
Title of the degree, general name of the graduate students who study or obtain the doctor's degree
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Doctor is a degree title, which indicates that a person has the ability to Original theory A degree that is the highest level of ability or education (Note: post-doctoral no academic degree
Have a doctor's degree or doctor's degree Equivalent educational level It means that a person has the ability to enter the academic stage from the learning stage. Have the ability to Original theory The ability of the results or Academic ability It is the core connotation of a doctor's degree, and also the most essential feature of people with a doctor's degree. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Nature of running a school
Doctor of Literature , Doctor of Law, Doctor of History, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Engineering, etc
School characteristics
Highest degree
General, science and engineering
Ancient meaning
Scholar in charge of teaching classics

Development history

On May 27, 1983, the first 18 doctors in China were born.
On October 19 of the same year, China cultivated the first batch of liberal arts doctors for the first time. At this point, China's degree system has become comprehensive and mature.
Since the 1980s, master's degree and doctor's degree have been established Degree system After that, a large number of graduate students were recruited by various colleges and universities. The graduate degree system, curriculum, defense and admission system of Chinese universities are basically established and mature. In just a few decades, Chinese universities and research institutions have cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for China and the world. Many master's and doctoral students graduated from China have served as important Academic leadership Some of them even World class university Engaged in academic research and academic management with the research office. These are all obvious facts. However, it is worth noting that although China's higher education and academic research have a certain standard and system from the system, but from the academic concept, Essence of education There are still many aspects worth exploring, such as the definition of degree.
By the end of 1990, China had granted about 7000 doctoral degrees.
As of August 30, 1999, China has granted more than 50000 doctoral degrees.
The number of doctoral students increased from 302 in 1982 to 58002 in 2007, with an average annual growth rate of 23.41%, which is greater than the growth rate of postgraduate students.
From 1996 to 2006, China's Doctoral education stay Overall scale The number of people awarded doctoral degrees nationwide increased from 5578 to 35628, 6.39 times the original number, Annual average growth rate 20.4%.
In 2006, 51000 doctors were trained in the United States and 49000 in mainland China. By 2007, the number of doctors in our country had exceeded 50000. By 2007, the cumulative number of doctors awarded in China had reached 240000. In 2008, the number of doctors trained will continue to rise, surpassing the United States, ranking first in the world, and becoming the largest country in the world for awarding doctoral degrees.
In April 2008, there were more than 700 universities in mainland China and more than 1000 in the United States that were granted bachelor's degrees. However, we have more than 310 universities with doctoral qualifications, and only 253 in the United States.
As of August 31, 2009, China has granted more than 330000 doctoral degrees.
In 2012, according to the report of the Japan Institute of Science and Technology Academic Policy, there was a large gap in the proportion of doctors per 1 million people in major countries in the world. Among them, the highest number is 348 in Britain, 125 in Japan and at least 38 in China. In addition, the number of doctors in the field of natural science in various countries is relatively large. In general, the proportion of doctors in China is still far lower than that in Europe, America and Japan developed country Level. [2]
In 2021, China's doctoral training units will be expanded again. After adding 34 universities, the number of university training units will reach 398, and the number of doctoral students will reach 509500 in 2021.
In 2022, the number of doctoral students will reach 139000, and the number of students at school will reach 556100, an increase of 166600 over 2018.
In July 2023, after adding 28 authorized units of doctoral programs in 2018, 95500 doctoral students will be recruited in 2018, and 389500 doctoral students will be enrolled in China. [4]

Interpretation of meaning

A doctor is a title for a graduate student who studies for a doctor's degree. It can also be used to address a person who has obtained a doctor's degree. Mainly through ownership Doctoral Program And owned by PhD candidate Training qualification related scientific research institution The "Doctoral Admission Examination" was held to recruit students.
In foreign countries, it refers to the person who has obtained a doctor's degree, and also refers to the doctoral student as Dr. Among the three levels of bachelor's degree, master's degree and doctor's degree, the doctor's degree is the highest level.

