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A thousand marquis

[qiān hù hòu]
Ancient titles
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Definition: The ancient title means that there are thousands of households in the city of food marquis They have the right to tax more than 1000 households.
See《 Redords of the Grand History of China · Biography of Cargo Colony 》: "Two hundred hooves of land herdsmen, Cattle hoof Thousands of horns, thousands of feet of sheep, thousands of feet of water. "
Chinese name
A thousand marquis
The ancient title means Food manor Thousands of households marquis
qiān hù hòu
qiān hù hòu
Definition: The ancient title means that there are thousands of households in the city of food marquis They have the right to tax more than 1000 households.
See《 Redords of the Grand History of China · Biography of Cargo Colony 》"Two hundred hooves of land herding horses, a thousand hooves of cattle, a thousand feet of sheep, and a thousand feet of water."
"There are thousands of chestnut trees in Yan and Qin, and all of them are like thousands of marquises."
"Thousands of oranges in Jiangling, and thousands of marquis."
The Han Dynasty proverb: "Chen Xia, thousands of acres of lacquer, and thousands of marquis."