Semiconductor refrigeration chip

A heat pump
zero Useful+1
synonym Semiconductor refrigerant (Semiconductor cooling sheet) generally refers to semiconductor cooling sheet
semiconductor The refrigeration slice, also called thermoelectric refrigeration slice, is a kind of heat pump. Its advantages are no sliding parts, limited application in some spaces, high reliability requirements, no cryogen Polluted occasions. utilize semiconductor material Peltier effect, when DC Connected by two different semiconductor materials in series Galvanic couple The two ends of the thermocouple can absorb heat and release heat respectively, which can achieve the purpose of refrigeration. It is a way of generating negative thermal resistance Of Refrigeration technology , which is characterized by No movement The reliability of components is also high.
Chinese name
Semiconductor refrigeration chip
Foreign name
semiconductor chilling plate
thermoelectric cooler
heat pump
No sliding parts
Places with high reliability requirements and no refrigerant pollution
peltier effect

Development history

The semiconductor refrigeration chip is a cooling device composed of semiconductors, which only appeared around 1960. However, its theoretical basis Peltierefect can be traced back to the 19th century. This phenomenon was first discovered by Thomas Seeback, a German scientist, in 1821. However, he made a wrong inference at that time and did not understand the real scientific principle behind it. In 1834, Jean Peltier, a French watchmaker and a physicist who also studied this phenomenon part-time, found the real reason behind this phenomenon. It was only with the development of semiconductors in modern times that this phenomenon was actually applied, that is, the invention of the [refrigerator] (note that it was called a refrigerator at this time, not yet Semiconductor cooler )。 By many N-type semiconductor and P-type semiconductor The particles of NP They are connected by common conductors to form a complete line, usually copper, aluminum or other metal conductors, and finally are made of two pieces of ceramic sandwich biscuits The ceramic pieces must be insulated and have good heat conduction,

N-type semiconductor

Semiconductor refrigeration chip
Any substance is made up of atoms, which are made up of Nucleus And electrons. The electron rotates around the atomic nucleus at a high speed and is attracted by the atomic nucleus. Due to certain restrictions, the electron can only run in a limited orbit and cannot leave at will. The electrons in each layer of orbit have different energies (electronic potential energy). Electrons in the farthest orbit from the atomic nucleus can often leave the attraction of the atomic nucleus and move between atoms, called free electron carrier Which enables the material to conduct electricity. If electrons cannot leave the orbit to form free electrons, they cannot participate in conducting electricity insulator The conductivity of semiconductor is between conductor and insulator, which is called semiconductor. The important characteristic of semiconductors is that after a certain amount of impurities infiltrate into semiconductors, not only the conductivity can be greatly increased, but also semiconductors with different properties and different uses can be manufactured according to the types and quantities of impurities. When an impurity is doped into a semiconductor, free electrons will be released. This semiconductor is called N-type (negative) semiconductor

P-type semiconductor

P (positive) semiconductor“ hole ”To conduct electricity. Under the action of an external electric field, the flow direction of the "hole" is opposite to that of the electron, that is, the "hole" flows from the positive pole to the negative pole, which is P-type semiconductor Principle.

Carrier phenomenon

N-type semiconductor Free electron in P-type semiconductor“ hole ”They are all involved in conducting electricity, and the directional movement of carriers under the action of an external electric field generates current, so they are collectively called "carriers", which are unique to semiconductors. Most carriers are the result of doping impurities (in real semiconductors Impurity semiconductor The carrier in the form of Intrinsic excitation Most of the carriers come from the extra non bonding valence electron , or cavity); about Intrinsic semiconductor Its carrier is determined by Thermal excitation Or the role of light, participate in covalent bond A pair of free electrons and holes are produced when the valence electrons of are free electrons.

Semiconductor refrigeration

It not only needs the characteristics of N-type and P-type semiconductors, but also changes the thermoelectric electromotive force rate of semiconductors according to the impurities added, Conductivity and Thermal conductivity This special semiconductor can meet the requirements of refrigeration materials. The commonly used materials in China are Bismuth telluride Ternary matrix Solid solution alloy P type is Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3, N type is Bi2Te3-Bi2Se3, and vertical Zone melting method Extract crystal material.