Cultivation orientation

China Degree system Generally referred to as master's degree and doctor's degree. But, Europe and America University Graduate degree Each should be clearly defined and strictly divided, including Basic courses Scope, professional class requirements, research content, postgraduate qualifications, academic evaluation, etc. In general, as long as the name of the doctor is determined, the doctor can Higher Education Find the exact definition of. Therefore, the Ministry of Education should have a very detailed and clear scientific definition of every kind of doctoral degree in Chinese universities, otherwise similar problems will occur Chen Danqing The professor questioned the requirements for doctoral examination. As university professors, we should first have a clear understanding of the degree system in our field.
For a doctoral degree, no matter what kind of major, after the students' defense, they should strictly question whether the thesis "has made outstanding contributions to knowledge."
"But in the 21st century, knowledge is for practicality, job hunting, profession, even utilitarianism. So far, knowledge has been separated from the connotation of education and has become a means of social competition and survival. If a certain kind of knowledge does not have much significance in practice, it will be eliminated in teaching or ignored. Most of the teaching of any kind of knowledge has a clear purpose, such as English TOEFL , mathematics, physics and chemistry in going abroad, literature and history in college entrance examination, Popular majors For job hunting and so on. However, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and professional training have completely separated universities from education and become training places for specialized professions. Therefore, students trained with high intensity can get full marks in TOEFL, but their communication ability is low. High scores in liberal arts examinations, but without elegant temperament and noble ideas. The first place in politics is lack of thought and passion. As Newman said, the more professional knowledge is, the less it becomes knowledge. Students trained in this way only have strong Professional awareness And competitiveness. But they are plain, tasteless, superficial, single, lacking in taste and elegance, personality and style. "
"If a person has taken many advanced courses and obtained full marks and many degrees, it does not necessarily mean that he has received a good education. Unless he has attended a Newman type university, a person with strong competitiveness and means of survival, such as in business and enterprise Unique capabilities University education is not necessary. Because many successful business people don't Undergraduate education So the definition of success today has nothing to do with education. For many people, college degrees have indeed become a kind of social position And lose its original meaning.
The reason why a society can make progress, keep calm thinking, have distinctive cultural personality, and have humanistic spirit And the traditional connotation, noble taste and gentleness are entirely due to the university education and its knowledge groups. If a university leaves its own essence, intellectuals will degenerate first. Society will degenerate and change rapidly. The characteristics of social degradation are: moral decay, anxiety and impetuosity, low taste, disregard of faith, proliferation of fake, destruction of culture, loss of self, lack of self-confidence, and disorientation. Such a society may be full of money and high technology, but there is no hope and future. " [3]

Degree awarding


Application conditions

The doctoral position shall be granted to those who receive doctoral postgraduate education, pass the prescribed course assessment or complete the corresponding credits, complete academic research training or professional practice training, and pass the dissertation defense or the prescribed practice achievement defense, indicating that the degree applicant has reached the following levels:
  1. one
    Master solid and comprehensive basic theories and systematic and in-depth expertise in the discipline or professional field;
  2. two
    Applicants for academic degrees should have the ability to independently engage in academic research, and applicants for professional degrees should have the ability to independently undertake professional practice;
  3. three
    Applicants for academic degrees should make innovative achievements in the field of academic research, and applicants for professional degrees should make innovative achievements in the field of professional practice [5]

Application process

In applying for the doctor's degree, the degree conferring unit shall, before organizing the oral defense, send the degree thesis or practical achievements of the degree applicant to experts for review. Those who meet the regulations of the degree conferring unit after being reviewed by experts shall enter the defense procedure.
The degree conferring unit shall organize a doctoral degree defense committee according to the disciplines and specialties. The composition of the doctoral degree defense committee shall not be less than five persons, of which not less than two shall be experts other than the degree conferring units. The Oral Defense Committee shall organize oral defense in accordance with the prescribed procedures, form a resolution on whether the degree applicant has passed the oral defense and announce it on the spot. The defense shall be voted by ballot, and shall be adopted by more than two-thirds of all members. If the oral defense of the dissertation or the oral defense of the achievement of practice fails, the oral defense committee may, with the consent of the oral defense committee, amend it within the prescribed time limit and reapply for the oral defense.
The Academic Degree Evaluation Committee shall, in accordance with the resolution of the Oral Defense Committee and on the basis of reviewing the application for academic degree, make a resolution on whether or not to grant the doctoral degree. The degree conferring unit shall, in accordance with the resolution of the degree evaluation committee on conferring the doctoral degree, publish the list of persons conferring degrees, issue degree certificates, and submit the information on degree conferring to the provincial degree committee, which shall then submit the information on degree conferring to the provincial degree committee. The provincial academic degree committee shall report the information on degree awarding in its own administrative region to the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council for the record [5]

