zero Useful+1


Biological terminology
Haploid refers to a group of similar haploid or haplotype groups in the study of molecular evolution haplotype , they have a common Single nucleotide polymorphism ancestors. Because haplotypes consist of similar haplotypes, haplotypes can be used to predict haplotypes Single nucleotide polymorphism Experiments are used to confirm haplotype. Haploid groups are marked with letters and supplemented with numbers and some letters, e.g. O3e1 Y chromosome There are different haplotype labeling methods from mitochondrial haplotype. Haploids are used to mark the origin of ancestors thousands of years ago.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Roman characters
Mitochondrial DNA difference
geographical position
South Africa, etc

Basic concepts

[Greek] ἁ πλ ο ῦ
[English] haplogroup
Haploid group
stay Human Genetics The most commonly studied haploid group is "human Y chromosome DNA haplotype (Y-DNA haplotype) and Human mitochondrial DNA haplotype (mtDNA haplotype) ', both of which can be used to define the genetic population. Y chromosome Deoxyribonucleic acid Haploids are only derived from Patrilineal inheritance , and mtDNA is only extracted from Matrilineal inheritance

Haploid population genetics

It is generally assumed that any haploid mutation that continues to this day has not undergone natural selection. In addition to the mutation rate, the influence of population genetics on the proportion of haploid in the population originates from genetic drift, that is, the random fluctuation caused by random sampling of members in the population who are lucky to inherit their DNA to the next generation of the right sex.

Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups

In human genetics, a certain human Y chromosome DNA haploid group conducts anthropological research through the genetic variation characteristics of Y chromosome, which is mainly used to study the "African origin theory" of human beings and the genetic evidence of population distribution in the future. Human beings have 23 pairs of 46 chromosomes, of which 22 pairs of 44 are autosomes, the other pair is sex chromosomes, the XY combination is male, and the XX combination is female. Y chromosome can only be passed from father to son, so the study of Y chromosome can reveal the migration and development of population in paternal relationship. The human Y chromosome pedigree tree above is based on Y chromosome haplotype group All modern Homo sapiens are divided into 18 types according to their differences, and the 18 letters from A to R are used as indexes. The corresponding gene mutation represented by the parent node in the pedigree tree is common to all child nodes, but otherwise. Researchers call all male ancestors theoretically Y-chromosomal Adam Different studies speculate that the age of Y chromosome Adam is different. Human Y chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplotype groups are marked with capital letters A to T, and the following more detailed classifications are marked with numbers and lower case letters. The Y chromosome haploid group was named by the American Y Chromosome Association.
Since then, on the basis of M168 mutation, three subtypes, F=M89, C=M130 and DE=YAP, have been generated respectively.
On the basis of F=M89, there are several subtypes G=M201, H=M52, I=M170, J=M304 and K=M9=K *, of which K=M9 is the most important subtype. Except for West Asia and Siberia, most ethnic groups in Eurasia share this variation point. Today, 96% of Chinese Han people are K=M9.
On the basis of K=M9, several subtypes are generated, including K1=M177, K2=M70, K3=M147, K4=M230, L=M11, M=M4, NO=M214, P=M45=P *, of which NO=M214 is divided into N=M231 and O=M175, N=M231 is mainly distributed on both sides of the Ural Mountains, northern Northern Europe, northern Eastern Europe and the Eskimos in the Arctic Circle, while O=M175 is mainly distributed in East Asia, Southeast Asia, eastern North Asia and some Pacific islands. The main type of Han people in China today is O=M175.
On the basis of P=M45, there are two subclasses Q=P36 and R=M207, wherein R=M207 is divided into two subclasses R1a=M17 and R1b=M173. Q=P36 includes Native American Indians; R1a=M17, including Iran in West Asia and India in South Asia; The entire R=M173 type is considered to be the gene of ancient Aryan people, which is distributed in most of Europe, West Asia and South Asia.
DE=YAP is divided into D=M174 and E=M96; DE=YAP is also known as the Pigmy Negroid gene. DE=YAP is mainly distributed in Andamans (up to 100%), Tibetans (58%), Tujia, Yi, Yao, Japan (34.7%), North Korea, Manchus, Burmese and Kachin in India's Andaman Islands. [1]
Fig. 2 Distribution of Y chromosome in the world
 Main Y chromosome haplotype group And the geographical location of the mutation, including:
[Lack of mutation M168]
● Haploid group A (M91) [Africa]
● Haploid group B (M60) [Africa]
[With mutation M168]
● Haploid group C (M130) [East Asia, Australia and surrounding regions, Siberia, Korea, Japan, North American indigenous]
● Haploid group DE (M1, M145, M203)
···● Haploid group D (M174) [Tibet, Japan, Andaman Islands]
···● Haploid group E (M96)
······● Haploid group E1b1a (M2) [Africa]
······● Haploid group E1b1b (M35) [East Africa, North Africa, Middle East, Mediterranean coast, Balkans]
[With mutation M89]
● Haploid group F (P14, M213) [South India, Sri Lanka, Korea]
● Haploid group G (M201) [Caucasus, Iranian Plateau, Asia Minor, Europe, Northern Italy, Northern Spain, Bohemia]
● Haploid group H (M52) [India, Sri Lanka]
● Haploid IJ (S2, S22)
···● Haploid group I (M170, P19, M258)
···● Haploid group J (M304)
[With mutation M9]
● Haploid group K [New Guinea, Australia]
● Haploid group L (M20)
● Haploid group M (P256)
● Monoploid NO (M214)
● Haploid group P (M45,92R7, M4)
● Haploid S (M230, P202, P204)
● Haploid T (M70, M184, M193, M272)
[With mutation M214]
● Monoploid NO (M214)
···● Monoploid NO*
···● Haploid group N (LLY22g)
Fig. 3 Distribution of Y chromosome haplotypes in East Asia
···● Haploid group O (M175) [East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Pacific, South Asia, Central Asia]
·······● Haploid O1 (MSY2.2)
·······● Monoploid O2 (P31,M268)
·······● Monoploid O3 (M122)
[with mutation M45]
● Haploid group P (M45,92R7, M74/N12)
···● Haploid Q (MEH2, M242, P36)
···● Monoploid R (M207)
······● Monoploid R1 (M173)
·········● Haploid group R1a (M17) [Central Asia, South Asia, Central Europe, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe]
·········● Haploid group R1b (M343) [Western Europe, Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Caucasus]
······● Monoploid R2 (M124) [South Asia, Caucasus, Central Asia]
[With mutation M230]
● Haploid S (New Guinea)
[With mutation M70]
● Haploid T (North Africa, South West Asia, Mediterranean, South Asia)

