Lu Jiaxi

Physical chemist, former chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party
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Lu Jiaxi (October 26, 1915 - June 4, 2001), Taiwan Province Tainan City People, whose ancestral home is Longyan City, Fujian Province Yongding County Fushan Village, Kanshi Town [1] [11] Physical chemists, educators, social activists and leaders of scientific and technological organizations.
In 1934, graduated from Xiamen University Department of Chemistry; In 1939, he was awarded University College London Doctor of Philosophy; In 1955, he was elected Chinese Academy of Sciences Member of the academic department (academician); Served in May 1981 Chinese Academy of Sciences President; After 1988, he served as Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, Vice President of the Third World Academy of Sciences, and Vice Chairman of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC; In March 1993, he was elected Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress. [12]
Lu Jiaxi's work involves physical chemistry Structural chemistry Nuclear chemistry and material science And other disciplines. He has made outstanding contributions to the research work of structural chemistry, proposed the structural model of the active center of nitrogenase, and engaged in the research on the relationship between structure and performance, which has played an important role in promoting the development of cluster chemistry in China Crystalline material Significant achievements have also been made in scientific research. The reciprocal figure of Lp factor of the equidip angle Weissen crystal X-ray diffraction designed by him in his early years was recorded in the international X-ray crystallography The manual is called "Lushi Chart". [2]
Chinese name
Lu Jiaxi
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Xiamen, Fujian Province
date of birth
October 26, 1915
Date of death
June 4, 2001
University one is graduated from
Xiamen University
Physical chemist and educator
Key achievements
Elected in 1955 Chinese Academy of Sciences Member of the academic department (academician)
Elected in 1985 Third World Academy of Sciences academician
In 1991, he won the first prize of Natural Science Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Won the second prize of National Natural Science Award in 1993
In 1999, he won the Science and Technology Achievement Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation

Character experience


Early experience

Lu Jiaxi was born in Xiamen, Fujian Province on October 26, 1915. Origin in Taiwan Province Tainan City , whose ancestral home is Longyan City, Fujian Province Yongding County Jiaokeng Village, Chendong Township [1] His father Lu Dongqi (named Xiacun) set up a private school to teach students, and his family was poor. Lu Jiaxi studied with his father when he was young. He was endowed with great talent. His parents had high hopes and learned from his family. Therefore, his poems had a good foundation and he was good at couplets.
Lu Jiaxi
In 1926, Lu Jiaxi attended a public primary school.
After 1927, they successively joined the Xiamen Yucai Society and Datong Middle School I studied in junior high school for one and a half years.
In the autumn of 1928, he was admitted to the preparatory course of Xiamen University at the age of 13.
In 1930, I graduated from preparatory school and entered Xiamen University Undergraduate class of Chemistry Department.
In 1934, he graduated from the university with a bachelor's degree in science and completed the main courses of the Department of Mathematics. He served as the president of the School Chemistry Society and the vice president of the Institute of Computing during his college years. After graduation, he stayed in the school as an assistant teacher of the Department of Chemistry for three years, and also served as a math and English teacher of Xiamen Provincial High School. [3]

The Road to Studying Abroad

Lu Jiaxi
In August 1937, Lu Jiaxi was admitted to the United Kingdom after obtaining the 5th Sino British Boxer Indemnity University College London Learn from the famous chemist S Sagden (Sugden).
In July 1939, Lu Jiaxi passed the defense and received a doctor's degree in physical chemistry from the University of London; In August of the same year California Institute of Technology , then to two degrees Nobel Prize L Pauline (Pauling) is engaged in structural chemistry research as a guest researcher.
In the summer of 1940, Lu Jiaxi continued to work for more than five years at the invitation of Professor Pauling. During this period, he published a series of academic papers, many of which became classic literature in structural chemistry.
In 1944, Lu Jiaxi was recruited to the Maryland Research Office under the 13th Bureau of the National Defense Research Council to participate in military scientific research in wartime and made outstanding achievements in the research of combustion and explosion.
In 1945, Lu Jiaxi was awarded the "Achievement Award for Scientific Research and Development" by the U.S. Bureau of Scientific Research and Development [3]

