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Coordinated development
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Xiong Deping
Coordination and coordinated development theory
Philosophical logic
people oriented ”, "Things Compete against Heaven"

Conceptual meaning

Xiong Deping Professor will coordinate and coordinate Development theory It is defined as "the general term of the ideas, theories and methods of explaining and solving the problems of coordinated and coordinated development". He also believes that "since the history of human thought, there has been an ideal of coordinated and coordinated development, and has been constantly seeking ways and means to achieve this ideal, accumulating extremely valuable theoretical resources. However, the complexity of coordination issues makes the theory of coordinated and coordinated development a collection of multi-disciplinary related theories and methods". According to the needs of the research task, Professor Xiong Deping economic development Theory and Systems Science Theory This is summarized and demonstrated in two aspects.
(I) economic development Coordination and coordinated development theory in theory Xiong Deping The professor believes that "development" has become an important theme of economics since the emergence of economics. The development of "development" makes "development" develop into "coordinated development" and also makes "economic theory" [1] ”It has developed into an "economic development theory" and is trying to lead the economy and even human society Coordinative process China is also moving towards the direction of "coordinated and coordinated development theory". In spite of this sustainable development Before the question was raised, the concern for coordination and coordinated development did not become economic development Positive, active, conscious and qualitative changes in theory [2] act. Accordingly, Xiong Deping Professor sustainable development The theory of coordinated and coordinated development is simply divided into two parts, traditional and modern, according to the standards of positive, active, conscious and qualitative behavior concerning coordinated and coordinated development.
1. Traditional theory of coordination and coordinated development
The traditional theory of coordinated and coordinated development Xiong Deping Professor's research is not completely a Timeliness Concept, but not clear sustainable development Concept, and the focus on coordination and coordinated development is not characterized by initiative, self-consciousness and qualitative change economic development Theory. In this theory, the theory of coordination and coordinated development is vague and fragmented, and even has not been explicitly proposed and used concept , but it exists.
economic development In the early stage of the theory, the thought of coordination and coordinated development was mainly formed by philosophy. In ancient China, "harmony between man and nature" and "the golden mean, inclusive" Philosophical thought , Western“ people oriented ”"Things compete with nature, and the fittest survive" Philosophical logic , although there is no clear“ sustainable development ”The concept and the concepts of "coordination" and "coordinated development", even the root cause of unsustainable and uncoordinated development, contain the concept of coordination to a certain extent and level, and build their respective economic development Theory. economic development In the classical stage of theory, the concept of coordination began to be concretized, Theoretical system It also began to form. stay political economics According to William Petty, the founder of Equivalent exchange Physiocratic school In 1758, the representative figure Fquesnay《 Economic table 》"To commodity production Commodity equilibrium model , expressing the idea that "balance" is coordination economic theory Has made exploratory contributions. Interestingly Physiocratic school The English name of "Physiocrites" originates from the French "Physiocrite" (the master of nature), that is, obedience Natural law in order to economic development and Welfare promotion The meaning of Man and Nature Harmonized factors.
In Smith Adam's (1723-1790) classical economics Where, coordination means that "economic man" free choice Voluntary exchange and cooperation“ Invisible hand ”Is the best tool for coordination“ laissez-faire ”It is the best policy for coordinated development. Marshall Use it Theory of supply and demand , opened up Marginal analysis Characteristic Neoclassical economics Balanced axiology As the mainstream theory of coordinated and coordinated development, coordination is equilibrium, that is, marginal input and Marginal revenue Equality, coordination means Resource allocation The best, and the power of coordination comes from the supply and demand sides, and the cost is supply The driving force behind, utility yes demand Under the condition of equal supply and demand, coordination will naturally be realized. along Marshall Roads, Neoclassical economics Proposed“ Pareto optimality ”Of Harmonized standards , and further passed Vallas Of“ Auctioneer ”Mechanism, demonstrating that local coordination Walrasian Equilibrium In the sense of the possibility of global coordination, a complete analysis framework is constructed. The problem of coordinated and coordinated development seems to have been solved in theory, and the rest is the government's good maintenance“ Natural order ”"Night watchman". 1929 economic crisis The facts show that the problem of coordinated development has not really been solved, and coordination can not be achieved automatically only by "invisible hands". J. In General Theory, M. Keynes believes that Market Failure , stemming from "economic man"'s right to wrong Market signals Make a rational response, resulting in“ Fallacy of composition ”。 Based on this understanding“ Keynes from Classical school The only thing removed from the theoretical basis is the god of salvation -- the auctioneer, who is supposed to provide all the information needed to perfectly coordinate the current and future activities of all traders for free "(Snowden, 1998, P135), using Effective demand The insufficient theory has proved that“ Natural order ”, does not guarantee coordinated development, Market defects Caused Market Failure , the government must intervene in the economy, thus creating“ Interventionism ”The theory of macro coordination and coordinated development is developed at the micro and macro levels.