Degree system


Western Doctor

The concepts of doctoral degree and academic research discussed below are completely based on the model of European and American universities and the concept of western higher education.
Chen Danqing Professor to Tsinghua University In a letter from the leader, most of what he said was true China's higher education Criticism of maladies and views on graduate education in the field of art. He has made great contributions to China's education system, postgraduate training, teaching program He put forward his own unique opinions. Chen Danqing is a very famous painter in the Chinese art circle. He placed great enthusiasm and hope on Chinese education. Therefore, it is worth appreciating that he sincerely put forward his own views on cultivating art talents based on his years of work and life experience at home and abroad.
Higher Education It is a complete scientific system with unique concepts and definitions. In fact, China's higher education is imitating western universities and Degree system For the new type of Chinese universities, we are still groping to learn from the West that we are not familiar with educational system And it is possible to establish higher education with Chinese characteristics in the near future.
Chinese civilization As a culture with a long history, it has its own unique philosophy, education system, and Methodology Chinese philosophy, centered on Lao, Zhuang, Kong and Meng, permeates Chinese culture, society, education and the country. Education in Ancient China It is characterized by that scholars set up their own doors and spread their knowledge and ideas among many disciples. In the field of art and technology, they are mostly taught by mentoring. classical Education system For tutors and private schools Imperial examination system The traditional methodology in China is I Ching , Yin and Yang, meridians, etc. Analyze China's Cultural tradition We can find that, especially in modern times, Chinese civilization and Western Civilization There are obvious differences.
Western Civilization There are three major components: Greek classics, Christian culture, and scientific democracy. Greek philosophy Laid the foundation of thinking, Christianity established the West Cultural values At its core, science is the way to find truth, while democracy is the basic form of society. The perfect scientific system and democratic politics are the products of western civilization in modern times, which can also be defined as western modern culture It originated from Cartesian philosophy in the 17th century and Britain in the 18th century enlightenment campaign It soon spread to the world and became the main feature of modern developed society. Because of human acceptance of science Thinking method Evidently excluded or even eliminated. For example, traditional Chinese medicine, Yin-yang theory , geomancy, ancient celestial phenomena, and the Eight Diagrams. Even though these methods with profound cultural connotations are still popular in the East, they are not recognized within the scientific field and in the science and education system. It is not so much a dispute over methods as a clash of cultures. Even when western world , all Scientific system Strongly resist and reject non Scientific thinking For example, the prophecy said, fortune-telling Say, ancient celestial phenomena say.
Since the May 4th Movement, China has adopted the scientific concepts and educational systems of Western civilization. For example, primary schools, middle schools, universities and even today's graduate schools. All these educational concepts and forms are based on the European and American educational models. It includes the syllabus, Degree system , admission criteria, teacher training, and campus culture. All the educational systems in contemporary China did not exist before the end of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, for Chinese society modern education It was basically established by imitating the Western system. Although it has followed the West in all aspects in terms of system and method, there are still many misunderstandings and even mistakes in the concept. Especially in graduate education, Degree system And academic research. Academics here include humanities and arts.