Resolutely return to China

In the winter of 1945, at the age of 30, Lu Jiaxi returned to China with enthusiasm of "saving the country through science" and was employed by his alma mater Xiamen University Professor and Head of the Department of Chemistry.
From 1947 to 1948 Zhejiang University principal Zhu Kezhen and College of Science, Zhejiang University dean Hu Gangfu He has been invited to teach physical chemistry courses in the school twice.
Young Lu Jiaxi
After 1950, Lu Jiaxi successively held the posts of Dean, Vice Dean, Vice Minister of Research Department, Minister, Assistant President and Vice President of the School of Science of Xiamen University, and began to train graduate students. He has a set of advanced experience in running schools and educational ideas. With his efforts, Xiamen University is no longer solely due to the Department of Economics( Wang Yanan Founded by the president), and became famous for the rise of the Department of Chemistry National key universities List.
In 1955, he was elected Chinese Academy of Sciences Member of the Ministry of Chemistry (later renamed as Academician), who was appointed as a first-class professor by the Ministry of Higher Education in the same year, was the youngest member of the Ministry of Chemistry and one of the first-class professors in China at that time.
In 1958, according to the organization's decision, Lu Jiaxi went to Fuzhou to participate in the preparation Fuzhou University And the former Fujian Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was built after several adjustments Fujian Institute of Material Structure, Chinese Academy of Sciences
In 1960, he served as the vice president of Fuzhou University and the director of Fujian Institute of Physical Structure. Lu Jiaxi made great efforts in the layout of departments, curriculum, book subscription, purchase of scientific research equipment, appointment of teachers, and organization and management.
In 1966“ the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”Lu Jiaxi, one of the main leaders of Fuzhou University and the president of the Fujian Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was doomed. He was one of the first "capitalist roaders" to be grappled with in the "Cultural Revolution". After numerous struggles in the early days of the "Cultural Revolution", he was finally dismissed from all his posts and sent to the laboratory to wash beakers, tidy tables and chairs, move equipment, do sanitation, and clean toilets as the object of labor reform.
In 1969, under the protection of Zhou Enlai, Fuzhou University“ Branch left ”The PLA representative announced that he would lift his criticism of Lu Jiaxi and allow him to do some scientific research.
Lu Jiaxi (left)
After 1972, Lu Jiaxi set about restoring the scientific research team and equipment of the Fujian Institute of Physical Structure, caring for and guiding the research work in such disciplines as structural chemistry, crystal materials, catalysis, metal corrosion and protection, so that the Institute gradually became a comprehensive research institution of structural chemistry with obvious characteristics, In particular, it has made great achievements in cluster chemistry and new technology crystal material science, and has a place in the world.
In May 1981, Lu Jiaxi took office Chinese Academy of Sciences President, chairman and members of the presidium.
In 1985, he was elected Third World Academy of Sciences academician.
In 1988, he was elected Vice President of the Third World Academy of Sciences, the first Chinese scientist to hold this position.
In 1987, he was employed as a foreign academician of the Royal Belgian Academy of Science, Literature and Fine Arts.
On June 4, 2001, Lu Jiaxi died of illness in Fuzhou at the age of 86. [3]