It should be noted that almost Keynes While coordinating the theory of "interventionism", U.S.A economist Wassily Leontief (W.W.Leontief) from Vallas Of General equilibrium theory Has absorbed relevant economic activity The view of interdependence, and use algebra simultaneous equation System and Direct consumption coefficient And Full consumption coefficient And other parameters, describing the interdependence and the process In 1933, the famous“ Input-output analysis ”The research on coordinated and coordinated development has gone deep into the industrial interior and method level, providing an effective implementation tool for coordinated and coordinated development, and opening up a new field of coordinated and coordinated development theory from the historical and static perspectives.
but Keynes Lack of macro coordination and coordinated development theory in the sense of "interventionism" Micro foundation Based on the full utilization of resources Optimized allocation of resources Resulting from“ laissez-faire ”, and based on the optimal allocation of resources“ state intervention ”There is no logical connection between them, that is, the micro coordination theory and the macro coordination theory are not coordinated. Represented by Samuelson Neoclassical synthesis Try to combine the two to improve the theory of coordinated and coordinated development. But this kind of perfection soon became“ Stagflation ”A loophole was exposed in front of him. In this regard, Friedman Representative“ Monetarism ”And Lucas Representative“ Rational expectation ”School believes that the source of "stagflation" is“ state intervention ”, advocate giving full play to market mechanism Effect government intervention The theory of coordinated and coordinated development seems to have returned classical economics Position.
H. Simon passed bounded rationality That is, "economic man" only seeks to maximize under the established constraints. If cognition is limited, then rationality is limited. In reality, "economic man" does not have the neoclassical meaning capacity It is also impossible to obtain that kind of maximization, which further explains the "interventionism". Coase Pioneering New Institutional Economics Criticized the coordination under the established system Research Paradigm He believes that the choice is always made under a certain institutional framework, Market Failure It is caused by the system, emphasizing the coordination of the system Endogenesis And importance, pointing out the institutional public goods The attribute determines that the government is its largest and most basic supply Person, organization interest group , culture ideology They all play an important role, forming the theory of coordinated and coordinated development of "institutionalism". Game Theory Then general equilibrium In addition to coordination in the sense, another Nash equilibrium , i.e Game Equilibrium Coordination in the sense of coordinating mechanism The exploration of provides a new tool and analytical framework. B.C.Greenwald、J.E.Sitglitz、 And G A. Akerlof Information cost On the basis of Information asymmetry , Yes Market Failure Through more in-depth micro analysis, we found that Externalities public goods Beyond, "strategic complementarity" [3] 、“ overflow effect [4] Which lead to market failure Macroeconomy External causes (Cooper and John, 1988), from information economics It emphasizes the new role of the government in coordination function With D Post Walras represented by Colander non-mainstream Macro coordination theory, taking "coordination degree" as a variable, has been incorporated into the neoclassical production function Model, draw the conclusion that coordination is determined by factors related to and determined by the system, and that providing effective institutional constraints is the core of coordination, and advocate that micro coordination and macro coordination should be carried out simultaneously (D. Colander, 1993). The team coordination theory studies endogenous Uncertainty That is, the impact of strategic uncertainty in game theory on coordination Coordination game In, the interaction of endogenous uncertainties of agents will eliminate the uncertainties generated within the system, thus drawing the conclusion that coordination may be an important function of the system, and advocating that in the face of complex coordination problems, the theory can only give a wide range of Policy rules However, it is not possible to determine the policy rules of machinery, and the policy recommendations on coordination must be based on Specific environment Contextual theoretical analysis The theoretical model can only help to make artistic judgments, while Can't replace Judgment and coordination must not ideally rely on a single market mechanism To achieve this, we should seek the balance between the market coordination mechanism and the non market coordination mechanism according to the specific situation, and make their advantages and disadvantages complement or replace each other (Tang Shaoxiang, Wang Haohan, 2002).