Research Doctor

We must have a clear understanding of the degree system, especially the doctoral degree. stay Europe and America In the United States, for example, the doctor is the highest degree. But the highest degree in higher education is not just a doctor (Ph. D). Higher degrees in the United States and Europe fall into two categories: research degree and Professional degree (Professional Degree)。 In order to avoid errors in Chinese and English translation, this paper will directly use English names to explain these degrees.
The "doctor" of a research degree is“ doctorate ”, it comes from Latin : "doctor", which means "teacher". The word comes from Europa 1400: Gold At that time, "teacher" was a certificate for a person to teach in a university. But we usually speak of the "PhD" degree in English as "Philosophy Doctor" (Ph. D). It is called "Doctor of Philosophy" (D. Phil) in the British system. "Ph. D" is the basic degree requirement for academic positions in modern European and American universities. First of all, Ph. D is an academic research degree. It requires rigorous training and assessment in the field of academic research. A doctor must know what academic research is, Academic norm Academic morality , academic services. In the American system, doctoral students should not only pass the most basic Doctoral qualification examination After completing the fixed class hours, with an average score of B or above, we should also carry out in-depth academic research and publish some papers in the world academic journals. Finally, only after successfully defending his academic thesis in the doctoral committee can he get a doctor's degree. In science and engineering, it usually takes 3 to 6 years for doctoral students to complete their studies.
Doctor (Ph. D) is based on academic research. Without academic research, the meaning of a doctor will be lost. So what is academic research? In modern western higher education, academic activities must first be carried out within the scope of "science". In addition to natural science, science also includes humanities , such as sociology and art theory. In Western modern times In college Nothing can be recognized“ Non scientific ”There is no "unscientific" research activity. Therefore, when discussing the subject of scientific research, we must define what is "science" in a general sense. But the definition of science is not simple, it belongs to a philosophical category. For the sake of simplicity, we define "science" as Modern International Academic activities recognized by the academic community, and all research results that can be published in the world's official academic journals. And academic research means natural law and social phenomenon The activity of creating and accumulating knowledge through exploration. Since we deliberately define this activity as a scientific category, academic research is based on Scientific concepts On the basis of scientific method , systematic theoretical and experimental activities. For the definition of "science", please refer to the author's paper "Definition of science"

Professional doctor

Professional Doctors
In addition to research degree, western higher education also has professional degree. These degrees are designed to train senior people for specific social occupations. Such as medicine, law, etc. First of all, these degrees are the basic requirements for professional work, just as a doctor's degree must be the basic degree for professors. But the purpose of training is quite different. The purpose of a research doctor is to train researchers or scholars. The professional degree is to train professional personnel for all walks of life. A big difference between a professional degree and a research degree is that the former can only be listed in the industry after passing the unified professional license examination. For example, lawyers and doctors. The research degree does not have this requirement. One of the main reasons is professional legal responsibility requirement. For example, the occupation of doctors is directly related to human life, and the design of architects determines the safety of houses. Therefore, there are strict license requirements.
Doctors and lawyers are both highly professional professions. The purpose and nature of the work are essentially different from scientific research. The purpose of scientific research is to explore and interpret natural and social phenomena, and doctors must treat patients and save people in a timely manner. Therefore, research degree training is for scholars, while professional degree training is for experts. Because these professions, such as doctors and lawyers, do not engage in any experimental or theoretical research work, but solve specific problems in practice. For example, curing diseases, litigation bills. However, due to the difference between Chinese and English, it is not accurate to translate professional "Doctor" into "Doctor". Because the Chinese word "doctor" is often associated with academic, research and scholar concepts. The purpose of professional degree training is not directly related to these activities.

Doctor of Arts

In the degree system of colleges and universities, there is another kind of art type. For example, there are "Master of Music Art (M. M. A)" for performing students in the music department, and there are more advanced degrees, such as "Doctor of Music Art (D. M. A.)". For sound Music theory On the research, and Ph In music art, there are also performance degree and research degree. Performance oriented degrees, such as MMA. and DMA. focus on performance training. Most of the class hours are required to improve performance skills (such as vocal music and performance), and there are also corresponding theoretical courses. A certain number of music performances are required upon graduation. But Ph D has no requirement for concert performance, but must have a thesis defense. It can be seen that the performance degree mainly focuses on the training of students' performance skills, while the research degree, like other fields, focuses on research ability, theoretical analysis , and academic level.
In the art departments of painting, design and architecture, there are very similar degrees. As an art major, Master of Fine Art (M F. A.) It is generally the highest degree of. Therefore, it can meet the requirements of the art profession. It can even serve as a professor in the art major of colleges and universities. Doctor of Fine Art (D.F.A.) is rarely set up in art majors of western universities (architecture is also the case), and DFA is often Honorary degree At present, only a few universities in the United States have DFAs. such as Yale University Set DFA with drama review. Other colleges and universities set up films, visual arts , a doctoral degree in literary creation, etc. If you already have MFA Degree holders hope to compete for corresponding teaching positions in institutions of higher learning before considering obtaining DFA. Generally, people engaged in artistic creation will not read Ph D, Only Master of Fine Art is obtained.


