molecular gas) according to their theory. Then compare the prediction made by the team with the observation results of the molecular and atomic gas reserves of more than 500 galaxies captured by the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico and the IRAM 30 meter telescope in Spain. The study found that these predictions were very consistent with the results of telescope observations, as well as the earlier evidence emphasizing the low star formation rate of small satellite galaxies. According to the author of the study, the molecular gas extracted from satellite galaxies would initially enter the orbit of larger galaxies. As time goes by, matter may stay there, or continue to land in larger galaxies, slowly providing them with new star forming material. [1]

Scientific research achievements

In 2023, by analyzing the images provided by the "ultraviolet near-infrared optical northern survey" (UNIONS) telescope, the international astronomical team participated by France found a new satellite galaxy, Ursa Major III/UNIONS 1, in the Milky Way. Research shows that this is the satellite galaxy with the lowest brightness known so far in the Milky Way. [5]