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Experts studying natural history
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Natural history is also called knowing all things.
unabridged dictionary 》According to Li, natural history means "being able to recognize many things". Modern Chinese Dictionary The interpretation of the museum is "the old general term for animals, plants, minerals, physiology and other disciplines". Accordingly, naturalists refer to "the understanding of Botany, Zoology mineralogy , physiology and other natural science experts.
Open History of Natural Science , famous naturalists include: ancient Greek Of Aristotle The Renaissance Temporal Da Vinci Darwin in modern times, and China's Warring States Period Mozi Northern Song Dynasty Of kuo , Ming Dynasty Song Yingxing wait.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Honorable title of expert of Botong Natural Science
Aristotle, Darwin

Discipline definition

Natural History (natural history) also known as natural history Naturalistic records Natural history; It is one of the oldest disciplines to describe the species, distribution, nature and ecology of nature, namely animals, plants and minerals.
Since modern times, the term natural history is often associated with natural philosophy (natural philosophy). With the strengthening of the concept of unified research on life phenomena as the background, biology and its new branches have been developing constantly. Therefore, since the second half of the 19th century, Natural History The comprehensive significance of natural history has gradually weakened, and in this century, natural history as a discipline was rarely used.
In addition, the term "natural history" is also often used to refer to the natural history of animal and the natural history of population population )It is widely used.

representative figure

Da Vinci
Da Vinci He has made great contributions to natural science. It is believed that knowledge originates from practice, and only from practice can we seek knowledge and truth in nature and explore the mysteries of science through practice. This method was later developed by Galileo and developed by British philosophers Francis Bacon To sum up in theory Modern Natural Science The most basic method of. Leonardo da Vinci's experiment Working methods Later Copernicus Galileo Kepler Newton Anthropogenic Invention Opened the way.
In astronomy, Leonardo da Vinci“ Geocentric theory ”Hold a negative view.
In physics, the concept of liquid pressure was rediscovered and the principle of connecter was proposed.
stay anatomy He has also made great achievements in physiology, and is regarded as the ancestor of modern physiological anatomy.
Da Vinci His research and invention also involve military and mechanical aspects, and his research involves flight machinery helicopter parachute Machine gun grenade , tank submarine double hull Warships, cranes, etc.
He also made great contributions to the field of mathematics and water conservancy projects. It can be said that Leonardo da Vinci's research involves every department of natural science, and his thoughts and talents go deep into all fields of human knowledge. He is rare in the world Comprehensive development Scholars.
Darwin himself was first and foremost a naturalist, and his theory was largely based on Biological variation and geographical distribution On the basis of the research. stay darwinism Period, acceptance Natural selection theory They are also mainly naturalists who follow Darwin to study biological variation and geographical distribution. They witnessed the wonderful adaptability of living things to the environment in the wild, which can not be explained by the random jump or direct birth theory of orientation. Many adaptive phenomena can be explained by the theory of natural selection as well as by the theory of "use advance or discard". But there are some adaptive phenomena, which can only be explained by natural selection.
Sweden Naturalist, modern Biotaxonomy The founder of. Born on May 23, 1707 Sweden Smolan Roshult village, province, died on January 10, 1778 Uppsala
stay Netherlands He will write《 Natural system 》The manuscript of the book is basically a moniker of animals, plants and minerals. Its famous "24 classes of plants" was first published here. What he proposed classification system Although it belongs to an artificial classification system, which is far from the natural classification system, it was welcomed by the academic circles at that time because of its easy retrieval, and his reputation was greatly enhanced.
His important works《 Flora 》It was first written in 1746, completed in six years, and published in 1753; This book established the modern times Plant taxonomy The first time to adopt animal classification“ Binominal method ”, becoming modern Zootaxonomy The starting point of.
He will Animal kingdom It is divided into lactation, bird, amphibious, fish insect And worms; There are 4 classes, orders, genera and species under the boundary Order element (There are no "door" and "branch" levels). The greatest contribution of his life is to establish Biological classification Of Binominal method (See taxonomy )And identified and named tens of thousands of animal and plant species, ending the confusion of animal and plant classification and naming. It has greatly promoted the development of scientific taxonomy.
Joseph Banks
Joseph Banks
Joseph Banks, UK botanist Explorers. 1768-1771 Accompanying james cook I found many new plant variety
Since 1778 Royal Society President, until his death.
Banks was the most famous British scholar in the late 18th century and early 19th century foreign policy The promoter of, such as colonization Australia Send Magarni Mission to visit China. About 80 plants are named after him.
Banks has actively helped build Britain Qiu Yuan And make it an important plant center in the world.
Thomas Henry Huxley
Thomas Henry Huxley
Darwin, a famous British naturalist theory of evolution The most outstanding representative, Thomas Henry Huxley (1825 – 1895), was born on July 16, 1825 in a teacher's family in England. Self taught students were admitted to medical school.
In 1845, Huxley University of London Obtained a medical degree. After graduation, he served as a ship attendant surgeon Travel to Australia. Huxley loved Natural History And firmly believe that only facts can be used as evidence to illustrate the problem.
Darwin's scientific masterpiece on November 3, 1859《 Origin of species 》Published. In this great debate, Darwin's supporters are in the minority. In order to effectively counter the siege of the reactionary forces of the Church and defend the purity of evolutionism.
Bu Feng, a naturalist
Buffon (1707~1788) Buffon , French naturalist and writer in the 18th century. Born in a lawyer's family in Menbar, formerly known as George Louis Luckleck , changed his surname to De Bufeng due to inheritance. As a teenager, he loved natural science, especially mathematics.
After graduating from the University of Law in 1728, he studied medicine for two years.
In 1730, I met a young man Duke of England , traveled together in southern France Switzerland and Italy In the Duke's private tutor Under the influence of German scholar Zinkman Natural History
In 1733 French Academy of Sciences let assistant research fellow , has published reports on forestry, and has translated botanical works and Newton Calculus. Insist on Materialism Viewpoints explain the formation of the earth and The origin of mankind But gained knowledge and increased ability in social practice. Buffon Observing and studying the earth, mountains, rivers and oceans, and seeking the root causes of ground changes, have pioneered modern geology. Especially in Origin of species On the other hand, he advocated the theory of biological transformation, pointing out that species change due to the influence of environment, climate and nutrition, which has a direct impact on the later theory of evolution.
Darwin called him "the first person in modern times to treat this problem in a scientific way"( Origin of Species Introduction).
Zheng Qiao
Zheng Qiao
Southern Song Dynasty Historian and naturalist Zheng Qiao The word Yuzhong is known as "Mr. Jia". Song Dynasty Xinghua Army Putian (now Fujian) people. Born Northern Song Dynasty In the third year of Chongning (1104), he died in the 32nd year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1162). He should not take the imperial examination Jiashan (i.e. Dongshan, located in the northwest of Putian, Fujian Province), has studied hard for more than 30 years, and has learned about scriptures, rites, music, characters, astronomy, geography, insects, fish Prescription book He advocated Practical learning , pay attention to practice, rich in scientific spirit.