Doctoral degree is the highest degree, that is, the highest level that can be obtained as a student (doctoral students in some countries are also working positions, such as Germany).
Postdoctoral, also known as Postdoctoral fellow Refers to those who specialize in Related research Postdoctoral fellows are not degrees. Postdoctoral researchers refer to those who have been approved and National Postdoctoral Management Committee Office registered personnel engaged in post doctoral research in mobile stations or workstations. It has the following characteristics:
First, "postdoctoral" indicates an experience. The doctor is the highest degree, and "postdoctoral" cannot be regarded as a higher degree than the doctor. Postdoctoral researchers cannot be granted any other title of degree, and "postdoctoral" is not professional technology or Administrative position
Second, postdoctoral researchers are mainly engaged in scientific research, which is often exploratory, pioneering and innovative.
Third, postdoctoral researchers are official national staff, not students. They need to work with others during post doctoral research Regular employees Same calculation working years , except for enjoying the preferential treatment In addition, they also enjoy the same treatment as regular employees of the unit.
Fourthly, for the station setting unit, the postdoctoral staff is a staff member with time limit, which is not included in the formal staffing. They must move out of the station after the expiration of their work period. In fact, they are in a mobile state before they get a fixed job.
The origin of postdoctoral research is in developed countries. Many doctors are difficult to find a fixed position after graduation Working position When they are ready to fight for a fixed position, they go to the unit they want to go to (usually a university or other scientific research institution) to engage in certain research work, and then they become post doctors. "Postdoctoral" should not be understood as an experience. The full name of "postdoctoral" should be "postdoctoral researcher", that is, "postdoctoral" refers to people. The three words "postdoctoral" in postdoctoral researchers only indicate an experience, not "postdoctoral" refers to an experience Should refer to An experience. In colloquial, he is a "postdoctoral". The correct understanding should be that he is a person who specializes in relevant research or further education in universities or research institutions for a limited period after obtaining a doctorate.
In China, postdoctoral experience is more like a kind of Postdoctoral education , to enter the postdoctoral workstation, an experience certificate will be issued after the exit. What you should make clear is that almost all countries, including China, have the highest degree of doctor, and there is no post doctoral degree.

On-the-job doctor

An on-the-job doctor refers to a person who has passed the normal entrance examination (unified examination or Single examination )Doctoral students who have obtained admission qualification and study while working with the permission of the training unit's teaching or training program.
There is no student status for an on-the-job doctor. If you meet the requirements of the on-the-job doctoral course examination, and pass the thesis defense, you will be awarded a degree, issued a degree certificate, and not a graduation certificate.
(1) Applicants must have obtained a master's degree and have worked for more than five years after obtaining the master's degree.
(2) Applicants should make outstanding achievements in teaching, scientific research and specialized technology fields, independently publish academic papers of high level or monographs of high level in the subject areas of the degree application, and their scientific research achievements should be awarded at the national or provincial or ministerial level or above.
Have applied for doctor's degree Basic conditions Of Equivalent education Personnel shall Degree awarding unit The following materials shall be submitted to the degree awarding unit within the specified time limit:
2. Finally Education certificate
3. Those who meet the requirements of the applicant school for doctoral students Public publication Related academic papers, published monographs, and award-winning scientific research achievements Supporting materials
4. The applicant's unit shall Degree awarding unit Materials introducing the applicant's resume, ideological and political performance, work achievements, scientific research achievements, professional ability, theoretical basis, professional knowledge and foreign language proficiency;
5. Two professors or equivalent technical position Experts' recommendation, including at least one doctoral supervisor.
already Qualification examination Qualified applicants shall take the examination according to the courses specified in the doctoral training program. From the date of passing the qualification examination, all courses shall be examined and passed within one year. This application is invalid for those who fail the course examination.

