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Tenth system

Textile terminology
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Ten, in textile terms, the sum of warp defect and thread defect scores of each yard of cloth shall not exceed 10 points.
This verification standard is applicable to woven grey cloth and finishing cloth with any fiber composition, sealing degree and texture. Generally, buyers are concerned about the quantity of fabric cut off due to defects and the complaints caused by them, not the cause of defects, so this scoring method is only based on the size of defects. The evaluation method is that the inspector checks the defects of each piece of cloth according to the defect scoring standard, records them on the report form, and gives a penalty score as the grade evaluation of the cloth.
Chinese name
Tenth system
Scoring basis
Defect size
Total score
No more than 10 points
Grade classification
Primary, secondary


Defect scoring

According to the length of defect, different deduction methods are adopted for warp.
Penalty score for length of defects
10-36 inches 10 minutes
5-10 inches 5 minutes
1-5 inches 3 minutes
Below 1 inch 1 point
Penalty score for length of defects
Full sealing degree 10 points
5 "to half sealing 5 points
1-5 inches 3 minutes
1 inch 1 minute
Unless otherwise stated, cloth inspection is limited to checking defects on the cloth surface. In addition, defects within half an inch of the selvage can be ignored. The total score of warp and thread defects of each yard of cloth shall not exceed 10 points; In other words, even if there are many or very serious defects, the maximum penalty score is only 10 points. If the defects appear repeatedly in a lot of lengths, in this case, even if the total penalty score is smaller than the inspected yardage, the cloth should also be rated as "secondary".


According to the results of the inspection, the quality will be evaluated as "primary" or "secondary". If the total penalty score is smaller than the inspected yardage, the cloth will be rated as "first grade"; if the total penalty score exceeds the inspected yardage, the cloth will be rated as "second grade". As the wider cloth seal has a greater chance of defects, when the cloth seal is more than 50 inches, the first level is used. The penalty points for cloth can be slightly relaxed, but should not be more than 10%.