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Zhan nationality

Ancient Nationalities in Indochina Peninsula
The Cham is Indochina Peninsula Of the ancient ethnic groups, mainly distributed in Vietnam? South central Ningshun Province Binh Thuan Province Fu'an Province Binh Dinh Province Anjiang Province Xining Province Ho Chi Ming City And other provinces and cities [1] as well as Cambodia [2] Thailand Etc.
The Zhan nationality has a long history. It was established in central and southern Vietnam in history Zhan Po Kingdom, is Southeast Asia Regional famous ancient civilization one of. [3]
Used by the account family Cham genus Austronesian language family , with their own language. Zhan religious belief The Zhan ethnic group in Vietnam mainly believes in hinduism And localized Islamism [1] The main beliefs of the Cham people in Cambodia Shiite Islamism. [2]
Chinese name
Zhan nationality
Foreign name
The Cham
Vietnam, Cambodia [1]
Cham [1]
Hinduism, Islam [1]


Linguistic genus of the Zhan nationality Austronesian language family , is a polysyllabic non tonal language with Malay Similar underlying vocabulary, but many grammars are different from Malay. Use of occupation family Pali The system's Zhanwen is written from left to right, and the letters vary from region to region. The alphabet of Cambodian Zhan includes 4 vowels and 2 vowels Diphthong And 29 consonants. There are five alphabets of Zhan script in Vietnam Short vowel , five long vowel And four diphthongs. In addition to these letters, there are some symbols and vowels used together to affect their pronunciation.

Ethnic origin

As Indochina Peninsula As the main ethnic group that uses Nandao language, the Zhan ethnic group has a long history and unique customs. The Zhan nationality was established in central and southern Vietnam Champa , which lasted more than a thousand years Southeast Asia Regional famous ancient civilization one of. [3] The origin of the Zhan people has always been a concern of the academic community. There have been two hypotheses about the origin of the Zhan people. One hypothesis believes that the Zhan people are mainly from Nanyang Islands region Austronesian language family The migration of people, that is, to support the population transmission model; Another hypothesis is that the Zhan people are mainly from the south of Indochina Peninsula Indigenous peoples (For example, Mon Khmer people) absorb the relevant culture of the South Island language group rather than a large number of immigrants, that is, support the cultural transmission mode. [4] In order to solve this problem, scholars from all over the world have carried out a series of studies in history, linguistics archaeology and ethnology And so on. From 2010 to 2012, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Cooperate with Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam to further explore the origin and history of the Zhan nationality from the perspective of genetics. Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhang Yaping Under the leadership of academicians Matrilineal inheritance and Patrilineal inheritance Two branches, for the Zhan ethnic group Mitochondrial DNA Y chromosome genetic marker Have done research. The results show that the matrilineal inheritance of the Zhan ethnic group is mainly Mon Khmer and other indigenous people in the south of Indochina Peninsula. The paternity comes from Malay Islands , Indochina Peninsula, India, etc South Asia Region. [3]

historical origin

Old Zhan
In history, the Zhan nationality once established a famous ancient kingdom in central and southern Vietnam, [3] It is called Campapura. The "complement" is Sanskrit "City" means, therefore, in Chinese In historical records, it is also called“ Occupy the city ”。 Zhancheng is a coastal country with a long history, as early as about 192( Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty In Chuping period). In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhanpo was called“ Linyi ”After the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was renamed "Zhancheng", but in the inscriptions found in archaeology, they always claimed“ Zhan Po ”。 At the largest time, the territory of Champa was from what is now northern Vietnam Hengshan The mountains extend along the central coast to the south Vassal , and Cambodia Funan / chenla / Khmer )Bordering, nearly 1000 kilometers in length and breadth. [5]
And deeply Chinese culture Influential region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam (Northern Vietnam) Different, Champa was once affected by Indian Culture Its strong influence is called "the Kingdom of Indian Civilization". In politics, hinduism Dedicate the monarchy and set up Champa's National institutions , develop Rules and regulations In terms of society, the introduction of Indian culture made Champa Upper class society Imitative of India Caste system formation Brahman and Chadili Grade. In terms of religion, Hinduism prevails and temples are widely built to worship Hindu gods, Shiva God has a prominent position. [5]
Zhanpo has a close relationship with China in history and is one of the excellent rice varieties planted in southern China“ Zhancheng rice ”It was introduced into China by Champa. Their maritime trade was also very active Zhou Qufei On《 Answering outside the range 》The book points out that Zhancheng is one of the "metropolises" of the southwest countries in the "overseas foreign countries". Having close trade relations with the Song Dynasty arab When merchant ships from other countries come, they often stay in Champa, and then set out from Champa. If the sea route is favorable, they can reach Guangzhou in half a month. "The people who occupy the city and eat a lot have come to China from sailing at the age of", Song and Yuan Dynasties The merchants of Champa used to be all over the southeast coast of China. [5]
After Jiaozhi's independence and founding in the tenth century AD, Champa and Vietnam fought frequently for 700 years, and finally ended in Champa's failure. The once prosperous Chamberlain State was destroyed, and was included in the territory of Vietnam at the end of the 17th century. [5] Today's Zhan people are descendants of the Champa State. [1]