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Contributions to Structural Chemistry in China
At the end of the 1930s, Lu Jiaxi realized that the first development stage of physical chemistry, namely the thermodynamic stage, had reached perfection, and structural chemistry might become the second development stage, so he chose this discipline as the main direction of research.
Lu Jiaxi
stay California Institute of Technology Lu Jiaxi participated in the research on the molecular structure of hydrogen peroxide. Lu Jiaxi and P.A. Giguere ingeniously used urea and hydrogen peroxide to generate urea hydrogen peroxide adduct connected by hydrogen bond, and cultivated the single crystal of this adduct. Interestingly, in this single crystal, hydrogen peroxide molecule does not undergo structural distortion due to the presence of urea molecule. Then, he cooperated with E.W. Hughes to complete the crystal structure determination, which confirmed the theoretical analysis of the molecular structure of hydrogen peroxide by W. Penny and G. Sutherland.
In 1943, he and J. Donohue studied the structure of sulfur nitrogen (S4N4), arsenic sulfur (As4S4) and other compounds by means of electron diffraction, and determined the eight membered ring configuration they called "cradle" shape [13 ] This research result was later confirmed by the crystal structure measurement carried out by Donoghue. The structure of these sulfur nitrogen non transition element cluster compounds has the feature of "multi center bond", which has aroused great interest of Lu Jiaxi, and is closely related to his later research on the active center model of nitrogenase.
In terms of structural analysis method, he proposed a polarization factor and Lorentz The graphical method of factors became a relatively simple method widely used internationally at that time and was included in the International Mathematical Tables of Crystallography (second edition).
In the early 1960s, while founding the Fujian Institute of Material Structure, Lu Jiaxi organized and led the research on transition metal complexes and some clusters, sulfur nitrogen cluster compounds, new technology crystals and materials, and made some gratifying achievements, such as cooperation with the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry We cooperated to complete the determination of the spatial structure of trichosanthin, and established the first molecular model of ribose co active protein in the world. [3]
  • Exploiting the field of cluster chemistry in China
In 1978, Lu Jiaxi published the paper Structural Chemistry of Cluster Compounds at the annual meeting of the Chinese Chemical Society, which promoted the research in this field in China. His main achievements in chemical simulation of biological nitrogen fixation and transition metal cluster compounds are as follows:
1. Propose the structure model of nitrogenase active center
Lu Jiaxi
In the 1960s, the structural research and chemical simulation of the active center of nitrogenase was a very complex work. From the perspective of structural chemistry, Lu Jiaxi analyzed the unusual inertia of the double nitrogen molecule and the structural problem of strengthening the complexation and activation of nitrogen molecules, and proposed that the necessary conditions for complexing and activating nitrogen molecules were side group plus terminal group complexation, multinuclear clusters, It has a variable alternative oxidation state and a suitable spatial structure. Therefore, the structure of the active center of nitrogenase must be a multinuclear cluster with a net like configuration that can realize the complexation of end groups and side groups. On this basis, a preliminary model of the active center structure of nitrogenase, Fuzhou Model I, is proposed. It is a four core mesh like structure of MoFe3S3, which can realize the network type complex activation and reduction of nitrogen molecules. Department of Chemistry, Lanzhou University Huang Wenkui For this reason, the professor artificially synthesized a series of "G series" (G refers to Gansu Province, where Lanzhou University is located) chemical simulants, and then further evolved the twin double mesh Fuzhou model II.
The structural characteristics reflected in the model proposed by Lu Jiaxi were supported by the results of paramagnetism, Mossbauer spectrum and superfine surface structure analysis on the nitrogenase molybdenum ferritin and iron molybdenum cofactor. This model has been quoted many times by international peers in the paper, and appeared in the model proposed by other scientists later in the form of "M2S2" local structure. [3]
2. Assumption of "active element assembly"
Lu Jiaxi
When Lu Jiaxi summarized a large number of experimental facts about the synthesis reaction of aluminum iron sulfur clusters, he found that the triarylalkane like clusters often left reactants in the formation process of their "self pocket" reaction Basic unit It is proposed that complex cluster compounds can be assembled from simpler cluster "elements" through activation into "active elements". According to the assumption of "active element assembly", it can be explained that the dimerization condensation of Lusen red salt anion [Fe2S2 (NO) 4] 2 - to produce Lusen black salt anion [Fe4S3 (NO) 7] -; The assembly pathway of producing the tetraferredoxin analog anion [Fe4S4 (SR)] from the dimer condensate of the diferoredoxin analog anion [Fe2S2 (SR)]. Under the inspiration and guidance of this theoretical assumption, the Institute of Material Structure has synthesized many new types of cluster compounds of the type of triarylalkane.