management style

For the management of doctoral students in China, loose tutors are used to guide students management model Basically, students take classes for one year and follow their supervisors to do papers for two years. Since there are not many research projects, most doctoral students are engaged in finding jobs after one year of classes. They practice in various companies to prepare for future work. What's more, he has already worked in an outside company since he was admitted to a doctor's degree, and everything will be all right if he takes the final exam. such management style It directly led to the lack of guidance from supervisors to doctoral students.
According to the survey, China Doctoral supervisor The number of doctoral students is far from meeting the requirements of the growing number of doctoral students, which makes the average number of doctoral supervisors in China is 5.77, higher than the proportion of foreign supervisors with 2-3 students.
social sciences The nature of social science determines that students who study social science do not have to spend all day in the laboratory and do experiments like science and engineering. Their work is entirely on their own willpower It is up to you to decide when to get up in the morning, how many hours to study, and how long to rest in the middle of the study. It is completely under your control and control, which forms randomness.
If you work and learn Professional counterparts The work can also be regarded as a supplement to the academic. Most doctoral students only work to support themselves and earn a little money. This not only wastes valuable Reading time And will change the doctoral students' reading attitude, and some people will Disentangle from theory Research, turn to doctoral students who can not give full play to Comparative advantage The domain of. This not only restricts the development of individuals, but also wastes the precious national educational resources