Distribution area


Within Vietnam

Traditional clothing of the Zhan nationality
There are about 160000 Zhan people in Vietnam, mainly living in Ningshun and Pingshun provinces in the central and southern regions, as well as some areas in the south. [1] The Zhan nationality is also called the Zhanpo nationality and the Zhancheng nationality. The residents call themselves "Zhanmu" people, and they are also called "Heyi" people.
The majority of the Zhan people living in the coastal area of South Central Vietnam are agricultural residents. They are good at cultivating paddy fields and planting fruit trees. The residents have a long history in building water conservancy, and some ancient water conservancy facilities , such as the Chargeling Dam built in the 12th century AD, and the Machan Dam built in the 17th century. There are also many reservoirs and geometric canals in some areas irrigation system Remains.
The Zhan people living in southern Vietnam are mainly engaged in fishing, hand weaving and business. In history, the Zhan nationality was a nation good at fishing and navigation, and once had a strong fleet of sailing ships. In history, the communication with China was mainly conducted by sea. As the navigation industry is developed, shipbuilding industry It is also very prosperous, and the Zhan people have high shipbuilding skills.

Other countries

The Zhan ethnic group is a cross-border ethnic group living in several countries Cambodia Thailand There are also Zhan people living in Cambodia, about 240000 Zhan people [2] There are about 4000 people in Thailand. Although the residents of the Zhan nationality are widely distributed, their writing and language are unified.
our country Hainan province Sanya Huixin and Huihui Townships in Yanglan District, about Hui people More than 4000 people, claiming to be Uzbek. The Hui people here have their own language, linguist According to the survey, there are many Vietnamese Zhan elements in their language. History of the Song Dynasty 》Volume 489:“ Yongxi Three years (986) Danzhou It is said (now in Hainan Province) that Pu Luo'en, a man from Zhancheng, was forced by Jiaozhi and led a hundred of his family to join him. " Since then, some Zhan people have moved from Vietnam to Hainan Island , according to historical records, when the wind is favorable, you can Qiongzhou (Today's Hainan Province) to Zhancheng. This is a very special ethnic group living across borders. First, they migrated across the sea, second, they lived across the sea, and third, after they moved to China, their ethnic names have been completely different.

religious belief

Zhan Muslim
The Zhan nationality in Vietnam can be divided into four branches according to religion. The first is the Brahmans, namely hinduism The affected family. This branch has the largest population. The second branch is also quite large, which is called the Bonizhan nationality, also known as the old Muslim Zhan nationality. The third branch is the new Muslim Zhan, that is, the Islamic Zhan. There is also a Zhan ethnic group that does not believe in any world religion, called the Herejan ethnic group. [1]
The Brahmanshan and Bonizhan mainly live in Ningshun and Pingshun provinces. The Brahman Zhan ethnic group calls itself the local Zhan ethnic group or Pozhan ethnic group. They follow the polytheistic belief of Hinduism. The Ponyzhan ethnic group believes in localization Islamism They worship Allah Allah And the Prophet Mohammed However, the Islam they believe in has been completely localized Folk belief Integration and independence from the Islamic world. [1]
The Islamic Zhan nationality believes in orthodox Islam, so it is also called the new Muslim Zhan nationality to distinguish it from the old Muslim Zhan nationality. They mainly live in Anjiang Province Xining Province and Ho Chi Ming City Etc. They are the Zhan people who immigrated to Cambodia. Later, due to objective reasons, they moved back and lived in the southern region. [1]
The Herezhan people mainly live in Pingding, Fu'an and other provinces, and are not affected by any religion. They believe in a Primitive belief The culture is similar to the surrounding Bana and Ed nationalities. [1]

Culture and art


Folk literature

Zhan Folk literature Art is rich in content, among which ancient legends and poems are prominent. The long narrative poems widely spread among the residents are Zhan Bani, Tatava and Karin Bajan.

