October Revolution

[shí yuè gé mìng]
On November 7, 1917, the Russian Soviet armed uprising
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synonym October Socialist Revolution (October Socialist Revolution) generally refers to the October Revolution (Russian Soviet armed uprising on November 7, 1917)
The October Revolution, also known as Red October October Uprising Petrograd armed uprising or bolshevik Revolution, Soviet Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Called“ The Great October Socialist Revolution ”, It's Russia working class stay Bolshevik Party Great achievements made under the leadership of the poor peasants socialist revoltion [79] , Yes 1917 Russian Revolution The second and final important stage in. Because occurred in Russian calendar Julian calendar )On October 25, 1917 (November 7, 1917 AD), it was called the "October Revolution".
On November 7, 1917, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Bolshevik Party Led by Comrades armed forces towards bourgeois class provisional government Location St.Petersburg Winter Palace Launched a general offensive, overthrew the provisional government and established Soviet regime
The October Revolution was led by the Bolshevik Party under the leadership of Comrade Lenin, the great revolutionary mentor Armed uprising , establishing the second proletariat Political power (the first is paris commune Proletarian regime) and Marxism The first one led by a political party Socialist country —— Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic , referred to as "Soviet Russia".
Revolution overthrew Israel Alexander Vdolovich Krensky Leading bourgeois class Russian Provisional Government (Russian Republic), 1918-1920 Soviet Russian Civil War And 1922 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics The establishment of.
The victory of the October Revolution ushered in a new era in human history colony and Semi colony Of National liberation movement Open up the road to victory.
October Revolution [1]
Time of occurrence
November 7, 1917
Petrograd [1] (Today's St. Petersburg)
Forces of the participating parties
Soviet 10000 navy, 20000 - 30000 army
Forces of the participating parties
1500 – 2000 members of the Russian Interim Government
Few Soviet casualties
The Provisional Government of Russia has completely disarmed
guiding ideology
Marxism Leninism [1]
Red October

social context


Overview of Russia

(Below bolshevik abbreviation Bolshevik Party menshevik abbreviation Meng Party , Social Revolutionary Party Socialist Party
After the split between the Bolshevik Party and the Mencius Party in 1903, the Bolshevik Party began to build a secret revolutionary organization with democratic centralism as its organizational mode. The Bolshevik Party started in 1903 Organization In essence, it is for lasting People's War Make organizational preparations. At this stage, Russia The protracted people's war is still in its infancy. [3-5]
1905 Revolution [6]
Two years later, the revolution broke out in 1905. stay working class With the promotion and active participation of other oppressed people, the Bolshevik Party launched the Moscow uprising in December 1905. The uprising lasted for 9 days and caused riots and uprisings in other places. The uprising was finally defeated due to bloody suppression, but it also marked that czar Its autocratic rule can no longer be sustained. thereafter, Armed struggle It did not stop because the mass uprising was suppressed, Guerrilla war It was launched everywhere. [7-8] The Bolshevik fighting teams organized armed demonstrations everywhere to assassinate and suppress the people, which was unpopular, heinous and contemptible bureaucratic And staff. In this way, the Bolshevik Party carried out strategic defense with tactical attacks, provided effective cover for the reorganization of the Party organization with retreating war, and accumulated experience in armed struggle for the Party; At the same time, the various forms of armed struggle launched by the Bolshevik Party strengthened the influence of the Bolshevik Party Duma The legal and open struggle launched within has accumulated a certain mass base. Strategic defense Stage from 1905 Moscow Uprising At first, the revolutionary forces were still weak and could only take strategic defense against the counter revolutionary forces. [9-13]
There were two Dumas from 1906 to 1907. In 1906, the Bolshevik Party boycotted the 1906 Duma election because it believed that the revolutionary climax would return like lightning, but because the Mon Party only adopted a semi boycott strategy, and because of the mass work stay populist The resistance action of the Bolshevik Party was actually unsuccessful due to the influence of the Bolshevik Party and the fact that the Bolshevik Party itself was still immature. Lenin made it clear in his subsequent summary that the boycott policy was wrong because the revolution had really turned into a low tide. [8] [14-15]
Plekhanov's Change [16]
At the low tide of the revolution after 1905, the revolutionary faction Left opportunism Of Recall faction And Right opportunism Cancellation of( Empirical criticism Plekhanov )The former calls for recalling the Party and Youth League and carrying out only illegal struggles, while the latter calls for canceling illegal struggles and carrying out only legal struggles. Lenin and other Bolshevik Party members fought resolutely against these two trends of thought. [17-23]