Obviously, since Marshall Since then, coordination is equilibrium. The difference between different coordination theories is only the decisive force for coordination influence factor And its realization mechanism, as well as the resulting different policy propositions. The concept of balance and coordination economic development The above shows the trend of thought of balanced development in different forms, the most extreme of which is the trend of thought that originated in the West in the 1940s Balanced growth (or development) theory, which is based on industry Or regional differences are temporary, perfect competition The market will lead Resource flows Homogeneous. Therefore, it is advocated that the whole industry or national economy All departments make large-scale investment at the same time, so that they can develop in an all-round way according to a certain proportion, and then realize industrialization or economic development The opposite is Unbalanced growth theory According to this theory, the economic system is disturbed by many factors, and equilibrium is accidental, while imbalance is inevitable Disequilibrium The resulting structural change has promoted economic growth, while equilibrium will form a "super stable structure", hindering new industry grow up. In fact, these two theories are just the difference of coordinated development in a balanced sense pattern nothing more. The former emphasizes development on the basis of coordination, while the latter emphasizes coordination on the basis of development Disequilibrium It is also a kind of coordination.
2. Modern Theory of Coordination and Coordinated Development The modern theory of coordinated and coordinated development is that in the process of human civilization“ Man and Nature ”Relationship and development pattern The product of reflection and dissatisfaction. Its ideological origin was initially bred in agriculture and followed industrial civilization And gradually formed( Zhang Kunmin , 1997, P11-12)“ Man land relationship ”The philosophical thought of "harmony between man and nature" in ancient China Li Xuan (455-395 BC)“ Teach with utmost effort ”Of agricultural economy All the thoughts well reflect this idea. classical economics Since then, economics has focused on resources, population and Externalities In 1972, Dennis L. Meadows represented The Club of Rome [5] The Limits to Growth pattern In fact, it is also a reflection of this idea. But as widely accepted by human beings development strategy pattern And the Programme of Action Scientific concepts It is generally believed that G H. For and on behalf of Brundland the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WECD) In Our Common Future“ sustainable development ”(sustainable development) (Ian Moffatt, 2001, P7). China Proposed by the Sixteenth Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China“ Scientific Outlook on Development ”And "overall development" are the best expression and embodiment of this theory in the context of China's reality.
sustainable development It is "the development that meets the needs of contemporary people without endangering the ability of future generations to meet their needs" (G.H. Brundland, 1987). Its core is the coordination of population, society, economy, science and technology, environment and resources, which has become a consensus( China’s Agenda 21 ,1994; Ian Moffat, 2001). As the development of the "concept of development", it differs from the traditional coordinated development theory in that on the one hand, it takes "coordination" as the core of development. Coordination is not only the means of development, but also the goal of development, and also the standard and yardstick for evaluating development. Coordination and development are integrated, and the attention to coordination issues is positive, proactive and self-conscious, However, the goal of the traditional coordination and coordinated development theory is economic growth or development. Coordination is only a means to achieve this goal. The attention to coordination is only a by-product of development. On the other hand, coordination has developed from the coordination based on meeting the material desires of contemporary people to the coordination based on Intragenerational equity and intergenerational equity , taking the all-round development of people as the starting point and belonging point, namely people oriented The coordination of is from material and static to comprehensive and dynamic. On the other hand, it is also reflected in the expansion from the coordination within the economic system to the large population, society, economy, science and technology, environment and resources System coordination Coordination has developed from closed type to open type.