Human mitochondrial DNA haplotype groups

Fig. 4 Mitochondrial DNA migration diagram
human beings Mitochondrial DNA Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup is a kind of haplogroup defined by the difference of mitochondrial DNA in genetics. It can enable researchers to trace the human origin of matrilineal inheritance, and the research on mitochondria shows that humans originated in Africa.
Mitochondrial DNA haplotypes are marked with the letters A, B, C, CZ, D, E, F, G, H, pre HV, HV, I, J, pre JT, JT, K, L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, UK, V, W, X, Y, and Z. Haploid Eve is theoretically the ancestor of all women. The following is the most common mitochondrial DNA haplotype division:
[Sahara Africa type] L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7
[Western European subtype] HV, H, T, U, V, X, K, I, J, W
[East Eurasian type] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Y
[Native American type] A, B, C, D, X
[Australasian type] O, P, Q, S
Except male sperm cells, there are mitochondria in all cells of the human body, but only female mitochondrial genes can be passed on to offspring with their eggs. MtDNA is Mitochondrial DNA( Mitochondrial DNA )Abbreviation of, is the substance that carries the mitochondrial genetic code. Mitochondria of a man only live with the man for a lifetime, and then end, and cannot be passed on to offspring. MtDNA showed maternal inheritance. The mtDNA structure type is an important index reflecting maternal venation. By detecting the mtDNA of modern people, we can find out the maternal blood relationship of people of all nationalities and regions. The maternal blood relationship, historical stories, migration routes, nationalities and identities of historical celebrities among various ethnic groups in history can be clarified by detecting the mitochondria of ancient corpses.
The mother contributes 50% of the genetic genes to her children, and has the same influence on the children's genetic characteristics as the father. In ancient times, polygamy sometimes robbed women of defeated ethnic groups as wives and concubines. Because the Sheng nationality is not adapted to the climate and geographical conditions of the Bai nationality area, they usually return to their ancestral home with their captured concubines after winning the battle and live together to have children. Although half of the children born by foreign wives and concubines have foreign genes, they are culturally regarded as their fathers. When his son grew up, he continued to rob wives and concubines in foreign lands. His grandchildren had 75% of foreign blood, but they were still regarded as people belonging to his grandfather's nationality. Although grandson's Y chromosome It is still the same type as grandpa's, but its maternal line Mitochondrial mtDNA , and the body Autosome It is quite different from his grandfather's. As a result of this continuous cycle, although the national culture and language are still ancestral, the blood lineage and genes of the national population have changed greatly after several generations.
Therefore, the matrilineal line of a national or regional population Mitochondrial mtDNA Structure type and composition ratio, compared with parent Y chromosome It can better reflect its genetic and bloodline characteristics. [2]

Y chromosome haplotype and mitochondrial DNA haplotype

The coincidence type of the above two indicates that the population with two haplogroups has mixed genes of Y chromosome and mtDNA haplogroup.
Y chromosome haplotype ∨ mtDNA haplotype ∨ geographical location and race
A ∨ L0 ∨ South Africa
B ∨ L1, L2 ∨ pigmy
E1, E2, E3 ∨ L3 ∨ Sahara Africa
O. N, C2 ∨ CZ/C/Z, D, G, A, B, F ∨ East Asia, Siberia
K. M ∨ R, P, Q, M ∨ Pacific
R. I, E3B, J ∨ HV/H/V, JT/J/T, U/K ∨ Europe, West Asia
Q. C2 ∨ A, X, Y, C, D ∨ East Siberia