Accumulate power and be ready to launch

Lenin, the revolutionary tutor, is propagating [24]
After 1907, the Bolshevik Party suspended its armed struggle. Although the armed struggle was suspended, the Bolshevik Party did not give up Violent revolution And will take any place available for publicity as publicity Socialist ideology The battle stage to raise workers' revolutionary consciousness. [7]
The fact that the Bolshevik Party did not give up the violent revolution was also reflected in its actions to promote each "revolutionary climax" to develop into an uprising. During the ten years from 1907 to 1917, the Bolshevik Party judged several periods as "the arrival of the revolutionary climax". In each period of "the arrival of the revolutionary climax", the Bolshevik Party was actually preparing for armed uprisings, such as making bombs and collecting weapons. These preparations for armed uprisings actually honed the Bolshevik Party and its mass organizations to a certain extent, It has promoted its combat effectiveness. From this point of view, although the Bolshevik Party has suspended its armed struggle, it is still "semi armed" and the Bolshevik Party is still "semi military". [25-26]
Since 1907 Pyotr Stolypin Take power and rely on iron hand policy to maintain politically czar Despotism Liberalism and socialist , economically oligarch capitalism The policy of implementing land privatization reform has realized the rapid growth of Russia's economy, but because of the extreme injustice of its predatory privatization reform, the bottom people did not profit too much from the economic development, on the contrary, a considerable number of farmers' private property was damaged, and social dissatisfaction rose sharply.
Because then the Russian queen Alexandra Fiodorovna German (Hessen and Rhine Grand Duchy Princess Alex) sent a telegram to the front line during the war, asking the emperor to declare a truce Grigori Rasputin In 1914, he strongly opposed the war between Russia and Germany, and Russia participated the First World War After a series of military failures against Germany, the Empress Faction was accused by domestic parties as a German spy, and the Empress was also called a "slut" (in fact, there was no conclusive evidence for either). This led the Romanov royal family to become the target of public criticism, and completely destroyed the image of the czar's "little father", which has remained in the minds of Russian people for hundreds of years.
December 29, 1916( Russian calendar December 16), Rasputin was assassinated by Prince Felix Yusupov Prince and royal family member Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov Russias Duma Right wing MP Pulishkevich and Yusubov's close friend Lieutenant Sukhojin. The assassination made the contradictions in Russia apparent.
Rasputin, the "demon monk"
In 1917, Grigori Rasputin Less than a month after death, the Social Democratic Labor Party took the lead in the capital Petrograd Plotted against Imperialist war The demonstration movement, demanding the cessation of the war, then expanded to Moscow Baku And other big cities have won the support of anti war activists. On March 8, Petrograd burst February Revolution , Tsar nicholas ii Step down, Romanov Dynasty Destruction, Russian Empire The regime collapsed.

February Revolution

In March 1917 February Revolution The workers and soldiers are against the tsar Main force The Bolshevik Party called for "overthrowing the tsarist system and winning Democratic Republic ”, big landlords and bourgeois class They refused to lead the violent revolution that frightened them. After the victory, the workers and soldiers organized their own Leading organization —— soviet The Soviet soldiers controlled the main armed forces in the capital. After the czar abdicated on March 2 of the Russian calendar, the key departments of the state organs were in the hands of the Soviet Union. [27]
On the afternoon of November 7, 1917, the Winter Palace was surrounded [28]
The two regimes coexisted in the capital at the same time, which was finally formed because of the defeat of the Russian army in World War I and the engineer uprising to overthrow the czar, thus arming the Soviet Union. [29]