social influence

Naturalist Wilson
Just open it History of Natural Science , the names of countless naturalists shine: from ancient Greek Of Aristotle Pliny, the author of Natural History theory of evolution Darwin, Wallace, the founders of《 Entomology 》Author of Fabur Who have come to China many times to make speeches chimpanzee expert Jane Goodall And Wilson, the greatest naturalist at present, whose Ant once won Pulitzer Prize , scientists and Popular science writer Thoreau , Leopold Carson Etc.
China also has an excellent and developed natural history, as everyone knows Li Daoyuan kuo Xu Xiake And modern Zhu Kezhen , both Natural History Everyone. Natural history started at home. China's current primary, secondary and university education does not provide enough natural history theory and practice. Many graduate students are indistinguishable, and may know the names of plants and animals backwards, but when it comes to reality, "name" and "reality" do not match. This is the same as what we advocate“ Competence Education ”There is a long way to go. Therefore, we now need to inherit some aspects of traditional natural history, remove the individual elements of curiosity, possession and plunder, fully consider the need to emphasize the harmonious development of man and nature in contemporary society, call for a "new natural history", pursue the integration of man and nature, require the emotional penetration of man, and establish a new dialogue between man and nature.
For the general public, the "threshold" of natural history is very low, even there is no threshold, and everyone can try it. Understand, apply and participate in science, which is accessible to everyone“ Local knowledge ”You can start from the familiar environment of your home, community, street, school, park, field, etc., and use a new vision to understand the surrounding plants, animals, minerals, etc. Everyone can practice, everyone can contact, everyone can make contributions, everyone can Ask questions Everyone can be a scientist. Natural history, which is simple and interesting to observe plants, is a kind of practical knowledge. It can not only stay on words and paper, but must be tried in person.