insufficient fund

our country Doctoral education The fund mainly includes living allowance research funds Scholarships, training grants, research grants, overseas visits Education Fund But the quantity is seriously insufficient.
First, Low level of living allowance for doctoral students academic degree At the beginning of the establishment of the system, the state attached great importance to the subsidy for doctoral students. The subsidy level for doctoral students was equivalent to five levels at that time Salary standard , and then living standard The salary standard is relatively high. Wang Zheng, a professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, recalled: "In 1989, my income as a doctoral student was 91 yuan, which was higher than that of ordinary people, who were 78 yuan per month." However, since the 1990s, with the market economy The gradual establishment of and the reform of the distribution system have led to a rapid increase in people's income and living standards. However, there has been little change in the doctoral subsidy standard Wage level The distance between. According to China statistical yearbook Related data of, 2006 Urban residents The average per capita of middle and lower households throughout the year Consumer expenditure It is 6108.33 yuan, and the subsidy level for doctoral students is about 6000 yuan per person per year. It can be seen that the subsidy level for doctoral students is very low and can only barely meet the basic living needs. Chinese degree and postgraduate Educational development The report research group (2006) conducted a survey on the economic income and expenditure of doctoral students, which showed that most doctoral students spent more than their income. Doctoral supervisors who were familiar with the living conditions of doctoral students also believed that a large proportion of doctoral students had financial difficulties.
On March 5, 2017, "Improve doctoral students National grants The subsidy standard is written in Government Work Report Basis《 Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education on Further Improving the Standards of National Financial Aid for Doctoral Students 》(Cai Ke Jiao [2017] No. 5) Document requires that from the spring semester of 2017, the national graduate students should be improved Enrollment Plan Full time doctoral students within (with fixed Wage income The national subsidy standard, in which the central university doctoral students increased from 12000 yuan per student to 15000 yuan per year, that is, 250 yuan per student per month.
The original text of the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education on Further Improving the National Subsidy Standards for Doctoral Students mentioned that, except for the central university doctoral students to increase from 12000 yuan to 15000 yuan per year, the notice stipulates that local university doctoral students should increase from not less than 10000 yuan per year to not less than 13000 yuan per year.
Second, Serious shortage of scientific research funds The funding for doctoral students in China's universities mainly comes from the scholarship funds allocated by the state (mainly in the form of ordinary scholarships). Therefore, the funding system actively promoting scientific research funding is not strong enough and the funding amount is limited. "On the one hand, due to the lack of scientific research funds from tutors, doctoral students receive relatively little scientific research funding from this channel; on the other hand, China Research University The posts of research assistant, teaching assistant and management assistant for doctoral students are generally insufficient, and many universities in China financial system There is a lack of clear regulations in, or the funding standard is low. Therefore, although almost all doctoral students participate in the research of their supervisors Project research However, not all of them can get the salary of research assistants, and the number of doctoral students who can get stable salary from teaching assistants and management assistants is also very small. " (Excerpted from the speech of Zhou Ji, the former minister of the Ministry of Education) In terms of scholarships, many colleges and universities have lost their scholarship function and incentive effect on students' learning, and almost everyone has a share of scholarships. Such funding structural system It fails to reflect the original intention of the funding, and it is difficult to play the role of various funding methods.
Third, From the perspective of funding structure, the funding situation of liberal arts doctoral students is worrying By Dalian The survey of the income of full-time doctoral students in five major departments of history, finance, society, economy and accounting in five universities found that each school basically paid monthly State subsidies 350 yuan and 240 yuan for school subsidies. In terms of scientific research funds, there is almost no scientific research funds for doctoral students in the history department accounting Professional students The average monthly income is about 200 yuan. In contrast, the scientific research funds of science and engineering are much higher, and they can basically get more than 1000 yuan of scientific research funds every month. This, to some extent, reflects that the level of financial assistance for doctoral students in different majors varies greatly under the emerging industry system, and the status of financial assistance for doctoral students in liberal arts is even more worrying.
Fourth, China Scholarship Council Every year, a part of doctoral students will be sent to visit abroad, and the state will bear all the expenses, but the number of places is extremely limited. Only a few doctoral students can obtain this qualification, and the funding is insignificant.
Inadequate educational and scientific research ability, far from the reality
The serious shortage of scientific research funds directly leads to the decline of educational scientific research ability. The scientific research funds of science and engineering should be solved by the instructors themselves, which has led to the spread of the phenomenon that "professors are like businessmen". In developed countries, the situation is different. Professors have national funding Education funds Support. If professors can make achievements and transform achievements, they will receive more funds.
The doctoral supervisor usually takes 2~3 doctoral students a year, and the main task is to work with them. Generally speaking, there are few social science projects, and the liberal arts doctoral students have almost no projects to do, so they cannot exercise their practical ability and Writing ability Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Anhui University vice-principal Weisui He said that due to the limited number of scientific research projects, many doctoral students are not engaged in research work at the forefront of the discipline, and some are limited to some low-level horizontal development projects for a long time. It was not easy to apply for a scientific research project. Due to the limitation of funds, the relevant research could only be done behind closed doors without actual research support, which led to Scientific research achievements Inconformity with the actual situation, serious duplication of construction, and high cost of tutors and doctoral students Time study The achievements can only be put on the shelf and have no use.