July Incident

Coexistence of political power - July Incident
After the February Revolution, there were three major politic force : One is based on Constitutional Democratic Party Politically representative bourgeois class One is based on several Petty bourgeoisie Soviet controlled by political parties; The other is based on Bolshevik Party The smaller ones led by revolutionaries Socialist Party, the October Revolution is about to enter strategic stalemate Phase.
and Petty bourgeoisie The end of a political party is based on bourgeois class and proletariat The power of. [29]
On February 27 of the Russian calendar, the day of the victory of the February revolution, the capital Soviet Congress was jointly convened by the Bangladesh Party and the Socialist Party, and the vast majority of delegates were appointed by both parties.
The Bolshevik Party became Minority The main reasons are:
1、 Bolshevik long-term Underground work Lack of experience in participating in legal elections of universal suffrage; [30]
2、 Russia capitalist country The middle and small bourgeoisie is the largest;
3、 Workers and soldiers of the Bolshevik Party are fighting with the Tsar's army and police and cannot attend the meeting;
IV, World War I During this period, a large number of old urban workers among urban residents were recruited to the front;
5、 As a result of the suppression of the war, most leaders of the Bolshevik Party were still in prison or exiled.
On the day of abdication, the bourgeoisie reached an agreement with the Soviet Union, the first bourgeois provisional government was established, and the bourgeoisie controlled all the main departments of the provisional government. [31]
After the establishment of the government, there was a political crisis, so it tried to get rid of the crisis through war. But the military adventure was a fiasco. It aroused the anger of the people, especially the soldiers. On July 3, the engineers demonstrated in the street. When the demonstration was about to intensify, the Bolshevik Party urgently discouraged it, but the uprising was launched. The Bolshevik Party also decided to conduct a peaceful demonstration the next day, making the demonstration a peaceful and organized movement. [32]
Since the overthrow of the monarchy, the Bolshevik Party has advocated Two regimes coexist In fact, the illusion of compromise with the bourgeoisie can be peacefully eliminated under the favorable condition that the Soviet Union plays a leading role. This cannot change the petty bourgeoisie of farmers. But it will prompt the peasants to leave the bourgeoisie and unite with the workers. This is a basic understanding of the Bolshevik Party on the possibility of peaceful transition of revolution. [33]
Sverdlov, one of the leaders of the October Revolution [2]
On July 4, a peaceful demonstration was organized by the Bolshevik Party, shouting "All power belongs to the Soviet!", and a large number of Petrograd engineers participated in the demonstration. In the afternoon of the same day, the provisional government carried out a crackdown, declared martial law in the capital, disarmed workers, and closed down《 Pravda 》Lenin is wanted. This is the famous July Incident. [34-35]
Stalin, one of the leaders of the October Revolution [2]

On the eve of the revolution

The July Incident pushed the petty bourgeoisie into the proletariat, and the bourgeoisie elected members of the petty bourgeoisie to protect their rights and reconcile contradictions Kerensky Serve as Prime Minister. However, they were unable to solve a series of serious problems, such as "peace, land and bread", which were strongly demanded by the engineer farmers. [34]
At the end of August, the Supreme Commander in Chief of the Russian Army and General of the Tsar Alexander Kornilov Launched a counter revolutionary rebellion. The aim is to eliminate the revolutionary forces, dissolve the Soviet Union, establish a reactionary military dictatorship, and prepare for recovery monarchy [36]
The rebellion began on August 25 in the Russian calendar. The rebels attacked the capital, and the reactionary organizations in the capital also prepared for rebellion. Bolshevik Party is the leader of the struggle against rebellion organizer A large number of workers participated in three days Red Guards The rebels were obstructed and disintegrated internally. On August 31, the rebellion subsided. Under the pressure of the masses, the provisional government was forced to order the arrest of Kornilov and his accomplices and hand them over to the court. [37]
The temporary government has been preserved for the time being, but its prestige has been seriously damaged, which has aggravated the influence of the petty bourgeois political party regime Crisis of trust [38]
stay Finland Of Helsinki Lenin advocated that all the leadership of the Party must be concentrated in factories and barracks, and drew up plans for this purpose. He advocated that workers, navy and army should cooperate to occupy infrastructure first. The most determined elements should set up teams to occupy the most important strongholds. The best team to occupy Central organ Seize the opportune moment of the uprising. Lenin repeatedly insisted on instigating an armed uprising at once. [39]
On October 10 and 16, 1917, the Bolshevik Central Committee held a secret meeting in Petrograd, attended by Lenin, in order to unify the Bolshevik ideology and effectively lead the future armed uprising. [40]
The uprising was initiated by Military Revolution Headquarters Leadership, everything was going well. However, two members strongly objected. the second day, Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev In the communique, the Bolshevik leaked all the information about the Bolshevik Party's preparations for the uprising. At this critical moment, they betrayed their own organizations and comrades. [41]
Lenin strongly criticized them. [42]
Lenin was not afraid. The uprising would still be held in Petrograd Smolny Palace More than 20000 workers in all factories in Petrograd, the Red Guards are fully armed, and they wait Military Revolution Headquarters Give a signal to start an uprising. [43-45]