sustainable development ”Coordination in the sense does not change the "balanced" essence and principle of "coordination". Because society, science and technology, resources and environment outside the economic system are all human beings economic activity The necessary external conditions also need to be optimized scarce resources So, economic activity There is naturally a problem of coordinated development between them and their external conditions. To achieve the coordination between them, the marginal input should be equal to Marginal revenue The principle of resource allocation. This is easy to understand, but the difficulty lies in the difference in the form of the benefits of the six major systems of population, society, economy, science and technology, environment and resources, which makes it difficult to directly compare their benefits, especially under the condition of market mechanism resource allocation, which is exactly the premise of coordination in the sense of balance. Although human beings have invested a lot of interest and energy in it opportunity cost shadow price Wait a lot resolvent However, because these methods are all based on the traditional theoretical framework, it is not only difficult to exclude the impact of subjective factors on the quantification of these benefit values, but also easy to cause the inability to quantify economic value Of social results ecological benefit Equal non economic factors Neglect of evaluation. Therefore, sustainable development The theory of coordination and coordinated development has changed the concept, thinking, strategy pattern At the same time as the action program, "the details of this new development model are still unclear, and the implementation of sustainable development is still facing many problems", "the main problem is how to make the new ideas operable" (Ian Moffat, 2001).
Marx Although there is no specific discussion on coordination and coordinated development, Marx's theory is an extremely profound and modern coordinated development theory aimed at seeking coordination and coordinated development. be based on Materialist dialectics Marx believes that development is a thing Internal contradiction The unity of opposites that constantly arise, develop and resolve process Is a kind of motion state However, it is not a general state of motion, but a state of motion that refers specifically to things moving forward and upward, from low to high, constantly pushing through the old to bring forth the new, and constantly making progress; Any development is the development of the system. The elements of the system are interrelated, restricted and interacted in the development, which constitutes the overall development of the system; Development must be balanced, symmetrical and take care of the development of other parties, otherwise it will be deformed, or even retrogressive and stalled( Wang Weiguang ,2004)。 In short, Marx believed that development inherently requires coordination, coordination is endogenous to development, and coordination Ultimate strength , in the final analysis productivity Economic and material factors in a sense. However, we should not only attribute coordination to this, but also consider the role of human beings, nature, population, law, politics, culture, ideology, etc social factors Role of. Marx on social reproduction The analysis of conditions and the relationship between the two major categories reveals the society Simple reproduction Realization conditions: I (V+m)=II (c) and society extended reproduction Condition I (c+V+m)=II (c+△ c); II (c+V+m)=I (V+m/x+△ V)+II (V+m/x+△ V), which fully embodies modern coordination ideas, methods and analysis paradigms. Although, the coordination means emphasized by Marx -- "plan", in the later“ planned economy ”Misunderstandings and setbacks have been encountered in practice, but their emphasis country , systems and other ideas that play an important role in coordination are still groundbreaking“ Input and output ”The impact of such coordination methods is also profound. Deng Xiaoping "Both the plan and the market are economic means ”And the first rich and Later rich The dialectical thought of Marx further enriched and developed Marx's theory of coordinated and coordinated development.
Early 1970s and 1980s Hungary economist Yano In "Sudden Progress and Harmonious Growth" (1971)《 Shortage economics 》(1980)、《 Growth, Shortage and Efficiency 》(1982), etc socialist economy The harmonious development thought of "only harmonious growth is healthy growth" was put forward. At the same time, the issue of coordinated development has also been raised in China, and has been constantly studied economic development And continuously deepened [6] Communist Party of China The "Scientific Outlook on Development" and the "Overall Development" thought put forward by the 16th National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee are the best expression and embodiment of the modern coordinated and coordinated development theory under the realistic background of China [7] The Scientific Outlook on Development, in essence, is to adhere to people oriented The comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development concept is based on the comprehensive development of people, the core is coordination, the means is overall planning, the goal is sustainable, and the focus is urban and rural development, regional development, and economic development social development Man and Nature Harmonious development, domestic development and Opening up Five areas. The Scientific Outlook on Development emphasizes the overall coordination of the complex large system of "population, society, economy, science and technology, resources and environment". Its theoretical core closely revolves around Man and Nature There are two main lines, namely, coordination between people and people. The former is the basis for ensuring coordinated development; The latter is the core of achieving coordinated development. It really reveals the eternal theme of modern coordinated development and forms a complete and systematic development view. However, it should be noted that coordination in the scientific concept of development is not a coordination that does not allow differences in development on an average basis, but a coordination based on development, not to mention separation market economy The "planned economy" style of artificial and blind coordination, but fully respect and earnestly follow Modern market economy The objective law of Game rules Scientific coordination, not rigid coordination, but continuous System innovation Coordination of.
