Versailles Washington system

The imperialist peace system established after the First World War
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synonym Washington system (The imperialist peace system established after the First World War) generally refers to the Versailles Washington system
World War I After, via Paris Peace Conference and Washington Conference , the imperialist powers established“ Versailles Washington System, which established the position of imperialism in the Europe west Asia Africa East Asia as well as Pacific region The ruling order of Imperialism Countries divide the world again, enslaved colony Semi colony The people's system. The Washington Conference was a continuation of the Paris Peace Conference, which consolidated the order of imperialism in East Asia and the Pacific, brought about serious disasters to China, and returned China to a situation dominated by several imperialist countries.
Chinese name
Versailles Washington system
Foreign name
Versailles-Washington System
The barbaric system in which imperialism carves up the world
time frame



brief introduction

Paris Peace Conference
Versailles Washington system (Versailles-Washington System)
After the First Imperialist War the First World War The victors were mainly a new system of international relations established by Britain, France, the United States and Japan. The adjustment of the relations between the great powers after the First World War and the rearrangement of the world order by imperialism on a global scale constituted a new pattern of imperialist international relations. I.e Versailles - Washington System.

Formation process

From 1919 to 1920, Entente Austria Hungary, an ally with Germany( Austria Hungary), Ottoman Empire (Turkey) Bulgaria A series of agreements have been signed《 Treaty of Versailles 》Established together versailles system , established the rule in Europe, West Asia and Africa new order , marking that after the end of the First World War, the great powers finally established the post-war war in Europe, West Asia and Africa after a fierce diplomatic struggle capitalism A new world order.
Versailles The influence of the system on the world before the Second World War, especially in Europe, was enormous. The Washington Conference is a continuation of the Versailles Conference Washington Conference A series of treaties were signed. From 1921 to 1922, the United States, Britain, Japan, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal and China held a meeting in Washington, the United States, and signed《 Four nation treaty 》The Five Nation Naval Agreement《 Nine-Power Treaty 》, formed Washington system And established the ruling order of post-war imperialism in East Asia and the Pacific. Especially through the Washington Conference, the United States has achieved great diplomatic victory, which has a significant impact on the rapid expansion of the United States' global power after the war.
After the Washington Conference, capitalism The world order in East Asia and the Pacific has been arranged. It is the same as versailles system Together, they formed the new international order of post-war capitalism, which is commonly referred to as "Versailles Washington system"

System essence

yes World War I After for World pattern The rearrangement of is the victor's redistribution of the spoils of the defeated country's heritage. It is the re enslavement of colonial and semi colonial people.
World War I was Capitalist world system After its formation, capitalist powers once again competed for world territory. When this war has seriously affected capitalism It is not only possible but also necessary to rearrange the capitalist world system when it is stable.
from Paris Peace Conference At the Washington Conference, all the major countries came to the negotiating table with their own plans. After fierce confrontation and compromise, they had to give up their plans in part and accept the overall arrangement of the two conferences for the new world order.
From《 Treaty of Versailles 》To《 Four nation treaty 》、《 Nine-Power Treaty 》First of all, they have the characteristics of the overall arrangement of the capitalist world; and League of Nations And the regulations on the limitation of naval armaments are an initial reflection of the trend of world political integration in the 20th century. This shows that war and relative union are different policies adopted by modern capitalist countries. Which policy they adopt depends on the specific situation of the development of the world capitalist system. When contradictions and conflicts involving countries with different interests or groups of countries become irreconcilable, war is inevitable. When war endangers the foundation of the world capitalist system, the relative union between different countries or groups of countries will replace war.
per contra, capitalist country In order to stabilize their domestic economic and political order and avoid revolution, they will also strengthen their alliances with other capitalist countries. In the modern history of the world, this trend of alliance among capitalist countries will be increasingly manifested. But after World War I international environment However, this capitalist alliance has only begun, and is therefore immature and extremely unstable.

World changes

Versailles Washington system Fundamentally speaking, it has not changed the basic pattern of the world: the capitalist powers still exploit and oppress the vast number of backward countries and regions. Therefore, the contradiction between the capitalist powers and the colonial and semi colonial people still exists.
However, after World War I, the struggle for national independence of the colonial and semi colonial peoples became more mature Versailles Washington style At the beginning of its establishment, the colony Semi colony The national independence movement of China has begun to impact this new capitalist order. The Soviet Union, surrounded by capitalism, was able to break foreign interference and subversion, which also showed the vitality and Capitalist world system Instability of.

System hidden danger

Versailles Washington system The biggest problem is that it has not only failed to eliminate the contradictions among the major powers, but also planted the seeds of greater conflicts. In particular, it aroused the German's revenge mentality, which fascists used to gain domination and expand abroad in the 1930s. In the victors, the redistribution of sphere of influence also caused profound contradictions among the major countries. This makes capitalism The new order of the 20th century gradually collapsed, and in the 1930s it was replaced by a new international crisis. As the French Marshal Fu Xu predicted, "This is not peace, this is a 20-year truce."
Conf é rence de paix de Paris
U.S.A: The United States Paris Peace Conference At that time, Britain and France were extremely dissatisfied with the United States' ambition to dominate the world, so they forced the United States out of the Palestine Peace Council.
britain: At that time, Germany was much stronger than France in Europe, so it hoped to reduce a certain amount of German power to balance the power of France and Germany. Then let France and Germany fight with each other to seek benefits and finally unify Europe.
France: In the Franco Prussian War, the French army was forced under Paris by the German army, so the French people have always regarded the Franco Prussian War as their humiliation, and finally have the opportunity to avenge themselves. Can they give up? Therefore, it greatly weakens the power of Germany. Since it is in its own country, other major countries (such as Britain) have expressed their support for its actions (if the meeting is held in other places, it may not be necessary)
Washington Meeting
U.S.A: Weakening certain rights of Japan, making it easier for Japan to invade China and gain greater benefits

Sketch Map

Versailles Washington system
The aims of countries in the two meetings and their results

Comparison with Yalta system



① They were established on the basis that the world war destroyed the original system;
② It was through a series of meetings that the basic principles were determined, the sphere of influence and the world map were redefined, and the new international system was established;
③ They are the embodiment of the will of great powers, and their contents reflect the changes in the comparison of the strength of major powers before and after the war, and are branded with the brand of great powers;
④ They all disintegrate with the growth and decline of great powers.


① Reflect the will of great powers such as Britain, France and the United States;
② It is a tradition centered on Europe International pattern
③ Adjusted the contradictions among imperialist countries;
④ Based on the disposal of the defeated country by the victorious country;
⑤ The main contradiction is between the victorious country and the defeated country;
⑥ For aggressive war There are no specific measures to prevent the war.
① Reflect the will of the US and the Soviet Union;
② It goes beyond the scope of Europe, reflecting the decline of European status;
③ Yes capitalist country yes Socialist country The result of compromise;
④ It is a compromise between the victorious countries in the two wars and a contradiction between two different social systems;
⑤ The United Nations, an international organization dedicated to maintaining world peace, has played an active and effective role in preventing the recurrence of war.