Main process

February Revolution ”And the coexistence of two regimes → Lenin's《 April Theses 》→ "July Incident" → smash the rebellion, and the time for revolution is ripe → victory of Petrograd armed uprising → other uprisings → "representatives of all Russian workers and soldiers soviet Two big ", Soviet regime Establishment of.

Go to Si Palace

soviet [46]
The July Incident became the coexistence of two regimes Endpoint The bourgeoisie has already raised Bayonet The channel for peaceful transition has been closed. Since then, the regime has basically been transferred to the hands of the counter revolutionary provisional government, and the Soviet has become a weak one Accessories The possibility of peaceful revolutionary development no longer exists. [38]
The interim government got the news that the Bolshevik Party was going to revolt. They hated and feared desperately, and gathered strength crazily.
According to Lenin's instructions, the Bolshevik Party decided to advance the uprising. Petrograd engineers have been transferred to the leadership of the Bolshevik Party, Military Revolution Headquarters Be responsible for the uprising Commander in Chief
Lenin's disguise
The interim government will not stop. They are ready to close the bridge. But soon their efforts were undermined by the Red Guards.
Lenin learned that without saying a word, he quickly took out his wig, put on a coat and hurried out of the door. Transport Commissioner Rahia followed Lenin. Get on the tram and drive to the parking lot. After getting out of the car, two sergeants suddenly shouted at them angrily:“ pass check !” They didn't care about Lenin as an old man, so he left quickly. Rahia took time to let him go, but the sergeant didn't hurt Rahia later.
"Thank you!" Lenin said briefly.
Smolny Palace A large number of armed engineers were gathered inside. Lenin's long-awaited moment is coming. He went in and took off his hat and wig at the same time. Everyone recognized him and was very happy. It seemed that strength and courage came with Lenin.
The liaison officer came in and received the instructions. The command is:
Occupy telegraph offices, telephone offices, railway stations, bridges, and all government offices.
"Red Guards, assemble!" On the ground of Smorni Palace, the command was immediately heard. The fire was burning, and the truck full of armed workers drove forward and disappeared in the darkness of October. The soldiers and sailors also set out. [1] [44-45]

