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Nanxi River

Nanxi River, Shucheng County, Lu'an, Anhui
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Shucheng Nanxi River is also known as White Gull River and Huandai River. From west to east, it passes Jinjidun and goes out of Longjin Bridge to the east. Taiping Huanyu 》It is called Long Shushui. According to the county annals, the Hangbu River used to be the Longshu River, from the isolated well source to the Zhongmei River and the Wusha River, flowing through the north of Qimen Ridge, turning east to Longwangdang, and surrounding the county outside the Nanguan Pass. The city is like a belt around the city, the atmosphere is gathering, and the culture is prosperous. It is called "Little Nanjing" because of its huge ships and direct access to the city wall, numerous merchants, department stores and transportation.
Chinese name
Nanxi River
White Gull Creek Huandai River
Shucheng County, Lu'an, Anhui
West to East
In the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, the county magistrate Chen Kuishi was slow Mountain torrent Threat, chisel the stone ridge of Dragon King Temple, and open the Qilihe River. The water moved south, but the water around the city dried up, so it became the old way. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, Zhu Zhen and Zhou Zhenju were ordered by the city to restore the city, and the revolution was also blocked.
Kangxi In 61 years, Jiang Heming re bloomed in the ditch, and the water returned to its original state. More than 10 years later, it was restored. In the middle of Qianlong's reign, the county magistrate Jiang Chaocheng and Ye Fengchun successively dredged, and the water regime returned to Qilihe several years later. Its old road is blocked, and the stagnant flow is not smooth. The water comes to break the dike and causes disasters, and the water goes to the dry beach. In recent years, with the development of the county seat, the Nanxi River has greatly improved its appearance through water diversion, dredging, embankment construction and greening. Although it does not have the vast water surface of the past, it is still green and flowing. On both banks of the bank, there are green bamboos, peach blossoms, red rain, green poplars and weeping willows. The water does not fill the bank, the water is used to wash clothes, the reed flowers and purple grass, and the birds dance. Tourists linger in Lishui while farmers are busy in the town. Nanxi River has regained her beautiful image.
Shucheng Nanxi gives sandgull songs
(Song Dynasty) Liu Shang
All day long, Yan (2) chased the county chickens, and liked to meet wild ducks (3) Linqing River.
Green moss spring water shadow, night moon flat sand habitat.
The warning said that (4) Tingzhou (5) Baiping (6) hair, and (7) Quzhu (8) snow the year before last.
Ziding (9) Angzang (10) Kenyu people (11), a loud and clear sound rushed to the sky (12).
Qualities (13) Elegant with falling light, Weiliu Xiangbei in Hunan (14).
The things are scattered and separated, and the universe is vast and sparse.
Huanghua (15) and Dixian (16) are like a crane driving, and they can't stay on the road.
Yanwang (17) Take advantage of the weakness to enter the purple haze, and look back at the empty smoke tree.
It will make the fighting wind feather (18) light, and the clouds in the sky will sing first.
Selected from Shucheng County Annals · Arts and Literature by Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty.
The author is Liu Shang, a native of Song Dynasty.
(1) Pan: floating.
(2) Lu Yan: The gate of the inner lane. Yan, read y? n, Lane gate.
(3) Wild duck: wild duck. Ecstasy, reading, duck.
(4) Warning: said in surprise.
(5) Tingzhou: water edge or water land.
(6) White apple: a kind of floating grass in water, namely horse urine flower.
(7) Quzhu: a small land.
(8) Snow of the previous year: snow of the previous winter.
(9) Purple top: refers to the purple head of wild ducks.
(10) Ang Zang: It has an impressive appearance.
(11) Kenyu people: willing to be close to others.
(12) The skyscraping tower: rush to the high altitude. Tianque refers to the Big Dipper.
(13) Quality: refers to white body.
(14) The Wei willows in Hunan fly away from each other: the Wei willows in Hunan can be understood as the north-south direction. Back to back: back to back.
(15) Huang Hua: Send people or envoys.
(16) Earthly Immortals: The alchemists call the immortals who live in the world, which is extended to mean those who are idle and enjoy themselves and do nothing.
(17) Gaze: stretch your neck and look far.
(18) Feather: He, read h?, Feather He stands for bird wings.
Second Dragon Sleeping Ferry
(Clear) road width
The sunset of Longmian Ancient Ferry sets off the flowers on both sides of the pontoon bridge (2).
Where can I remember the best spring scenery? My family is on the west bank of the painting stream.
Selected from Shucheng County Annals · Arts and Literature by Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty.
The author Lu Kuan was born in Yixing, Zhejiang Province in the Qing Dynasty. His life is unknown.
(1) Second Longmian Ferry: stop at Longmian Ferry. The Longmian Ferry is the ancient Longmian Ferry. It is outside the south gate of the county, and it is the ferry of the south and north official roads. The Ming Dynasty ordered Chen Kuishi to build a bridge here. Later, because of the flood, he ferried by wooden boat. During the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Danian and others from the Ming Dynasty donated money to rebuild the stone bridge, which is now the Longjin Bridge.
(2) Floating bridge: refers to erecting a wooden bridge at the ferry in dry season.
(3) Kan: Yes, I can.
In October 2011, Shucheng County launched the Nanxi River Comprehensive Reconstruction Project, which is the largest reconstruction project in the history of Shucheng County, involving the largest number of people to be relocated and the most complicated situation. The first phase of the Nanxi River Reconstruction Project needs to relocate more than 1700 households and more than 30 enterprises, with a total building area of 222400 square meters, including the first phase of the Nanxi River plot, There are three areas around Longshu West Road and the entrance of Taoxi West Road. Through overall collection, unified planning, and construction in sections, supporting new squares, leisure, finance, education, office and other infrastructure, we will create a new urban area with complete functions. At the same time, the entrance of Liushusan Road and Shuxiao Road will be completely renovated to beautify the urban living environment. The project investment is about 700 million yuan.