zero Useful+1

South Triangle

Southern constellation
Triangulum Australe is located in the Milky Way, adjacent to Centaur Of Alpha and Agena , corresponding to Triangular seat Although smaller than Triangle, the main stars are bright, so they are dazzling. It was at the end of the 16th century Netherlands The smallest of the twelve constellations founded by navigators Pieter Dirkszoo Keyser and Frederick de Houtman.
Right ascension
Name of celestial body
South Triangle
Latin name
Triangulum australe
Latin abbreviation
The triangle of the south sky
110 km²
Area ranking
Number of bright stars
Brightest star
Best observation time
Optimum observation latitude
+Between 25 ° and − 90 °
Fully visible area

brief introduction

There is a small triangle in the northern celestial sphere, and there is a southern triangle here. It is located in the southeast of Nanmen Double Star. Two 3m stars and one 2m star in the constellation form an isosceles triangle. The bisector of the angle of the triangle facing the north top corner is pointing Southern Celestial Pole
In 1603, Bayer In his《 Constellations 》Including the small constellation Its main star is sunlight 's two closest neighbors- Alpha Centauri and Centaurus beta A triangle with roughly equal sides is formed beside it.
The constellations are located at 15:50 in the right ascension, Declination - 65 degrees. stay Celestial Swallow To the north, Moment gauge seat In the south, between the Temple of Heaven and the Compass, there are five stars brighter than the fourth class in the constellation, of which the alpha star is the second class star Beta star composition triangle

Major constellations

Bayer designation Franstide nomenclature Other names Chinese Star Officer Apparent magnitude remarks
South Triangle α ---- Atria Triangle three ---- The brightest star in the southern triangle
South Triangle Beta ---- ---- Triangle Two ---- Konductra The second bright star in South Triangle
South Triangle Gamma ---- ---- Triangle One ---- Variable star The third bright star in South Triangle
South triangle seat δ ---- ---- Triangle increases by one ---- Konductra The fourth bright star in South Triangle
South triangle seat ε ---- ---- Triangle increase by two 4.11 etc Konductra The fifth bright star in South Triangle
South Triangle ζ ---- ---- ---- ---- belong to Moving constellation Ursa Major
South triangle seat η 1 ---- ---- ---- 5.89 etc Konductra
South triangle seat θ ---- ---- ---- 5.52 etc ----
South Triangle ---- ---- ---- 5.27 etc Konductra
Southern Triangle κ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- South Triangle S ---- 6.42 etc Cepheid variable
---- ---- South triangle seat X ---- 5.75 etc ----
---- ---- South Triangle LP ---- 5.10 etc α 2 variable star of Canis canis
---- ---- South triangle seat MX ---- 5.79 etc α 2 variable star of Canis canis
---- ---- NGC 6025 ---- 5.10 etc ----
---- ---- hourglass nebula ---- ---- ----

deep space


AI type variable star

The spectral type is A-F type Herotu Ultra short period in Cepheid instability zone Pulsating variable star The shape of light variable curve and RR Lyrae variable Similarly, there is a beat period. The color index and spectral type change when the light changes, forming a closed line on the two-color diagram curve The typical star is AI of South Triangle, the light amplitude is greater than 0.3 magnitude, the period is approximately shorter than 0.3 days, and it was considered absolute in the past Visual magnitude About+4, much darker than Cepheid and RR Lyra, so it is also called Dwarf cepheid variable Some people think that from fixed star From the perspective of evolution, they are in the pre white dwarf stage; When passing through the red giant stage, a large amount of material was lost, so the mass was very small. It may form a continuous transitive star group together with the delta variable in the shield constellation. However, others pointed out that the mass of these two types of variable stars is about two solar masses, and the difference is only that the pulsation mode is different.

Open cluster

NGC 6025 This is a bright and easy to recognize Open cluster , long in shape, about 30+7 or darker fixed star 2700 light years away from the Earth, it is located in the Milky Way, about one-third of the width of the full moon, and the brightest star is 7 degrees.

hourglass nebula

hourglass nebula
MyCn18, People chose an image name according to its appearance:“ hourglass nebula ”, because it is very similar to the ancient timekeeping hourglass It is a strange Planetary nebula For the planetary nebula fixed star For example, its future is really limited. When a sun like star runs out of nuclear fuel in its center, it will go through this short but beautiful end of life stage. After it throws out its outer gas shell, its core will become a gradually cooled and gradually darkened star White dwarf (whitedwarf)。 Astronomers recently used the Hubble Telescope to take a series of pictures of such planetary nebulae image , including the above image of the hourglass nebula. In this image, we can see the nitrogen that emits red glow, green hydrogen and green glow of oxygen, and these colorful gases form the detailed structure on the hourglass wall Annular structure Through these unprecedented high-resolution images of the Hubble Telescope, astronomers can get a glimpse of the amazing details of the generation process of such nebulae, which may be of great help to understand and solve the problems of the diversity, complex shape and symmetry of planetary nebulae.


The explosion has ended, but its impact continues. About 11000 years ago, there were history At the time of recording, a star exploded in the southern triangle, creating a very obvious strange bright spot. The outer layer of the star hit the interstellar material, driving a shock wave that is still visible. On the left Photo In the complex and rightward moving shock wave, different colors represent different energies generated when the front edge of the shock wave impacts. The star on the left side of the picture appears accidentally in the foreground, and the long diagonal stripe has nothing to do with the shock wave. What is left in the center of the southern triangle is the pulsar - the southern triangle supernova Remnant, a star as dense as atoms, which can rotate more than ten times in a second.