For the synthesis and structure research of cluster compounds with two center double electron localized bonds, in order to predict and judge the formation of specific types of cluster compounds, the element assembly envisages to absorb and apply Hoffman's equal petal similarity principle, and extend it to the metal cluster compounds that meet 9N-L and the carbon alkane that meet 4n-e's equal petal similarity, In this way, organic alkanes and clusters can be linked from the perspective of equal petal similarity in Hoffmann structure to find their similarities in synthesis and structure, that is, to link complex cluster molecular fragments with known and possibly simpler organic fragments, so as to consciously and purposefully find the synthesis path of cluster fragments with specific structure. [3]
3. Research on the essence of "quasi aromaticity"
Lu Jiaxi
In 1986, Huang Jianzheng, a part-time researcher engaged in structural chemistry of molybdenum clusters in the Institute of Material Structure, proposed the concept of "benzene like aromaticity" by analogy with the similarity of some [MO3S4] 4+clusters and benzene in three reaction forms of substitution, addition and oxidation. Lu Jiaxi organized research forces and deepened and improved this concept theoretically through quantum chemical calculation and experimental research; It is pointed out that the [Mo3S3] nonplanar folded six membered ring in the [Mo3S4] 4+cluster has aromaticity, which extends one of the most important and basic traditional concepts in organic chemistry - aromaticity to transition metal cluster chemistry. Before that, the concept of aromaticity was only limited to benzene and some organic planar ring compounds, Lu Jiaxi and others extended the concept of aromaticity to the [Mo3S3] nonplanar folded six membered ring of [Mo3S4] 4+cluster compound, thereby extending the planar aromaticity to the three-dimensional aromaticity. At the same time, they revealed the bonding characteristics of the (d-P-d) three center bond double electron π bond conjugate system of [Mo3S3] nonplanar folded cluster ring in [Mo3S4] 4+cluster compound, and established the six membered cluster ring aromaticity and three center bond model.
The research on the essence of "aromaticity" has systematically and rationally understood the special reaction properties and physical properties of some transition metal clusters, which will be conducive to the new stage of molecular design in the synthesis of new clusters. [3]
  • Application of Structural Chemistry Theory in the Scientific Research of New Technology Crystal Materials
Lu Jiaxi was an early scientist who applied the theory of structural chemistry to the exploration of new technological crystal materials Nonlinear optical material The research on the structure-activity relationship also puts forward a series of useful insights and suggestions on the establishment of the anion group theory, and promotes the discovery of a series of new crystal materials.
Inscription by Lu Jiaxi
As early as 1861, the Russian chemist Butlerov proposed that Chemical structure The scientific foresight of mutual influence and restriction with specific properties points out that the chemical structure of a substance determines all its properties; On the other hand, its chemical structure must be determined by all its properties. Lu Jiaxi believes that on the basis of the whole series of physical methods developed in modern times to determine the microstructure of various levels of matter, it can not only further advance the Brinell theory to a new stage of the relationship between microstructure and macro performance, It can even be developed to the updating stage of the relationship between the microstructure of some parts and some macro properties that are particularly sensitive to the changes of these parts' structures. Lu Jiaxi believes that it is possible to select certain types of macro properties that are particularly sensitive to the structural characteristics of certain parts as the research object of material science, so as to develop the "structural criteria" required by such properties for the corresponding part of the structure of materials, and even develop a new branch of material science.
In 1965, Lu Jiaxi supported Chen Chuangtian The preliminary summary of the nonlinear optical material performance (especially the second harmonic generation and high harmonic generation performance, electro-optic modulation performance) is "structure sensitive" performance, and supports his choice Nonlinear optical crystal Group theory and its structural criterion. This theoretical research was obtained in 1978 National Science Conference Award for major scientific and technological achievements. The central issue of the research is which anion group is most favorable for generating large frequency doubling effect. Through many aspects of experimental exploration and theoretical analysis, the Institute of Material Structure quickly determined the main direction of the (B3O6) 3-group of borate system, and successively discovered and developed new types of nonlinear optical crystal materials such as barium metaborate (BBO) and lithium triborate (LBO) in 1984 and 1987. In addition, under the guidance of the "five fold double combination" and "structure sensitive" viewpoints advocated by Lu Jiaxi, the Institute has successfully developed several series of new crystal materials, including the development of a large-scale self activating laser crystal neodymium aluminum borate (NAB) that is internationally recognized as "extremely difficult" to grow And the self frequency doubling laser crystal aluminum yttrium neodymium tetraborate (NYAB), which leads the world in green light output. [3]