The uprising broke out

November 6-7, 1917( Julian calendar October 24-25), the great Russian October Socialist Revolution broke out. [44]
At 9:00 p.m. on November 7, Lenin led the Red Guards, soldiers and the people to surround the location of the provisional government—— Winter Palace And occupied it at 2:00 a.m. the next day.
according to Soviet Union Officially, at night Cruiser Aphoral The soldiers who succeeded in the uprising bombarded the Winter Palace with guns, and there were fierce armed conflicts in the Winter Palace. and The disintegration of the Soviet Union after research data It shows that there was no armed conflict near the Winter Palace that night. There was only one women's camp and one sergeant student camp guarding the Winter Palace, and they soon surrendered under the impact of the crowd. The defense chief of the Winter Palace, Boriczynski, opened the door of the Winter Palace himself and took them to the place where the ministers of the interim government were meeting. and Cruiser Aurora Overhaul in progress, no ammunition loading and no personnel. Bereshev, the political commissar of the temporarily appointed Aphora, only made a few shots at the Winter Palace blank cartridge (No warhead) On the night of the uprising, Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee release Circular on the overthrow of the Provisional Government The uprising "won without a drop of blood." [47]
On November 6, 1917, Lenin secretly came to the headquarters of the uprising, the Smorni Palace, and personally led the armed uprising. From the night of November 6 to the morning of November 7, 1917, more than 200000 revolutionary soldiers and uprising workers quickly occupied various places in Petrograd Strategic location At 1:00 a.m. on the 7th, the insurgent forces occupied General Post Office It was captured at 2:00 Baltic Railway Station And Nikolayevsky Railway Station. And then closed the government building Lighting circuit The telephone office cut off most of the calls from the Provisional Government and the headquarters. Around 6:00, the Red Guards, soldiers and sailors had occupied the Imperial Palace Bridge. except Palace Square The other areas are almost in the hands of the insurgents. Prime Minister of the Interim Government Kerensky Sit in America embassy Our car ran away in a panic. At 10:00, the revolution Military Commission Distributed the draft of Lenin《 Letter to the Russian Citizen 》, announced that the provisional government had been overthrown and the political power had been transferred to the Soviet Union. [48] However, the provisional government still resisted in the last ditch, and more than 2000 military officers and non commissioned officers continued to occupy the Winter Palace. From 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on November 7, 1917, more than 20000 revolutionary soldiers, Red Guards and 9 military vehicles surrounded the Winter Palace. Military Revolution Headquarters An ultimatum was issued to the Provisional Government, ordering it to surrender at 6:20 on November 7, 1917. After 8:00, they were rejected. At 9:45 p.m., it berths at Neva River On Cruiser Aphoral The artillery fired and sent out the signal of general attack. Red Guards and revolutionary soldiers passed in the thunder of "Wula" Barricade , rushing to the Winter Palace stair case On the inside and on the stairs, revolutionary soldiers and workers' red guards launched a fierce battle with non commissioned officers and students White bladed battle At 1:50 a.m. on November 8, 1917, all members of the provisional government (except Krensky's escape) were captured, and the Winter Palace was finally captured.
Petrograd armed uprising After the victory, the bourgeois provisional government was defeated, and the Bolsheviks seized power, the Russian revolution would change from a strategic stalemate between revolutionary forces and counter revolutionary forces to a strategic counterattack by revolutionary forces. [1] [44]


Lenin addressed the Second All Russian Soviet Congress in November 1917
That night, amid the roar of the artillery attack on the Winter Palace, the second Soviet Congress of Russia was held in Smolny Palace At the opening ceremony, the conference first adopted the Letter of Appeal to Workers, Soldiers and Farmers drafted by Lenin, announcing that provisional government It has been overthrown and all power belongs to the Soviet Union.
On November 8, 1917, the General Assembly adopted the《 decrees of peace 》And the Land Act. The Peace Decree revealed Imperialism Predatory war reflects the vast working people Urgently hoping for peace, it is suggested that all belligerents immediately negotiate and conclude a peace treaty without ceding territory or paying reparations. Land Ordinance 》The decree provides for immediate repeal Landlord land ownership All land was nationalized and handed over to working farmers for use. Finally, the Congress elected the world's first Workers, peasants and soldiers Soviet government ── People's Committee proletariat Lenin, the great teacher, was elected chairman of the People's Committee. The people's committee consists of various ministries, which carry out various functions of the proletarian state. Stalin He was elected People's Committee on Ethnic Affairs, and Trotsky was elected People's Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Lenin worked all night and wrote the Land Law. [44]
On the morning of November 9, the conference ended successfully, which declared the world's first proletarian dictatorship The establishment of the country. [48-49]


The sound of the October Revolution sent us Marxism Leninism. [34]
The October Socialist Revolution in Russia was Human history The first socialist revolution to win in the past, the first in the world Socialist country This was born. The victory of the October Revolution dealt a heavy blow to the imperialist rule, promoted the development of the international socialist movement, and encouraged the colonies Semi colony People's liberation struggle.
It has changed the direction of the development of Russian history and transformed the Russian road in a socialist way, which has had a tremendous impact on the development of the entire human society.
Mao Zedong In 1949, he wrote a paragraph like this: "The October Revolution sent us Marxism Leninism with the sound of a cannon. The October Revolution helped the advanced elements of the world and China proletariat Of Cosmology As a tool to observe the fate of the country, reconsider your own problems. Take the Russian road - this is the conclusion. " [50]
The October Revolution has also ended capitalism The situation of monopolizing the world socialist camp The foundation has been laid.


