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Genetics Nouns
Haplotype, haploid Genotype) is a group of alleles in individual tissues that are completely inherited from one parent of both parents, also known as haplotype or haplotype. For example: three pairs of double Allele There are 8 kinds of haplotypes in total. Systematic research shows that SNP An individual of given Alleles, this relationship is called Interlocking imbalance (linkage disequilibrium, LD), this condition on the same chromosome is called haplotype. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Haploid or haploid
A set of associated SNP alleles located in a region of a chromosome
Medical Applications
Detection of diabetes

Gene structure

A group of related groups located in a region of a chromosome SNP Alleles are called haplotypes. Most chromosome regions have only a few common haplotypes (each with a frequency of at least 5%), which represent the majority of people in a population Polymorphism A chromosome region can have many SNPs, but only a few tags SNPs Can provide most of the heredity in the region polymorphic pattern.

major function

There are about 10 million people in all human groups SNP The frequency of rare SNP loci is at least 1%. adjacent SNPs The allele of is inclined to be inherited to offspring as a whole. Haplotype map will describe the common heredity of human polymorphic pattern. It includes Group Areas closely related to SNPs, haplotypes in these areas, and label SNPs of these haplotypes. At the same time, the haplotype map will also mark the areas where SNP loci are not closely related.

Medical Applications

Researchers generally compare patients and non patients to find out the influence of certain diseases such as diabetes The gene of. In two groups of chromosome regions with different haplotype frequencies, it is possible to contain disease related genes. In theory, the researchers studied all 10 million SNP All sites Genotyping , such areas can also be found. However, the cost of verification by this method is too expensive. Pass Order Somatotype It is planned to identify 250000 to 500000 label SNPs, so as to provide 10 million SNP sites information content Roughly the same map.

Research plan

International Haplotype Map of Human Genome Project The goal of DNA sequence in polymorphic The common pattern of loci, namely haplotype map HapMap
HapMap will become the key information for researchers to identify relevant genes that have an impact on human health and disease, as well as on drug and environmental responses. All data generated by this project will be used for free.
The HapMap plan officially started from the first meeting of the HapMap plan on October 27-29, 2002, which is expected to last for three years. from Japan , UK Canada , China Nigeria Cooperate with American scientists.
All related genome The analysis of range is Haplotype Map (HapMap) [1]
The International HapMap Project aims to identify human genome in DNA sequence The general mode of variation makes it better used in Public sphere