Nanyang County

Ancient County Names in China
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Nanyang County is established in King Zhao of Qin The prefecture level administrative district in the 35th year (272 BC) was the Qin state Capture Chu State Set up in the right place Wanxian County (Today Henan Nanyang, Guangdong Province). During the Western Han Dynasty, usurper who founded the Xin dynasty Nanyang Xindu (now southeast of Xinye), Han Dynasty A reformist emperor Yu Nanyang ascended the throne and made Chang'an the capital.
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Nanyang County was sealed Nandu , was honored as Emperor Township, Twenty eight generals of Yuntai Eleven of them are from Nanyang County.
Nanyang Prefecture is equivalent to Henan Province today xiong'er mountain To the south Ye County Neixiang Between and Hubei Dahongshan North, Yingshan Yun County All areas to the east. Kaihuang of Sui Dynasty Withdrawal in three years (583), Three years of great undertaking (607). In the early Tang Dynasty, Dengzhou was restored to Nanyang Prefecture during the Tianbao Zhide period. [8]
(Source of overview diagram [7 ]
Chinese name
Nanyang County
Foreign name
Emperor Township The largest county in the world
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
Nanyang Basin
46000 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Wan Newfield Prestige Deng County 37 counties
Government residence
Wancheng (now Nanyang, Henan)
Area Code
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
population size
2.43 million (Eastern Han Dynasty)
Founding year
35th year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin Dynasty (272 BC)
County administration

administrative division


Qin Dynasty

General Qin White rise It was established in the 35th year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin Dynasty (272 BC) to attack Chu and Zhanwan Nanyang County (today Henan Nanyang, Hubei Xiangyang North of Han River). In 221 BC, the Qin Dynasty unified China and it was still Nanyang Prefecture. The area at that time, in addition to the area of Nanyang today, there are Lushan Ye County Wuyang Wugang Songxian County Lushi Luanchuan And Hubei Zaoyang City, Xiangzhou District Fancheng District Laohekou City and Suizhou One Belt.

Western Han Dynasty

Nanyang County in the Western Han Dynasty
In the Western Han Dynasty, Nanyang was under the jurisdiction of Jingzhou Ministry, governing 36 counties, such as Wancheng (now Nanyang City Wolong District Wancheng District Duyan (now in the west of Nanyang City), Yuyang (now in Wolong District and Wancheng District of Nanyang City), Xi'e (now Stonebridge West), Zhiyang( Nanzhao County One belt), Anzhong (today's Wolong District Qinghua Town Yangguan Temple Belt), Xinye (today Xinye County ), Jiyang (today's Gaomiao in Xinye County), Chaoyang (today's Xiaoshiying Natural Village, Heilong Village, Shiqiao Town, Xiangzhou District [5] ), Rang (today Dengzhou Southeast area), Niyang (today's north of Dengzhou and south of Zhenping), Champion (today's Zhangcun Township of Dengzhou), Lecheng (today's Wangliang Township of Dengzhou), Bowang (today's Fangcheng County Bowang Town One area), Duyang (today's Fangcheng County), Pingshi (today's Tung cypress Domestic), Fuyang (today's Tongbai Wucheng area), Shandu (today's Qiaogang Village, Taipingdian, Fancheng District, Xiangyang City [4 ] )Li (today's Neixiang Zhaodian area), Boshan (today's Xichuan County Danjiangkou Reservoir District), Analysis (Today) Xixia County East of the city), Danshui (today Xichuan Jingzi Pass One area), Huyang (today's Tanghe Huyang area), Deng (today's Dengcheng Village, Fancheng District, Xiangyang City [5] ), 酂 (now around Anjiazui Natural Village, Chaidiangang Village, Xianrendu Town, Laohekou City [5] )Chongling (around Chongling Village, Wudian Town, Zaoyang City today [5] ), Zhuyang (in Gucheng County today [5] ), Yin (now northwest of Laohekou City or north of Gucheng County [5] ), Caiyang (now around Gucheng Village, Juwan Town, Zaoyang City [5] )Xiangxiang Township (today's Dongyuan Village of Zaoyang Beicheng Sub district Office [5] )Etc [1]

Eastern Han Dynasty

Tan Qixiang, Atlas of Chinese History, Nanyang County [7 ]
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Nanyang Prefecture was still part of Jingzhou Prefecture. Nanyang County governs Wan and leads 37 counties with a population of 2.4 million, making it the largest county in the world. The counties under Nanyang County are basically the same as those in the Western Han Dynasty, but the counties such as Duyan and Lecheng were removed and merged into neighboring counties. New Nanxiang, Chengdu Xiang Township Three counties, changing Boshan into Shunyang , change Chongling (Today's Wudian Town, Zaoyang City, Hubei Province), as the Zhangling Shanyang County It is under the jurisdiction of Nanyang County.
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Nanyang County governed Wan, Champion, Ye, Xinye, Zhangling, West Hubei, Pheasant Luyang , 犨, Duyang, Bowang, Wuyin, Biyang, Fuyang, Pingshi, Jiyang, Huyang, Sui, Yuyang, Niyang, Yin, 酂, Deng, Li, Shandu, Rang, Chaoyang Cai Yang 37 counties, including Anzhong, Zhuyang, Wudang, Shunyang, Xiangxiang, Nanxiang, Danshui and Xai [2]

Three Kingdoms, Eastern Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

The 13th year of construction and installation (208 years) Cao Cao establishment Nanxiang County , in the west of Nanyang County Nanxiang County 8 counties, including Yuxian County, are assigned to Nanxiang county [3]
In the Jin Dynasty, Nanyang Prefecture was Nanyang State It governs Wan, West Hubei, Pheasant, Luyang, Yuyang, Bowang, Duyang, Ye, Wuyin, Biyang, Niyang, Champion and Li. [3]
Northern Wei Dynasty Nanyang Prefecture belongs to Guangzhou, governing Nanyang and Xiacheng, with 7489 households and 26728 households.

Sui and Tang Dynasties

In the third year of Emperor Kaihuang of Sui Dynasty (583), Nanyang County was abolished as Dengzhou. In the third year of Daye (607), Nanyang County was re established, leading the eighth county. The scope is greatly reduced.
In the early Tang Dynasty, Dengzhou was renamed as Nanyang County in the first year of Emperor Xuanzong's Tianbao (742). In the first year of Emperor Suzong's reign of Qianyuan (758), the county was renamed as a state, and it was no longer set up since then.
During the 175 years from the third year of Emperor Kaihuang in the Sui Dynasty to the first year of Emperor Qianyuan (758) of Emperor Suzong in the Tang Dynasty, Rangcheng was the governing place, and "Nanyang County with Dengzhou as the center" was set up three times. [6]