Main works

Lu Jiaxi, Pan Kezhen, Yang Wenhuo, et al. Crystal structure of S4N3Cl. Journal of Fuzhou University, 1964 (1): 55~67
Nitrogen Fixation Group of Fujian Institute of Material Structure, Chinese Academy of Sciences (written by Lu Jiaxi). Preliminary model of nitrogenase catalyzed nitrogenase active center - also on structural conditions of complexation activation of diazo molecules. Science Bulletin, 1975, 20 (12): 540~557
In 1987, Lu Jiaxi was awarded honorary doctor by London University
Lu Jiaxi. Structural Chemistry of Cluster Compounds. Proceedings of the 1978 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Chemical Society. Beijing: Science Press, 1981.35~60
Cao Huaizhen, Liu Chunwan, Lu Jiaxi. Electronic structure of diferroredox and tetraferriredox. Acta Chemica Sinica, 1986, 44 (12): 1197~1203
Huang Jiancheng, Lu Shaofang, Lu Jiaxi, etc. Study on the reaction performance of Mo3S4 [S2P (OCH2CH3) 2] 4 (OH2) and the assumption of [Mo3 (u-s) 3] "aromatic like" structure. Structural Chemistry, 1987, 6 (4): 219~233
Lu Jiaxi, Zhuang Botao. The idea of "active element assembly" in the synthesis of transition metal cubane like clusters. Structural Chemistry. 1989, 8 (4): 233~248
Lu Jiaxi. Preliminary discussion on the aromatic like nature of [Mo3S3] nonplanar cluster rings in some [Mo3S4] 4+clusters. Structural Chemistry, 1989, 8 (5): 327-339
Wu Xintao, Lu Jiaxi. The role of sulfur atoms in the rational synthesis of transition metal clusters under the assumption of "component assembly". Structural Chemistry, 1989, 8 (5): 399~407
Huang Jinshun, Wang Yingui, Lu Jiaxi, et al. Application and popularization of IsolobalAnalogy, a metal cluster synthesized by fragment method. Acta Chemica Sinica, 1990, 48 (4): 343~348
Chen Zhida, Li Jun, Lu Jiaxi, et al. Localized molecular orbital study of planar monocyclic polyolefins: a preliminary study of localized molecular orbital analysis as a methodology for the study of the essence of aromaticity. Progress in Natural Science, 1990, Trial Issue (2): 133~142