(2) Coordination and coordinated development theory in system science theory System science theory [1] To study complex nature or social phenomenon It provides effective methodological support. The coordination and coordinated development theory in system science theory focuses more on coordination methodology. General system theory (General System Theory) believes that a system is an organic whole with a certain function composed of several elements connected in a certain structural form. Each element in the system does not exist in isolation. Each element is in a certain position in the system and plays a specific role. The elements are related to each other, making the system an indivisible whole. System coordination inevitably involves four aspects of system, elements, structure and function, as well as three relationships between elements, elements and systems, and systems and environments. Its proposition that "the whole is greater than the sum of parts" and the integrity, openness and Dynamic principle It reveals the internal mechanism of system movement and system coordination, and provides new ideas, methods and analytical frameworks for understanding coordination and coordinated development from the overall and overall perspective, and grasping coordination and coordinated development from the perspective of the internal structure, functions of the system and the relationship between the system and the outside. cybernetics It is considered that coordination is controlled process According to the relationship between information and control, it can be divided into artificial, organized and centralized“ feedforward "Type coordination", spontaneous, unorganized and decentralized "feedback coordination" and "feedforward feedback coordination" combining the two to overcome their respective shortcomings. Self-organization theory Believing that a person is not affected by the outside world or has little influence Isolated system Because its development and evolution can only be spontaneously caused by internal interaction, it is a dead system that tends to die out. The opening of the system is a decisive force to promote the system to evolve from the low level to the high level, from the primitive to the modern, and to constantly produce new functions, System control The goal of is to achieve synergy between systems or system elements, that is, to coordinate and work together to produce new and higher System structure And features. The importance of system openness in self-organization theory and open system The interactions between internal subsystems and elements meet the nonlinear relationship, and Far from equilibrium , induced by fluctuations, enter into a self-organized state, so that the system is constantly structured and hierarchical, from disorder to order, from low order to high order research method It enriches the theory of coordinated and coordinated development. Therefore, this study will fully absorb and utilize it, and reveal it from a systematic perspective Rural finance The mechanism of coordinated development with rural economy pattern
[1] It refers to the famous scientists in China Qian Xuesen In summary, since the 1940s information theory And cybernetics, including Dissipative structure theory synergetics Catastrophe theory A batch of emerging industries including scientific theory And methods are generally recognized as interdisciplinary and can effectively explore system problems Methodology The "new tool" of meaning is generally divided into general system theory, cybernetics and self-organization theory.
[1] about national economy The principle and law of "growth" and "development" and the theory of making policy inferences accordingly.
[2] Refers to the reason sustainable development The essential understanding of coordination and coordinated development brought by the concept.
[3] When economic actors pursue maximization, if everyone's actions come from the actions of others, and these actions are complementary, there will be multiple equilibria in the economy, that is, equilibrium may be achieved at different economic levels.
[4] Macroeconomic Externalities Induced coordination failure Macroeconomic Externalities It refers to the whole economic activity Low level will cause Individual economy The level of activity is also low, and vice versa.
[5] In 1968, when the industrial countries were intoxicated with the rapid economic growth after the war and the "golden age" that followed, about 30 entrepreneurs, scientists educator Meeting with economists and other scholars Rome , established an informal international association: Club of Rome (The Club of Rome), jointly discussed a series of fundamental issues such as population, resources, food, and environment that have a bearing on the future of human development economic development model Questions were raised.
[6] See the note "Presentation of research questions" in Chapter 1 General.
