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Single compound leaf

Compound leaf type
A compound leaf. It looks like a single leaf, but its petiole There are obvious joints with the leaves. This distinguishes it from real single leaves, such as orange, orange, pomelo, etc. The single compound leaf may be formed by the degeneration of two lateral leaflets in the three compound leaves, leaving only one terminal leaflet. [1]
Distribution area
North temperate zone and sub frigid zone
Chinese scientific name
Single compound leaf
Form Introduction
The unifoliate compound leaf is similar to a single leaf, which may be a degenerate type of triple leaves. The leaflets on both sides of the leaf axis do not degenerate. There is a developed leaflet on both ends of the leaf axis. There is an obvious joint between the base of the terminal leaflet and the junction of the leaf axis. The leaf axis extends to both sides, often forming wings. Single compound leaf is common in Rutaceae Citrus Plants, such as citrus, kumquat, etc. [1] Namely, the leaf shape is similar to 8, and the plant with this leaf is called single compound leaf plant.