Karl Schwarzschild

German physicist and astronomer
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Carl Schwarzschild (Karl Schwarzschild, October 9, 1873 to May 11, 1916) , born in Germany Frankfurt , German physicist, astronomer, astronomer Martin Schwarzschild 's father.
In December 1915 Einstein publish General relativity One month later, Carl Schwarzenegger got Einstein field equation Of Exact solution [1]
Chinese name
Karl Schwarzschild
Foreign name
Karl Schwarzschild
Carl Schwarzschild
date of birth
October 9, 1873
Date of death
May 11, 1916
University one is graduated from
University of Munich
physical scientist , astronomer
Key achievements
Schwarzschild gauge And Schwarzschild radius
one's native heath
Germany Frankfurt

Character's Life

Karl Schwarzenegger was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1873. At the age of 16, he published a paper on planetary orbits, Published in the oldest astronomical journal Astonomische Nachrichten in 1890 [2] He is Strasbourg And University of Munich Studying, 1896 Received a doctor's degree in Munich University [2] , research direction is Jules Henri Poincare The theoretical aspects. Since 1897, he has Vienna Kuffner Observatory as assistant. There he developed a formula to calculate Photographic materials Which involves an index called Schwarzschild index
From 1901 to 1909, Carl Schwarzenegger served as a professor in a prestigious institution in Guttingen. There he is have a chance to Working with some masters, including David Hilbert And Herman Minkowski Karl Schwarzenegger at Guttingen No. 1 Institute Observation station Serve as the host. In 1909, he was transferred to the Astrophysical Observatory in Potsdam.
Schwarzschild has been a member of the Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften since 1912.
1914 the First World War He joined the German army even though he was over 40. His service position includes the eastern and western fronts, and he was promoted to the position of artillery captain military rank
Due to illness, Schwarzenegger returned to Gottingen from the front in March 1916. Two months later, he died in agony, aged 42, and was buried in the family cemetery in Gottingen. [2]

Personal life

Son: Martin Schwarzschild (Martin Schwarzschild) [2]

Main research

In 1915, Carl Schwarzenegger Russia During his service, he wrote two major papers, one on relativity , another about Quantum theory His research on relativity has been generalized Gravity theory The first set of exact solutions of the equation (see Schwarzschild solution ); One of them is for "non rotational Spherically symmetric The other object is the "empty and static" Tropism Space ". In December 1915, one month after Einstein published his general theory of relativity, German astronomer Karl Schwarzenegger obtained Einstein field equation The exact solution of can be used for Point mass And spherical mass gravitational field Give a description. The exact solution shows that if all the masses of a celestial body are compressed to very small“ Gravitational radius ”Within the scope, all matter and energy (including light) are trapped. From the outside, this celestial body is the existence of absolute darkness, that is“ black hole ”。 [1] So the two properties of black holes are named after him - Schwarzschild gauge And Schwarzschild radius
Carl Schwarzenegger sent the paper to Einstein Later, Einstein helped to publish it in Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Proceedings of the Prussian Academy of Sciences), but Schwarzenegger died of illness at the time of publication.
In astronomy, Karl Schwarzenegger used Photography Shu measured Variable star He is also engaged in improvement optical system , invented Perturbation Equation to investigate geometry Aberration

Character story

On December 22, 1915, Albert Einstein I received a letter from the trenches of World War I. The old and wrinkled envelope was covered with dust, and the sender's name had been covered by a large blood stain. When he opened it, he saw the name: Carl Schwarzenegger. As you can see, the war is still gentle for me. Although I can still hear the fierce gunfire within a short distance, please allow me to explore this in the garden of your thoughts.
Einstein was completely shocked by this new letter, which contains General relativity The first exact solution of the field equation, which can describe the geometry or distortion of spacetime around a mass object. Einstein was shocked because only one month after his theory was published, Schwarzenegger was able to find these complex and highly nonlinear partial differential equation As the author of the theory, he can only give mathematical skills to find approximate solutions. Schwarzenegger did this in a battlefield full of explosions and toxic gases, which was nothing short of a miracle. [2]

The character died

One theory is that Karl Schwarzenegger died of illness in the trenches on the Russian front. Another theory is that Carl Schwarzenegger died of a rare metabolic disorder.

Character evaluation

At his funeral, Einstein read a eulogy to people to pay homage to him: he faced the problem that other people avoided, he loved to explore the connection between all aspects of nature, and what led him to seek the unknown was happiness, the joy felt by artists, and the imagination of dreamers who were concerned about the future. [2]
Arthur Eddington Sir said of him: "For a man who has a wide range of hobbies in all branches of mathematics and physics, the surrounding environment must be full of fun." [2]

Self assessment

I didn't always believe in heaven. My interest is never limited by things on the moon or in the sky outside, but follows the clues woven in the dark space and even the human soul to reach the shining place of the new light of science. Karl Schwarzschild [2]

People Memorial


Naming asteroids

An asteroid 837 Schwarzschilda was named after Schwarzschilda. Its cycle around the sun is 3.48 years, 2.21-2.39 AU (astronomical unit) away from the sun. It was first discovered by German astronomer Max Wolfe at an observatory in Heidelberg a few months after Schwarzenegger's death. [2]

Schwarzschild medal

German Astronomical Society In his name, he set up an award, the Carl Schwarzschild Medal, to honor outstanding astronomers and astrophysicists. The first winner of the medal is Schwarzenegger's son Martin Schwarzschild (Martin Schwarzschild)。 [2]