[7] History from 1996 to 2002 Central Economic Work Conference , will "promote" or "maintain" or "guarantee" national economy Sustained, rapid and healthy development is the overall requirement of economic work. In 2003, the Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward the concept of "scientific development" and "overall development" with coordinated development as the core strategic thinking The general requirements of the central economic work add the word "coordination" to the original "sustainable, rapid and healthy development".

Connotative analysis

1. Definition and characteristics of coordination Although the ideas and actions of "Coordination" and "Coordinated Development" have a long history, in China“ sustainable development ”Especially since the "Scientific Outlook on Development" was put forward, "coordinated" and "coordinated development" have been heard everywhere. But its connotation does not have a consensus definition( Wang Weiguo ,2000; Zeng Zhenxiang ,2001)。 Semantically, the synonyms of "harmony" and "harmony" in "coordination" have ideal philosophical meanings such as harmony, overall planning and balance [1] "Coordination" means "proper cooperation" means respect objective law , emphasize the connection between things, adhere to the unity of opposites, take a neutral position, and avoid the extremes of left and right Ideal state Cui Manhong ,2002; Kong Xiangyi, 2003). Pragmatically, "coordination" refers to the ideal state of the relationship between things; One is to realize this ideal state process In economics, "coordination" can be regarded as a combination of various economic forces, economic system It can also be seen that the economic system tends to be balanced under the joint action of various economic forces process In management, coordination mainly refers to the realization of management objectives Means and process It emphasizes the comprehensive consideration of various management elements. system science In order to achieve the goal of the overall evolution of the system, two or more interrelated systems or System elements A kind of mutual cooperation, proper cooperation and mutual promotion benign circle Situation and its control process our country economic development The concept of "coordination" was clearly put forward in the late 1970s and early 1980s, The Fourth Session of the Seventh National People's Congress Of Government Work Report "Coordination (development)" is defined as "proportionate (development)", and the 16th Congress of the Communist Party of China regards "coordination" as the core of the "Scientific Outlook on Development", emphasizing“ Five overall plans ”。 It can be seen that although the definition of "coordination" is different, it basically has goals and process Two meanings.
Integrating the existing definition of "coordination", Xiong Deping The professor believes that "coordination" refers to the establishment of effective operating mechanism , the process of comprehensively using various means, methods and forces, relying on scientific organization and management, so that the interrelationship between systems can reach an ideal state. The first point is to judge and grasp the "ideal state". The "ideal state" means that in order to achieve the overall evolution goal of the system Subsystem Or a virtuous circle situation formed by mutual cooperation, mutual cooperation and mutual promotion among various elements. Therefore, "coordination" is first and foremost a "relationship", but not just a "relationship". "Relationship" is the premise and basis of "coordination", and "coordination" is only the "ideal state" and realization of "relationship" process Secondly, coordination aims to achieve the overall evolution goal, which is the premise of coordination. Thirdly, the coordination object is an interrelated system, and "coordination" is the overall concept of internal and external linkage of the system system composition There is no coordination of elements, and the organic connection between systems is the basis of coordination. Third, coordination must have coordination subjects, means, mechanisms and pattern Coordination means include natural and artificial means, as well as different forms formed by their mutual cooperation in different degrees. Finally, coordination is dynamic and relative. It is a concept with time and space constraints that is always connected with development. The ultimate meaning of "coordination" in the sense of "ideal state" determines“ process ”There is no ultimate meaning of "coordination". The opposite of "coordination" is“ uncoordinated ”Or "maladjustment", but in reality, "coordination" exists environment condition The changes have certain range Of“ Coordination ”, crossing the "range" is "maladjustment".
