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Fifteen collaterals

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Basic Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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synonym Fifteen parting collaterals (fifteen different collaterals) generally refers to the fifteen collaterals (basic terms of traditional Chinese medicine)
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Basic theoretical terms. Also called fifteen collaterals, there are fifteen largest collaterals in the whole body. Each of the twelve meridians has its own branch, which, together with the Ren vein, the Du vein and the spleen's great vein, forms fifteen collaterals. It has the function of network to communicate inside and outside; It has certain significance in syndrome differentiation and treatment.
Chinese name
Fifteen collaterals
Basic Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Each of the twelve meridians has its own branch, which, together with the Ren vein, the Du vein and the spleen's great vein, forms fifteen collaterals.


The Twenty six Difficulties of the Difficult Meridians refers to the collaterals of the twelve meridians, Yin Qiao, Yang Qiao, and the great collaterals of the spleen. Later acupuncture literature mostly follows the theory of Lingshu.
When the other collaterals of the twelve meridians branch out from the acupoints of this meridian below the elbow and knee joints of the limbs, they all go to the internal and external meridians; The other collaterals of the Ren vein diverge from the dovetail under the sternal xiphoid process and spread over the abdomen; The other collaterals of the governor's meridians diverge from the lower part of the tailbone, spread on the head, and move towards the foot sun meridian on both sides of the back; The great collaterals of the spleen come from the big package points under the armpit and scatter in the chest and hypochondrium. Among the whole body's collaterals, the fifteen collaterals are larger, and those floating in the superficial part of the collaterals are called "floating collaterals". The smallest branch of collaterals is called "Sun Collateral", which spreads all over the body and is hard to count.

Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The function and clinical significance of the fifteen collaterals:
The twelve meridians of the four limbs strengthen the connection between the exterior and interior meridians of the twelve meridians. The collaterals are closely related to the exterior and interior matching system of the twelve meridians, communicating the exterior and interior meridians distributed in the limbs. The Yin meridians and collaterals move to the Yang meridian, the Yang meridians and collaterals move to the Yin meridian, and the Yin Yang meridians and collaterals are interconnected. Through the double connection of collaterals, the relationship between exterior and interior meridians is further strengthened.
The fifteen collaterals are the great collaterals, which have the function of floating collaterals, blood collaterals and sun collaterals all over the body, so that the qi and blood of the twelve meridians gradually expand from linear flow to surface dispersion. The collaterals and acupoints of the twelve meridians are the convergence points and hubs of all the meridians; The collaterals of Ren meridians have the function of subordinating to the abdominal meridians and collaterals; The collaterals of the Du meridians have the function of subordinating to the various Yang meridians and collaterals on the head and back; The great collaterals of the spleen are subordinate to the whole blood collaterals of the human body.
The collaterals have the functions of transporting qi and blood of Ying and Wei, infiltrating and nourishing the whole body. According to Lingshu Benzang, "the meridians are used to nourish yin and yang, nourish muscles and bones, and benefit joints." It is through the collaterals that Ying Wei Qi and blood circulate throughout the body, warming and moistening all tissues, and maintaining normal physiological functions of the human body. The collateral theory is an important part of the meridian theory, which has important guiding significance for acupuncture and moxibustion clinic. For example, according to the characteristics of collateral disease and collateral communication between the exterior and interior meridians, select collateral points to treat the corresponding collateral lesions and the lesions of the exterior and interior meridians.
The collateral theory is also used to diagnose diseases, such as the color change of collateral, which can detect the pathological changes of viscera and meridians; Guide acupuncture blood letting to treat corresponding diseases. For example, pricking blood and cupping to let out a little blood can remove the blood stasis in the collaterals, and achieve the purpose of unblocking qi and blood and treating diseases.