personnel training

In teaching, Lu Jiaxi is a talented, diligent and rigorous person. He is knowledgeable and good at expression. His lectures are lively and original. His blackboard writing is particularly neat and clear. The classroom is often full. He has become one of the most popular professors in Xiamen University. In the spring of 1947, when he finished his first lecture at Zhejiang University and was about to leave, more than 100 teachers and students of the university wrote a passionate letter of retention. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was employed by the Ministry of Higher Education, and Tang Aoqing Arrive in turn Shandong University And Peking University, and trained a large number of teachers of structural chemistry.
In the teaching process, Lu Jiaxi paid attention to cultivating students' thinking ability and ability to solve practical problems. Although he is a chemistry professor with deep mathematical skills, he often warns students to learn to "overestimate" things. He said: "overestimate is better than not". When thinking about problems, you should learn to roughly estimate the order of magnitude of the results, try to avoid tedious calculations, so as to quickly grasp the essence of the problem, and calculate carefully when necessary, which can improve the efficiency of solving problems. In order to cultivate talents with comprehensive quality, he asked students to remember a strange and interesting structure - C3H3, namely ClearHead (clear mind), CleverHands (smart hands), and CleanHabit (clean habits). He often said, "A teacher is not a good teacher if he can't train more students than himself."
After 1949, Lu Jiaxi trained more than 50 doctoral and master students and many young scholars for 15 years, such as Tian Zhaowu Zhang Qianer Liang Jingkui Huang Jinling Huang Jinshun Wu Xintao Pan Kezhen Chen Chuangtian Etc. Protein crystallographer, researcher of California Institute of Technology Zhu Yuan The growth of Ms. Lu was also guided and cared by Lu Jiaxi. [3]

Honors won


Awards won

In 1991, obtained Chinese Academy of Sciences First prize in natural science.
In 1993, he won the second prize of National Natural Science Award.
In 1999, obtained Ho Leung Ho Lee Fund Science and Technology Achievement Award. [3-4]

Honorary title

Lu Jiaxi
In 1955, he was elected Chinese Academy of Sciences Member of Chemistry Department (later renamed as academician).
In 1984, he was elected as a foreign academician of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences.
In 1985, he was elected Third World Academy of Sciences academician.
In 1987, he was awarded the title of Foreign Academician of the Royal Belgian Academy of Science, Literature and Fine Arts; In the same year, he received an honorary doctorate of science from the City University of London, England.
In 1979, he was awarded“ national model worker ”Title. [4]

Social posts

  • Academic institutions
Lu Jiaxi
From August 1939 to December 1943, he served as a visiting researcher in the Department of Chemistry of California Institute of Technology.
From January 1944 to December 1944, he was a chemical researcher of the Maryland Research Office of the National Defense Research Council.
From January 1945 to November 1945, he served as a researcher at the University of California and the California Institute of Technology.
From 1946 to 1960, he served as a professor of chemistry at Xiamen University, and successively served as the dean of the chemistry department, the dean of the school of science, the vice provost, the deputy head of the research department, the minister, the assistant president, and the vice president.
From 1947 to 1948, he applied for part-time professor of Zhejiang University twice.
From 1960 to 1980, he was a professor and vice president of Fuzhou University, and a researcher and director of Fujian Institute of Material Structure, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
From May 1981 to January 1987, he served as president, chairman and member of the presidium of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
From 1978 to 1994, he was elected as Vice President of the 20th Council, President of the 21st Council, and Executive Director of the 22nd and 23rd Council of the Chinese Chemical Society.
In 1988, he was elected Vice President of the Third World Academy of Sciences. [3]
  • Administrative posts
In March 1988, Lu Jiaxi was elected as the Vice Chairman of the Seventh National Committee of the National Political Consultative Conference and concurrently served as the Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Committee; In the same year, he served as the Chairman of the 10th Central Committee of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party and the Vice Chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification President, continue to serve as the executive chairman of the presidium of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, honorary director of the Fujian Institute of Physical Structure of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc.
In March 1998, he was elected Vice Chairman of the Ninth National Committee of the National Political Consultative Conference
In March 1993, he was elected to the eighth session Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Vice Chairman.
In addition, Lu Jiaxi was the third and fifth National People's Congress Representative; Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Fifth Fujian Provincial People's Congress; Member of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National Political Consultative Conference; Vice Chairman of the 9th Central Committee of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party; Member of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee; Member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology; Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Chinese Chemical Society; Fujian Science and Technology Association The first chairman and the third honorary chairman.