Since Lenin promised to bring peace to the people after the revolution, after the October Revolution, Russia Quit the First World War czar nicholas ii Was shot after the revolution. The revolution caused extreme panic in the western society, and supported the Russian opposition forces, hoping to strangle the revolution, thus triggering war, Trotsky say soviet In fact, the power of the Russian Communist Party was established after the civil war.
The October Revolution is communism The first victory of sports in human history. The first claim is that“ proletariat Leadership Socialist country It was also born. Marxism Leninism It has gained wider influence in the world capitalism The world has been greatly impacted. Some people think that this revolution is misinterpreted Marxism
The October Revolution is the 20th century International Communist Movement The prelude of the "" triggered the expansion of the socialist movement in various countries in the world, many colonies or Semi colony The liberation movement of the Communist Party of China has therefore received more support. Soviet Union The confrontation with western capitalist countries that lasted for more than half a century also began, until Cold War end, The disintegration of the Soviet Union
New youth [41]
The October Revolution was successfully established for the first time socialist system It is also regarded as the first time that the proletariat took power, which is a significant change in human history. The October Revolution also had a significant impact on the social progress of other countries (such as China). On November 7, 1917, the day when the "October Revolution" broke out, Liu Jingren In a telegram sent to the Foreign Ministry of the Beijing Government, it said: "In recent Russia, domestic strife has become increasingly fierce, and broad faction forces have become increasingly strong, demanding to exercise political power, advocate peace talks, and use riot as a hostage. The government is weak, and repression is difficult, and fear of change is imminent." [51] With the expansion of the influence of the October Revolution on China《 New youth 》Start to publicize Marxism. Communist Party of China Leaders of Mao Zedong He once commented: "The October Revolution sent us Marxism with the sound of a cannon."“ Chinese proletariat After the October Revolution, our vanguard learned Marxism Leninism and established the Communist Party of China. " [50]

Subsequent extension


Constitutional Assembly

Note: The following dates are converted to Russian calendar
Tavli Palace - The first session of the State Duma was held here.
stay provisional government During his administration, Kerensky postponed many times Constitutional Assembly Lenin had repeatedly lashed out at the Provisional Government for this reason. On October 25, 1917 (November 7) Letter to inform workers, soldiers and farmers [52] Chinese, new Soviet government Once again, it was announced that "we will ensure that the Constituent Assembly will be held on time." On November 12, 1917, the Constituent Assembly election was held, and the result was that 40% of the members of the Social Revolutionary Party won the majority vote, bolshevik Only about 23% vote , in the failed state. Nevertheless, the Constitutional Assembly was scheduled to be held on November 28, 1917. However, on the 28th, the Constituent Assembly was not held, and the People's Committee decided to postpone the opening time of the Constituent Assembly to January 5, 1918. On the 28th, Constitutional Democrats and right-wing social revolutionaries Petrograd In front of Tavlida Palace demonstration And protested against the delay of the Bolshevik government in holding the Constitutional Assembly. The People's Committee ordered a crackdown, banned the activities of the Constitutional Democratic Party and arrested its leader. [53]
On December 6, 1917, Lenin, in the name of the chairman of the People's Committee, issued the Declaration on Convening the Constitutional Assembly [54] : "Mainly due to the former all Russian electoral commission The election of the Constituent Assembly was delayed Counter revolutionary clique And organized a special committee of the Constitutional Assembly Soviet regime The People's Committee was established to fight against each other, so it is said everywhere that the Constitutional Assembly will never be held according to the current composition. The People's Committee deems it necessary to declare that representatives of farmers, workers and soldiers soviet These rumors spread maliciously by our enemies are pure rumors. According to the Soviet Central Executive Committee As long as half of the delegates to the Constitutional Assembly, namely 40 delegates, report to the Tavlida Palace office as required for the approved decree of the People's Committee, the Constitutional Assembly can be convened. " On the same day, Lenin drafted the Letter to the Farmers of the Second Soviet Congress of All Russian Peasant Representatives [55] He directly appealed to farmers: "Let every village recall from the Constitutional Assembly those social revolutions that did not make public statements and did not use actions to prove that they fully recognized these decisions Party representatives Or representatives of the peasant Soviet and peasant organs. "
Alexei Maximovich Kalejin
In fact, Lenin hoped that rural areas would call back the representatives to the Constitutional Assembly, so that fewer than 40 representatives arrived at Tavlida Palace to report. In this way, the Constitutional Assembly would not be convened. On December 11, Lenin published the Outline of the Constitutional Assembly [56] China clearly expressed dissatisfaction with the election results of the Constituent Assembly. He accused that the election results of the Constituent Assembly did not "correctly express the will of the people", which caused a crisis. He believed that there were only two ways to solve the crisis: one was to re elect representatives of the Constitutional Assembly, which unconditionally recognized the Soviet regime; On the other hand, "without these conditions, the crisis caused by the Constituent Assembly can only be solved by revolutionary means. That is to say, the Soviet regime should take the most powerful, fastest, and most resolute revolutionary means to oppose the anti revolutionary forces of the Constituent Democrats and Kalejin elements, regardless of their slogans and institutions (even with the qualifications of the representatives of the Constituent Assembly) Take cover. Any attempt to shackle the hands and feet of the Soviet regime in this struggle is an act of helping the counter revolution ". [57-58]