Traditional clothing

Some older Zhan men in Ningshun and Pingshun areas often wear long hair, cloth towels around their heads and sand cages. But young men have gradually given up Traditional clothing The traditional clothing of the women of the Zhan ethnic group still retains their national characteristics, usually including traditional long dresses, skirts and shawls. [6]
The traditional long clothes are called "Aw kamei Cam" in the Zhan language. It uses a variety of fabrics, including gauze velvet Drawnwork Etc. The traditional long clothes of the Zhan nationality are pullovers, with round or heart-shaped collars and no split sides. Those that grow to or above the knee are called "Aw tah". The one with the length up to the heel is called "Aw dwa baung", which is a tight dress with a slit at the waist and a row of inlays Child mother button It is tightly wrapped around the waist when wearing it. When wearing Audubaon, it needs to match the skirt inside, and sometimes it can be matched with two belts that cross each other and are called "Taley kabak". [6]

Music and dance

Zhanren's music and dance are also very distinctive, especially religious etiquette and Sacrificial music , such as the opening ceremony and prayer ceremony of the tower. According to Vietnamese historical records《 Complete Records of the History of Dayue 》According to the records of Zhan Ren, the music of Zhan Ren deeply influenced the court music of Vietnam. The most common dance of the Zhan nationality is Fan dance , which is named after the actress who uses fans as props. Use dance to imitate different birds. The second is religious Shadow Dance The dance moves are colorful, including rowing, horse vaulting, etc.

Architectural sculpture

Anthropogenic Sculpture art The dignified and majestic tower is famous, with strong religious color Brahmanism It looks like a torch with a short handle. Each tower is a torch, and each tower is composed of several torches. Each tower has several layers. For example, a tower in Fanlang Province has four layers. Each layer is square, and there are four huge columns at the four corners, all shaped like torches, which are shortened and shrunk layer by layer until the top of the tower. The tower is built with bricks. Their bricks are very unique. As long as the bricks are immersed in water, the powder of the bricks will flow out into a sticky glue, and the two bricks can be firmly bonded together. The tower of Zhanren has two meanings. One is the mausoleum of the deceased emperors in previous dynasties, who were deified by later generations and are still worshipped and worshipped by people today. The other is the tower built by emperors of all dynasties to worship gods, the earliest of which was built in the 6th century. The towers of Zhan people are scattered all over the areas where Zhan people were distributed in history. The well preserved tower has become a tourist attraction, attracting many tourists.

social customs and habits



Young woman of Zhan nationality
The Brahmanshan and Bonizhan in Nyeongshun and Pyeongshun regions of Vietnam still maintain a typical matrilineal system, while the Islamic Jans in the south follow patriarchal system The specific manifestations of the matrilineal system of the Brahman Cham and the Boni Cham include that children follow their mother's surname and that family property is inherited by their daughters. Marriage is also the initiative of the woman, who can propose marriage on her own initiative. After marriage, according to tradition, a man should live in his wife's house. With the development of modern life, young couples can live alone, but still follow the customs of the woman's family. After his death, the Zhan male will be buried in the cemetery of his mother's clan. [7]
The Zhan clan follows a matrilineal system, but not a matriarchal system. Although women are the head of a family, in fact, the decision-making power is still in the hands of their husbands. Their division of labor between men and women is the same as that of most societies. Men are responsible for farming and raising the family. Women are responsible for housekeeping and raising children. There is a saying in the Zhan nationality: "Men fight, women bear". This sentence is very simple, but it clearly reflects the division of labor in the Zhan society. The most sacred duty of women is to take charge of the family affairs, while men are responsible for Social work [7]

Gentile system

In ancient times, the Zhan nationality was divided into Coconut Clan and Betel nut There are two clans, the coconut clan lives in the south, and the areca clan lives in the north. Both clans are Matrilineal society , except for the royal family, according to hinduism Traditionally, the throne had to be inherited by men.
During the Champa period, according to Hindu tradition, the Champa society was divided into four caste of India : Brahman Chadili , barking and Sudala But Zhan Caste system It is obviously different from India. Different castes in the Zhan tribe can intermarry, and women with high castes can marry men with low castes.

funeral customs

Among the people, Brahmanism After the death of believers, cremation is held, and the ashes are buried in the mother's cemetery, while others are buried.