Character influence

In August 2006, according to Lu Jiaxi's will, Lu Jiaxi's children donated all the bonuses they had received during their lifetime, and jointly launched the "Lu Jiaxi Science Education Foundation" with the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Agriculture and Industry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen University, Fuzhou University, and the Fujian Institute of Physical Structure. The foundation is mainly used to encourage scientific innovation and support talent cultivation“ Lu Jiaxi Chemistry Award ”、“ Lu Jiaxi Excellent Tutor Award ”And“ Lu Jiaxi Excellent Postgraduate Award ”And also set up the "Lujiaxi Youth Innovation Award" in Xiamen. [5]

Character evaluation

In learning, my father is diligent and meticulous. He often says that learning is endless, and learning can be accomplished only through hard work and practice. He advocates reading, writing and practicing more, and he should be able to draw inferences from one instance when doing a question. My father's lectures are very interesting. He doesn't write detailed lesson plans. Sometimes he just writes the outline on the back of the calendar paper. When he plays in the classroom, he can make the boring chemistry class lively. The listeners never doze off. When he made a speech, the biggest classroom in the school was often not enough, and the door was crowded with people. (Comments on Lu Songyue, the eldest son of Lu Jiaxi [5]
At home, my father is strict and kind. He is strict because he often teaches us to be honest and useful to the country and society. He is said to be kind, because he always uses the methods of persuasion, education and persuasion to "teach us by example" with his own example, democratic family style and his unique education method. (Comments on Lu Xianchi, the second son of Lu Jiaxi [5]
My father left me a colorful impression: he is a kind father, an excellent "teacher" (as he likes to call himself), a man who never pays attention to food and accommodation, but works very seriously, and a husband who is not good at housekeeping but loves his wife very much. (Comments on Lu Ziquan, the youngest daughter of Lu Jiaxi [5]
Comrade Lu Jiaxi's life is a patriotic life, a dedicated life, and a life of devoting all his wisdom and energy to the development of education and science in the motherland. He is realistic, aboveboard, rigorous, open-minded, approachable and humorous. He was loyal to the cause of the country and the people, devoted himself to scientific research, pursued unremittingly, and worked tirelessly. (《 Xinhua daily telegraph 》Comment) [6]
Lulao's life is a life of patriotic dedication and pursuit of excellence, a life of courage to take on responsibilities and continuous development, a life of openness and integrity, and a life of being a teacher. His patriotism, noble morality, democratic style and personality charm have left a valuable spiritual wealth for China's scientific and technological circles. Lulao's outstanding contributions to the development of China's science and technology, his breadth of mind, and his scientific spirit will always remain in the memory of the people of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will always be engraved on the monument of China's science and technology, and will always be eulogized among the vast number of scientific and technological workers and people. (President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Bai Chunli Comment) [7]
Comrade Lu Jiaxi loved the motherland, was loyal to the people, devoted himself to science and served the society all his life, and made important contributions to the development of China's science, technology and education and the construction of the multi-party cooperation system. (Secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, Fujian Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress Jus cogens Comment) [8]

Commemoration for future generations

  • Memorial symposium
On October 30, 2015, the symposium to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Lu Jiaxi was held in Beijing. Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Yu Zhengsheng Attend the symposium. [9]
  • Lu Jiaxi's Bronze Statue
In December 2006, in order to commemorate Lu Jiaxi permanently, the first full body bronze statue of Lu Jiaxi in China was completed at the Fujian Institute of Material Structure, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The bronze statue of Lu Jiaxi is made of tin bronze, 3 meters high, and adopts the whole body shape of a hand-held atomic cluster model, which shows the spirit of rigorous scholarship, pragmatism and innovation of academician Lu Jiaxi. [10]
Lu Jiaxi's Bronze Statue [10]