January upheaval

On January 6, 1918, the Central Executive Committee of the All Russian Soviet Union passed a decree to dissolve the Constitutional Assembly. At the meeting, Lenin made a speech, saying that the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly was "the implementation of the will of the people - the people demanded that all political power be returned to the Soviet Union". He also compared his coming to the Tavlida Palace, where the Constituent Assembly was to be held, to "like being in a dead body and mummy Middle ". He's also right Bolshevik Party In the past, I supported the convening of the Constitutional Assembly and made the following explanation: "If anyone said that we had supported the Constitutional Assembly before but now we have 'dispelled' it, he has no brains and will only say some beautiful empty words. Because in the past czar Compared with the Republic of Kronsky, the system of the Constitutional Assembly is better than those infamous government organs in our opinion. However, with the emergence of the Soviet Union, this revolutionary mass organization is incomparably higher than any parliament in the world. " [59]
Five members of the All Russian Constitutional Assembly Committee (Komuch)
The third meeting held on January 10 All Russian Soviet Congress It became the "Constitutional Assembly" of the Soviet regime. [60]
Nicola Vasilievich Krelenko
The meeting passed《 Declaration on the Rights of Exploited Workers 》, declared Russia as "Russian socialism federal The Soviet Republic, referred to as the "Russian Federation" for short, changed the name of the "Provisional Government of Workers and Peasants" to the "Workers and Peasants Government of the Russian Soviet Republic". On the 18th, the Congress issued a decree to cancel all the laws, decrees and decisions of the Soviet regime related to the Constitutional Assembly. [61] However, a quick end to the war was still the only way out of the predicament for the new Soviet regime. At first, the Soviet government suggested that all Belligerents Armistice and peace negotiations. [62] At this time, the deputy commander in chief Nicola Nikolayevich Du Hening The general was sent to contact the enemy headquarters on the issue of peace talks. but Du Hening He did not recognize the power of the Soviet government. The People's Committee dismissed him as acting commander in chief and appointed Nikolai Vasilievich Krelenko as commander in chief, citing his failure to carry out immediate peace talks with the Germans. [63]