To this end, Xiong Deping The professor believes that further explanation is needed: (1) "coordination" and "harmony" are similar, but not equal. "Harmony" in Western Language [2] Originally meant to be connected and symmetrical, it now refers to Material movement process The internal various qualitative differences, factors and elements are a kind of mutual relationship and attribute when forming a unified whole and coordination. "Harmony" emphasizes the ideal state of the relationship between the parts of the whole under the overall order (Wang Weiguo, 2000). It is easy to recognize and maintain the status quo by equating "coordination" with "harmony", and ultimately mechanize "coordination" into "balance"“ Structural stability ”And "static proportion" to inhibit innovation. (2) "Coordination" is associated with "overall planning", but the latter emphasizes the "coordination" of artificial forces, and equates "coordination" with "overall planning", which easily leads to deviation Development of things We only pay attention to the "harmony", "average", "according to plan", "according to proportion" and "universalization" of artificial means and methods. (3) "Coordination" and "balance" intersect, but are not equal. First, based on“ Pareto optimality ”"Balance" on the basis of Partial equilibrium Walrasian Equilibrium and Nash equilibrium Three forms, balanced process Yes“ Pareto improvement ”, while "coordination" may be“ Kaldor improvement ”。 Secondly, "equilibrium" has Multiple equilibria The possibility of solution, and "coordination" is the ideal state of mutual relationship under the condition of achieving the goal, built-in agenda "Coordination" is the only optimal equilibrium solution. Thirdly, "equilibrium" emphasizes market transactions, while "coordination" also focuses on government, organizations, society Morality For "non market" forces, "equilibrium" is only a form of "coordination", and "coordination" may be unbalanced. Therefore, we must use Dialectics From the point of view of "coordination", coordination is the unity of opposites in the movement (development) between things with systematic attributes and their constituent elements, the consistency in differences, and the spiral rising from uncoordinated to coordinated to uncoordinated to coordinated process
2. Connotation and characteristics of coordinated development Develop as a System [3] Evolution of process The development of a system or element may be conditional on the destruction or even destruction of other systems or elements. Coordination emphasizes the ideal state of the relationship between two or more systems or system elements. Therefore, coordination is the guarantee for the healthy development of multiple systems or elements. "Coordinated development" is the intersection of "coordination" and "development". It is the overall evolution of the system or the elements within the system from low to high, from simple to complex, from disorder to order on the basis of harmony, proper coordination, and a virtuous circle process Coordinated development is not a single development, but a diversified development. In "coordinated development", development is the direction of system movement, and coordination is a beneficial constraint and regulation on this kind of direction behavior, emphasizing that entirety Comprehensive and internal development aggregation is not the "growth" of a single system or element, but Multi system Or the comprehensive and comprehensive development of elements under the constraints and provisions of "coordination". "Coordinated development" does not allow one (even just one) system or element to make the whole (large system or overall system) or comprehensive development Affected, pursuing on the basis of overall improvement global optimization , structural optimization and individual common development The ideal state of.
"Coordinated development" as“ Development concept [4] The inevitable result of development is, in the final analysis, a reflection of human ideals in different times, without ultimate connotation Hierarchy The dynamic concept of. sustainable development ”And the "Scientific Outlook on Development" represent the highest concept of contemporary "coordinated development". As its core, "coordinated development" is also endowed with the latest connotation. "coordinated development" must not only“ people oriented ”Respect the objective laws, and take into account the contemporary people to achieve "coordinated development within the generation", as well as future generations to achieve "coordinated development between generations", while maintaining "development" in space (including Geospatial , industrial field, etc.). Therefore, as the "coordinated development" of the interconnection between systems Openness , but placed in the whole human society sustainable development ”There is no isolated "coordinated development" in the large system of. In this sense“ sustainable development ”It is the highest goal of "coordinated development". "Coordinated development" is the most basic means to achieve sustainable development, and "Scientific Outlook on Development" is the fundamental attitude, principle and value orientation to lead people to achieve this goal.
According to the above analysis, the concept of "coordinated development" can be summarized as: Human's all-round development It is the overall goal of system evolution. On the basis of following the objective laws, the relationship between the system and its internal constituent elements will continue to evolve towards an ideal state through the coordination between subsystems and the overall system, as well as between subsystems and their internal constituent elements process This definition emphasizes the following characteristics of coordinated development: ① coordinated development is people oriented Respect the comprehensive development of objective laws. ② Coordinated development is the general principle System objectives The multi-level coordination of the relationship between the sub total system, sub sub system and its internal components. ③ Coordinated development is based on the resources and environment on which development depends carrying capacity Development. ④ The effect of coordinated development among systems is greater than the sum of the effects of isolated development of systems. ⑤ The coordinated development is manifested in the hierarchy Dynamic And the unity of its diversity of forms. ⑥ Coordinated development is systematic and coordinated Development system With complex internal structure, it is an open, complex, gray and nonlinear Self-organizing system 。⑦ The opposite of coordinated development is uncoordinated or unbalanced development.