Assessment system

Doctoral training evaluation mechanism does not conform to Educational law For example, the compulsory publication system commonly exists in colleges and universities, except Thesis In addition, several papers must be published in the so-called core journals. Taking the number of papers as the only assessment indicator, the direct result is that everyone is trying to meet the requirements, Plagiarism The phenomenon is common, false papers fly everywhere, and the phenomenon of rough manufacturing is serious.
Doctoral students in the new situation Educational system reform It is suggested to clarify the orientation of doctoral students and restore the university's Academic value
What are the requirements of the country and society for doctoral talents? Educationist Xiong Bingqi It is pointed out that the primary function of domestic doctoral education is not to cultivate Academic talents It is to meet the needs of the society for "talents with doctor's degree", that is, for "doctor's title" Deformity need , which led to Dr Education scale Rapid expansion, while the quality drops sharply. Therefore, the most important problem to be solved at present is to let doctoral education retain only the "inconspicuous" academic function, fundamentally "restore" universities to educational institutions, academic institutions, and only pursue educational value And academic value.
According to the nature of the discipline, Doctoral education It should be the scientific research and academic training in the "ivory tower", not the mass education. We must make clear the training objectives of doctoral education. Doctoral education should focus on the cultivation of academic talents and attach importance to the cultivation of theoretical and basic disciplines, rather than practical personnel The cultivation of. Therefore, doctoral education and Master education Of Discipline structure There should be some differences.
At present, the subject structure of the master's degree and the doctor's degree we have awarded is very similar. The similarity of this structure, on the one hand, shows that doctoral education should Postgraduate education On the other hand, it does not really reflect the difference between the doctoral and postgraduate training objectives. The employment field of doctors should focus on research and Teaching oriented More than 70% of doctoral students in the United States are engaged in scientific research and teaching after graduation. In 2006, only 46% of doctoral students in China were engaged in teaching and scientific research after graduation. The decline of this proportion indicates that more doctors are employed in other fields, which deviates from the original intention of doctoral training, and also indicates that China's doctors Growth rate Fast and unreasonable structure.
If the doctoral students are positioned according to "researchers", they should be paid accordingly and have the status of "scientific research partner of the instructor". In this way, they can be economically independent, and can independently plan and design research topics in scientific research. They can explore more freely on the research path, and the restrictive factors of doctoral students' innovation can be greatly reduced.
Increase investment in doctoral education and diversify sources of investment
There is a saying in China“ There must be brave men under the reward ”The government should set up scholarships for doctoral students, including tuition and living expenses, to substantially increase the amount of national funding for doctoral education. The country is the main part of doctoral education Beneficiary And shall assume the main responsibility for funding. In terms of funding objects, the government should give fundamental research And humanities and social sciences to support the development of these disciplines.
State funded Scientific research topic Generally, only Information fee Equipment cost Wait instead of“ Scientific researchers Salary Financial budget Doctoral Candidates in Chinese Universities“ Three aids ”The post allowance is mainly funded by the university, which is determined by the limited financial resources of the university Post salary They are not high, generally about 300 yuan per person per month. The increased part of awards and subsidies of all schools is mainly provided by schools and tutors Joint contribution Among them, the university bears the majority of the funds, and the tutor will draw some of the funds from their research funds to supplement them. However, the funds that each university can raise are limited after all, and its effect can be imagined. Therefore, we should change the situation of the low remuneration of the "three aids" for doctoral students in China and promote the reform of the scientific research funding system. Government funding The research topic of“ fee based on the number of people ”Project, and establish relevant systems to specify Labor remuneration The appropriate proportion in the whole scientific research funds makes the payment of labor remuneration for doctoral students' scientific research have rules to follow.

Evaluation system

Take effective measures to improve the quality of doctoral theses
Relying on the subject, examine the doctoral students' mastery of methods. The research and writing of doctoral dissertation is to train doctoral students Independent learning , and what is needed for research Logical thinking ability And rigorous and realistic style. The stage of topic selection, framework and experimental design, data collection and processing of doctoral dissertation is to train doctoral students independently scientific research The important link of.
Take academic training as the main standard for evaluating doctoral students, and change the existing standard with the number of papers as the indicator. For“ academic misconduct ”Punish severely, and the mentor should bear the primary responsibility. The anonymous evaluation system for doctoral thesis defense is implemented, which stipulates that each doctoral student must have several doctoral supervisors from foreign universities in relevant fields to participate in the on-site defense meeting and raise relevant cutting-edge issues. Turn the number of hard papers into the on-site defense of soft professionals, and take the defense of papers as the main standard to evaluate whether they can graduate.
importance Industrial sector The cultivation ability of doctoral students
For a long time, the cultivation ability of doctoral students in China's industry has been ignored. Large state-owned enterprises in China do not lack some high-level scientific and management talents. They not only have strong knowledge of the subject, but also have rich practical experience, and have strong research, development and utilization advanced technique And equipment, which is an educational resource with great potential and superior conditions. If these enterprises combine with universities and scientific research departments, or set up separately for them Degree awarding The method of "point" can not only open up an effective channel for the expansion of the scale of graduate students in China, but also help ease the Applied high-level talents Insufficient problems. More importantly, we can give full play to China's industry's Professional doctor To enhance the "hematopoietic" function of the enterprise through the cultivation of doctoral students. In many developed countries, such as Britain, enterprises and universities Joint training of graduate students The extensive "cooperative" education or the combination of industry and universities in the United States, as well as Japan's practice of appointing mentors to the society, have provided us with many good examples.