Russian Civil War

because The Second All Russian Soviet Congress In China, the People's Committee headed by Lenin was set up, which made Russia appear two "regimes" again. Led by the Bolshevik Party and represented by workers and soldiers soviet The People's Committee and Israel menshevik The temporary government led by the Social Revolutionary Party and represented by capitalists, landlords and military officers had a civil war strategic counterattack The stage officially begins. Originally, the Bolsheviks did not recognize the Provisional Government and called its attacks "rebellion". [48]
On March 3, 1918, Soviet Russia The Brest Peace Treaty was signed with Germany. [64-65] The Soviet Union successfully withdrew the First World War For the newly born Soviet regime. [65-68] On March 9, the first group of British marines landed in Murmansk, an important town in the north of Soviet Russia, on the pretext of performing their duties as allies and preventing the invasion of the German fleet. French, American and Italian troops also came one after another. March 9, 1918 Entente The armed intervention in Soviet Russia began.
In August, the Allied forces invaded Arkhangelsk [65]
Japan sent troops to occupy on April 5 in the name of protecting overseas Chinese Vladivostok In August, US troops also landed there. German army occupied the Baltic Coastal areas and Ukraine. At that time, the foreign intervention army had not yet openly taken the banner of overthrowing the Soviet regime, and did not attack the central areas of Soviet Russia. [69-72]
"We have won the victory of the whole line." Lenin on the sickbed: "What are you talking about!?" [64]
After the end of the First World War, the Allies stepped up their armed intervention. From 1919 to 1920, they successively used Gorchak, Dunnigin, etc White Army They organized an attack on the Soviet regime, but failed. [73]
Lenin is checking the front
In October 1922, all foreign intervention forces were expelled from Soviet territory. [74-75]

Establishment of the State

After three years of hard work civil war After the dispute, 14 were smashed Imperialism The armed intervention of the state and the armed rebellion of the landlords and capitalists protected the Soviet regime. [44]
On December 30, 1922, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Formally established. [76]
Victory of the October Revolution, Russia bourgeois class The remnants of feudal landlords were defeated.
Lenin led the people

Lenin died

January 21, 1924 Lenin The condition worsened sharply and he died later that day in Golk Village.
Stalin In Mourning Lenin, he wrote: "Comrade Lenin told us to be faithful to the principles of the Comintern when he said goodbye to us forever. Comrade Lenin, we would like to swear to you that we will spare no effort to consolidate and expand the world's labor union - the Comintern!" [77]

Current related activities

The propaganda picture of the former Soviet Union celebrating the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution
For the first time since 1991, Russia has determined November 7 as holiday celebrating the Russian October Revolution In memory of Red Square on November 7, 1941 military parade The 50th anniversary was held. October 25, 1917 (November 7, Gregorian calendar) , the seat of the Bolshevik armed forces led by Lenin to the bourgeois temporary government St.Petersburg Winter Palace Launch a general attack, Soviet Union November 7 is a traditional national holiday. Every year on this day, the Soviet Union holds a grand military parade in Moscow's Red Square to commemorate the October Revolution. On November 7, 1941, the Soviet Union held the most historic military parade. At that time, the Soviet Union was Patriotic War period, nazi The German army has been under Moscow, and the situation is very serious. To boost morale, the Soviet government held a grand military parade on the Red Square to commemorate the 24th anniversary of the victory of the October Revolution. Stalin Standing at Kremlin Review on Lenin's Tomb under the Bell Tower Soviet Red Army And delivered an inspiring speech. Many troops went directly to the front from the parade site.
The Red Square parade showed the courage and confidence of the just army to defeat evil, and greatly encouraged the morale of the Soviet officers and soldiers and the people of the world Anti-Fascist War The determination to win. Moscow Defense In the end, it smashed the German army World War II The invincible myth since the beginning has also become Soviet Patriotic War A turning point.
In 1990 holiday celebrating the Russian October Revolution The mighty and majestic Soviet armed forces once again passed the Red Square - the last military parade in the history of the Soviet Union. The disintegration of the Soviet Union Later, the Russian official did not celebrate the October Revolution Day, but this day was still Rest Day Since 1996, President of Russia Yeltsin November 7 was designated as the "Day of Harmony and Reconciliation". On June 21, 2005, the Russian revised federal law "Russian Military Honor Day and Memorial Day" stipulated that November 7 was again celebrated as the October Revolution Day from 2005, but this day was no longer a rest day for the first time. The law also designated November 7 as the "military honor day". [78]