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single shot

[dān fā]
Chinese words
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Single shot pinyin is d  n , which means that bullets are fired individually.
Chinese name
single shot
Foreign name
[single shot]
dān fā
Refers to the single firing of bullets

essential information

Refers to the single firing of bullets
Refers to a single engine
It is usually used to describe the number of engines of an aircraft. "Double engine" refers to two engines.
The so-called "single engine" refers to the special situation in which the twin engine aircraft has some special conditions that cause the failure of one engine, leaving only one engine for flight. For an aircraft, it is not easy to fly and land safely in the "single engine" state. If it is handled improperly and the weather is bad, adverse consequences are likely to occur.

Medical Terminology

Compared with multiple lesions, it refers to only one lesion, while multiple lesions refers to three or more lesions.