In principle, semiconductor refrigeration chip is a tool for heat transfer. When a piece of N-type semiconductor material Connected with a piece of P-type semiconductor material Thermocouple When there is current in the alignment, heat transfer will be generated between the two ends, and the heat will be transferred from one end to the other, resulting in a temperature difference to form a cold and hot end. But there is resistance in the semiconductor itself. When the current passes through the semiconductor, it will generate heat, which will affect the heat transfer. In addition, the heat between the two plates will also be conversely transferred through the air and the semiconductor material itself. When the cold and hot ends reach a certain temperature difference, when the amount of these two kinds of heat transfer is equal, a balance point will be reached, and the positive and reverse heat transfer will offset each other. At this time, the temperature of the hot and cold ends will not continue to change. In order to achieve lower temperature, heat dissipation and other methods can be used to reduce the temperature of the hot end.
The fan and heat sink are mainly used to dissipate heat at the hot end of the cooling fin. Generally, the temperature difference between the cold and hot ends of the semiconductor cooling fin can reach 40~65 degrees. If the temperature of the hot end is reduced by active heat dissipation, the temperature of the cold end will also decrease accordingly, thus reaching a lower temperature.
When a piece of N-type semiconductor material and a piece of P-type semiconductor material are connected into a couple, after the DC current is connected in this circuit, energy transfer can be generated. The current flows from the N-type element to the connector of the P-type element to absorb heat and become the cold end; The joint flowing from the P-type element to the N-type element releases heat and becomes the hot end. The size of heat absorption and heat release is Through current And the number of elements of semiconductor materials N and P, the following three points are Thermoelectric refrigeration Of Thermoelectric effect

Seebeck effect

Semiconductor refrigeration chip
(SEEBECKEFFECT) German in 1822 seebeck It is found that when two different conductors are connected, such as two Connection point Maintain different temperature difference, and a Thermoelectric electromotive force :ES=S.△T
Where: ES is the thermoelectric electromotive force
S is the thermoelectric electromotive force rate (Seebeck coefficient)
△ T is the temperature difference between contacts

Peltier effect

1834 French Peltier And found Seebeck effect The opposite effect of, that is, when the current flows through the contact formed by two different conductors, there will be exothermic and endothermic phenomena at the contact, and the magnitude of exothermic or endothermic is determined by the magnitude of the current.
Where: Q π is exothermic or endothermic power
π is Scale factor , called Peltier coefficient
A is the temperature difference electromotive force rate
Tc is Cold junction temperature