[1] It can be traced back to the "inaction" and confucian Of“ The Doctrine of the Mean ”。 The Scripture of Ethics 》The "inaction" in the "Tao" is the law“ For inaction , there is no cure Philosophical outlook Think that the movement of things is based on world The whole is the concrete development of the condition, the starting point is the whole, not the individual, and the emphasis on "walking" is Man and Nature And made up of people Social factors Coordination between. In The Doctrine of the Mean, "One who is impartial is the middle, and one who is not easy is the middle. The middle is the way of the world. The middle is the theorem of the world". "Doctrine of the Mean" means "holding both ends of it and using it for the people". It means not to compromise and "reconcile" without bias, but not to deviate from the right way of the world and the theorem of the world. It emphasizes the "sticking to the middle" and "using the middle", "allowing to stick to the middle", "worrying too much", "harmony without uniformity", and examines the situation Pass number Change, flexible disposal of moderation, moderation, that is, "coordination" means.
[2] Harmony in English, Гаш ои in Russian, derived from Greek harmonia。
[3] A system is a complex of several interacting elements (Von Bertalanffy: General System Theory, Foundation, Development and Application) tsinghua university press ,1987:51)。 Qian Xuesen called the complex research object system, that is, several components of interaction and interdependence Partial synthesis Of has close-up Functional Organic entirety And this system itself is part of a larger system to which it belongs (Qian Xuesen:《 On system engineering 》, Hunan Science and Technology Press ,1982:10)。
[4] The concept of development is the interpretation of development from a philosophical perspective, and it is people's understanding of the economy social development General views and fundamental viewpoints. along with human society With the continuous progress of, people's understanding of development is deepening, and the connotation of development is becoming more and more substantial.
Coordinated development in the scientific outlook on development
Coordinated development is to Balancing urban and rural areas Development Overall regional development Overall planning of economic and social development Man and Nature Harmonious development, coordinating domestic development and opening up, promoting productivity and Production relations economic base and Superstructure To promote economic, political Cultural construction All links and aspects should be coordinated.
In short, it means "five overall plans". Overall planning of urban and rural development means paying more attention to rural development and solving problems“ Agriculture, countryside and farmers ”Problem, resolutely implement Industry feeds back agriculture The policy of urban support for rural areas has gradually changed Urban-rural dual economic structure , gradually narrowing the gap between urban and rural development, and realizing the rural economy and society Comprehensive development , implementing the policy of taking the city as a guide to the countryside, Promoting agriculture through industry Urban and rural interaction and coordinated development.
overall planning regional development Is to actively promote Western Development , revitalizing Northeast China, etc Old industrial base , promote Central region Rise, encourage Eastern region Take the lead in development, continue to give play to the advantages and enthusiasm of various regions market mechanism , cooperation mechanism, mutual aid mechanism and support mechanism, gradually reverse the trend of widening regional development gap, and form a new pattern of complementary advantages and common development of the east, middle and west.
Overall planning of economic and social development means vigorously promoting economic development At the same time, we should pay more attention to social development and accelerate science and technology, education, culture, health, sports, etc social undertakings Development and continuous satisfaction masses Requirements in spirit, culture, health, safety, etc. Speed up economic development And promote social progress.
To coordinate the harmonious development of man and nature, we should attach great importance to resources and Ecological environment problems , handle it well economic construction , population growth and resource utilization , Ecology environmental protection Relationship. enhance sustainable development And promote the whole society towards a civilized development path of production development, affluent life and good ecology.
Overall planning for domestic development and opening up is to deal with domestic development and international economy The relationship between the environment should not only make good use of external favorable conditions, but also give full play to our Own advantages Use two markets and two resources at home and abroad