Thomson effect

Semiconductor refrigeration chip
When current flow exists temperature gradient Except for those caused by conductor resistance Joule heat In addition, the conductor also emits or absorbs heat. Between two conductor points with a temperature difference of △ T, the amount of heat emitted or absorbed is:
Q τ is exothermic or endothermic power
τ is Thomson coefficient
I is the working current
△ T is the temperature gradient
Until the 1950s, Soviet Academy of Sciences semiconductor Academician Yue Fei of the Institute conducted a lot of research on semiconductors and published research results in 1954, indicating that bismuth telluride compounds Solid solution It has good refrigeration effect. It is the earliest and most important thermoelectric semiconductor material, and is still a main component of semiconductor materials in temperature difference refrigeration.
After the theory of Ioffe was applied in practice, many scholars studied the semiconductor refrigeration materials until the 1960s Merit value The coefficient has only reached a considerable level and has been applied on a large scale, that is, our semiconductor refrigeration chips.
China in Semiconductor refrigeration technology It began in the late 1950s and early 1960s, when it was one of the earlier research units in the world. In the mid-1960s, the performance of semiconductor materials reached the international level. From the late 1960s to the early 1980s, it was China's semiconductor refrigeration chip technological development A step of. During this period, on the one hand, the coefficient of merit of semiconductor refrigeration materials is improved, and on the other hand, its application area Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences A great deal of manpower and material resources have been invested to obtain semiconductor refrigeration chips, so that the production of semiconductor refrigeration chips and the development and application of its two products have come into being.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and features
Semiconductor refrigeration chip
Semiconductor refrigeration chip as special Cold source , on Technology application It has the following advantages and features:
1. No need for any cryogen , continuous operation, no Pollution source Without rotating parts, there will be no rotation effect. Without sliding parts, it is a solid piece, which has no vibration, noise, long service life and is easy to install.
2. The semiconductor refrigeration chip has two functions, which can both cool and heat. The refrigeration efficiency is generally not high, but the heating efficiency is very high, always greater than 1. Therefore, using one chip can replace the discrete heating system and refrigeration system
3. The semiconductor refrigeration chip is a current transducer type chip, which can achieve high-precision temperature control In addition to temperature detection and control means, it is easy to realize remote control, program control and computer control, which is convenient for composition automatic control system
4. Semiconductor Refrigerating sheet Thermal inertia Very small, cooling and heating time is very fast Hot end Good heat dissipation Cold end No load The maximum temperature difference of the cooling plate can be reached in less than one minute after power on.
5. The reverse use of semiconductor refrigeration chips is Thermoelectric generation The semiconductor refrigeration chip is generally suitable for power generation in the middle and low temperature areas.
6. The power of the single refrigeration element pair of the semiconductor refrigeration chip is very small, but it can be combined into a stack. If the same type of stack is used in series and parallel to form a refrigeration system, the power can be very large, so the refrigeration power can reach a range of several milliwatts to tens of thousands of watts.
7. The temperature difference range of semiconductor refrigeration chip, from positive temperature 90 ℃ to Negative temperature It can be realized at 130 ℃.
Semiconductor thermoelectric chip Scope of application
According to the above analysis, the application range of semiconductor thermoelectric devices includes: refrigeration, heating, power generation, refrigeration and heating applications are common, including the following aspects:
Semiconductor refrigeration chip
1. Military: missile, radar, submarine, etc infrared Detection Navigation system
2. Medical treatment; Cold force, cold closing cataract Remove the tablet Blood analyzer Etc.
3. Laboratory devices: Cold trap Cold box Cold bath, electronic low temperature testing device, various constant temperature, high and low temperature experimental instruments.
4. Special devices: petroleum products Low temperature tester Biochemical products Low temperature tester, bacteria incubator, constant temperature developing tank, computer, etc.
5. Daily life: air conditioning, hot and cold boxes, water dispensers E-mail Etc. In addition, there are other applications, which will not be mentioned here.


1、 Correct installation and assembly methods:
1. Installation of one side of cooling plate Heat sink , install the cooling system on one side, and install the surface Flatness No more than 0.03mm, burr and dirt shall be removed.
2. The cooling fin is in good contact with the cooling fin and the cooling guide block, and the contact surface must be coated with a thin layer Thermal conductive silicone grease
Semiconductor refrigeration chip
3. When fixing the cooling slice, the force on the cooling slice should be uniform, and attention should be paid not to excessive force to prevent the ceramic slice from fracturing.
2、 Correct use conditions:
1. Using DC power supply The voltage must not exceed Rated voltage Power Ripple The coefficient is less than 10%.
2. The current shall not exceed Rated current
3. Do not switch on immediately when the cooling blade is working Reverse voltage (After 5 minutes).
4. There shall be no water ingress inside the cooling fin.
5. The humidity around the cooling fin shall not exceed 80%.
3、 Precautions in use of CDL1 series refrigeration components:
1. When using non special equipment When inspecting the device, the temperature of the hot end must be lower than 80 ℃ under the operating parameters (including changing the current direction from the cold end to the hot end). Under the condition that there is no heat dissipation at the hot end, the test shall be conducted by momentarily energizing, that is, touching with hands Cooler The two end faces of Heat sensation , just feel a little cold on one side. Otherwise, because the temperature of the hot end is too high, it is very easy to cause short circuit or open circuit of the device, and the cooler will be scrapped.
2. On General conditions Next, identify the Polarity The cold end of the refrigeration module can be placed upward, and the lead end faces the direction of the human body. At this time, the right lead is the positive pole, usually represented in red; The left side is the negative pole, which is usually expressed in black, blue or white. This polarity is the wiring method of the refrigeration module during operation. When heating is needed, just change the current polarity. When refrigeration works, DC power supply must be used Ripple coefficient It should be less than 10%.
3. Refrigeration thermocouple logarithm and Limiting voltage The parity logarithm refers to the number of PN nodes. For example, if the refrigerator model is CDL1-12703, 127 is the couple number of refrigeration components, and 03 is the allowable current value (unit ampere ), the limiting voltage of refrigeration module V; The couple number × 0.11, for example, the limit voltage of CDLl-12703 V=l27 × 0.11=13.97 (V).
4. Whether various refrigeration components are in use or in the test, the cold and heat exchange must be carried out after both ends are restored to the room temperature (generally it takes more than 15 minutes). Otherwise, the ceramic chips will be easily cracked.
5. In order to improve the service life of the refrigeration module, the exposed PN elements around the refrigeration module should be cured before use. Method 706 single group curing rubber Evenly coat the PN elements around the refrigeration module, not on the two end faces. The rubber coated is naturally cured for 24 hours, and after curing, it becomes a milky white elastic solid. The purpose of curing is to completely isolate the thermocouple of refrigeration module from the outside air. It has the function of moisture-proof and can increase the service life of refrigeration components by about 50%.
6. During installation, first use water free Alcohol cotton Wipe both ends of the refrigeration module clean and evenly apply a thin layer of thermal conductive silicone grease: Cold plate , heat dissipation plate) shall be processed, the surface flatness shall not be greater than 0.03MM, and shall be cleaned; Cold end of refrigeration module during installation face Be sure to contact the cold storage plate well, and the hot end should contact the heat dissipation plate well (if screws are used for fastening, the force should be even and not excessive); The size of the cold storage plate and heat dissipation plate depends on the cooling method and cooling power, which can be determined according to the situation; In order to achieve the best cooling effect Thermal insulation material The thickness of filling shall be 25~30mm.
7. Without special instruments, users can measure the overall dimensions and height according to the manufacturer's instructions to judge its performance. use A multimeter Test the static resistance of the refrigeration module, inaccurate , for reference only.

Technology application

The high heat value caused by frequency increase has always been a problem discussed by many overlockers, from air cooling and water cooling to compressor Semiconductor refrigeration , and then the crazy liquid nitrogen dry ice , use up the cooling method. Common Air-cooled radiator And water cooling have become entry-level overclocking due to their low cost and ease of use Enthusiast Of Standard configuration The disadvantage is that even the best air cooling or water cooling can only temperature control Is close to or equal to ambient temperature In order to reduce the temperature below zero, have a fever Friends have chosen compressor And semiconductor refrigeration. VaporChill and Mach series compressors pass Phase change refrigeration Can make evaporator The temperature reaches - 50 ℃, while the three-stage compressor system made by foreign enthusiasts even reaches - 196 ℃, which is equivalent to liquid nitrogen Evaporation temperature However, due to the high price of the compressor system, it can only be accepted by a few enthusiasts. Liquid nitrogen and dry ice may be the ultimate sharp tools only used by hardcore enthusiasts, and the evaporation/sublimation speed is very fast, which can only bring about the ultimate efficiency in a short time, without practical value, so semiconductor refrigeration becomes the best choice.
The particles of an N-type and P-type semiconductor are welded with a metal connector to form a couple. When DC current When flowing from the N pole to the P pole, heat absorption occurs on the 2.3 end, which is called Cold end The heat release phenomenon occurs at the lower 1.4 end, which is called Hot end If the current direction is reversed, the cold and hot ends will switch to each other. Due to a couple heat effect It is small (generally about IKcal/h), so it will actually be tens. Hundreds of pairs Galvanic couple Syntagmatic Thermopile Therefore, the cooling of semiconductors, that is, heat absorption at one end and heat release at the other, is caused by the carrier( electrons and holes )Flow through the node, caused by the change of potential energy energy transfer This is the essence of semiconductor cooling, namely the Peltier effect.

related term
